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MediSavers”, PRIME Life 4.3 MediSavers® Prime LUfe 4-8 Membership Programme \ : Annual Cancer Marker Annual Health Screening Screening REA HE ES AAR EHS Claim Management “Be Pathlab Exclusive Discount Support py doctors & Nurses on Health Supplement te & PRE BEF) Pathiad HHANERTSIR © m Pathlab Exclusive aera a to Discount on Biood Test ia SF Pathlab seme Hs SILA RM300,000 48 Critical Iliness Coverage Up to i a3 sn RRA RM300,000 te Accidental Coverage Up to IF BMRA fa RMG00,000 SG = am Metarin B “" {4 Manulife MeL 189-01.0622.0EB MediSavers® Prime Life 48 Membership Programme eed Cone) Cer rd Ee REA Or Es Es ct ‘Annual Comprehensive Health Screening 52 Tests 282 52 Tests 232 Stites HOON Seg et aR ea SESE SIC Annual Cancer Marker Soreening: LAREN: Male 548: ‘cancer Markers Sreing Scena thes ested Male 58: Cot (CEN, Sorening for Cancer of ores the Stomach (CA199), Screening For Markers Screening | 4 Cancer Screening Cancer othe rotate (4) aI ons ARR — RRA BE — — A, A, ATRIA Female x1: AFP Liver Related SCancer Female St MorkersSeroning | gCSy 5 cancer Marker Screening SURES ‘Screening For Liver Related Cancer (AFP), Screening For Cancer ofthe Colon (CEA), Screening For Cancer of the Stomach (CA199), Serecring For ‘Cancer ofthe Ovary (CA125), Screening For The Cancer OF the Breast (CA15 3) SOREN AMAT, moa BUR AR BAB. AG Pathlab Exclusive Discount On _Enjoy 50% Discount On Single Test & 20% Discount On Profile Test (Normal Price Only) At Blood Test. Pathlab Branches Nationwide Pathiab (i BRAS 5 HARRAH 50H MMR 20% F RA MF SB pathiads TASER) Pathlab Exclusive Discount on eon@reen Enjoy 20% Discount On Health Supplement At Pathlab Branches Nationwide CS JERE DURA EHIME B20. tb BF 2 OlPathab’> 15 Claim Management Provide Claim Management & Claim Support mee SRR EIR ty DC REN, Vv eee aed Re ue una OU ECT cei Diamond ects Gold Ete Ast we CEs 48 Critical lliness (Accelerated) RM300,000 RM200,000 RM100,000 RM0,000 48h Beh (ATA) Death or Total and Permanent Disability (Non-Accidental) RM300,000 RM200,000 RM100,000 RMB0,000 KCMA SRE (IER) Death or Total and Permanent. Disability (Accidental) RM600,000 RM400,000 RM200,000 RM:100,000 CRS RE (BIN Important Notes: 4. Eligible entry age (age next birthday) is 30 days to 65 years old 2 Coverage Term ne Ce Et is ea ee Creer omen) nee er) Coverage unt Age a a eeercrmaen 80 Years O14 70 Years OV 70 Years Od 65 Years Od 3. Waiting Period of 60 days trom the Issue Date is applicable to Covered Event Heart Altack, Cancer, Coronary Artery By-Pass Surgery, Serious Coronary -Astery Disease or Angioplasty and Other Invasive Treatments for Coronary Artery Disease, For allother Covered Events not stated above, Waiting Period of 30 days after the Issue Date wil be applable 4 This lan is yearly renewable. However, the premium isnot guaranteed and Manulife wil provide a 90 days prior notice inthe event of any revision tothe premium rates, Any premium revision revision shal be made effective upon next certificate anniversary onl. 5. Free-Look cancellation - The Insured/Owner can cancel the Certificate of Insurance by returning the Certeate of Insurance within 15 days from the receipt of the Certficate of Insurance. The premium less any medical expenses incurred wil be refunded, 6. For Insured with fuly-paid premium, at any time, is alowed to cancel the Certificate by giving written notice of cancellation to the Company. Upon cancelation, the remaining coverage tem vill continue to be ln foree and the beneft under the Cerificate shall continue to apply untl the day before the next premium cue date 7. This brochure contains only a brief description ofthe product and is not exhaustive. Fora detailed explanation of its benefits, exclusions, terms and conaltons, please refer to the Product Disclosure Sheet and Master Paley. 8. In the event of discrepancy, ambiguity and conflict in interpreting any terms or conditions, the English version shall prevall and supersede Chinese eEwiER, 1. HARA Set (R—PEA FH) HOES. 2. SRO sare cea eo 70x Tox ose 3. ABRAM 60 AMA MAT AIRMEN LARGE, AE, RASNARAR ASE A, PUR ADAARI AR LI RTE AAO OER ELAN MTT. FDL LAME RAG a He mae, He BEI AM 90 RANSOM 4 EMTS. HM, ROG TRIERNIER Manito BESET (0) KAMRAN AARARAEANN, ARMTRET TER 5, Froe-Look BUM-SRS A. 9H ATT DLEUCEISEHGIEIE ISR PEAR RIA SEER ALA RIO ITE. SSaIUNR OTL RETR. 6 NFOMERMOERA, TUMORAL SANG MAMRED. WAR, ARMOR MAT IS, $e TAT HOMME, HBT} ass RAB. TAFMROSP SEWER, HARI. ASH Aa, HOR, RRCANAR AMOR NIL, OTA. SORTS LS OMA ES. GLAS, AIOE Io, IARC. Technology Powered By: Geluvely trate y: Underwiten By MetaFin® a) =“

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