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Inquiry Project – Create Your Blog

You will be responsible for creating a blog for your inquiry project. Your blog will be used to showcase your
progress as you explore your inquiry question throughout the semester. Your blog will be the central place for
each aspect of your inquiry project. By creating a blog, it will also give you the opportunity to share your
inquiry project with your classmates and receive feedback throughout the semester.

There are a variety of apps and websites that you can use to create your blog. Below is a list of some possible
options. If you would like to explore a different platform for your blog, please feel free to do so. You just need
to ensure that your blog can be shared and viewed via a link that myself and your classmates can access.

Edublog Weebly Google Sites Wix

Use the following link for general instructions on how to start a blog:

You can use the following website and videos for how to create a blog using Edublog.
• Website –
• YouTube Video –

You can use the following website and videos for how to create a blog using Weebly.
• Website –
• YouTube Video –

Google Sites
You can use the following website and videos for how to create a blog using Google Sites.
• Website –
• YouTube Video –

You can use the following website and videos for how to create a blog using Wix.
• Website –
• YouTube Video –

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