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Œ Warm Up Work with a partner.

What  did  you  last  see  at  the  m ovie  theater?  

 Before You Read

Movie  Genre   Example  Film   Actor  /  Actress  

Action   Mission  Impossible   Tom  Cruise  

Ž Conversation

Lucy see a movie  tonight?

Robert Sure!
 W ords  
Lucy movies do you like?

Robert Um ... I guess I like ‚ action movies .

Lucy Great - me too! Let's see .... how about ƒ Mission
Impossible? the most
Robert ƒ
Mission Impossible? Well, I like „ Tom Cruise movies. what time
does it start?
what kind of
Lucy It starts at … 8pm.
would you like to
Robert Great. Let's do it!

 Speaking Practice #1 Work with a partner

Movie #1 Movie #2 Movie #3

1. tomorrow   1. on  Saturday   1. later  today  
2. action  movies   2. science  fiction  movies   2. superhero  
3. Spectre   3. Gravity   3. the  n ew  X-­‐Men  movie  
4. James  Bond  movies   4. Sandra  Bullock   4. Hugh  Jackman  
5. 4pm   5. 11am   5. 8pm  

 Speaking Practice #2

Practice  again.  Use  your  imagination  and  try  not  to  look  at  the  worksheet  when  speaking.  


From © Handouts Online

Target Structure: Invitations and Present Simple

Vocabulary: General
Level: Elementary to Pre-Intermediate
Time: 40 minutes
Preparation: None

Suggested Teaching Method

Œ The first exercise introduces the topic. Students can work in pairs. Don't spend too long here. You can add
discussion questions at the end if you have time.

 Assign pairs. Direct the students to the example. Have students think of three or four more genres and
examples. Elicit some answers when finished.

Ž Direct the students to the words in the box on the right. Students should read through the conversation and fill
in the spaces. Have them check their answers with a partner and then practice the conversation twice,
switching roles. Go through the answers with the group.

 Have students read the substitution boxes. Answer any vocabulary questions. Demonstrate a conversation with
a confident student, using the cues.

Assign pairs. Students can practice the conversations, switching roles regularly.

 Students can work in pairs. Model an example with a confident student, choosing a movie from your

Extra  Activity  
If you have extra time at the end, you could set a discussion on movies.

Questions could include:

• How often do you go to the movie theater?

• What is your favorite film?
• Can you tell your partner about a movie you don't like?
• Which actors / actresses do you like?

The answer key is on the next page.


From © Handouts Online

Answer key (Other answers may be possible.)

(Example  Answers)  
 Science  Fiction   Star  Wars   Harrison  Ford  
Animation   Toy  Story   Tom  Hanks  
Rom  Com   Notting  Hill   Julia  Roberts  
Horror   The  Shining   Jack  Nicholson  

Ž Lucy Would you like to see a movie tonight?

Robert Sure!

Lucy What kind of movies do you like?

Robert Um ... I guess I like action movies the most.

Lucy Great - me too! Let's see .... how about Mission Impossible?

Robert Mission Impossible? Well, I like Tom Cruise movies.

What time does it start?

Lucy It starts at 8pm.

Robert Great. Let's do it!


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