GM6 Air Pressure Test

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DREXEL “SS" + Ranh Bang Wt Wg Tinscatira wit Sy Taos sepa 1092 stele 8 GRI Test Method GM6" Standerd Practice for “Pressurized Air Channel Test {for Doal Seamed Goomembranss” 1. Scape L.A The test is intended to provide 2 nonéesiuctive evaluation of the integrity of _geomeabrane seams made in the form of two closely spaced tacks. 41.2. The dual seam iselfcan be made by a numberof methods the most common being ‘the Rorwedge technique. . Other possible methods are hot air and ulrasonic bonding ‘ectnigues. 1.3. The presence of the unwelded channel between the two distinct seamed regions ows adn te cod camel wi as esar rere Exmece'y to ecm ean be eked. © 3. = ‘have been s028 ‘monitored. 14 The ale prisue dghess of the presrzn als channel over ine note and If air pressure cannot be maintained within the prescribed limits and dwell time, a Jeak in the seams indicated and comectve ctons ere roquired. 1.6 The test has applicability to all types of geomembranes made from thermoplastic olyoers 2. Summary 2.1 This method uilizes a dual, or double, bonded seam where sx air channel exists between therwo seam tracks. Both ends ofthe air channel are sealedwith a hest gun nuthin allow needle or probe wit tated pressure gauge ned ino ie a space. Air pressure is applied and locked-of ‘the channel. ‘The gauge is ‘Hhonitored for excessive loss of ar pressure, TTR, sad al ober CRT sits ae dovlopa by the Gzneyetaic Research Iain trgh contin snd review by the member options, ORI sanded sreiacedo be tempor, al wil cet eet alee ‘ASTM covolops sadon the sume subjoct mater OR sundads es avalble for oz by snyee end can bs ‘ind naivauay rsa ene elise fora nominal pce. ‘GMe-1 2.2. Air pressure is related to the thickness and stiffness of the vazious geomembrane ‘ypes and vates from 70 10205 kPa (10 t0 35 Ibfist). 23. Monitoring, or dwell, ime is related to the thickness and stiffness of the various ‘geomembrane types and varies from 2 105 minnie. 2.4 Maximum allowable loss of airpressure is elated tothe thickness and stiffness ofthe ‘various georembrane types end varies from dw 35 Pa QoS Ibi), Signifcance and Use 3.1 The increased use of geomembranes es barrier maurials to restrict Liquid or vapor snovemen, andthe common use of dual tack seams in joining these shoes, bas created.a need for a stondard nondestructive testby whick the quality of the seams ‘an be assesseé and compared to mown competeat seams. 3.2. This standard practice method recommends an air pressure test within the channel created between Gual seamed racks Whereby the presence of unbonded sections or hummel, voids, neakonageles, discontinue, foreign objects, ete, ia the seamed région cn be dent 29 Be ppopiitpolyser and onnpsenting ingen ems commons se Eup cee Seana eer age oe ela Sy aca cera an Suey ota oe eee em, eral et gente al lof Bag Pe Sree indeeabe Equipment 41 Aband-hlé hes device (.., # hot ir gon is necessary to seal the wo ends of te Srenemnel 42 Wide mouth vice grips are sometimes necessary to fimherlock-off these sealed ends, 43 Asharp, hollow needle or hollow probe witha propecly faetioning pressure gageis " Becessary to insert ar into the open channel aud moaitor is pressure. 44 Anair pump, either mannel or motor driven, capable of generating and sustaining up 10 350 ka (50 Ibn?) pressure is necessary. It is always to be placed on an adequate censhion so as not to damage the goomembrane. A flexible hose is used to connect ‘the pump to the air pressure gage and insertion needle. This hose should have ‘quick connect on its end for disengagement after pressure is supplied to its desired ‘alue, ie. the pump is not tobe atached while te ar pressure s being monitored, 4.5. Suitable curing instruments must be available in zhe event thatthe liner mateil must decat or uimmed. oMe2 Procedus - 5.1 Aftermaking the desired dual wack seam (see Figure 1) and deciding upon the length eam tats to beers lof et ands of Contino ae chee ‘This is done by heating both of the ends ofthe air channel with a hand-held lot air device until the geomembrane becomes pliable and the flow tanceraiire is achieved. 5.2 As a backup tothe best elit is usally necessary ro clamp both ends of the st ics gig clamps or oterslatlemeis) The camps an Senin in pave troginu eed orbs esos ne oo Be 5.3. Insert the air pressure needle into the air channel by penetrating the upper gcomembranc. Theneedleis tobe inserted atthe shallowest angle and only Sol he upper beet is east. Th lower shet bene the i chensl mist not BSepensuated. Altmtey fusing aprobe, the coy pnt maybe a the sealed cod Gf bi airchannal. The prconme pases connected det to te ead ofthe hollow Seed ot probe. If problems ae encounteredin obtanings food seal eroud be 34 sae tea eee i aSesBhe ke aa skort ‘Table 1) ~ Air Pressure Inflation Schedule for HDPE and Codciruded Polyethylene Geomembranes (both smooth and texured types) ‘Geomembrane Thickness ‘Minimum Pressure Maxima Pressure (om) (ai GPa) bin?) Pa) vin’) 10 (40 165 —~«OE 7205 30 13 0 oT 205 30 20 80 20830 205 35 25 100 20530 208 35 ‘Table 1(6)- Air Pressure Inflation Schedule for VLDPE end LLDPE (smooth ‘and textured) and PVC, PP Geomerbranes and other Nonreinforced Flexible Geomernbranes & 7 om ai Pa) bin?) kPa) vin) 0.5, 20 7 10 10 20 07s 30 1050015 470 25 ro 40 140 20 200 30 125 30 035 240 35 is 0 8 240 35 ass ‘Table 1(@)- Air Pressure Inflation Schedule for CSPE-R end PPR ~ ‘Geoaiemabranes (and other Sein Reinforced Flexible” Geomembranes) Geomenbane Thess ini Fees Maximus ease om) ail) Pa) dvix) (kPa) bvin®) 039036 wo 2 20 «30 Lis 4S 1m 35 mo 3S 55" Removes feible ote which comme esos gageto the sit pup. Observe the air pressure gage forthe desized dwell ime. ‘The tet time 2105 ‘nutes depending on the geomembraae ype and thickaess, “Mark te tne and Pressure of the begining and end of the test on the geomembrane with e clearly ‘sblemarier, The maximum llowablpesure drop sould not excend the ales ven in Table 2. ‘Table 2(a) - Maximum Pressure Drop Schedule for HDPE snd ‘Cosxtruded Polyetiylene Geomembranes (oth Smooth and Texoued Types) ~"Geamembrane Thickness Maximum Preveure Drop over Min. en) GPa) ona’) 10 40 Fy 40 1s © a 3.0 20 80 i 20 25 100 “4 20 ‘Table 2()) - Maximum Pressure Drop Schedule for VLPDE end LLDPE (smooth and textured) and PVC, PP and other Nonreinforced Flexible ~"Geomembrane Thickness Waximam Pressure Drop over 2 Min (em) (mil) GPa) vin) 05, 20 35 5.0 07530 35 5.0 10. 40 a 49 12550 Py 40 is o 20 3.0 aust 36 sa 38 39 510 Tele (9 - Maximim Pusu Dro Sched for CSPE-R nd -R Geomembranes Gad oder Sen Rekfced Mente Geomentranet ~Geomenbrine Thickness Wasiiaum Pressure Drop over Min. (a=) (mi) () Goin) 09036 7 40 L545 20 30 does not drop below the vale listed in Table 2 after the requiredtest penal remove Temove the clamp and cot th ir channel open a the end farthest away fom ‘he pressure gage. Air should rush out and the pressure gage should register an ‘meine ro i pesrae,indosing tat the eae length of he oem as been If tis des nothappen their cannlis blocked. Wal the seamto loo an fet iat ar aneon th gap fe ectage and vay Os eee Catt a mason the gages oss. ‘Then iti wld om thee se ire press bal, ce san xt ror othe bloeage and verify th pete locaton of the blocs Exquot be Sound iy bo sou tut th sama inthe dont se bo iniver ab epurany soured socdone’ Pan ll cits an seal smallest oe ‘poropnn Deming method foc te paras goomeniane beng sled ‘Note 1: If multiple blocked locations are suspected or if the seamis short, it may be easiest to cuttbe seam out end remake the weld. For a the ave listed in Teo 2, check the fod aclssnd whee Ceased ues Moteur chanel Bessa tess ass ist Band eld bot a devices leaks ost and thea rope een tat Note2: Leaks around the end seals and air pressure insertion, needle can usually be located by moire ‘round the suspected area and looking for bubbles 1 If the problem is not located, perform peel tests at the beginning and end of the seam tb determine Seam If i em ft tn en et gn of ote Spf wet sheet (whica extends beyous the outer track, recall Figure 1) is seamed tote botiom sheet. Thus the newly male seam becomes the [is then vacuum box or ak lace ested unt sts factory performance is ObBerved ‘the seam passes the destrctive peel tests, the leak is investigated with the Bap in place. Ifthe eakiis found, itis if it cannot be found, eat away the Shown in Figure 1. Then vacuambor or air le test the outer track of aes a leak is found, repair tn both cases, repairs are made by the app ‘sting med fer arcu pe of geoaesoane sang staed S10 leak is found inthe outer track and all other leak: location possibilities have ‘een eliminated the leas assumed to be inthe innertack. Since this inner tack 48 for the purpose of air channel testing only, itis redundant and ean be ignored. ‘The single good outer wack is adequate and should be socepted es such. Note 3: 18 the outer air tack cannot be accepted the primary (Gad oaly) sam, accep stip over the entze seam, or te centize seam ent out and rewelded, are allemaive possibilities. Report 6.1 The report of a pressurized dual seam testis usuclly given in the fora of a complcted char fi should ctu te lellowing formas + project identification and type of geomembrane vse of test, ime of test ‘ambient and sheet temperanme at ime of test (optional) + location of test with respect to panel layout plan ‘inital channel pressure * duration of dwell ime + outcome of test (pass/fail) + ifal~ remedial anton is described in detail 6.2. Aform as shown in Table 3 includes the sbove information and may be used for such repocting. Precision and Bias 7.1 The precision of this test has not been established. 72. The threshold value for asepsng seam quality i that value agred + Spats overseeing the favaladonof the pojectand sti he soce of oss UPPER ‘LOOSE GEOMEMERANE, FLAP our LOWER INNER or ZOMEMERANE TRACK mack | © Fig. 1 - General Configuration of « Dual Track Geomembrene Seam er Saat env | asat | nna ett | naown vas [tna _} wotum | ava wopuojmoding ‘ON tof “aun efor pp—oteg atin 9 tino sori souexquroutoog) poweag FORCE 04 159], UNL FY PaZANSSIA oy ustog Hodayt- ¢ 914U,

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