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Nane: Janiña Rose Q.

Tumulak Date: November 11, 2022

Course: Bachelor of Public Administration Professor: Ms. Roselle Jardin

Book Analysis: 12 Little Things Every Filipino Can Do to Help Our Country

Book Summary:
In this book, the author, Atty. Alex Lacson used words and writing as his way to express the
importance and power of ‘little things’. To start with, the first on the list of the little things that
every Filipino can do to help our country is to “Follow Traffic Rules”. Following traffic rules,
which are the most common of our laws, on a regular basis can lead to us following the more
difficult and important of our laws. Because discipline is like a ladder. We must begin at the
bottom in order to progress to the top. Following traffic laws may be our first step toward
national discipline and nation-building. The second little thing is, “Whenever you buy or pay for
anything, always ask for an official receipt”. Asking for the official receipts of our purchases is
one way of helping the government. If we ask for official receipts, our government will be able
to collect more taxes. By doing this simple discipline, we can help solve the financial crisis that
plagues our nation today. Third, “Do not buy smuggled goods. Buy Local. Buy Filipino”. When
imported goods are smuggled in our country, our government is not able to impose and collect
the taxes due from them. In result, less taxes go to our government while a big chunk of the
capital involved goes out of our country. Thus, our simple act of buying local goods is actually a
support for our country. We must develop the attitude of using at least 50% of our budget to buy
locally-made products and allocating the other 50% for our favorite imported choices. Fourthly,
“When you talk to others, especially to foreigners, speak positively of our race and our country”.
We should make a conscious effort to stop self-bashing and self-flagellation. We should start
focusing on the positive aspects of our national being. Afterall, we are a people capable of
greatness. Fifth, “Respect your traffic officer, policeman, soldier, and other public servants”. If
we treat our traffic officers, policemen, soldiers, and everyone else with respect, they will return
the respect and become respectful to us. There’s a universal principle on this- “You always reap
what you sow”. Sixth, “Do not litter. Dispose your garbage properly. Segregate. Recycle.
Conserve.” There has been an impending garbage crisis in the country and a great part of the
solution is in us, the people. We are part of the environment and the environment is part of us. It
is our duty to preserve it. We can help by throwing our garbage properly, recycling and reusing
instead of buying new things. Seventh, “Support your Church”. If we donate even just 1% of our
earnings to the churches, we will empower them. Our churches will have more resources to help
the poor and neglected members of the society. Eighth, “During elections, do your solemn duty”.
If we want to see progress in our country, we must start with the way we perform our duties as
citizens. This is a reminder of our solemn duty to the country. It is not there for nothing. It is
there because it is as it should be, it is a serious obligation. Ninth, “Pay your employees well”. A
good salary to our employees would mean a good future for their children, our youth, and our
nation’s future. Invest in our country instead of somewhere else, and pay your people well.
Tenth, “Pay your taxes”. Taxes are the lifeblood of our government, of our nation. Paying our
taxes religiously would mean that our government will have more funds to perform its duties and
obligations to the public. Eleventh, “Adopt a scholar or adopt a poor child”. You can make a
difference in the future of our country by making a difference in the world of children. Twelfth,
“Be a good parent. Teach your kids to follow the law and love our country”. The family is the
core and foundation of the society. It is the duty of the parents to teach their children to become
good people. Each child is a potential good filipino and our future is in the hearts and minds of
our children.

Critical Analysis of the Book:

Mr. Lacson wrote this book for a variety of purposes. Firstly, it was to inform Filipinos and
anyone else who read about the various situations in the country. Second, he highlighted some of
the Philippines' current negative image to encourage and provoke us rather than to discourage us.
Most importantly, it was to set a good example for all citizens. Atty. Lacson was able to support
the purposes on why he wrote the book by utilizing different scenarios that best fit and defended
why we need to do those “little things” and how it could help the country. The author sought to
answer the different issues and what every Filipino can do to help and contribute to the country.

Personally, I love this book and I am very sure that this book will contribute not just to a certain
field, but rather to the whole country. The book served as a wake-up call to Filipinos, preaching
about the changes that we, as Filipinos, must make in order to improve our beloved country. It
imparts new insights and remedies to improve living conditions and how to make the Philippines
a better place to thrive into. The book demonstrates the effectiveness of small acts of kindness
that collectively could aid in the rebuilding of our nation. After reading it, I have come to realize
that I am not as disciplined as I thought I am and how I was not able to practice even those little
things everyday. The method of the author to achieve his purpose is by making use of the power
of words and making a list of twelve little things that every Filipino can do to help our country.
In explaining the listed ‘little things’ The author utilized different scenarios enough for the
readers to understand what he is trying to say. Atty. Alex Lacson was successful in imparting
knowledge and opening new insights that warmed the readers’ hearts. The issues were addressed
well and he was even able to provide remedies for the said issues and how every Filipino can
help the country without costing them a big amount of money.

Upon finishing the book, I could say it was more than just a book, what I’ve gained from reading
is a treasure. The book has opened not just my eyes but as well as my mind and my heart to do
something for our country. I admire the kindness of Atty. Lacson and I would like to try some of
his rituals that were mentioned in the book. Hopefully, more Filipinos will be able to read the
book. I believe it will help Filipinos realize things that I have also perceived as well. The book
will light our spirit of patriotism and it would be up to us, the citizens of the Philippines, to keep
the fire burning.

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