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Good afternoon, thank you for joining us today.

My name is Samuel Chao and I am a partner at Welkin. Before joining Welkin last year, I had over 12
years of experience in advanced manufacturing. I served as a member of the Board and senior
executive at Novel Optics, an industry leader in China. During that time, I led the pre-IPO corporate
restructuring, and the eventual IPO of the company on the Main Board of Shanghai Stock Exchange
in 2018. I was also a member of the executive committee of the Company that led Business
Development, Government Relations among other operational duties and roles. I am currently still
service as Vice-Chairman of the Board of Novel Optics.

As Johnny has mentioned earlier, Chinese PE has entered a new era. With new policy directions,
shifting economic priorities, and heightened geopolitical tension, investing in China in general
requires a completely different set of skills, research capabilities, relationships for deal sourcing and
method to value add as opposed to the customary practice in past decade.

One common investment theme that we have been hearing from both government reports and
media outlets that will drive the economic growth in China in next ten years is Advanced
Manufacturing. As we all know, China’s days of relying on cheap and low-end manufacturing to
support its economy growth is long gone. We at Welkin have identified Advanced Manufacturing as
one of the key sectors that will benefit from domestication and import replacement of supply chains,
and advanced manufacturing has always been one of the pillars of our investment strategy.
Companies in this sector have a few common traits – they have strong R&D capability, state-of-the-
art automated manufacturing infrastructure, highly digitalized management systems. Leading
companies in these sectors are also supported by the government in the form of financial subsidies
and other forms of policy support.

As of September this year, 8,997 companies have been named “Little Giants 小巨人” or
“Technological Advanced Enterprises 專精特新“ by the government across the country. All these
companies could be categorized as leading players in Advanced Manufacturing. These companies all
operate in their own niche sector. Identifying the right investment opportunities is not as simple as
flipping through the government issued list of companies with these titles. Secondly, as a lot of these
companies are cashflow-positive, or even quite profitable, they tend to select real strategic partners
that could bring in real value to their company growth when it comes down to fundraising. Hence,
investors who are equipped with the right supply chain resources and strategic value would have an
upper hand in researching, sourcing, investing, and creating value to these companies.

So, we are going to discuss advanced manufacturing, and what these companies would look for in
investors. Joining us today are two senior executives from two successful advanced manufacturing
companies in China: First, we have David Mao from Novel Optics. David is the Deputy Head of R&D
at Novel and has seen first-hand the development of the company and the favorable policies and
subsidies Novel has benefitted from. Prior to joining Novel, David was an early-stage member and
team leader at Shanghai MicroPort MedBot Group, a subsidiary of MicroPort Scientific Corporation,
both listed on HKSE.

Jerry Luo, Chairman of DXC New Material Technology, is joining us as well. Jerry is a member of the
prestigious National Thousand Talent Program. Jerry is a serial entrepreneur. He founded DXC
Material in 2009. DXC has since became the leading manufacturer in of diffusion film, reflection film
and other films that successfully penetrated the sector that was once dominated by foreign players
in China. Since 2019, Jerry has founded and operating 4 other companies on top of DXC. Jerry is also
seasoned investor that has invested in tens of companies in advanced manufacturing and other

The following panel will be conduct in Chinese. We will start off with David.

David, 您可以简单介绍一下永新光学吗?




永新光学是 2018 年 9 月在上海主板上市的。当时永新为何在上海交易所主板申报上市,而没


最后,看到您是微创医疗机器人初创团队之一,也经历了公司从 30 人成长到超过 800 人规模


谢谢 David。接下来有请 Jerry。


进口替代 – 东旭成的介绍里提到公司生产的产品填补了国内的空白,做到了真正的进口替代。

力度?具体在哪些领域呈现?(2019 前、2019 后)
您 2019 年开始二次创业,目前同时管理多家公司,可以简单介绍一下这些公司吗?当时为何


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