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Polytechnic University of the Philippines

College of Business Administration

Department of Office Administration
Bachelor of Science in Office Administration

OFAD 40023

Week 9: Concepts of Photography

15 Types of Photography Genres:

Numbers 11-15

Compiled by:

Adriane Ronn Bautista Caragan

Table of Contents
What is Photography? .....................................................................................
Pet Photography .............................................................................................
What type of Pet Photographer can I become? .................................................
Sports Photography ........................................................................................
Sports Photography Settings (Camera Settings & Tips) ....................................
Aerial Photography .........................................................................................
Types of Aerial Photography ............................................................................
Vertical Aerial Photography ...................................................................
Oblique Aerial Photography ...................................................................
Scientific or Specialty Photography ...............................................................
Three Specialties in Scientific Photography ...................................................
Astrophotography ............................................................................... 11
Earth Sciences ....................................................................................
Biology ............................................................................................... 12
Stock Photography ....................................................................................... 12
Three Types of Stock Photography ................................................................
Examples of Stock Photography ....................................................................
Bibliography .................................................................................................

The word Photography literally means 'drawing with light', which derives
from the Greek photo, meaning light and graph, meaning to draw. Photography
is the process of recording an image – a photograph – on lightsensitive film or,
in the case of digital photography, via a digital electronic or magnetic memory.

Trivia: Some of the most popular subjects of photography in the 1800s were
corpses. Example:

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Pet Photography
Pet photography is currently the most popular form of photography. It
captures the pet’s personality, character, habits, and other memorable
moments. The subject matter is plenty, and you can go for natural, candid
shots or portraits. However, pet photography is not easy as pets don’t pose like
humans. If you are a pet lover then Pet Photography seems like the best
genre for you.

Best Camera Settings

 A wider aperture is better.

 A fast shutter speed.
 A low ISO.

What type of Pet Photographer can I become?

Underwater Pet Photography

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If you follow pet pages on social media, you’ve no doubt seen the
photographs of dogs chasing their balls from under the water. These hilarious

images are just some of the methods used to capture shots of pets underwater.

Creative Pet Photography

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In this instance, you would design interesting backdrops in which the
image of your client’s pet would sit. Or alter the images in certain ways, like

adding eccentric outfits digitally for the animals to wear.

Shelter Pet Photography

By becoming a shelter pet photographer, you can take images of these

animals that will help pair them with a new loving family. This is why pet
adoption photography is such an important avenue of this profession.

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End of Life Pet Photography

As an end of life pet photographer, you specialise in capturing beautiful

images of the animals before they pass over.

Family and Pet Photography

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In many cases, you’ll find the owner wants to be included in the shot. So,
you’ll need to know the best way to get the most out of both subjects in the

same photograph.

Corporate Pet Photography

There are many instances that you could be hired to work on a corporate
basis. When you think of the professional imagery used to advertise pet food,

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products and pet-related services, it’s easy to see the high number of
businesses that require a corporate pet photographer.

Sports Photography

Sports photography is a type of photography that covers every sport and

sporting event, capturing the action of a game and behind the scenes of the
players. This type of photography helps to promote brands, the players, as well
as the sport. Burst photos are useful because they enable you to take multiple
shots as your subject moves

Sports Photography Settings (Camera Settings & Tips)

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1. Use a Fast Shutter Speed to Freeze the Action
2. Choose a Wide Aperture for a Bokeh Effect

3. Increase Your ISO Settings for More Light

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4. Use Autofocus for More Creative Freedom

5. Use Continuous AF for Predictive Tracking

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6. Use Back Button Focus for Fast Focusing

7. Use Burst Mode So You Never Miss a Shot

8. Shoot In JPEG to Save Card Memory

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Aerial Photography
An aerial photograph, in broad terms, is any photograph taken from the
air. Normally, air photos are taken vertically from an aircraft using a highly-
accurate camera.

Types of Aerial Photography

a. Vertical Arial Photography

Vertical aerial photography is an aerial photography technique where the

shots are taken from directly above the subject of the image.
b. Oblique Aerial Photography
The word oblique means having a sloping direction or angular position.
Therefore, Photographs taken at an angle are called oblique photographs.
Oblique Photography is of two types.
b.1. Low Oblique Aerial Photography
Low oblique aerial photograph is a photograph taken with the
camera inclined about 30° from the vertical.
b.2. High Oblique Aerial Photography
The high oblique is a photograph taken with the camera inclined
about 60° from the vertical.

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Low Oblique Aerial Photography

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High Oblique Aerial Photography

Scientific or Specialty Photography

Scientific photography is the use of photos to collect scientific data and
imagery for scientific research and applied sciences like engineering and
medicine. While scientific photos can produce beautiful shots of the natural
world, their main purpose is to record accurate images and share them with
others to move science forward.

3 Specialties in Scientific Photography

1. Astrophotography - Photos of the night sky can teach us about the

composition of our universe and its origins. Through spectroscopy,
astronomers can separate the wavelengths of light bouncing off a planet
and determine the chemical makeup of its atmosphere. And of course,
photos of planets, comets, moons, and galaxies can teach us about how
objects behave in space.

2. Earth Sciences - The fields of geology, meteorology, and oceanography

all require good photography. Photos can tell us about the processes of
rock formation and erosion, atmospheric circulation, and weather
systems. Underwater images help scientists identify species and study

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their behavior. They can also help us measure the health of ocean
ecosystems by recording the bleaching of coral reefs.

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3. Biology - Scientists estimate there are 8.7 million species of plants and
animals on Earth, and just over a million have been identified, so
biologists have their work cut out for them. Whether you’re interested in
capturing insects up close with macro photography or you’re studying
the migration pattern of a herd of African elephants, you can use
photography to record your data and build interest in your findings.

Stock Photography

Stock photography is an industry that creates and sells imagery in the

form of photos, illustrations, or videos and can be purchased for use through
various licensing models.

3 Types of Stock Photography

Macrostock is high-priced and exclusive stock photography, also known

as traditional stock photography. These images cost several thousand dollars.

Midstock is stock photography priced between microstock and

macrostock and is often used online.

Microstock is low-priced and inclusive stock photography. Competing

with traditional agencies, microstock photography is a relatively new model of
stock photography offered by agencies that sell images at lower prices but in
larger quantities, usually costing around $0.30-$1 per image.

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Examples of Stock Photography

Stock Photo by shutterstock Stock Photo by Getty Images

Stock Photo by Getty Images Stock Photo by shutterstock

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Internet and Web Design with Lab for Administrative Professionals. Retrieved
on October 22, 2022 from File: ok-OFAD-40023-Internet-and-Web-Design-

Adobe. Camera settings for pet photography. August, 2020.

Adam. What is Pet Photography? September 10, 2021.

NFI Education. Pet Photography – Everything You Need To Know. July,

Kopcok, D., & Smith, C. Sports Photography Settings (Camera Settings & Tips).
December, 2021.

Kumar, P. Types of Aerial Photograph. September 15, 2020.

Bishop, E.M., & Wilson H. Explore the fascinating world of scientific

photography. August, 2022.

Stocksy. What is stock photography? December 2, 2021.

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Broz, M. A Complete Guide to How Stock Photos Work. August 30, 2022.

Kosig, D. Example of Stock Images. January, 2022.

Blurorangestudio. Example of Stock Images. February, 2022.

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