Moke Exam

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A. Write de coHJJJJrrect verbal tense in each gap.

1. The train __________ (to arrive) at 12:30.

2. We __________ (to have) dinner at a seaside restaurant on Sunday.

3. It __________(to snow) in Brighton tomorrow evening.

4. On Friday at 8 o’clock I __________ (to meet) my friend.

5. We _____________ coffee when the phone rang. (to drink)

6. When they arrived at the station, the train __________________already . They had to wait

for the next train. (to leave)

7. She _____________________at this school for over 15 years. She is still teaching here. (to


8. ____________________ Kate? I don't know where she is. (to see/you)

9. What ________________now?” (to watch) (to watch/she)

10. By the end of July, students _______________________all their exam. (to pass)

B. Complete the gaps with the correct formo f these words.

1. I didn’t like the book. The story was _______ stupid.

2. The weather is beautiful, isn’t it? I didn’t expect it to be ______ nice day.

3. Some of us had to sit on the floor because there weren’t _____ chairs.

4. The wallet was _____ big to put in my pocket.

5. It’s a _____ interesting book.

6. I’m surprised you haven’t heard of her. She’s _____ famous.

7. That shirt is _____ smarth for you. You need a larger size.

8. I like Liz and Joe. They are _____ nice.

9. It was _____ beautiful day we decided to go to the beach.

C. Complete the text with the correct form of a MODAL VERB and the verb given.


1. You _________ (To be) exhausted after your long trip. Come in and have a drink.

2. John__________________ (to take) your car keys. He hasn't even left the house.

3. You ______________ (To apply) or the job yet. You ________ (To do) it later this


4. I ________________ (leave) my wallet in the car. I can't find it anywhere.

5. I __________________________ (to buy) more groceries. We already had enough.

D. Complete de sentences with the correct CONDITIONAL formo f the verbs given.

1 If you .......................................... late again for training again today (to be), I


you play in tomorrow’s match. (let)

2 I.......................................... all August in Thailand (to spend) if I


the time and

the money. (to have) Maybe next year.

3 I .......................................... angry (to be) if chocolate

mousse. (to eat)

4 If just one person .......................................... my birthday (remember), I.........................................

sad. (to


5 You.......................................... sorry (to be) if you.........................................for your

exams. (to revise)

6 I .......................................... that umbrella inside the house (open) if I.........................................

you. (to

be) It's bad luck.

7 We.......................................... (to eat) out if food at

home. (to be)

8 The holidays .......................................... great (to be) if the weather.........................................

better. (to


9 I .......................................... out with him (to go) even if

(to pay)

10 If you .......................................... me about the concert (to tell), I.......................................

(to go)

E. Comple the questions in reported speech.

1. He asked:”Where have you been Tom?”

He asked me_________________________________________________________________

2. The teacher wanted to know:”Who discovered America?”

The teacher wanted to know _________________________________________________

3. The referee asked:”How many players do you want to substitute?”

The referee asked _____________________________________________________________

4. He asked:”What would you do if you were a celebrity?”

He asked me


5. She wondered:” how much pay can I expect?”

She wondered


6. The captain asked:”When will we get to the coast, guide?”

The captain asked _______________________________________________________

7. The gardener inquired:”Why didn’t you buy a new shovel?”

The gardener inquired _________________________________________________________

8. They wanted to know:”Who’s that woman?”

They wanted to know __________________________________________________________

9. The zookeeper asked:”How much food did the lions eat last week?

The zookeeper asked


10. The rock star asked:”Would you sing the song with me?”

The rock star asked me


F. Change the following sentences from active to passive or from passive to active.

1. The Browns have built the large house.

2. A jellyfish stung her while she was swimming.

3. They gave her a nice present.

4. Jane is singing the new song.

5. The storm destroyed the house.

6. The painting was done by Picasso.

7. Dinner is being prepared by Rita.

8. The vase was broken by Tom.

9. The car was washed by David before his date.

10. Next year, engineering will be studied by the students.

G. Write the sentences as DEFINING relative clauses.

1. They found the money. I dropped the money.


2. I broke the plate. The plate was a wedding present.


3. The police arrested the man. I saw the man steal a handbag.


4. The Queen fired the chef. We had met the chef.


5. She wrote to her friend. Her friend lives in Vietnam.


H. Write the sentences as NON-DEFINING relative clauses.

1 Valencia is a great place. Valencia is due east of Madrid.

.................................................................................................................................... .

2 Jimbo is living in Thailand now. Jimbo got divorced last year.

.................................................................................................................................... .

3 Clare is a good teacher. I don't like Clare very much.

.................................................................................................................................... .

4 The Flaca pub rocks. I met my girlfriend in The Flaca. (use WHERE)

.................................................................................................................................... .

5 My greasy neighbour stinks of after-shave. My greasy neighbour is a bus driver.

.................................................................................................................................... .

I. Rewrite the sentences using the Word in Brackets.

1. It’s been a long time since I last saw Paul. (for) 

2. I didn’t hear from him for ten years .I received his e‐mail. ( when)

3.She started studying Drama three years ago.  (been)

4.She studied German for three years. Then she moved to Berlin. (after) 

5. The doorbell rang in the middle of her phone conversation. (while)

6. That letter arrived only a few minutes ago. (just)

7. The bus left at six o’ clock. We arrived at the bus stop at five past six. (before)

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