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PART (A) : General Features of the work.

i. Is proper store for cement with double locking arrangement provided at

site ? what is the ground balance of cement / other materials ( except steel
) in the store and agrees with book balance and in the arrangement for
storage of cement in godown properly made ?
a) Cement.
b) other materials.
ii. Is work order booked maintained on site and filled regularly by Deputy
Engineer / Executive Engineer.
iii. Check any two important items final Mets and record your finding
regards variation etc .
iv. Are reduced rates paid after inspection and approval of the S.E.
PART (B) : Buildings.
i. Is layout approved by competent authority ?
ii. Is work being executed as per type plans / special plans evolved for the
work by the Architect ?
iii. Are foundations taken to appropriate strata and is the foundations passed
by competent authority ?
iv. Are plinth levels decided with respect to topography by competent
Authority ?
v. Is proper provision for storm water drainage made ?
vi. Is test register for construction materials maintained properly ? Collect
samples of materials on site of work, if available and testing.
vii. What are your comments about quality and workmanship of items
executed so far and items under execution ?
viii. Depending upon progress of work , verify measurements of door-
frames, window frames, shutters, size of rooms, columns etc.
ix. Is proper centering and form work provided and is it approved by
competent Authority ?
x. Are the following registers maintained properly /
a. Cement consumption register.
b. Steel consumption reegister.
c. Ghani register.
d. quality control register.
e. Header and corner stone register.
Please give other comments about the works, if any,
PART (C) : Roads.
i. Is proper working “L” section of the work prepared or not.
ii. Is test register for construction materials maintained properly on the site ?
collect materials lying on site for testing in laboratory, if available.
iii. Check gradation of metal collection at site and record if possible,
iv. What are your observations about size and dressing of quard stones ? If
the quard stones not accordingly to specifications, pay rate accordingly.
v. What are your observations about the quality and workmanship of items
so far executed and under executions please take the following points
into consideration,
a. Thickness of layers of earth work.
b. proper marking of profile of earthwork with toe lines etc.
c. proper observance of scross fall and super elevation.
d. Temperature for black topping work.
e. Extraction tests for bitumen two per day.
f. Proper profile of the road.
g. Crust thickness obtained for WBM.
h. Thickness of semi dense carpet BSG/BM/AE/full grout/Semt
grout/cold mix carpet of 25mm thickness and above at few
vi. Whether job mix formula has been prepared for hot mix black topping
vii. Whether material is stacked ? what are the findings of checking of two
stacks ?
viii. Whether C.D. works are properly located ?
ix. Are registered for ceent consumption, steel consumption, quality control
and other important registers maintained ? Record observations.
x. Record general observation of the work.
xi. Sample of hotmix bitumen mix material to be collected from site and to
be tested and give result in due course.
xii. Whether the measurement for bitumen brought by bouzers have been
recorded by authorised person in measurement book correctly.
PART (D) : Bridge works.
3. Before starting the work of Raft foundation, are fresh trail pits are
taken to accertain the stratic.
i. Whether foundation have been taken to appropriate strata ? Whether
foundations are passed by the competent Authority? And what is the type
of strata and foundation adopted ?
ii. Is the test register for construction materials maintained properly ? collect
samples of material at site of work for testing in laboratory.
iii. What are you observation about the quality and workmanship executed
so far / execution with particular, reference to :
a. Proper arrangement for batching for concrete, work , laying and
compaction, where so specified.
b. Whether proper form work and centering of sufficient strength has
been prepared and whether its design is approved by competent
c. Whether profile of cables has been checked by Competent
d. Whether reinforcement of girder has been checked by competent
e. Whether concreting, stressing and grouting operations are carried
out in the presence of the competent authority as laid down by
Govt. give Circular No. RMR-1087/4845/Roads - 1 dated.
9.12.1982 abutments and piers.
iv. Check dimensions of components of bridge at few locations and
verify the same with plans.
v. Are the following registers maintained properly and what are your
observations about the entries the registers.
a. Cement consumption register.
b. Steel Consumption register.\
c. Quality Control register.
d. Foundation passing register.
e. Ghani Register.
f. Centering and form work passing register.
g. Header /Corner stone register.
vi. Is wearing coat provided as per G.C. No. 1179/50677/CR-225/D-29
dated. 12.8.1980.
Is proper cross section of approaches adopted in case the approches are

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