Children's Stories by Stansa Senia Pramudya

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Naughtiness Brings Disaster

By Stansa Senia Pramudya

Name :Stansa Senia Pramudya
NPM :19020230059


In a small village in the city of Trenggalek, there are children named Sean and Nurul.
they are still in grade 3 elementary school. They have been friends since they were in
kindergarten. These two children have very opposite characteristics. Sean has a mischievous,
naughty and stubborn nature. almost every day she always acts, starting from pranking his
friends in class, denying the advice of his teacher and his mother, and a habit she never gets tired
of is stealing mangoes in Mr. Saleh's garden. while nurul is the opposite of sean. she is kind,
cheerful, wise and obedient child. sHe also never gets tired of being beside Sean and
accompanying that girl, even if she steals mangoes, Sean always invites him to be a spy for her
so that when Mr. Saleh comes she won't be caught, the main reason why Nurul is always beside
Sean, she is even willing to be Sean's spy when stealing even though he knows it's a crime is
because he wants to always take care of Sean. oh, how sweet and kind the poor child is.
On a sunny morning, Nurul went to Sean's house to go together. "Sean let's go, we will be
late" said Nurul while shouting in front of Sean's yard. not long after that Sean came out with
bread in his mouth and her mother adjusted Sean's bag on her shoulder. "You studied for the
exam last night, right?" asked her mother with a worried face towards Sean. "Yes mother, never
mind, don't be so fussy." said sean with a growl.
"My aunt left with Sean first." said nurul while kissing the hand of Sean's mother,
followed by Sean as well. "Yes, be careful," said Sean's mother, waving her hand. "Hey Sean,
you can't be rude to your mother you know? That's not good Sean, especially you are a woman,
my mother said women should be gentle." nurul advice to sean "yes it's up to you." Sean
answered with a snort. They arrived at class and sat in their seats. Not long ago, Mrs. Fifi came
with the exam questions. "Okay, kids, it's exam time now, stay calm and don't cheat," said Mrs.
Fifi while distributing the exam exams one by one. Even Nurul, who had studied last night,
seemed calm and relaxed seeing the exam questions that were distributed and before the test
nurul prays that it will be launched in the face of the test. different from Sean who looks worried
while removing his crumpled paper, yes, she cheats by cheating. Nurul, who saw that, didn't stay
still, he tapped Sean's shoulder, Sean turned his head, "What's the matter?" Sean said. "Don't you
ever cheat, or Mrs. Fifi will find out and tell you to get out of class." said nurul while whispering.
"Don't worry, it's safe, how come believe me, you just need to tell me if Mrs. Fifi will come to
my table, understand?" Sean threatened Nurul. "Hah, okay." Nurul was just stubborn, Sean. 1
hour has passed Sean is still struggling with the question, the exam will end in 30 minutes, she
finally launches her action, she reaches into his pocket and opens a small crumpled paper that he
forgot, she looks right and left and it turns out Ms. Fifi is playing on her cellphone, she too
cheated and started writing answers, nurul who knew it was getting worried he would not let
sean get caught by bu fifi also helped sean, bu fifi walked away saying the exam time would be
over in 5 minutes, nurul also patted sean on the shoulder to warn, sean immediately rushed to
record the answer. and it was time for the exam to end at the same time that Sean had finished
taking notes. "Well, children, collect your questions and answers in front of you and get ready to
go home." The students flocked to collect them in front of the teacher's desk, after that they
rushed to go home.
on the way home they talked, "oh my god, it was very stressful you know my heart beats
faster, but fortunately everything went smoothly" said sean while stroking her chest to neutralize
her heartbeat. "sean you can't do that again you know That's not good Sean, I beg you, let's turn
into a good and obedient boy" said Nurul while looking at Sean pity. "Oh you always say that,
I'm almost tired of hearing it" said Sean with a snort.
They walked to school, they passed Mr. Saleh's mango garden, Sean who saw the ripe
mango and looked tempting couldn't wait to pick it. "Sean, let's just go home, we don't have to
steal mangoes again." said nurul while tugging sean's hand. "I will pick the mango and eat it, if
you don't want to help me then you are not my best friend anymore." Sean said as he ran towards
Mr. Saleh's mango garden. "Eh, wait for me Sean" shouted Nurul while running towards Sean.
Sean started to climb up the tree and Nurul as usual he was watching around the garden and
would notify Sena if there were people. Sean started dropping a ripe mango and Nurul caught it
and put it in his bag, not long after there was a scream from the west. "Hey, what are you doing
there, did you steal my mango? pious lord. "Oh, don't let us go, sir," said Sean and Nurul while
struggling.. "You naughty girls, I'll take you to the village hall so you know the taste." said Mr.
pious while dragging them to the village hall. "Village leader, these two children stole my
mango, give them punishment, sir." said Mr. pious angrily. "Calm down, sir, I know who this
child is, they are Nurul and Sean, I will call your parents." said the village chief while calling the
parents of the two children. Sean and Nurul sat while bending their heads in shame. Not long
after, only Sean's mother came because Nurul's parents were out of town. "Oh god, Sean, why
are you here ?Oh sir, I'm sorry my daughter stole your mango." Sean's mother said with
compassion. "Actually it wasn't Sean who stole the mango but I am aunt, if you don't believe me,
please check my bag." said Nurul, which made Sean and Sean's mother shocked, because As far
as they know, Nurul is a child who can't possibly do such a naughty thing, after Mr. Saleh
opened Nurul's bag, it turned out that it was true that the mango was in his bag. Finally, Sean
was released from punishment, while Nurul was given the punishment of cleaning up Pak Saleh's
mango garden. Sean was sorry for his actions so far and apologized to Nurul, She did not expect
Nurul to defend him and was willing to accept punishment for his actions, Sean told Nurul he
would promise to be a good child and follow Nurul's advice, Nurul who heard that was happy .
The moral message we get from the story above is think before you act and don't be
stubborn for something good and pray before you do something so that disaster doesn't happen.
praying before we do something is important so that everything we do is always in the protection
of God.

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