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IB Psychology HL


Germany bans meetings of more than two

- March 22, 2020

Germany bans meetings of more than two people

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Bouchard et al. (1990)

- April 22, 2017

Bouchard et al. (1990)

Aim: To investigate the relative influence of environment and genetic factors on human characteristics
and behaviours, including intelligence.

Method: A cross-cultural correlational study of more than 100 pairs of reared-apart twins and siblings
whose data was compared with twins and siblings reared together. The participants comprised identical
(monozygotic/MZ) twins and non-identical (dizygotic/DZ) twins, with an average age of 41 years. MZ
twins are often used in genetic research because they have identical or almost identical genes. Each
participant underwent over 50 hours of psychological testing and interviews. In twin research, the
correlation found between each twin and therefore presumable between genetic inheritance and a
particular behaviour is called the concordance rate.

Results: The concordance rates for IQ were:

MZ twins reared together: 86% (0.86)
MZ twins reared apart: 76% (0.76)
DZ twins reared together: 55% (0.55)
Biological siblings reared together: 47% (0.47)

Conclusion: Bouchard et al concluded that about 70% of intelligence is heritable, meaning that genes
account for 70% of the variation in intelligence from one person to the next.

This study was the large of its kind and had a large sample size given the strict parameters of the
study (monozygotic twins reared apart)
Had a control group
Unique in its approach
Longitudinal thus showing change, or lack thereof, over time

Results remain correlational due to the fact that there are so many confounding variables
Serious potential for confirmation bias in twin studies, as twins seek similarities
Participants were all self-selected volunteers, and therefore may be fundamentally different than
non-volunteers (this limits generalizability)

Ethical Concerns: There were ethical concerns with the fact that Bouchard made some participants
aware that they were a twin. This could have been emotionally disturbing news and thus the ethical
standard of protecting individuals from physical and emotional harm was perhaps violated.

BLOA Studies

Unknown February 27, 2019 at 7:51 AM



Riuscì a bruciare l'acqua December 17, 2020 at 9:59 AM

Thank you!


Unknown October 17, 2021 at 1:11 PM

This is just what I needed. Thankyou so much. I'll be back in a few weeks and I'll tell
you what grade I got out of 100


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