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. Irrigetion Department,
Mantralaya,.,.Mumbai 400032. I-

Circular No. MCP 11 094/(205/94) -SASC,

Date : 1 st January 1998
:. /
Subject :-The Role of Quality 'control on Irrigation Projects.
I '8

: b w d l l m a t i t ot~
i ,ara@ma
i, ,Irrigation Department, has created a separate Quality
P.. . rg&iiifdb-f6r 6hiurinb quality, rontiol qn Irrigation Projects. In this connection,
alsa i%duedin ihe~ovbrnmentlefter" No. MON-5189/ (79189) I P &
Y ---
i d 19-2L1990. As pei d q $ b i e n t prdtice, the role of ~ u $ i t yControl Organisatiqn is
< tottesting of materids of'c6nsthofikn d d testing of concrete / cement mortar cubes
. I , .
. far,o6mpressive strength, field b n i f i i , ah8 mbisture qontent tests for embankment. In the
,. *

":'frr2e"rest bf irnproving'i~6quility cdiltibl of works, and with the view that the ield officers
should pay more attentipn'to the Quality cbntrol aspect, the following ord&s are issued
. .
. 1 .
. . I

;* , j ' " , .'i.


1 .

nr hit$ n&$ deb$Jed ib ihtrod"ce h &y&ein of green Card / o ! K . c ~ ~~~

hsl s.
3 1 i ,,, ,,-', < - p a :.It7:**.4% :.-I!, '
I:. 3..
. , Rs:3 Crore i ~ h r e eCrores). The system
Ibwekiwfbrworks ccs&d'rno&' ,ttiah
- -%,,I1; ;<. ,' * $>J!:. . ". . . I&,. A

fol'lowad whk@~li6iibif&fd&&l-bmbFnkmgtt? b more than 3m. aid for canal

, . ; : . : :
1 c r b e y ~ oworks

structures cdsting
.. yore than Rs. r castin,g less than Rs g-crore! the present
i&isrt$d1ltj a&oo&citkI
4 .'
6 0 ~let.ter dated 192-110,;.shall'be contiriued. The details
,I 7' ' C J.1 ' I . '. ~ $ j l,;:: f 7.

. , 9 ' .
, . I-..:

. , - . ,.' .: .1 . . I

tfid btdkdda spe&a8*bri8, tiie ~ 6 d ~ d ; or

o kits sibseque$,hodifications and the
. 1, *.'- %

aissried w t h d bbv'&rnrnent'fbm tiiitol!im= ghoolaebefoliowed in general. In case


. I . , l ' I . ' ' \ '
, . .* , *

~ ~ ~ t&CI.? .b i. ' 1 1 ',the


. m ~~~ n~d a7r d"~ ~~~~e k~i f i c a(Red

$ t i o hBook)
s or its subsequent
it. wi;l ' be'-&ned by the >Ampejent constr"cBo~
I . . ,

- irP~koii@~~hnd:%ill
bei~p@r&&%i' tie:1ionS6mn;d dhief Engrieer. ~ u icient
ff copies of such
vi$d'sp&=h~d4@%6%fibuldbl&'&(lp&iedtbi~ualityControl ~ n ~ i n k e r -as
s well as
,,>, : ..
silrekviangtfib wd'?&s, for day to.dayluke on site well before the start of work .
t &
' ,

1 ' . . 1.

Tfib ac&@i$t(b$:6ritbfi&f&i ionrete, cerne6t mortar and embankment should - b e

I ,

. .
; .:& ' ' ,
: 4. % he ' ~ k e ~ b t i Snging&'&f
ie this cb/isf?u"clibtl dtvision should send 'copies of the
ktechnlcal spe&iib&idd'bf it% d&ebt&d tkn&r&
and Nark biders-issued t i the conkactor to
* .-.res$&bIiv'@@dQtiwc $ 4 t r d l i ~ n g i h d r i wen
, bef6fe 'ti: start w~rk. of d
'\- ,
' 8, '

,I . .. , : f i , m - 6 , q p A : e , : ; ~;-
.<in '*;."\'."%- .-' . 7.,=-r. ,
+ ;
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. : .
.-4 '

" :
& ~ hdata
* for conc;ete

mix:dssign.qh~3f&b6 . . . .
., . . '. . .
the ~.onstruc~on Engineer, .six
. .
. .

; . . advance
weeks. in binpre$nq,of
tdjthe, b ~ B l i t Y b ~ t i ~ i : ~ ~$longwith
. 1. - ?(,,, .;.?>> ~...!;.:*:,
~ i n e. e rthesirn'plg.
, of th6 . . L.' 4 .

I. , ,, ,1 ,,

materiais prbpossd t o b e ~ ~ @ $ ~ C data,\

$ ,gQgh
. ~ c. l i .: .i .l i ~ ... ~ f t ~. ..~ 3.~. F . e i y i .acceptance
i~~ of s-.t a di;.l.ia r d'. of.
. . .
, t i i _ ,
. - . .' :.. .... . .
: i/. .
,:, , .,
.. 9:

;:. . . and
materials . . .
mii'desig~shall:b6j$iGe~~bp thq.~ukiiy"'control . . Engineer. . ...: . , . . . a
. ...:, - .- : . . . .. . '
6. The qha~.,:iasof : q~nst&i~t~cjn
; . .. matiriels
- . ..).. ~. ~ h k i l d b e .@ppIoved f i o r i Quality ' ~ o n t i o l : .'

. . . . ..

I : . ~ n ~ i- ,......n The ~ , ..<,.. - (n@&ii

~ %..:.,.....
e ppns@uc\ibn r ~sJ!ka$$men~;~zi~d,
,.. rrigtal,rubblq, $oil etc. shbuld be got :.
. , ,
14. The above system of Green C8rdsIO.K.-cardsand Inspection slips wlll be followed on all
the Irrigation Works wbich cost Rs. Three Crores and more. For other works which cost less
.- than Rs. Three Crores existing syslem might be adequate.
15 Whenever Ouallty Control Executive Engineer, ~ e p u t y Engineer visits the work site,
he must Inspect the t:lork and issue the Inspectionslips. He W s t Issue Inspection slip, even If
the work is found sali!sfactory.
16 Construction Divislon wiH receive Green and Red inspeclion slips from Quality Conlrol ,.
Engineers. Executive Engineer of the ~ o n k t r u c t kDiilslon will keep keen watch o d e slips.
ExecuUvs Engineer, Quality Control wlll ngnd hit que~erlyreview r e p o i to the oqncerned
: Construction Division. . .
Similarly Superintending :€nglne&, Quality Control. will submit*his
. quarterly review report l o the concerned Chief Engineer.
17. Quarterly meetings of Quality Control Executive Engineer with Construction Engineer
should be held for improving quallty of work. The Construction Superintending'Engineer shall
pall quality control Executive Engineer for ,monthly meeting with the Constructton Executive

EcG~neers; . . .i

a 18 All the concerned fieldofflcersphould take note'that the intention af ad&tlne Green
(. 11 0.K.card and lnsgedion Slips System is toimprive the.qu$lity o f : w c ~ .~ ~...~ ~ ~ l. t. ~ l l ~ ~ c j v e n ~ ~
res;h~nsibilityof Construclion Engineers to finally certlfy4hat the works.are'barrl~d~o~~:as
the. provisiorls in the Tender conditiorls and according to the standing orders of the Irrigation
Department, before accepting them for payment of bills. . . .:I .
19 All the concerned should take all the necessary steps to keep the high standard of
quality in conformity with specifications.

D.A :- Appendices : A to G.

Upder Secretary to Governmeq

. , ", . .' .

C n y to :
the P.A to Secretary (I) Irrigation Department Mantralaya, Mumbai-32
..sP.A to Secretary (CAD) Inigalion Department Manlralaya,Mumbal-32
t'h, P.AetoChief Engineer (P) & ~ t . ~ e h I.D.
y , Mumbai-32 .
the P.A to Chief Engineer (EAP) & Jt.Secy, I.D. Murnbai-32
the'^.^ to Cllief Engineer (I) & JI.Secy, I.D. ~urnbal-32
the P.A to Chief Engineer (WR) & Jt.Secy, \.D. ~umbai-32'
:.;I .Deputy Secretary in Irrigation Department, ~antraiaya,~umbai-32.
the Chief Engineer & Chief Administrator, (CADJ,' ~urangabad.
the Chief Engir~eer(SP),lrrigation Departnlent, MKVDC,Pune.
the Chief Engineer lrrigatior~Depatlmenl, MKVDC ,Pur~e.
the Chief Erigirleer North Maharashlr a'Re~ion,I.D.' Nashik.

. -
Role of 0.C.ln.l.D.
the Chief Eng~rleer, Konkan Region, I.D. Wmbai. .,
the Chief Engineer lrrigation Department, Nagpur
.! ,
the Chiel Engineer Irrigation Department, Aurangabad.
. the Chief Eng~neer,Goshtkhurd Praject , Nagpur.
the chief EngineBr. Koyna Project, Sinchan Bhavan, Pune.
tile Chief Engineer & Director, M.E.R.I. Nashik. '

the Chief Engineer & Principal. Engineering Staff Collage Nashik.

the Chief Engineer & Director, WALMJ, Aurangabad.
the Ctii~'fEngineer (Elec) , Hydro Power, Mumbai.
the Chief Engineer, lrrigation Commission, Aurangabad.
the Superinlending Engineer and Director, IRD, Pune.
the Superintending Enginper (MD), c.b.0. Nashik.
the Superintending Engineer (ED), C.D.O. Nashik.
the Superintending Engineer (PH), C.D.O., Nashik.
the Superintending Engineer (Gates), C.D.O. Nashik.
the Superi~ ending Engineer, Dam Safety Oraganisation, Nashik.
d u p e r i n t e n d i n g Engineer, Quality Control Circle, Pune.
the Superintending Engineer, Vigilance Unit, Mumbai Zone, Thane.
the Superintending Engineer, Vigilance Unit, Nagpur Zone, Nagpur.
the Superintending Engineer, Vigilance Unit, Aurangabad Zone, Aurangabad
the Superintending Engineer, Vigilance Unit, Pune Zone, Pune.
the Superinlending Engineer, Vigilance Unit, Amaravati Zone, Am.aravat1.
Lhe superintending Engineer, Koyna Design Circle, Pune.
the Superintending Engineer, Koyn'a project ~ o n i t o i i n Cell
~ ,Pune.
the Superinlending Engineer, Koyna Construction circle; Satara.

the Superintending Engineer, Thane lrrigation Circle, Thane.

the Superintending Engineer. Konkan lrrigation'~ircle,Ratnagiri. *
the Superintending Engineer, North Konkan lrrigation Project Circle, Thane.
the Su erintending ~ngineer,Khar &aridDevelopment Circle, ~hane.
'd Superintending Engineer, Nashik lrrigation Circle, Nashih.
the superintending Engineer, Nashik Irrigation Project Circle, Nashik. ' rt
the Superintending Engineer, Jalgaon lrrigatior; Project Circle, J9gaon.
the Superintending Engineer, Ahamadnagar Irrigation Circle, Ahamadnagar.
@) ~i~cle,~~uran~&ad.
M u p e r i n t e n d i n g Engineer, ~uran~abadelrriiation i - 9
%&superintending Engineer, e ended Irrig~tionCircle, Nanded.
m u p e r i n t e n d i n g Engineer, Jayakwadi Project Circle, Aurengabqd.
dl(l uperinlending Engineer, upper Penganga Project 'Circle, Nanded.
A@ e Superintending Engineer,'Jayakwadi Canal Circle, Auiangabad.
the SuperinLencI~ngEngineer, Beed lrrigation Project Circle, Parli Vaijanath
the Superintending Engineer, Akola lrrigation Circle, Akola.;
the Svper~rllerldingE~\gineer,Yavatmal lrrigation Circle, Yavatrnal.
the superintending Engineer, Upper Wardha project Circle, Amwavatl.
-I Rde ol0.C.k
the Superintending Engineer. Buldhana lrrigaiion Circle, Buldhana.
- .the Superintending Engineer, Nagpur irrigation Circle, Nagpur.
' 4 .the Superintending Erlgineer, Nagpur lrrigation Project Circle, Nagpur.

I the Superintending Engineer, ch&drapur lrrigation Project Circle, ~ h a n d r a ~ u r

the Superintending Engineer, Goshikhurd Project Circle, Nagpur.
the Superintending Engineer, Goshikhurd Lift Irrigation Circle, Bhandara.

the Superintending Engineer, Pune lrrigation Circle, Pune.
the Superintending Engineer, Pune Irrigation Project Circle, Pune.
the Superintending Engineer, Kolhapur lrrigation Circle, Kolhapur. '
I the Superintending Engineer, Sangali Irrigation Circle, Sangali.
the Superintending Engineer. Kukadi Project Circle. Pune.
the superintending Engineer,. Bhima Canal Circle Solapur
the Superintending Engineer, Satara lrrigation Project Circle, Satara.

the Superintending Engineer, Warna Project Circle, Kolhapur.
the Superintending Engineer, Osmanabad Irrigatlon .Circle, Osrnanabad.
@e Superintending Engineer, Krishna Koyna'Lifl lrrigation Project Circle, Sangali.
the Superintending Engineer, lrrigatian Project & water Resources InvestigationCircld,

i -
&he Superintending Engineer, Irrigation Projecl Investigation circle,. Nagpur.
the Superintending Engineer, Irrigation Project Investigation Cirde, Aurangabad.
I '
the Superintending Engineer, Maharashtra State llnd Irrigation Commission, Water and Land
Management Institute, Aurangabad.

I the Superintending Engine9 & Administrator CAD Kalwa Thane

the Superintending Engineer & Administrator CAD, Jalgaon.
the Superintending Engineer & Administrator CAD, Ahamadnagar.
the Superintending Engineer & Administrator CAD, Aurangabad.
the Superintending ~ r ~ ~ i n e Administrator
er& CAD, Beed.
the Superintending Engineer & Administrator CAD, Nagpur.
! the Superintending Engineer & Administrator CAD, Pune
the superinter;ding Engineer & Administrator CAD, Solapur
the Superintending Engineer & Administrator CAD, Aharnadnagar. , '

, the Superintending Engineer Hydro project Design circle, Kalwa-Thane

the Superintending Engineer, Hydro Circle, falwa- Thane. .

II. ,4he Superintending Engineer, (E&M) Design Circle, Pune.

tile Superintending Engineer, Erection Circle, Kolhapur.
the superintending Engineer, (E&M) Erection Circl'e, ~atara.'
The Superintending Engineer,

21- All Superinte1)ding Engineers are requested to supply copy of thls circular to all
Executive Engineers and Technical staff their under.
End:- 15 copies of circular for each of the4uperintending Engineer.
. -.5 '

(a) During the execli:,.. :.of embankment, the Quality Control Officer1 staff should pay more

1.. attention on the f~llowingpoints: :-

1. The thickness of l,ie layer of embankment is kept as per the specifications. Suitable plot

register to restrict No. of trips in each layer'shall be'kept.

2. Proper zoni. 2 of soil are adopted as per drawing and design.

3. Right soil from approved quality is used in proper zones.

4. Proper compaction and moisture content should be insisted by taking field density1 , .

1. moisture content tests.

5. Re-rolling of the layer should be done, if not compacted properly.

' '.d
', C - d

I $b)
During the execution of concretel.masonry work, the Quality Control Officer /staff should

iI . i
pay more attention on the following points :-

1. The tested cement is used onJy by weigh batching.

I 1. 2. The stones of prop& size and weight only are used on the work. .

I! 3. Grading of aggregates for concrete and W/C ratio on.;he work is controlled.

11 4. The workability of concretetmortar is checked by taking slump tesUflow test on the work.

I: '< ,-.
5. Full compaction of concrete is insisted by use of vibrator. For lining the use of screed
. . a

.I q W' ' plate, vibrator should be insisted.

1. ' 6. Curing arrangements made on the. work. are sufficient nature and curing Is:dme for

I .,
sufficient period.

7. Only steel form work of good quality ( Along shuttering preferably ) shall be used.
$r,c; , : i ~ ~ j i , fI;j~~ j 2.;mailiC) 101ur .-I
C O N T ~ O LDlvlsloN

N&&-*#(&& :,It..
- --- Dote .'

. . \

Construction Division Sub-Divislon

Sh~ft Time

Name of Quarry Zone

A) Type of soil
8)Quantity of earthwork red Cum. ,

Actual Cum. -+.

C ) O.M.C. %.

D) P.M.C. %.

E) P.M:C. - O.M.C. = Swecified . '

Actual %

F) D.D.D. gm.1C.C.

G ) O.D.D. gm.1C.C.

H) P.D.D. grn.1C.C.
I) P D.D. = Soecified % '

O.D.D. Actual % . .. -.)


&, .I)P.D.D.=
SDecrfled % L

fSD.D. Actual %

K) No, of Passes = Wired

Aclual - -.

L) Mode of compaction

Sampled and tested in my presence

J.E./Sec. Engr. 1 A.E.(II) J.E./A.E.(II)/Sec.Engr.,

'b Probrrna !or Inspection Slip for concrete 1 masonry works to be sent. by Construction Sub
, '
~ivibionto Quality Control Sub Division in triplicate during daily inspection.
"t I


4 3. Name o! Work.
4. Location
5. Wality of concrete/masonry to be

6. App. Quantity of sand and coarse

aggregate collected on the site.

1 ) Whether mix design for concrete is

. 7. '

: ! supdied by tile Q.C.Sub Division?

'. ! - , )8. Whether cement on the work is tested or
, I
I '
9. Whethsr sand and coarse aggregates are
T i '
I tested or not?
j 1
!0 . Whether hixer ;i vqrking condition Is
4 avalable on site?

11. Vfhether arrangements for weighing

cement, measuring boxes for aggreoate and
conical measure for water are mads available
1 .,-
on the site?

12. Whether vibrator in workihg condition is

available on site or not?
i s .

! 13. Arrangements made for. watering and


1. curing.

B2onstruction Jupior Engineer Construction Sub ~ivlsionalOfficeriEngineer

Remarks of Quality Control sub-~ivision.

Quality Control Junior Engineer Quality Control Sub Divisional Officer.


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