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a. The aim of the study is to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice of exclusive breast
feeding among female health workers of the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital.
b. i. To assess the knowledge of exclusive breast feeding among female health workers of
the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital.
ii. To determine the attitude of exclusive breast feeding among female health workers of
the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital.
iii. To ascertain the practice of exclusive breast feeding among female health workers of
the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital.
c. HO1: The knowledge of exclusive breast feeding among female health workers of the
University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital will not be significant.
HO2: The attitude of exclusive breast feeding among female health workers of the
University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital will not be significant.
d. The study inclusive criteria are all health workers who are currently working at
University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital and have breastfed at least a child before. The
exclusion criteria health workers currently or previously working with University of Port
Harcourt Teaching Hospital who have not breastfed any child before.
e. Structured questionnaire
f. Collected data will be analysed and ranked using mean scores.
g. Structured questionnaire
h. Collected data will be analysed and ranked using mean scores.
i. Structured questionnaire
j. Test re-test method should be included.
k. Collected data will be analysed and ranked using mean scores.
a. i. introduction: This gives a brief introduction on the stud topic.
ii. background of the study: This contains overview of the study and how it differs
from other study already carried out
iii. Statement of problem: This addresses the problem the study has identified and
hopes to solve.
iv. Aim of study: This address what the study seeks to achieve
v. objectives of study: This covers the specific goals of the study.
vi. Research questions: These are questions the study seeks to answer.
vii Research Hypotheses: These are preliminary statement the study seeks to validate
viii Significance of study: This address those who stand to benefit from the study.
ix Scope of study: This creates boundaries for which the study seeks to cover.
x Limitation of study: This identifies factors that can impact negatively on the
b. The background of study should provide a summarized information about what the topic is
about linking other related works to the topic.
c. The statement of the problem addresses what the research hopes to address or the problem it
seeks to solve.
d. The justification provides the need for the study to be carried out.
e. The justification of study is not the same as significance of the study. Justification addresses
the need for the study to be carried out while significance states what persons/organisations
stands to benefit from the study.
a. i. Theoretical review
ii. Conceptual review
iii. Empirical review
b. this is done by searching for related studies to the subject matter already carried out at
other locations by other researchers in an attempt to identify a research gap between these
studies and the current subject matter at hand.
c. This allows the researcher to review the most relevant studies as outlined in the specific
objectives to help establish
d. the methodology of the study determines the tools for data collection which influences
the type of data to be collection. Thus, influencing the method of data analysis which in
turn affect the result of study. if the wrong data collection tool is used, it will lead to
incorrect analysis and incorrect result of study. Hence, the importance of study
e. This is done to deduce similarities from previous studies to the current study for easy
comparison and contrast to the subject of study.
a. i. name and location of the study area
ii. type of waste generated
iii. frequency of waste collection
iv. method and time of waste collection
v. method of waste disposal
b. Study population are potential participants for a study. they are a subset of the reference
population while reference population are individuals who share similar characteristics
with the study population but have not indicated interest in participating in the study. both
populations fall under the target population of study considered by the researcher.
c. Probability sampling method should be adopted to ensure that the data is collected
without bias within the targeted study area.
a. Descriptive research design
b. Population should include all resident in the community in research
c. the years of exposure to oil spill and severity of the impact on the health of the
community residents
d. Inclusion criteria should be all participants whose livelihood comes from the community
experiencing oil spill and have previously had or currently having health challenges
within the last 5 years. Exclusion criteria should be participants whose livelihood does
not come from the community experiencing oil spill and have never had any health
challenges in the last 5 years.
c. i. voluntary participation
ii. informed consent
iii. anonymity
iv. confidentiality
v. potential for harm
vi. results communication
a. A semi-structured questionnaire is comprised of both open ended and closed ended
questions while a structure questionnaire is made up of only closed ended questions.
While the semi-structured questionnaire allows respondents to express themselves more,
structured questionnaire does not.
b. Face-to-Face method. It allows the researcher to create a direct rapport with the women
thus creates a relationship that encourages them to fill out the questionnaire.
c. It affects the mark-up for non-response as the possible questions regarding the items from
the women will be addressed by the researcher on the spot thus increasing the responses
rate to the questionnaire and reducing the need for mark-up for non-response.
d. No. the Focused Group Discussions (FGD) does not require all the selected sample size
but a fraction of the sample size.
e. i. The environment for the discussion
ii. conformity
iii. personality characteristics
iv. Nature of the discussion/task
v. situational pressures
a. the appropriate research design for this study is the case study research design
b. i. Select a case
ii. Build a theoretical framework
iii. Data collection using qualitative data tools (observation, interviews and analysis of
primary and secondary sources) and quantitative data tools.
iv. describe and analyze the case qualitatively and quantitatively
c. Percentages and frequencies
d. To calculate the minimum sample size for the study, you need to consider the confidence
level (at least 90%), margin of error (5%) and sample proportion (0.5) as well as the
population of the study. thus, for the present study,
population (N) = 330
confidence level (z) = 90%
margin of error (e) = 5%
sample proportion (p) = 0.5

Z2 p(1− p)
N 2
n= 2
Z p(1− p)
+ N −1

330∗0.92∗0.5 (1−0.5)
n= 2
0.9 ∗0.5(1−0.5)
n ≈ 65
Therefore, the minimum sample size for this study is 65.
This study assessed the knowledge and compliance to the standards in the University of Port
Harcourt Teaching Hospital, using a descriptive cross-sectional study design. The population of
study was pre-registered doctors and nurses at University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital.
Data was collected using field observations and structured self-administered questionnaire; and
administered on nurses and pre-registration doctors, who gave most of the injections in the
hospital. A total of 256 questionnaires were administered, but 237 were retrieved from 59
doctors, and 178 nurses. Data analysis was done using simple percentages and frequency on
Microsoft excel 2016. Findings of the study showed that, about 58.23% of the respondents were
not vaccinated against hepatitis B, even as more than half (53.16%) had received at least one
needle stick injury in the past 12 months. More so, most of the needle stick injuries followed an
attempt to recap used needles (43.93%), and from carelessly exposed needles (20.5%). Only
18.41% of these injuries were reported, mostly due to not knowing whom to report to (60.51%),
and the believe that the needle was not from a high-risk patient (86.67%). In addition, 36.71% of
the respondents had good knowledge of the national standards, while compliance to the standards
were observed to be poor. The author concluded that, injection is a very common medical
procedure in Nigeria; but most of the injections are not safe, because inappropriate equipment is
used, and wastes generated are not properly managed, such that they constitute hazards to the
provider, and others in the community. However, national standards have been set to help correct
this. The study recommended that, in view of the importance of the standards to occupational
safety and community health, strict enforcement is advocated, especially the education of
relevant health workers, and the provision of needed supplies
a. i. for in-text referencing of single author publication, the author’s surname followed by a
comma and the year of publication should all be in a bracket.
ii. for in-text referencing for 2 authors publication, both authors surnames should be
written and separated by ‘and’ followed by the year of publication with all of them being
put in a bracket.
iii. for in-text referencing for more than 2 authors, the primary author’s surname followed
by et al. and the year of publication should all be in a bracket.
b. i. For journal articles,
Author or authors. The surname is followed by first initials.
Year of publication of the article (in round brackets).
Article title.
Journal title (in italics).
Volume of journal (in italics).
Issue number of journal in round brackets (no italics).
Page range of article.
The first line of each citation is left adjusted. Every subsequent line is indented 5-7
Example: Mulaik, S. A. (1990). Blurring the Distinctions Between Component Analysis and
Common Factor Analysis. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 25(1), 53–59.
ii. A book;
Author or authors. The surname is followed by first initials.
Year of publication of the book (in round brackets).
Book title (in italics).
Edition (in round brackets), if other than first.
DOI. Include a DOI for all works that have one, regardless of whether you used the
online version or print version.
The first line of each citation is left adjusted. Every subsequent line is indented 5-7
Example: Michell, J. (1999). Measurement in psychology. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge
University Press.
iii. Dissertation
Author - last name, initial(s). (Year). Title of thesis - italicised (Unpublished doctoral dissertation
or master's thesis). Name of institution, Location.
Miranda, C. (2019). Exploring the lived experiences of foster youth who obtained graduate level
degrees: Self-efficacy, resilience, and the impact on identity development (Publication
No. 27542827) [Doctoral dissertation, Pepperdine University]. PQDT Open.

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