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Name: Golam Rosul Sium

ID: 2131048630
Faculty: YSN
MIS 107(Management information system)

Assignment -01
A management information system (MIS) is an information system used for
decision-making, and for the coordination, control, analysis, and visualization of
information in an organization. The study of the management information systems
involves people, processes and technology in an organizational context.
The terms management information system (MIS), Information management
system (IMS), information system (IS), enterprise resource planning (ERP),
computer science, electrical computer engineering, and information technology
management (IT) are often confused. MIS is a hierarchical subset of information
systems. MIS are more organization-focused narrowing in on leveraging
information technology to increase business value.
When all of the existing impediments are broken down into humanistic,
organizational, and environmental elements, the following are the key downsides
and causes for failure when implementing MIS in public organizations:

Humanistic aspects:

• Designers' lack of grasp of users' requirements (the lack of correct definition of

the needs and their analysis).
• Managers and users lack information because they are unsure of what they want
or what information they require.
• The managers and users were not involved in the system design.
When all of the existing impediments are broken down into humanistic,
organizational, and environmental elements, the following are the key downsides
and causes for failure when implementing MIS in public organizations:
• A lack of understanding among software and information system managers, as
well as a lack of accuracy in the data acquired.
• A lack of protocols and methodology, as well as stages in the system's
• A scarcity of qualified consultants for the system and software design.
• There is a lack of environmental review in management information systems, as
well as serious attention and suitable expenditure.
Organizational factors:
• A lack of conducive environment for managers, users, and system directors to
participate and collaborate.
• The lack of analysis of current systems and methodologies prior to the system
• A lack of assessment of existing electricity.
• Education of specialized troops is in poor shape.
• Inappropriate system implementation.
• The users' education is insufficient.
• Incomplete and insufficient documentation.
The development of information systems causes that the bureaucratic nature of
administrative management is reduced.
Finally, Management Information systems play the crucial role of providing a wide
range of streamlined options from which decision-makers are able to make their
preferred choices.

There would be some suggestions and recommendation as follows:

Before implementing MIS, firms must first develop a comprehensive plan for
employing information systems.
• Taking on the efficient and skilled staff and instilling appropriate motivations in
existing employees to ensure their long-term stability.
• Establishing information services institutions in all major administrative
organizations and designating the institutions as the organizations' supporters
• Establishing a MIS council or steering committee from the start of a MIS project
in the organization.

Connection between the firm, its IT infrastructure and Business capabilities

Firm and IT infrastructure technologies play and vital roles in business and
improve the effectiveness and efficiency of business processes, managerial
decision making and workgroup collaboration.
A technology company (or tech company) is an electronics-based technology firm
that does business in areas such as digital electronics, software, and internet-related
services like e-commerce it’s called IT firm. IT Business means the business of
providing information technology, software development and consulting services
conducted by Transferor Company.
IT Firm is the responsibility of IT businesses to ensure that operations function
smoothly. They make sure that the devices are in good working order and that the
data is safe. IT is also in charge of updating software and hardware, as well as
providing technical support.
The firm need to update its IT infrastructure. Networks Need Constant Upgrading
Small updates can be sent out regularly to keep the system functional without
disrupting users (and by extension profitability). If a company wants to compete
today, its business network should not be operating on 21th century standards,
procedures and hardware.

It defines the capabilities of the firm today and in the near term. The services a
firm is capable of providing to its customers, suppliers, and employees are a direct
function of its IT infrastructure. Ideally, this infrastructure should support the
firm's business and information systems strategy.
IT infrastructure is the system of hardware, software, facilities and service
components that support the delivery of business systems and IT-enabled
Business operations are made easier by IT infrastructure, both physically and
through processes. In IT, factors that support data usage and management through
physical hardware, business software, or other IT solutions are referred to as IT.
That is why IT infrastructure is critical to a company's success.
IT infrastructure can be housed in a cloud computing system or on-site at a
company's location. Hardware, software, networking components, an operating
system (OS), and data storage are examples of these components, which are all
used to supply IT services and solutions.
5 Advantages of a Well-Designed IT Infrastructure
Make the most of your earnings. Because it eliminates silos and allows your
technology to perform more efficiently, an optimized IT infrastructure may help
you maximize your business's income.
1. Make it easier to scale.
2. Increase your output.
3. Make your network stronger.
4. Minimize downtime.

Many organizations underestimate IT infrastructure since it is so easy to overlook,

including the requirement to utilize suggested VPNs. The "how" of network
operation is frequently left to the relevant support department by owners and
managers at best. However, this way of thinking is doomed to fail, and it will
happen far sooner than firms anticipate. Economic development and opportunity
may result from technological progress, but only for those who are willing to
adapt. The adage "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" no longer applies in the twenty-first
century, and IT infrastructure is far more complex than most companies realize.

Cloud computing in terms of fueling open innovation

Cloud computing is now essential for every company hoping to stay on top of
digital trends and conventions. And, as you may be aware, staying away from
digital media may be difficult.
Cloud Computing Allows the Merger of Goods, Services and Data. Additionally,
the cloud allows companies to create intriguing hybrids between data and goods to
create innovative new products that serve consumers and make life easier.
Cloud computing technology shifts from a traditional Capital Expenditure
(CapEx) model with onsite server equipment to an Operational Expenditure
(OpEx) model with service level agreements employing a third-party cloud service

Cloud computing has become a highly essential approach in IT these days, and it is
a technology that is used to store and manage data and files on a remote server,
which can then be accessed via the internet. It's primarily utilized for security
reasons. It has advanced features that are related to data security and ensure that
the data is safe. There are numerous reasons to employ it. Here are a few examples:
1. Development and testing
2. Recovering from a disaster
3. Security \Flexibility
4. Analysis of large amounts of data
5. The benefit of the cloud
6. Scalability
Cloud computing offers a variety of IT services such as networking, software, and
servers, among others, and firms that supply all of these services are known as
cloud computing service providers. Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services
are the two largest cloud computing service providers.
The most obvious way cloud computing fuels innovation is through what is called
the 80-20 Rule: that up to 80% of a company’s IT time and cost can be dedicated
to the maintenance of legacy systems, leaving only 20% for the implementation of
new innovations that help drive business growth. By significantly changing these
percentages, cloud computing opens the door to business-driving innovations.
When systems are moved to the cloud, their capacity to integrate with other
systems increases significantly. As a result, a wide range of various systems,
devices, and applications can all work together seamlessly in the cloud with the
existing system. This opens the door to a slew of new ideas, including improved
communication, business intelligence, and customer interaction, to name a few.
IT Security is another area where the cloud has resulted in significant innovation.
The fundamental reason for this is that when it comes to monitoring, managing,
and assessing vulnerability, it is more effective and accurate to do it from the
outside rather than from within.
Moreover, By allowing IT to reimagine how services are offered to the enterprise,
cloud computing is enabling IT to break free from this negative cycle. The overall
effect for the company is the flexibility to function in fundamentally different
ways, which can only be described as more flexible and responsive to business


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