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The Roman Catholic Diocese of Iba

St. Augustine Cathedral Parish

Iba, Zambales
Ministry of Altar Servers



I. Identification
Direction: Read carefully the given definition/description. Choose among the choices
above the best answer and write it down on the space provided.

A. Hierarchy of the Church

Bishop Deacon Rev. Adrian Cabal Rev. Fr. Rico D. Fagela pope
Most Rev. Bartolome G. Santos, Jr., D.D. Our Lady of Fatima Sto. Nino
Cardinal Rev. Fr. Josefino M. Corpuz Most Rev. Paciano B. Aniceto, D.D.
Archbishop St. Thomas Aquinas St. Augustine of Hippo Ina Poonbato
Priest Diocese of Iba Jorge Mario Bergoglio Pope Francis

_______________________ 1. The current bishop of the Diocese of Iba.

_______________________ 2. The full name of the current Rector of the Cathedral
_______________________ 3. The full name of the Vicar Cooperator of the Cathedral
_______________________ 4. The current and 266th Pontiff of the Roman Catholic
_______________________ 5. What is the current pope’s baptismal name?
_______________________ 6. The highest position of the Roman Catholic Church,
a.k.a. the successor of Saint Peter, the Vicar of Christ on
earth, the servants of the servants of God.
_______________________ 7. An ordained minister that leads the congregation in the
celebration of the Holy mass. He wears the chasuble and
is commonly assigned to a parish.
_______________________ 8. Pastor of the Diocese, he receives the fullness of the Holy
Orders, therefore has the power and authority to ordain.
_______________________ 9. It is the first level of the Holy Orders. The proclamation
of the Holy Gospel is assigned to him on liturgical
_______________________ 10. Additional tasks are given to certain bishops by the Pope
therefore they receive this additional title. They were
once called the princes of the Church. They wear scarlet
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Iba
St. Augustine Cathedral Parish
Iba, Zambales
Ministry of Altar Servers

red clerical garments to symbolize the blood of the

_______________________ 11. One of the doctors of the Church. He is famous for his
quotation, “My heart is restless, until it rests in You”.
_______________________ 12. A bishop that has his See in a metropolitan Cathedral.
He pastors an archdiocese.
_______________________ 13. A diocese in Central Luzon that has its ecclesiastical
territory stretching out from Olongapo City to the whole
Province of Zambales.
_______________________ 14. Every 13th of May is the Barrio Fiesta of Sitio Tambac,
which title of Mary falls on that feast day?
_______________________ 15. The feast of Brgy. Dirita - Baloguen is every third
Sunday of January, who is their Patron?

B. Sacred Vessels and Sacred Linens

Paschal Candle Small Hosts Finger Towel Chalice

Sanctus Bell Corporal Processional Cross Big Host
Altar Candles Incense Boat Altar Lavabo
Cruets Infirmorum Credence Table Paten
Purificator Chrism Thurible Finger Towel

____________ 1. A vessel made of precious metal, that holds the blood of Christ.
____________ 2. A small circular metal plate that contains the Big host.
____________ 3. A type of host that is being distributed to the faithful during
____________ 4. Pair of vessels that hold the Aqua, (Water) and the Vino (Wine).
____________ 5. A vessel suspended in chains where incense is burned.
____________ 6. A linen that has a cross on its edge. Used by the priest to dry their
hands after washing, in preparation for the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
____________ 7. A linen that has the cross at center. It catches any small particles of the
body and blood of Christ.
____________ 8. It came from its root word “purify” and is used to clean vessels.
____________ 9. A holy oil that is used during Baptism, Confirmation, and Ordinations.
____________ 10. A special table that holds all the vessels used in the Holy Mass.
____________ 11. A crucifix used during processions; usually leads the procession.
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Iba
St. Augustine Cathedral Parish
Iba, Zambales
Ministry of Altar Servers

____________ 12. Candles that are lit on the altar. Two to six candles are lit during the
Holy Mass, while seven (7) if the presider is the Bishop.
____________ 13. This bell is carried by an altar server to signal the faithful that
something extraordinary is happening.
____________ 14. A vessel that holds the incense.
____________ 15. A candle being lit during Easter season, on Baptisms and Funerals.

C. Parts of the Church and the Sanctuary

Altar See Sacristy Nave

Retablo Sanctuary Choir Loft Cathedra
Ambo Confessional Box Baptismal Font Tabernacle

____________ 1. The area where all liturgical celebrations happen. During the
pre-Vatican II era, the altar rails divided it from the rest of the
____________ 2. The chair where the presider sits.
____________ 3. The seat of the bishop, it is found on Cathedrals only.
____________ 4. The table in the center of the sanctuary where the liturgy of the
eucharist takes place.
____________ 5. A large structure that is ornamented with carvings that contains
religious images, including the patron saint of the local church.
____________ 6. A house-like vessel that contains consecrated hosts. It is usually metal.
____________ 7. The area where the Liturgy of the Word takes place.
____________ 8. A box-like structure inside the church where confessions take place.
This is where the faithful receive the absolution from their sins.
____________ 9. Long seats with kneelers where the faithful are seated during mass.
____________ 10. The extension of the sanctuary, this is the area where the sacred
vessels are kept and where the servers, including the priest prepare
for the mass.

II. Multiple Choice

Direction: Choose among the choices that best fits the description. Write the letter of
your choice in the space provided.

A. Sacred Vestments
____________ 1. It is traditionally worn by ordained ministers during processions.
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Iba
St. Augustine Cathedral Parish
Iba, Zambales
Ministry of Altar Servers

A. Cope B. Cape C. Chasuble

____________ 2. Worn by the presider during the Holy Mass.
A. Cope B. Cape C. Chasuble
____________ 3. A white vestment worn by the ordained ministers and servers. It
represents the cloth they wore during baptism. It symbolizes Christ.
A. Surplice B. cassock C. alb
____________ 4. A long vestment worn by clerics that has thirty-three (33) buttons
representing Christ’s years on earth and five (5) buttons on each
sleeve, representing His five (5) wounds.
A. Surplice B. cassock C. alb
____________ 5. The shortened version of the alb; has another name, “cotta” which
translates to cut or shortened.
A. Surplice B. cassock C. alb
____________ 6. Vestments worn over the shoulders of servers to not have direct contact
with the pontifical insignas, miter and crozier.
A. Stole B. Humeral Veil C. Vimpa
____________ 7. Vestment worn over the shoulder by ordained minister to symbolize his
authority over his shepherding flock.
A. Stole B. Vimpa C. Humeral Veil
____________ 8. Vestment worn over the shoulder by an ordained minister so that he has
no direct contact to the Blessed Sacrament.
A. Stole B. Humeral Veil C. Vimpa
____________ 9. Vestment worn by deacons as an outer garment, and for bishops, since
he received the fullness of the sacred orders.
A. Amice B. Dalmatic C. Cope
____________ 10. A rope fastened on the waistline on top of the alb symbolizing
chastity and purity.
A. Amice B. Fascia C. Cincture

B. Liturgical Books
____________ 1. It contains all readings all throughout the liturgical calendar.
A. Roman Missal B. Lectionary C. Ordo Missae
____________ 2. This booklet serves as a guide for readings and prayers for the day.
A. Roman Missal B. Lectionary C. Ordo Missae
____________ 3. Contains all the prayers for the presider.
A. Roman Missal B. Lectionary C. Ordo Missae
____________ 4. Book that contains the intercessory prayers for all liturgical seasons.
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Iba
St. Augustine Cathedral Parish
Iba, Zambales
Ministry of Altar Servers

A. Prayers of the Faithful B. Collectio Rituum C. CCC

____________ 5. Booklet that contains all formulas for blessing any object or person.
A. Prayers of the Faithful B. Collectio Rituum C. CCC

C. Church History
____________ 1. The Marian title in which the Augustinian orders dedicated their
religious order.
A. Virgin Mary B. Our Lady of Lourdes C. Virgin of Consolation and Cincture
____________ 2. The mother of Augustine that cried for seventeen (17) years for her
son’s conversion. Patron saint of the neighboring town of Botolan.
A. St. Augustine B. Sta. Monica C. Virgin of Consolation and Cincture
____________ 3. The last religious orders that settled in this Diocese, most are Irish.
A. Franciscans B. Dominicans C. Columban Missionaries
____________ 4. The third Bishop of Iba
A. Bp. Henry Byrne B. Bp. Deo Iniguez C. Bp. Paciano Aniceto
____________ 5. The first prelate, eventually the first bishop of Iba.
A. Bp. Henry Byrne B. Bp. Deo Iniguez C. Bp. Paciano Aniceto
____________ 6. The second Bishop of Iba, and now Archbishop - Emeritus of the
Archdiocese of San Fernando in Pampanga.
A. Bp. Henry Byrne B. Bp. Deo Iniguez C. Bp. Paciano Aniceto
____________ 7. The 264th Pontiff; the most well-known pope in modern history. He
reigned from 1978 to 2005.
A. St. Peter B. St. Linus C. St. John Paul II
____________ 8. The first pope of the Catholic Church. He is one of the first apostles of
Jesus and the chief. In him, Christ entrusted his Church (Mt. 16:18).
A. St. Peter B. St. Linus C. St. John Paul II
____________ 9. The year the Christianity arrived in the Philippines.
A. 1563 B. 1521 C. 1952
____________ 10. The year that the Diocese of Iba was elevated from a Prelature.
A. 1565 B. 1521 C. 1982
____________ 11. The year that the prelature of Iba was erected.
A. 1563 B. 1521 C. 1955
____________ 12. This year, 2022, the Diocese of Iba is celebrating its’ ___th year.
A. 50 B. 40 C. 30
____________ 13. This number is significant because it is the number of apostles Jesus
had, the number of articles that the Church has, and the number of
tribes of Israel.
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Iba
St. Augustine Cathedral Parish
Iba, Zambales
Ministry of Altar Servers

A. 12 B. 13 C. 11
____________ 14. The most beloved apostle of Jesus, since he was the only apostle who
followed Christ throughout his passion until his burial.
A. Peter B. John C. Simon
____________ 15. He was the apostles' treasurer and the apostle who betrayed Christ.
A. Judas Iscariot B. Simon Peter C. Jude Thaddeus

D. Sacraments of the Church

____________ 1. Through this sacrament, the faithful are being instituted to be soldiers
of Christ. They are anointed with Chrism and by tradition, are
slapped lightly.
A. Baptism B. Confirmation C. Holy Orders
____________ 2. The sacrament that ordains men to become deacons, priests, and
A. Baptism B. Holy Orders C. Confirmation
____________ 3. The first sacrament that a person receives. It came from its original
word, “baptizo”which means to immerse (on water).
A. Baptism B. Holy Orders C. Confirmation
____________ 4. The sacrament of healing that is given to a sick person to strengthen
him/her spiritually.
A. Matrimony B. Confirmation C. Anointing of the Sick
____________ 5. The sacrament that unites a man and woman to become one.
A. Matrimony B. Confirmation C. Anointing of the Sick

III. True or False

Direction: Write T of the statement is true, and F is it is False. Write after each sentence.

1. Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with her…

2. Jesus is True man and true God.
3. According to the Christian theology, there are three gods.
4. The titles, sacristan and altar server are the same.
5. St. Tarcisius died through beating.
IV. Enumeration
Direction: List down all answers that the statement asks. Write your answers at the back
of this paper.
1. Enumerate five Liturgical colors (5 pts)
2. Enumerate one (1) of the two (2) known Filipino saints. (1 pt)
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Iba
St. Augustine Cathedral Parish
Iba, Zambales
Ministry of Altar Servers

3. Enumerate five (5) liturgical seasons (5 pts)

4. Enumerate five (5) Sacraments (5 pts)
5. Enumerate the four (4) Evangelists (4 pts)
6. Give one (1) Commandment (2 pts)
7. Name the three personas of the Holy Trinity (3 pts)

V. Essay
Direction: Write your answers at the back of this paper. Be concise when answering.

RUBRIC 2 1 0

Idea The construction of Answers lack The idea presented

ideas is satisfactory. supporting ideas. lacks any essence.

Relevance The answer is The answer is The answer has no

highly relevant to somewhat relevant relation to the
the question. to the question. question.

Sentence N/A There are three (3) Has four (4) or

Construction or less sentences. more sentences.

Total 5 points

1. What is the essence of being an altar server?

2. Discuss the definition of Church.
3. Discuss the two major parts of the mass.

Bonus Question (5pts)

This does not add to the total items of this exam, however, when answered correctly, it will be
credited to your score.
Write the full Hail Mary prayer.

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