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Make 100 words reflection in the seminar-workshop on lesson Planning.

My reflection about the seminar-workshop on lesion planning is theres has a lot of differents types of
danga lelon the seminar I fell so nervous. Its because of our instructors but the two of them is so good in
explaining lesson plan, how to make plan, in TOS, for me in the Tos, Im so struggles with that, because of
the differents Numbers, on how you can get the good answer and Its very challenge, because if you
wrong one, your for is also loving of all, and its very struggles, but also the le son plan According to the
instructors it help us to do our lesson or topic Easy, and you can do your lesson step by step and ofcoure
in learning verb is very important because you can convey what you want to say lesson planning help us
to improve our skills and Knowledge as a teacher and lesson plan also (to the teacher) help to the
teacher to their daily guide for what the students need to team, how will be taught, and lesson plan also
help teachers be more effective if the classroom by providing a detailed outline to pallow each class
pened, so that’s we need to do lesson plan carefully, and if inline allo to your topic, because lesson plan
has very important in teaching & Making lesson plan has different shortages on how the students leam

Complete the sentences below with the connect degrees of companion. Of adjectives

(wife) 1. King solomon is the wiser king of all. (delicious) chocolate is delicioudly

(change) a-Alicia can make shores voice than emy-

(High) 1: Mt. Everest if the highest mountain in the world. (tall) 5. Ken is the tolest. Omong the plays

I. Assignment

Write down five sentences for each degices of comparison

1 Gold is one of the most Precious metal.

2. Benaras is the most sacred place in India. 3- Nothing elle travels so fast as light.
4 the everest is the highest peak in the world.

He is the (m) best man for the job.


My reflection about this lesson or about this instructional Materials It was delivery of content, the
teacher also builds on the content and of course the teachers job is to teach on what are in the textbook
but also the textbook serve as Our Instructional materials and also I learned how to crea- te such things
like chart and Hash cards-and of course if you to this those examples It also Intive to your topic on your
les Son plan, but it you do activitiys it makes easier to the Chidren or to your student, they do this those
activities base on their ability, Being a teacher soon the instructional Mate- Rials help us to provide how
you deliver your lessons well & step by step and through this instructional materials you may Get the
attention of your students and motivate the learning of a students and it also broaden our mind
knowledge as a teacher or as a students.

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