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Ecology and Geography

Introduction to
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Geo = “Earth”
Graphos = “Description”

The word geography comes

from Greek.
Geography Definition

It is the science that studies

how Earth is structured.

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Geography is a multidisciplinary science that

Geography, a Multidisciplinary Science

integrates many sciences:


Chemistry Ecology

Physics Geography History

Sociology Astronomy


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Physical geography

• Geography, geophysics,
The Branches of Geography

hydrology, volcanology,
meteorology, etc.

Human geography

• Anthropology,
ethnography, linguistics,

Biological geography

• Botany, zoology, etc.

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The geography facts and phenomena that occur on

the Earth’s surface bring what you know as
landscape, there are two types:

The natural landscape is

the one that has not
been altered by man.
Landscape Types

The cultural landscape is

the result of man’s action
over the environment.

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Water Soil Weather Flora Fauna
Natural Landscape Elements

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You will add to the previous elements the following

factors to create a cultural landscape:
Cultural Landscape Elements

• Population

• Production

• Communication

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• Escobar, A. (2007). Geografía,
enfoque por competencias (2ª ed.).
México: Mc Graw Hill.
Bibliographic References

• Salinas, A. (2012). Geografía,

Competencias + Aprendizaje + Vida
(2ª ed.). México: Pearson Educación.

• Sampieri, L. (2006). Geografía. México:

Innovación Educativa: Nueva Imagen.

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© Universidad Tecmilenio

Ing. Katy Aidée Rodríguez Botello, MAF
Ing. Emmanuel Treviño Garza, MSc
Academic design coordinator
Lic. Juan Amadeo Reyes Ramírez, ME
Universidad Tecmilenio

Vicerrectoría de Innovación Educativa, ITESM

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