Past and Past Perfect Tense

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Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of: Philippine literature in the Period
of Emergence as a tool to assert one’s identity; strategies in listening to and viewing of informative
and short narrative texts; word relationships and associations; informative speech forms; and use of
direct/reported speech, passive/ active voice, simple past and past perfect tenses, and sentence
B. Performance Standard: The learner transfers learning by: showing ways of asserting one’s
identity; comprehending informative and short narrative texts using schema and appropriate
listening and viewing strategies; expressing ideas, opinions, and feelings through various formats;
and enriching written and spoken communication using direct/reported speech, active/passive
voice, simple past and past perfect tenses and connectors correctly and appropriately.

C. Learning Competency: Use the past and past perfect tenses correctly in varied contexts (EN7G-

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students must have:

A. differentiated past and past perfect tense.
B. created a Venn diagram that shows the differences of Past and Past Perfect Tense.
C. discussed the importance of determination as the key to success.
II. Subject Matter: Past and Past Perfect Tenses
DepEd., (2016). K to 12 English curriculum.
Bugahod, B., Lobino, M., Namit, R., Magdale, A., (2020). Past and past
perfect tenses

III. Materials and Resources: Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, Instructional Materials.

IV. Procedure: 5A’s Method
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
A. Awareness

Good morning, everyone! Good morning, Miss.

Before you take your seat, let us have our

prayer first. May I ask, ______to lead the
prayer. (Student does as told).

Thank you, _____.

So, before you take your seat, kindly arrange

your chairs and pick up some pieces of paper or
trash under your table. Do it at the count of (Students do as told).
five. Five, four, three, two, one. Alright! You
may now take your seat.

How are you today, class? Are you feeling

good or bad? Please give a thumbs up to those (Students do as told).
who are having a good day today and a thumbs
down if you are having a bad day.

Well, I guess most of you are having a good

day and I’m glad that you feel good today. I
hope it will not change throughout our entire
discussion this morning. However, if you feel
otherwise, it's okay and normal to experience it.
I hope that despite your current feeling, you
will still learn something from our discussion
this morning.

I think this is not the first teaching you in this

class. So, in case you forgot my name. I am
Mae Ann M. Calinga but you can call me “Miss
Em” for your convenience.

Now I want you to be reminded with my

classroom rules which are abbreviated as
RLWP or Respect, Listen, Waterfall and
Yes, Miss.
So, are my rules clear to you class?

Alright! So last meeting we discussed about
(Student does as told).
active and passive voice. Now, for me to check
whether you have remembered your previous Activity 1: “Identify Me”
lesson let us have an activity first. Directions: Write AV if the verb in the sentence is
in the Active Voice and PV if it is in Passive Voice.
Kindly read the title of the activity and the
Write your answer in a ½ crosswise.
directions _____?
Thank you, ____.

Possible answers:
I will give you 5 seconds to answer each 1. AV
sentence. Finish or not finish we will check 2. PV
your answers. 3. PV
4. AV
Statements: 5. PV
1. Ivana cleans the house every Saturday.
2. The flat tire was changed by Ricardo
3. The entire building was painted by the
4. The teacher always answers the students‟
(Students do as told).
5. The (joey) or baby kangaroo was carried by
its mother in her pouch.
Yes, Miss.

Alright! Based on your scores class! It seems

that you really listened to your previous lesson.
With that, you deserve three big claps with very
good at the end. Begin!

Now, are you ready to learn a new lesson this



But before that, I have here sentences class.

Yes, Miss.
Last Wednesday, we decided to visit the zoo.
We arrived the next morning after we
breakfasted, cashed in our passes and entered.
We walked toward the first exhibit. I looked up Those words are decided, arrived, breakfasted,
at a giraffe as it stared back at me. cashed, entered, walked, looked and stared.

Now, in our sentences, are there underlined

It ends with a letter d.

Exactly! There are underlined words.

What are those words? It is past tense, Miss.

How do the words end?
No, Miss.
Magnificent! It ends with letter d.

Based on the underlined words, what do you

think is the tense of the verb?

Very good! It is in the past tense.

Did you know class that in the world of

grammar, past tense has different types?

Well, that is what we are going to discuss this


Statement of the Subject Matter and Aim:

So, buckle your seats class, because this

morning we will discuss the two types of Past
tense which are Past and Past Perfect Tense. I
want you to stick with our rules because it will Yes, Miss.
help you in attaining these following

A. differentiate past and past perfect tense.

B. construct sentences using past and past
perfect tense.
C. discuss the importance of determination as
the key to success.

Are the objectives clear to you, class?

(Student do as told).
B. Activity Activity 2: “Part of Me”
Now, for us to know what are past and past 1. Write the Italicized sentence on the board.
perfect tense. Let us have an activity first. 2. Underline the verb present in the sentence
and label it V.
Now I will divide you into three groups. This
3. Write your answer legibly.
will be the first group, the second group, and of
course the third group. Every group will be Yes, Miss.
given a short story, or a paragraph. Choose a
representative who will write your answer.
For you to understand how our activity works,
kindly read the title of the activity and the
mechanics, _____?

Is the direction clear to you, class?

That’s good to hear.

For Group 1 and 2
The Hare and the Tortoise
by Unknown
One day, the Hare and the Tortoise decided to
have a race. The Hare knew that he could run
faster than the Tortoise. But the Tortoise was
more intelligent than the Hare. „Yes, I’ll race
with you, ‟ said the clever Tortoise. The
Tortoise had a clever plan. He found his
brothers and sisters and he told them to wait in
different places along the path. The race begun!
The Tortoise ran as fast as possible. But the
Hare was faster, of course. „This will be a very
easy race‟, thought the Hare. So, the Hare
decided to have a rest, and he quickly fell
asleep at the side of the road. Suddenly, the
Hare woke up and he saw a Tortoise ahead of
him! „How did he get ahead of me? ‟ The Hare
asked himself. In fact, it was not his friend the
Tortoise. It was the tortoise’s sister. But to a
Hare, all tortoises look the same. The Hare ran
past the Tortoise easily. Soon, he couldn’t see
the Tortoise, so he sat down and he had another
rest. Then the Hare got up and continued the
race. But- as the Hare happily came around the
last corner before the finish line – his friend the
tortoise crossed the line and won the race!

Group 3: “John had called and asked Anna

what time they should meet. When Mary had
asked Anna if she wanted to go to dinner, Anna Yes, Miss.
told her that she was busy and had already set
an appointment with John.”

Now, I will give you 1 minute and 30 seconds

to read the short story.
Your timer starts now!

Alright! Time is up. It’s time to do your task. I Possible Answers:

will give you 30 seconds to do your activity. 1. The Hare and the Tortoise decided to have a race.
2. He told them to wait in different places along the
Your timer starts now. Please write the names path.
of every member on a ¼ sheet of paper. Do not 3. John had called and asked Anna what time they
write the names of those students who did not should meet.
cooperate in your group. Is that clear?


The group who will finish first will receive a

prize next meeting.
Finish or not finish, class. We will check your

Time is up! Let’s check your answers.

The verb is decided.

C. Analysis
Time is up! Let’s check your answers It ends with a letter d.

Kindly read the sentences, altogether, begin!

1. The Hare and the Tortoise decided to have a It is in the past tense.
2. He told them to wait in different places along
the path.
3. John had called and asked Anna what time
they should meet.
I think simple past tense is it happens in the past.
Let’s focus on the first sentence.
1. The Hare and the Tortoise decided to have a

In this sentence, what is the verb? (Student does as told).

Simple Past Tense- shows that an action started
Exactly! and completed in the past and has no relevance
How does the verb end? to the present time at all.

Correct! It ends with a letter d. The action started and completed in the past.
Based on that, what do you think is the tense of
the verb in this sentence?
Magnificent! It is in the past tense.

So, our first sentence class has a verb which is

in the simple present tense. No, Miss.

Based on your answers earlier, what do you

think is a simple past tense?

Yes, you have a point but for us to have

uniformity of description. Let us consider this
one. Kindly read the description.

It is a regular verb, Miss.

Thank You!
Based on the description, class, what does a
simple past tense show?
Exactly! Now, does it have relevance to the
present time?

Correct! It has no relevance.

Now in simple past tense, class it uses the two

types of verbs which are regular and irregular.
When we talk about regular verbs class these
are verbs that are formed by adding -d or -ed
while irregular verbs are formed that do not
follow the simple system of adding -d or -ed.
Now, going back to our sentence, class. What The verb is told.
type of verb is decided?

Exactly! It is a regular verb.

The other regular verbs are the following: It is in the past tense.

Present tense Simple Past tense

1. cross crossed
2. hurry hurried It is irregular verb, Miss.
3. cry cried
4.dismiss dismissed
It is an irregular verb because it does not follow the
5. love loved
adding system of -d or -ed.
Let’s proceed to our second sentence.
2. He told them to wait in different places along
the path.
The present tense of the verb told is tell.
In this sentence, what is the verb?

Yes, it is told.

Now, what do you think is the tense of the verb

in this sentence?

Correct! Specifically, it is simple past tense.

I have mentioned earlier regular and irregular
verbs. Now, in this sentence what type of verb
is told? Is it regular or irregular? None, miss.

Exactly! It is irregular.
Why it is an irregular verb?

The underline words are “had called”.
What is the present tense of the verb “told”?
The tense of the verb is past tense.
Here are some of the examples of irregular
Base form Simple past tense
1. buy bought
2. teach taught
3. bring brought
4. run ran Yes, miss.
5. sit sat

Are there any questions about simple past The word is “had” miss.

Alright! If that’s the case let’s proceed to our Past perfect tense has the word “had”.
third sentence.
3. John had called and asked Anna what time (Student does as told).
they should meet.
Past Perfect Tense- expresses the idea that an
In this sentence, what are the underline words? action happened before another action in the
Based on that, class, what do you think is the
tense of the verb in this sentence?
It expresses the idea that an action happened before
Yes, it is in the past tense, specifically a verb in another action in the past.
a past perfect tense.

Now, compare it to the other verbs. Are there

any words that were added in the underline

What is that word?


With that class, what do you think is Past The verb is had set.
perfect tense?

Correct! It has the word “had”. But for us to

have uniformity of description, let us consider The tense is past perfect tense.
this one.
Kindly read the description, _____?

Thank you, ____. None, Miss.

Based on the description, what does past
perfect tense express?

Exactly! The two tenses of the verb that we discuss are past
For you to easily remember what is past and past perfect tense.
perfect tense, always remember that it is
formed by combining “had” and the past
participle of the main verb. The two verbs that we use are regular and irregular.

Example: Anna had set an appointment when

Mary called.
One of the regular verbs is laughed.
What is the verb in the sentence?
One of the irregular verbs is eat to ate.
What is again the tense of the verb in this
sentence? Simple past tense shows an action started and
completed in the past.
Past perfect tense is an action happened before
Are there any questions about past perfect another action in the past.

D. Abstraction

What are the two tenses of the verb that we


Now, what are the two types of verbs we use in (Student does as told).
simple past tense? Activity 3: Arrange Me
Directions: Rearrange the letters to form the action
Magnificent! word (verb). Write your answer on a ½ crosswise.
Who can give me one regular verb?

Correct! How about irregular verb? Example: 1. IBTE

a. bite
Very good! b. bit
Again, what is simple past tense? c. had bitten

Excellent! How about Past perfect tense? Possible answers:

1. Fight, Fought, had fought
Very good! 2. Hold, held, had held
3. Choose, chose, had chosen
4. Build, built, had built
E. Application 5. catch, caught, had caught

It seems that you really listen to our discussion

this morning, for that let us have an activity.

Kindly read the title of the activity and the

mechanics, ____

Yes, Miss.

Words He does all the possible things he can do.

4. BIULD He has determination, Miss.
I will give you three minutes to answer this

Let’s check your answers.

Value Integration I think I am a tortoise, Miss because I will do

everything in order for me to achieve my goals in
Going back to the story of the hare and the
tortoise. The hare underestimated the tortoise.
However, the tortoise was so determined to win
that race.

Did the tortoise win that race?

Exactly! The tortoise won that race.

What did he do, in order to win that race?

Very good! The tortoise finds ways in order to

win in the race.
Activity 4: Choose Me
What do you think is the characteristic of the Directions: Create a Venn diagram that shows the
tortoise that made him win in the race? differences of simple past tense and past perfect
tense. Write your answer on a ½ crosswise.
Exactly! He has determination to win or be
successful in winning the race. He did not think
of his imperfections but he thinks on what he
can do to win.

Which of the two animals best describes

yourself? are you a hare or a tortoise?

That’s good to hear, class.

We should look on the things that we can do

not the things that we cannot do. Always
remember “bahalag hinay basta kanunay”.

For me to check whether you have understood
our lesson this morning, let us have another

Kindly read the title of the activity and the

V. Assignment: Fill Me Up
Write a paragraph of 3 to 5 sentences about your home quarantine experience using Simple
Past Tense and Past Perfect Tense.

BSEd- English Intern

Submitted to
Cooperating Teacher

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