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Material Summary

Project Name : FACTORY (FBS) As ot\: 71201202A

Material Conv 2nd

SL Material Name Unit atv znd Qty Remarks
Unit tlnif
-tr nqle
20 1006-000048 Angle 37x37x3x6000mm Local Pcs 1 Kq 31
25 1006-000003 Angle 50x50x5x6000mm Local 10c 1 Kq 1,332 STD
27 1006,0c0050 e
50x50x5x6000mm China Pcs 44 Kq 984 STD
28 1006-000043 Angle 63x63x5x6000miti Local Pcs 8C Ka ) )aa
)006-000008 Angle 05x65x6x6000mm Local Pcs 472 Kg 16,451 STD
31 1006-000005 Angle 75x75xOxE000mm l-ocal Pcs 10c 4 Kg 4,071 STI)
1006-000033 Anole 75x75xBx6000mm Local Pcs 54 Kq toE
40 1006-000030 Angle 90x90xBx6000rnm Local Pcs 121 0! Kq
1006-00001 4 qng!.e 1 29x'q0x8x6000mm Lo$al 8; Kq 4,013
1006,0000't 7 e 130x130x10x6000mrl.r Local Pcs Qsl 11 Kq 3.650
11 1006-000047 e 140x140x16x6000mm Loca! Pcs 19S Kq 59
1B t006-000060 qngle 200x200x14x6000mm China Pcs 15C 24€ Kq 37,22(
1 1006-000059 Anqle 150x150x16x12000mm China Pcs 32 441 Kg 14,'10:
f hannel
3 l0 1 8-00001 I ; 00x5Cx5.5x6000mm
Channel PcS 1fl JL Kq 48t
101 8-000039 C Channel 00X50X6x6000mm Pcs 53 5i Kq 3,01(
6 l0 1 8-00001 6 I Channel 25x65x6x6000mm Pcs 1C JZ Kq
I 101 8-000038 Channel 50X75X6x6000mnr Pcs 4€ Ko 9{
12 101 8-00004 1 lChannel 200X75X1Cx6000mm Pcs 1 142 Kq
17 101 8-000040 I Channel 20CX75X7x6000mfl] Pcs 131 Kq 1?, STD
18 )0'18-000042 I Channel 200X75X9x6000rnm Pcs 1 K9
21 l0'18-000048 lChannel 250x75x8x6000mm Pcs 173 Kg 691 STD
27 101 8-000023 : Channel 30Cxgoxgx6000mnr Pcs Kq 134 STD
llheckered Plate
1 1027-000005 06x1 200x6000mm Pcs 346 K{) 1 ,38€
2 1027-000007 06X1 220X6000mm 347 Kq 7,642
i,.l Pipe and Accersories
I 1059-00001 7 3.1 Gratings Kq 3,80(
i? 1059-000042 I I Pipe 3B mm Rft 30(
3.1 Pipe
3.1 Pipe
Ilollow Bor
l )084-0000 1 2 lollow Box i 00x 00x2.3x6000mm Pcs 2i 42 Kq 924
2 i084-0000 1 4 lollow Box 100x 00x2xGC00mm PCS 2( 3t Kq 98C
4 1084-000006 lollow Box 100x 00x4.5x6000mm Pcs 81 Kg 248
0084-000008 lollow Box 100x 00x4x6000mm PCS Kq 433 STD
I 0084-00001 7 lollow Box 127x 27x5x6000mm Pcs 11t Kq 6,39e STD
10 0084-00001 5 lollow Box '150x 00x4x6000mm PCS li 9i Kq 2,241
0084-00001 6 lollow Box 153x 53x5x6000mm 54 14C Kq 7 546 STD
1 | 0089-000002 l-Beam 200x100x5.5x8x5000!Im Pcs 16.OOl 1 23.031 Kg 1r683S-l
\IS Gratitrgs
I 1040i -00000r 975x1 240 mm Kg 1 6,1 671
\IS Pipe & Arcessories
24 0095-000054 \,4.S PIPE Dia '1 15x4.5x6000mm Rft 86C Kq 3,221
0095-000050 !1.S PIPE Dia 1 15x4x6000mm Rm1 61 11 Kq 66[
28 0095-00001 3 !4.S PIPE Dia 140x05x6000mm a+ 15C Kq 86(
32 0095-000032 M.S PIPE Dia 219x8.2x6000mm Rft IL '1
33 0095-000003 \,4.S PIPE Dia ?5x2.9r6000mm Rft 68C 1 Ko JOJ
36 0095-000006 ,v1.S PIPE Dia 42x3.2xOC00mm
Rft 3,00c I Kg 2,56(
37 0095-000044 vl.S PIPE Dia 50x5x6000mm Rft 12C 1 Kg 12t.
41 0095-000026 \,4.S PIPE Dia108.3x7.'1 1x6000mm Rft 211 Ks 18,451
42 )095-000030 vl.S PIPE Dia218x7.7x6000mni Rft 6C 1 h.0 76€
0095-000027 \4.S PIPE DiaEB 9x5.5x6000mm Rft 1BC Kq 62i
0095-000074 ','1.E PIPE OD 193.8x8x3000mm
45 Pcs 13C Kq 26t
46 0095-000070 \,4.S PtPE OD 27x2.5x6000mm Rft 70c Bls 2C
47 0095-000103 \.4.S Pipe OD273x9.2x6000mm Rft 8? 1 Kq 1,521
0095-0001 0 1
'l.S Pipe OD323.8x10.3'lx2824mm Rmt 7.00c Kq 7C
56 0095-00005? SEAMLESS PIPE 200mm,L-6000mm Rmt 1 Kg
1 0095-000090' :RVi STEEL ptPE(AST[,/ A53,CHINA) 100x5.5x.12000 mm Rmt 24C 1 Kg 3,076
? 0095-000088 :RW STEEL PIPE{ASTM A53.CHINA) 1 25x6x1 2000 mm Rmt 48 1€ Kg 84f
3 009s-000086 :RW STEEL PIPE(ASTI,4 A53,CHINA) 165x7x12000 mm Rmt 168 Kq 4.58€
4 0095-000092 :RW STEEL PIPE(ASTIV A53,CHINA) 200x8x12000 mm Rmt 24 Kg 907
5 0095-000094 :RW STEEL PiPE(ASTN/ A53.CHlNA) 75x4x12000 mnr Rmt 384 Kg

Priri Dale & Tlme 7/20i2020 4 49:26 PM

Page: 1 of2
Rod-16mm ASTM436 0R Gr36

Shaft Rod -24min ASTM A50 OR Gr 5{)

Shaft Rod -30x1 180mm ASTM A36 OR Gr 36

rN ASTI",I 436 OR Gr

Shaft Rod -32x750mm ASTIVI 436 OR Gr 36

Shaft Rod -35mm ,ASTl,rtr 436

Rod -44.5mm ASTM 436 OR Gr 36

-45x1720mm ASTM 436 OR cr36
Shaft Rod -50nm ASTM A50 OR Gr

Print Dale & Time i 7/20i2020 4.49:26 PM

Page :2 ol 2
A"^i"labl. pir-s;- hSTl,1 ftrg 7a^daa 4""J&
cre *;* D
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:::..liif ${}H rls'I)f,i#T,trtlrtL :
al::,:,tr:r, WMffiffiffiffiremffi
5T{#L G#{}ti,r}
S t :I}X}X,}: {:{} }{ E};L}i}l t X{:

WheatEand ASTIVI A 53
Schedule 40 and Schedule B0 Plpe
Wheatland Steel Pipe is nrade by specialists whc undersiand thai it's the small details
that make the dilference between average products and supenor producis. At the Wheaiiand Plant,
most department heads and foremen have been employeC in some phase of pile manufactui-ing
for 25 or mo''e yea:-s.
This kinci of spec;alization. experience and knowiedge pays wcrkable. threadable,
uniform pipe. Deiivered clean. Deiivered prorrpily"
Wheailand specializes in manufacturing welCed steelpipe in 1/2 throuEh 4 nominalsizes.
Available inventory in 1/81o '12 pipe sizes produced io various ASTM standards is r:-raintained to
meet your pipe requirements.
Care, pride and personal concern are bonus features that go inio every inch of Wheatland
Pipe. Don't settle for less.

Make sure it's quality. Make sure it's Wheatland.

Standard Pipe Schedule 40 ASTM A 53 Grades A and B

0utsicie Irrside Wall
Diameter Nominal Weight (L4ass) per unit Length
t\H5 Dranreter Thickness
Designati:r )esign Threaos &Threacls &
(lrrches) (rnm) (lnches) (mm)
Plain End Plarn :ncl
I I nchesl imm) Couplirgs Ccuplings
(tbift) (kgrir j (ka,/nl
1 r'8 6 0.405 10.3 0.26$ 6.8 0.068 4.24 0.25 4.37
I 0.5.10 t,7./ 0.364 9.2 0.t88 t.43 u- !i c.43 0.63
'r0 q
J'O 0.675 17 .1 0 493 1) C.C9,] O.). c.57 0.84
1i2 15 O.E4C zt-a ,.622 0..r 09 2.77 1.27 noa

J+ 2tr 1.050 26.7 0.'321 24._a 0,.r 1 3 1.1'j rGO 1.11 1 .69
I 25 t..ii5 JJ-+ 1.04! ic. c c.1 33 3.38 1.69 2.5C 1.69 2.50
1-1 t4 32 1.660 i.330 J5. ! ,.140 3.s6 2.27 .-r. J:: 2.28 3.40
40 900 48.3 1 .610 ,1C.9 u- t+5 3.68 272 2.74 4.A4
50 2.375 60.3 52.5 c..154 ? ol 3.66 5.4 3.6S 5.46
I q.;n 73.0 i ti,c) 62.7 n .)n? 5.16 5.80 5.85 8.6;
3 80 J. f,.,ril 88.9 77.9 c.2.16 7.5e I 1 oal 7.68 1
Q-1 12 90 4.000 3.54ri 90..i tJ.'t7a 5.74 9.1? rJ.f, s.27 13.71
10c .i.500 tt4,J 4.C26 102.ti c.237 r. n, '10.80 16.07 14.92 .16.23

5 1)r 5.563 5.047 158"2 c.258 '14.63 'r

6 itu 6.625 158.3 6.065 154.i at ,2ll 'I
8 93 19.34 28.5B
B 20c 219.1 7.98.1 ?i.322 c ic
2!.35 43.73
I t.) 10.75C 273.C 10^c20 zf+.:- t.27 40.52 +1.49 e 3.;:6
StanCard Pipe
300 12.75A 12.C00 30.f .8 9.52 49.61 7€:.21
doie'NPS i2 dirlrensions are fcr standard wall pipe, not schedule 40

Product Type and Specif ication :

Standard urelded pipe is produced in 112 to 6 trade sizes. Wheatiand pipe is produced io ASTM A 53
Grades A and B, A 501, and A 589 Type Il, API 5L and Federal Specification WW-P404. An pipe
ihreads conforrn to ANSI 81.20.1. Merchant coupiings compil, with ,ASTM A 965.

,ns anci oesci'tpttcns are accr::aie as kncvr,i a

riri S:;ir l ir'rnrvrr. wheaila ::.:i :O :

s)I*"ac{}5 XXX}A H'tr'$t}.tx,
Wfuffiffiffiffimmwffitutu* ${I
{,{}}f tr} 1\,h, rxd:.
-r,sff Srssl" Gils#p
7Cl Sc";ih Dock Streei Vriheailand. F,r,1Ci4a JJJLII uIoL w\xr\4r. vrJ'h eaii a nc :c x

Extra Heavy Plpe Scltedule B0 ASTM A SB Grade A

Nominai Weight {lv,lass) per unit Lengih


Fermissible V*r;ations for F"$Ttd & 53 Grades A and B pjpe

o.D. Over U nder

IrJPS 1/8 io'1-1r'2 1i64', | /01

Outsicie DN6ta4C (0.4mm) (0.4mn'rl
f.lP-q 2 an.l Lrt,
Dli 5C end 19; '1%

Wall Thickness at Any Point

ASTM A 53 Grades A and E: Elack and Galvanized Pipe is manufactured for

ordinary use in steam, waier,gas, and
air lines. Ul- Listed and FM Approved, sizes '1" ti-:roL.:gh s" nominal, for use in Fire
Sprinkler pipe Applicationi.
Gnade A: Yield 30,000 [205 Mpa]psi n':inimum Ter.:sile:4g,000 psi [3G0lv4pa] minim*m
Grade 8: Yieid 35,000 [240 h4oai psi mirir:um Tensile; 60,*00 psi
l41r Mpa] minirnum
For additional information or to order . contact our pipe department ai g2.
F ax: 7 24.346.7 260, e-maiI info @ wheailand. ccm


Srn4:1&8C_ASTlVi- Aa3-2tl 2
All Standard
Sta*dard J{nchor Bolt Udt Ylleicfil-{Itg}
Designation(As per Dia) Unit Weiqht(kq)
20 mm Dia ASTM A36 2.4
24 mm Dia ASTM 436 4.5
30 mm Dia ASTM A36 d'872 /
35 mm Dia ASTM A36 -123
38 mm Dia ASTM A36 16.75
40 mm Dia ASTM A36 18.98
45 mm Dia ASTM A36 27.3
50 mm Dia ASTM A36 38,92
20 mm Dia ASTM A572 2.89
24 mm Dia ASTM A572 s.38
30 mm Dia ASTM 4572 10.81
35 mm Dia ASTM A572 15.72
38 mm Dia ASTM 4572 2L.3
40 mm Dia ASTM 4572 24.42
45 mm Dia ASTM A572 34.74
50 mm Dia ASTM A572 49.02

Standard Pipe Unit Weight (kg)

Designation(As per Size) Unit Weiqht(ks/m)
Roof Bracing Pipe-o-3.2*1,8 0.36
Roof Bracing Pipe-o-6.4*2.3 0.63
Roof Bracing Pipe-o-9.5*2.3 0.84
Roof Bracin g Pipe-a-12.7 1.26
Roof Bracing Pipe-0.1 9.1 1,68
Roof Bracing Pipe-o-25,4.3,3 2.5
Roof Bracing Pipe-o.31.8-3,6 3,38
Roof Bracing Pipe-o-50.8-3,8 5.43
Roof Bracing Pipe-o.63.5-5,1 8.62
Roof Bracing Pipe-o-76,2*5,6 11.27
Roof Bracing Pipe-o-88.9-5.8 13.56
Roof Bracing Pipe-o-1 01.6-6,1 16.06
Roof Bracing Pipe-o-1 27-6.6 21.74
Roof Bracing Pipe-o-152.4.7 .1 28.23
Roof Bracing Pipe-o-203.2*8.1 42.43
Roof Bracing Pipe-a-254*9.4 60.24
Roof Bracing Pipe-o-304.8-1 0.4 79.77
Roof Bracing Pipe-o-355.6-1 1.2 93.75
Roof Braci n g Pipe-a-406.4. 1 2.7 116.08
Roof Bracing Pipe-o-457 .2- 1 4,2 156.26
Roof Bracing Pipe-o-508-1 5.0 183.0s
Roof Bracing Pipe-o-609.6*1 7.5 254.48
Standard Purlin Unit Weight (kg)
Designation(As per Size) Unit Weight{kg/m}
Roof Purlin 200215 4.062375
Roof Purlin 200218 4,8748s
Roof Purlin 200220 5.4165
Roof Purlin 200225 6.770625
Roof Purlin 250220 6.1858
Roof Purlin 250225 7.73225
::::::,,-a= Un it.Waig {kgf
Designation(As per Dia) Unit Weishtlpc(ks)
M12X35- 0.063
M12X50 0.074
M'16X65 0.172
M20X80 U.JJC

M24X90 0.535
tn27x110 0.834
M30X120 1.104
M36X140 1.775

ii'ii1$tan'oa* Shesting'UaritYtleight-{l$}
Designation{Sheet Size) Unit WeiqhUpc{kq}
Roof Sheet (0.5mm thick) PE 1015 4.72
Side Wall Sheet (0.5mm thick) PE 900 5.32
End Wall Sheet (0.5mm thick) PE 900 5.32
Deck Sheet (0.70mm thick)PE 1000 6.7

$ltli?.ai.d"fe ilsr&stitohtx'gruilitWEf $f-it,ttgE

Designation(Sheet Size) Unit WeishUpc(kq)
fastener for roof 12-14*55 0,01

fastener for roof 12-14*75 0.014

fastener for side wall12-14*25 0.006
fastener for end wall 12-14-25 0.006
Decking Screw 12-24*32 0.007
Stitching Screw for roof 10-16*16 0.01

Stitching Screw for side wall 10-16-16 0.01

Stitching Screw for end wall 1 0-16-1 6 0.01

=..:.i iidard *idgi-,Cap&faim,,l]*tiWtltrg peiwidth .

Designation(Sheet Size) Unit WeishUpc(kq)

RC Width-600 2,355
GT Width-520 2.041
cT width-330 1.29525
DT Width-330 1.29525
ET Width-300 1.29525
vG width.1200 14.13
EG PE 1015 3.33625
DS Width-850 4.78
Tensilee Caparity
Ca of Boltsl
Solt Dia. q*q.q%

u lxslf
lqs ru
9i tffi
?.97 3.65 lUS
3.88 4.11
3.81 4.)? 5.?6
4.24 4,5y qrq
5.59 5.92
lo s.78 /.bu q.3{ *.75 $.57 7.89
"in 9.93 m.52 1n
r"0.59 -tL 11.69
11.87 L4.6:. 1q q,} 14"*2
1?"8A 16.43 17.35 1*,26
14 C6 1"7.68 ? 1,91
18.7B 19.89
t4 r"5,25 2.0.99 41. 76,*1
r.7.09 :1.04 L
22 3s 23.67
33.83 24.9& 26.3 3x.55
26.71 32.87 34.92 36.98 39.03
36 34.32 38.46 41.W 49.1
qn 47.33 50.29 53.25 55.?L 59":.S
66.19 74.!8 91.30 71.#]
97.01 $L72 L08.42 114.13 33*_99
,near Lar
sh Hip| cf Botts:
solt Dia.
{mm} 58
*il*- ,t

10 l_.41
L.58 r..95
90 es J roo lZS
L, 2.03 2.28
2.31, 2"43 t.a I
2.80 2.98 5.Jb
16 3"33 3.s1 4.3.2
3.62 4.05 4.99
)n 5.30 5.61 s.92 6.:3
s.55 6.33 7.79 .7-4q
8.28 8.7V 9.75 9.74
t1 6.83 11.59
7.65 9.43 L0.02
1i 10.61 1"1.13 11.78 14,14
L* 8.13 q 1f
L1.22 7L.92 12.62 13"32 :.4.02 L5.&3
30 1-2.71 3.4.24 17.53 18.53 19.72 20,82 ?1.9L
?s 18.30 20.24 25.24 26.82 28.4A ?s"98 31-55
)U 3s.3* 37.*7
39.s5 48.59 51.74 54. /6 57.83 s0.87 73.S4

ensile C
Capacity {t(ip of Bolts; .:
Bolt Oia. : - <.
Fu {ksi} -_

{mm} 58 65
10 3-97 4_45 5.48 5.8:
a5 90
cs 1oo I rrc
s"5r 6"8s s.;?
!t 5.72 6.41 7.flS 8"3S 8"S? *"37 9.85 1:.S3
16 r"0.17 1t".33 14,$? x4.$0 15" 78 1S.65 17.53 L t .(J{+
/"u 1.s.89 17,80 21.S1 23.28 i4.s5 ;$.s2 i-:.r re i
tt ?1.5{ 25.51 ?s.:t7 ?9"83 31.49 33.1s 3$.??
?4 22.88 :5.64 31.55 s3"53 *$-ss 37.47 3*.44
3S 35.7s 40.05 49"3S s3.39 55"4I 58.55 s1"$* ?t q.6
3S 51.47 57,69 71.s0 ?5.43 ?9.87 *4.31 8*.?5 3*S.S*
5S *9.:S 111.18 13S.$S 145"51 154,*? L6;..63 1?x
ial !& 3,S5."1S

$hesr of Belts;
*olt *1a" ru {**}
{mnr} s$ 5$ s$ *s $s SE rs* 1I$
1$ i.1$ ?"3? a"s? s"1$ s.f* ;3.,4v 3.$.S *"3S
tl 3"$S 3"d? {"*} it.?3 s"*$ q .3s. ii. sr
IS S,t{3 s,ns ?.4S ?.$s *"s,t &-&$i S &,$

?s s.{7 9.$* iI.&s 1;.63 r3,15 **.ss irt"$} 1f"**

22 1&?$ 3t"d$ 14.lrl r$,s; 1*.S1 ls" rs lF bs at lr

a4 xa"ts 13"S? r$,*ir 1r"{*s l$,#* l*,*$ #*"*{ 3.& *.**

ln 1.36 ps,ss 3?"$d
:,s"$s ? $$.3;{ s; sr ]s,M
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',3,*jl II,SS
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an a*
r:3 * c:
I L^*"+* J
Unit weight (nut bolt washers)
Items Size Unit Wt (Kg)

Shear Stud (lSO

M19X90 0.23s
139 18)

M15 0.03
Nut- Lock Nut (GR.4.8
M20 0.055
M24 0.1
M12X50 0"073 * $,()c
M16X65 0.163
Structural Bolt (DlN-
M20X80 0.31
933, GR.8.8 )
M24X90 0.52
M30X120 1.08
Dsn By MSA
Chk By MNaH
DtN 933 / 934 / 125
Rev CC

1. Dimensional Properties:

1.1. Boit: DIN 933 Gr.8,8 or 10.9

, ,r),D \.-6?

i!:.- E:ilr,-r

Bolt Size E F u U

width width Avail, Bolt Length "1"

Across Across Height and Thread Length "LT" Weight
Nom. Thread Dia.
Flats Corners
Dia Pitch
std. Max. Min. Max. Min. Std. Nlax. Min L LT
(nm) (nm) (mn) (mn) (nm) (mm) tnn) lnm) (nm) (mm) (ko / pcst
N112 i75 12 00 JO 1Q la 20 BB 7qn 170 7.21 35 FULL 0 049
I'tl l l l '5 12 AA
tY 46
20 88 750 7.79 721 50 FULL 0 063
tul1 6 20c '16 C0 14 11 1A lO.t/ 1C CC 10 29 9.i1 55 FULL 0 142
I t,)1, I an 20 c0 Jir lY a tt.?u t.aa l. ii
t I1.t
300 t+ ui 36 3s 00 ?o (( t3 r./rl tc Jc t4 c3 90 FULL
1,t127 3 00 I | .\JtJ 4ni 40.00 1(
'n it'-iLr l/.-1c c.Of, 110 FULL o 689
IM30 3 50 3C 00 46 45 0]J
irr Otr '18 70 ",9 12 18.28 4,2C
FULL n 0?(
r,136 4 0c 36 C0 Ai i? QN
60 79 225C 2292 22.A8 140 FiJLi 1 581
lrloler i-;,a aa:ealei frrr ;l tl ?l-:

1.2. Nut: DIN 934

L jE-

F (, H
Hole width width
Dia, Across Across Th ickness
Flats Corners
4. 6
Nom. Max. Max. Max.
(mm) hrn)
inn) (nn) (mm)
I\,1L t. /5 iI-UU 19 18 67 - 21.10 10 YC+ C C16
/ 7q
1 )
^n 19 18 67 21 10 10 9.64 L; U iC

lvl ro 200 '16 c0 l4 iJ.Dl 2675 13 12 r0 0.03c

M20 2.50 20 00 30 1A A1 rc l4 yu c 058
N124 3 00 ,/ nil Jb 2( 1a ?o i( '19 i7 7A 0 100
M27 3.00 )7 r1^r 41 40 38 +3 lt) 22 2D7A n 1(?
l'ilJU 3.s0 30 (]C 46 45 38 irl Ri 24 22.70 c 212
1v136 4 00 JC,UU CU /Y lY tt +u 0 365
Note: Data co iected from DIN 934

!'-,!rt !i 4
udLtr / ./.,{lti- i,
Dsn By [,lSA
Chk By x/lvll-1

Rev 00

1.3. Washer: DIN 125

! : .1. ....:

lnside Diameter )utside Diamete itiicInesi Weighl

Nom. Dia
Max. Min. Max. Min. Std. Max. Min.
(mm) tnm) (mm) imn) imm) (nmt (mn)
\ttl 4a ^,:
\J.Li 1a a^
l+ aa ]a
!J 4a 25 2.7 2.3 c 006
!,11 4
13.27 '13 24 23 48 2.5 2.7 2.3 0 0c6
lvl1 6 17.27 17 30 29 ,i8 30 J,J 27 0 c11
t\,lrn tt JJ 1i 37 36 38 ?n
L,I a 417
1Ia 1
)E ?i )q ln
AU,JJ 4.0 4.3 3.7 0 032
Lrr: 28 33 28 s0 49.38
4.0 4.3 3.7 t.l\1
1,43C ?1 ?O 14 E^ 1A +.u i)
a_J 77 c 051
!?A /t
co o4.du 5.0 5.6 \),'JJ I
i.,L-ri-. -'aia:ar eaiac iftn ll il 12a .i!,4 tr; er :'I,::l:,:C

2. Weight of Structural Bolt with Single Nut and Singie Washer:

Length of Bolt
Sizes Weight

Nom. Dia
ln ine c',

t'ii12 35 0.071
M12 cLl 0.085
M16 65 0.1 83
Ivl20 BO 0.349
tt24 90 0.584
1.127 IIU 0.884
M30 l a^a
M36 140 2.038

Zoitlof 2
9\ ,',.ft40
Weights of JIS B-1185 Grade FlOT High Strength Friction Grip Hex
Bolts, Nuts and Plain Washe[S (w.e.r1.rAprir2002)
Approximate weight per set ('1 set includes 1 Bolt, 1 Nut and 2 Washers)

Diameter M12 M16 M20 M22 M24 M27 M30

kg sets per kg sets per kg per kg

sets ,sets per kg I
sets perl kg sets per kg 1."t. p",.
Length mm carton carton , carton carton carton I carton I carton
35 0.103 270
. t-- l
40 0.1 07 270 0.202 160 i o.seo i e5

45 : 0.112 250 0.210 150 0.348 95

50 0.116 250 0.217 140 0.361 90 0.4e6 I 6s

55 0.225, 130 0.373 85 0"510 65 0.666 45

60 0.233
:: 130 , 0.385 : B0 0.525 60 0.683 : 45

70 0.249 : 120 , 0.410 75 0.555 , 55 0.719 , 40

75 114 AN
0.257 0.422 70 0.570 0.737 40

10 | 0.435 40 : 1.045 ?5 :

80 0.265 65
1 0.585 50 0.754 1.375 20
85 0.273 '105 0.447 60 0.600 45 0.772 t 35 : 1"068 25 1.403 20

90 0.281 105 0.459 : 60 0.615 45 0.790 35 1.091 )8, 1.431 20

95 0.289 105 0.472 60 0.630 45 0.808 35 .114 25 ! 1.4591 2A

100 0.296 90 0.484 55 0.645 40 0.825 at 1.137 25 1.487 20

105 0.304 90 0.496 50 0.65S 40 0,843 30 1.160 25 1.515 2A

110 0.312 90 0.509 50 0.674 40 0.861 30 1.183 25 1.543 2A

115 0.320 90 tt 0.521 50 0.689 2A 0.87e1 30 i1.206

)q. 1.571 20

120 0.328 , 90 0.533 50

.....:'... ................i
0"704 AR 0.896 25 1.229 25 1.599 20

125 0.336 90 0.545 0.719 35 ; 0.914 25 1.2s2 20 1.627 18

130 0.344 90 0.558 45 0.734 30 0.932 1.275 IU 1.655 to

135 0.352 90 0.570 40 0.749 an 0.950 25 1_298 20 1.683 1B

140 0.360 90 , 0.583 40 0.7A 30 0.967 25 1.321 20 | 1.711 18

145 0.595 40 0.779 30 0.985 1.344 18 1-739: 16

150 7L 0.607 40 0.794 25 1.003 . 25+.

1.367 1B 1.767: 16
155 0.620 40 , 0.809 : 25 1.A21 i. 20 :
1.390 18 :1.795: 16

160 0.632 40 0.824 .E 1.038 20 1.413 18 I Oaa to

170 0.854 25 1.074 20 1.459 I 18 1.87S : 16

180 O.B84 .E I 10q 20 1.505 lb 1.935 15

190 0.913 )q 1.145 20 t.J3 I 16 1.991 15

200 0.943 20 1.179 20 1.597 16 2.047 15

210 0,973 1.217 20 2.103 10

220 1.003 20 1.253 20 2.159 10

Remarks: Weight for Grade FBT Hot Dipped Galvanized Hex Bolt, nut & washers (lset) and Anti rust treated Hex Bolt, nut & washers (1 set) is the same as
of plain finish (above)-

Classes and Grades
Combination of grade according to
Classes of sets mechanical properties of component parts

Class according to Class according to

mechanical properties torque coefficient Bolt Nut Washer

Class 2 F 10 T F 10 F35

Mechanical Properties
Machined Test Pieces

Grade of bolt according Yield Tensile Elongation Reduction

to mechanical properties strength strength (%) of area
(N/mm'z) (N/mm'?) (%)

F 1OT 900 min. 1000 - 1200 min 14 min. 40 min.

Full Size Bolts

Tensile load (min.) (KN)

Grade of bolt according
to mechanical properties Nominal size of threads Hardness

M12 M16 M20 M22 M24 M27 M30

F 1OT 84 157 245 303 353 459 561 HRC 27 - 38

Remark : When the tension test of full size bolts have been done, hardness test may be omitted cancerned
parties' agreement.


Grade of nut according Proof load
to mechanical properties Min. Max.

Same as tensile
F10 HRB 95 HRC 35
load (min.) of bolt

Hardness of Washers

Grade of washer according to mechanical properties

Determination of Bolt Length
Nominal size of threads To determine required bolt length add to grip



M20 35

M22 40

M24 45



Unit: mm

Shape and Dimensions

Hexagon Bolts Offset of lnclination lnclination
head of bearing of sides

-],Hf'a d
ffi' WM*
dt H B C D Dt f K a-b E F h s
size of Basic Tole- Basic Tole- Basic Tole- Approx Approx Min. Max. Max. Max. Basic Tole-
threads dimen- dimen. rance
(d) ston sion ston sion

M12 4) *:' B aE A
20 1.8 - 1.6 o: at
+ 0.8 : 2 :u
M16 lC) -0.2 10 27 -0.8 31 .2 ,t )q 0.8 30 0

M20 20 13 37.0 30 29 1.2 - 2.0 0.9
.E o:
M22 22 14 JO 41 .6 34 33 1.1 1', 2" 40
*1u + 0.9 0.8 +6
M24 24 15 41 : 47.3 39 3B 1.2 45
-0.4 -1 1.6 - 2.4 a
J 0
M27 27 17 46 53.1 44 Aa
1.3 50

M30 30 19 + 1.0 50 57.7 4B 47 2.0 - 2.8 1q EE

Unit: mm

Nominal bolt length (1)

Nominal bolt length (/)


Note : The measuring pointfordj should be la= tl1 14

Remark : The length X of incomplete thread shall be about two threads, and in case of full thread, it shail be about
three threads.
Hexagon Nuts
Nominal Outside H B C D Dt a-b E F h
size of diameter
threads external Basic Tolerance Basic folerance Approx Min. Max, Max Max
k0 thread dimensior dimensior

M12 12 IZ 22 aEA 20 20 0.7

+ 0.35 :
M16 It) 16 27 -0.8 31 .2 )q 25 0.8

M20 20 20 JZ 37.0 30 30 no
M22 22 36 41 .6 34 JJ 1.1 1', 2"
0 0.8
M24 24 24 + 0.40 41 4/.J eo JO 1.2
M27 27 27 46 53.1 44 43 1.3

M30 30 30 50 57.7 48 47 1.5

Remark : The chamfering of threaded part on facing side of nut should be made a slightly larger Unit: mm
than root diameter of thread.

Plain Washers
tl D t Corr /-q'
Nominal ,

size of Basic Tolerance Basic Tolerance Basic Tolerance Approx. r \JV i-cr
. 50

washers /__l H I
dimension dimension dimension tt
M12 13 *r:, zo : ua + 0.4
-0.8 1.5
M16 17 JI
AE + 0.5
M20 21 4A
0 2.0
il22 ZJ +0.8 AA

M24 ,q, 0 48 6.0
M27 zo 56 + 0.7

M30 31 60 : B,O ao
0 -t-l

Remark : On the figures above are shown washers with 45' chamfer, and with radius I the either of Unit: mm
which may be used.

Torque Coefficient of Set

Class of set according to torque coefficient

Average value of torque coefficient

of one manufacturing lot 0.1 10 - 0.150 0.150 - 0.190
Standard deviation of torque coefficient
of one manufacturing lot 0.010 max. 0.0'13 max.

k= T X 1000 where, k
: torque coefficienl
axial force of bolt (N)
dxN T: loque (tightening moment of nut) (N.m)
c: basic dimensions of bolts (outs/de diameter of thread) (mm)

The screw threads of the bolts and nuts shall be metric coarse screw threads specified in JIS B 0205,
and their grade shalt be of 6 Hl6g specified in JIS B 0209.
The screw threads of the bolts shall have been made by thread rolling.
01. Use BNBC-2O12 for Wind Load & Seismic Load forprojects in Bangladesh. For
projects not in Bangladesh use MBMA unless mentioned specifically in plF.
(BNBC 2012 is copy of ASCE 7-10)
A. For Gable T),pe Structures:

a) Dead Load:
DL:O.10kN/m2 otherArea. (wt. of Sheet 0.0471 kN/m2+wt. of purlin 0.045
kN/m2+Wt. of Insulation (50 mm thick rvith density 12 kg/rn3))
DL :0.12 kN/m2 for Chittagong & Cox's-bazar Area.
(But it should always be checked both frame & purlin)
b) Live Load:
LL:0.58kN lmT for Gable frame roof unless noted otherwise. And 0.96 kN/m2 for
c) Collateral Load:
Consider CL if any.
d)Enclosure Condition: Check prior to design

e) Try to use splice length for a plate of size 5800mm x 1500mm

fl Optimize the section as per below ref.-

-Minimum rveb depth 250mm
-Minimum flange width l25mm
-Web depth to thickness ratio 180
-Flange u,idth to thickness ratio 33
-Web depth to flange width ratio 5
-Flange thickness to web thickness ratio 2.4

Clear Span up to 35 m : Roof Slope 1 :10

Clear Span over 35 m : Roof Slope l:8
(If not specified b1, the client)

B. For Multi Storied Structures:

a) Dead Load:
DL:Slab Thickness + wt. of Deck (0.07 kN/m2) + wt. ofjoist (0.20 kN/m2)
+Partition Wall Load (1.2 kN/m2) if not specified. if BW specifl, in Architectural
drawing than consider as per Arch. Drw. + Floor Finish * others load if any.
b) Live Load:
LL: AS per BNBC Code or Client/Consultant requirement.
c) Section Type:
For Height within 18 m use compact/non compact /slender section
For Height more than 18 m use Compact Section
d) Design Method:
use LRFD for multi storied structure.
01 . Use BNBC-2O12 for Wind l,oad & Seismic I-oad for projects in Bangladesh. For
projects not in Bangladesh use MBMA unless mentioned speciticaliy in PiF.
(RNBC 2012 is copy of ASCE 7-10)

A. For Gable Type Structures:

a) Dead Load:
DL:0.10kN/m2 other Area. (Wt of Sheet 0.0471 kN/m2+Wt. of Purlin 0.045
kN/m2+Wt. of Insuiation (50 mm thick w,ith density 12 kg/m3))
DL - 0.12 kN/m2 for Chittagong & Cox's-bazar Area.
(But it should always be checked both tiame & purlin)
b) Live Load:
LL-0.58kN/m2 tbr Gable tiame roolunless noted otherwise. And 0.96 kN/m2 for
c) Coilateral Load:
Consider CL if any.
d) Enclosure Condition: Check prior to design

e)'l-r"," to use splice length for a plate of size 5800mm x 1500mm

f) Optimize the section as per belorv ref.-

-Minimunt w.eb depth 250mm
-Mir-rimr-rmtlar-rgeu'idth 125mm
-Web depth to thickness ratio 180
-flange r,vidth to thickness ratio 33
-u,eb depth to flange width ratio 5
-flange thickness to i,veb thickness ratio 2.4

Clear Span up to 35 m : Roof Slope 1 :i0

Clear Span 35 m - Rool'Slope 1 :8
(If not specified by. the client)

B. For Multi Storied Structures:

a) Dead Load:
DL :Slab rhickress r- wt. of Deck (0.07 kNim2) + wt. of joist (0.20 kN/m2)
+Partition Wall Load (1.2 kN/m2) if not specified. if RW specif1,' in Architectural
drawing than consider as per Arch. Dnv. + Floor Finish * others load if any.
b) Live [.oad:
LL: AS per BNBC Clode or Client/Consr,rltant requirement.
c) Section Type:
For Height within 18 m r-rse Compact/non compact /slender section
For Height more than 18 m use Compact Section
d) Design Method:
use I-RFD fbr mr-rlti storiecl structure.
3.0 Sen'iceabilit-v:

Standarul Allowable
sr. xo. Structural N'Iembers Loacl Case
i Deflection
Frame and End rvall Rafters Yertical l)eflection
1 With llrlh shcctecl tlalls
\\iith Block rvall and sheetinq ol
equal heights Lri 180 L- or
\Vith lirll height Block uall & I_i/120
4 With glazing & slteetins of eclual heights &
With lirll height elazing D-
6 With pendant operated crane L

ryeqlrl=Ei:ryqi t

1 W th fLrlll' sheeted rvalls Ii f_-l"

W th Illock rr all and sheeting. o1'eclual
2 Er, i80
he ghts
J \\/ith tirll hciglrt Blocli riallor Precast Er, / 100
,l W l-r glazirre & sheeting of cqual heights Er, /150
With tirll height glazing Er 1240
6 Olflcei Residentiali NILrlti Storie cl H,i 100 Wor

Bean'rs & .loists Span i 240 (D+

of Nlezzanire. Roof Platfbmr. wall\\\av Span i 36t) L
Span i 2-1i) (D + L.) or (D - \\''1
SLrpporline cciling
Span / 360 Lor
Jacli Beanrs
2 Span 11120' (D+
SLrppor tirt-l trtelrl Io, 1-

Lil 80 L
Slran i 50 L
Roof Prrrlins Span / 8l)
Span / 20 f)+
1 Gratine. Checkered Plates Span i 1 50 D+

1 RunwavBeam CMAA'A'- r //600

2 Runrval' Beam C\,IAA'D' Li,fl00 C
J Ruuuay Bear.n CIN'IAA 'E'. &'F' Lllt000 r
1 T"p Rr-rg fiendant operated crane cBH/1oo
5 T"p R,r-,rg .rb op.rrL.,l .run. CBrr/2.l0 < 50 t-r-u.t.t
6 Rr^*y B.r, ,Lrteral DeflectionJ Ll1A0 C
I ,:, I l

1 \Vall/ Roof Panels Span / 60 Total Loacl

2 Wall Girls with Metal Sheeting Span / 90
3 Wind ColLrnns Span/ 120
ril,-r r:'

Es - Eave Height W Wincll,oad D -- Dcad L.oad : L l.ive l-oacl

CsH -Crane Beam Height !- Seisrric [.oacl Cr Crare l-oad





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Date :25thjuly,2019
Rev :00

Standard Codes and Manuals

NDE STEEL (NDESSL) Standard Codes and Manuals used in for calculating applied loads and design of

different building's components are as follows :-

1) BNBC-06193: Bangladesh National building Code- BNBC-200611993.

2) BNBC-17: Bangladesh National building Code- BNBC-2017.
3) ASCE 7-05: Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures -ASCE/SEI 7-05.
4) AISC: American lnstitute of Steel Construction, Steel Construction Manual, Fourteenth
Edition, 2010.

5) IBC: lnternational Building Code, 2006 (Latest 2015'h Edition).

6) AWS-D1.1/D1.1M 2010: American Welding Society, Structural Welding Code Steel Manual
:- 2010.

7) AISI CSA 5135-07/51-10: Anrerican Iron and Steel lnstitute, Cold Formed Steel Design

Manual,2007 Edition.
8) MBMA: Metal Buildings Manufacturers Association, Metal Building System Manual 2006.

The above codes are io be used for the design of buildings by NDE Steel Structure unless

Otherwise specified in the Prc.lect nformation Form (P.l.F).

Prepared by : MC. Ahsanul xabf


Uaterial Specific

Minirnum Yield
Components Specifications
Built-Up (Plates) ASTM A 572-Gr 50 (or Equivalent) Fv = 34.5 (kN/cm2)
Angles ASTM A 35 (or Equivalent) Fv = 24.8 (kN/cm2)
Beams ASTM A 36 (or Equivalent) Fv = 24.8 (kN/cm2)
Hot Rolled
Channels ASTM A 36 (or Equivalent) Fv = 24.8 (kN/cm2)
Pipes ASTM A 53 Gr.B (or Equivalent) Fv = 24.8 (kN/cm2)
Coid Form Galvanized ASTM A 653-Gr 50 (or Equivalent) Fv = 34.5 (kN/cm2)
Zinc Aluminum ASTM A 792, Gr. 50
Roof Panel Fl, = 34.5 (kN/cm2)
.C Base (or Equivalent)
X - Bracing Rods ASTM A 36 (or Equivalent) Fv = 24,8 (kN/cm2)
Anchor Bolts ASTM A 36 (or Equivalent) Fv = 24.8 (kN/cm2)
Ft = 80.0 (kN/m2)
High Strength Bolts DIN 933 Gr, 8.8 (or Equivalent)
Fu = 64.0 (kN/cm2)
Ft = 40,0 (kN/m2)
Machine Bolls DIN 933 Gr. 4.6 (or Equivalent)
Fu = 32.0 (kNicm2)

xxSee Material Chart for detail Specifications,


Desion Loads:

01. Use BNBC-2017 for Wind Load & Seismic Load for projects in Bangladesh. For projects not in
Bangladesh, use MBMA unless mentioned specifically in PIF (BNBC 2017 is copy of ASCE 7-05).

02. For RMG Buildings Use BNBC-2005 unless BNBC-2017 is officially gazette or approved.
A. For Shed Tvpe Structures:

a) Dead Load:

DL = 0.1-2 kN/m2 for Wind Speed 260 kmlh.

DL=0.10kN/m2 other Area. (Wt. of Sheet 0.0471kN/m2 +Wt. of Purlin 0.045 kN/m'] + Wt. of

lnsulation (50 mm thick with density 12 kglm3))

(But it should always be checked both frame & purlin)

b) Roof Live Load: (For shed building)

LLR = 0.58 kN/m2 (BNBC - 2006, considering reduction)

LLR = 0.60 kN/m'7 (BNBC - 2Afi, specified)

And = 0.96 kN/m2 for Purlin

c) Floor Live Load:For Mezzanine, Commonly Used Occupancies Floor Live Loads:

Uniform (kN/m2 ) Uniform (kN/m2 )

Occupancy or Use
BNBC-2017 BNBC-2006
Office 2.4A

Computer Use 4.80 3.5

Balconies (exterlor) a.ou 4.0

On one- and two-family residences only, and not exceeding 19.3 m: ,on 2.0

Catwalks for maintenance access 2.00

Dining rooms and restaurants 4.80 3.0

Light Ivlanufacturing 4.00 6.0

lvledium ltlanufacturing 6.00

Heavy Manufacturing i 2.00 77.0

Garments manufacturing floor except stacking or storaoe area 4.00

Stacking or storage area of garments manufacturing industry 6.00

Dwellings (one- and hvo{amily) 2.00 2.0

Roofs used for roof gardens or assembly purposes 4.8

School Class rooms 2.00 3.0

School Corridors Above first Floor 3,80 4.0

Retail Stores 4.80

d) Collateral Load:

Consider CL if any (For HVAC or Other System). Check PlF.

Following are some of the collateral loads (in kN/m2).

False Ceilings :

Suspended Acoustical Fiber Tile 0.05

Suspended Gypsum Board (Up to 12 mm thk.) 0.10

Suspended Gypsum Board (Up to 15 mm thk.) 0.15

Insulation :

50 mm thk. Glass Fiber Blanket 0.007

100 mm thk. Glass Fiber Blanket 0.0 14

Cellular Plastic, per 25 mm thickness of insulation 0.010

Lighting : 0.005 - 0.05

HVAC Ducts, Office & Commercial : 0.0s

Sprinkler :

Dry 0.08

Wet 0. 15

e) Enclosure Condition: Check prior to Cesign.

f) Tryto use splice length for a plate of size 6000mm x 2000mm

*Plate segmentation/section variation not less than 3000mm.

*Member Length Maximum 12000mm excluding joint plate, for transportation


g) Optimize the secticn as per below ref.-

NDESSL Standard (For Gr. - 50 Plate):

-Minimum web depih 25Omm

-Minimum flange v",idth 125mm

-Web depth to ihickness ratio 180 l
-flange width io ihickness ratio 33 t

Follow This Maximum Limit.

-web depth to flange width ratio 5 |

-flange thickness to rryeb thickness ralio 2,4 )

Please Follor,v Below v;eb depth limit (Based on'89 ASD Plate G def.= +f y ).
For 5mm Web, depth limit = 700mm

For 6mm Web, depth llmit = 850mm

For 8mm Web, depth limit = 1200mm

For 10mm Vrteb, Cepth lrrnit = l"500mm

Clear Span up to 35 m = Roof Slope 1:10

CIear Span above 35 m = Roof Slope 1:8

Clear Span above 50 m = Roof Slope 1:6

(lf not specified by the client)

**roofs with a slope of at least 0.25 12 (0 1.19") need not be investigated
= for ponding
sta bllity.

,. ,"|. ,r,t, ,,"r,"0 ,,.r.,rr*,

a) Dead Load:
DL= Slab Thickness + wt. of Deck (0.07 kNlm2) + wt. of joist (0.20 kN/m2) + partition wall
Load (1'2 kN/m2) if not specified, if BW specify in Architectural drawing than consider as per

Arch. Drw. + Floor Finish + othei's load if any.

b) Live Load:

LL= AS per BNBC Code or Client/Consultant requirement.

c) Section Type:

For Height within i8.3 m use Conrpact/non compact /slender section

For Height, more than 18.3 m ::se Compact Section

C. Design Method:

Follow LRFD methoc. \ext Direct Analysis Method.


BNBC -2017 ASD

4. DL+0.7511F+0.7511R+0.75T1
5. DL+WL
6. DL+0.7EQr,+O.7EQv
7. DL+0.75 LLF+O.7511R+0.75 WL
8. DL+0.75 LLF+O.7511R+0.525EQr.+0.525EQv
10. 0.6D1+WL
1-1. 0.6D1+0.70EQh-1.OEQV

*Unless permitted elsewhere in the Code, increases in allowable stress shall not be used with
loads or load combinations.

b. BNBC -2017 LRFD

1. 1.4D1
2. 1.2DL+t.2TL+1. 6 LLF+O.5 LLR

4. 1.2D1+L.6LLR+0.8W1
5. 1.2D1+1.0LLF+0.5LLR+1,6W1
6. 1.2D1+1.0LLF+1 OiQ-=1 0EQ
8. 0.9D1+1.0EQ--1.0rQ,

*The load factor on live load ILF in combinations 3,5, 6 is permitted to be reduced
to 0.5 for all
occupancies in which minimum specified uniformly distributed live load is less than or equal to 5.0
kN/m2, with the exception of garages or areas occupied as places of public assembly.

(a) For structures of Seismic Design Category B, the design horizontal seismic forces are permitted to
be applied independently in each of two orthogonal directions and orthogonal interaction effects
are permitted to be negiected

(b) Structures of Seismic Design Category C and D shall, as a minimum, conform to the requirements
of (a)for Seismic Design Category B and in addition the requirements of this Section. The structure
of Seismic Design Category with plan irregularity type V and Seismic Design Category D shall be
designed for100% of the horizontalseismicforces rn one principaidirection combined with 30% of
the horizontal seismrc forces in the orthogonal direction. Possible combinations are:

"+nA% in x-directicn =309i in y-direction" or

" +30% in x-directicr' -1C09. :n y-direction"


c. BNBC -2005 ASD

1. DL
5. 0.9D1+WIND
7. 0.75D1+0.7511F+0.7511R+0.75 WIND
8. 0.75D1+0.7511F+0.7511R+0.75 SEtSMtC
*CONSIDERING 33% StrESs Increase,
CASE 7 & 8.

d. BNBC - 2006 LRFD

L. 1.4D1
2. 1.2D1+1.6LLF+0.5LLR
3. 1.2D1+1.6LLR+O.8WlND
4. 1.2D1+0.5LLF+O.5LLR+1.3V/tND
5. 1,2D1+0.5LLF+1.5SElSN4lC
6. 0.9D1+1.3 WIND
7. 0.9D1+1.5 SEISMIC

**For Seismic Zone lll (BNBC-2005) and in ll having structural lmportance

Coefficient, I

greaterthan 1.0, the following additlonal load combinations shall be considered -

8. 1,2D1+0.5LLF+0.5LLR+E'
9. 0.9D1+E'

Where, E'= (0.375R) E

** For Crane Related Structures Load Combinations:

These combinations have to be check along with basic load combinations

e. BNBC - 2017 LRFD

1-. L.2 D + 1.2 CL + 1.6 Cr + 1.27

2. L.2 D + 1.2 CL + 1,6 Cr + (0.5 Lf or 0.8 W)

3. 1.2D + i.2 CL- 1.2 S + !,2 Cr

4. t.2D +i.2CL'7.2Cr +0.8W

5. 1-.2 D + l-.2 CL + i.2 Crv + Eh t Ev
f. BNBC - 2017 ASD

1. D+CL+C.+T

2. D + CL+ 0.75 C,+ 0.75 Li+ 0.75 T

3. D+CL+0.75C,

4. D+CL+0.75C,+0.5W

5. D + CL+ 0.75 C^,+ 0.7 Ert 0.7 E"


8. BNBC - 2006 LRFD

1. 1.2 D + t,2 CL+ 1.6 Cr + L.2T

2. 1.2 D + 1.2 CL + 1.6 Cr + (Lr or

0.g W)
3. 1.2 D + 1.2 CL * L.2 Cr

4. 1.2 D + 1_.2 CL + L.2 Cr + O.g W

5. 1.2 D + L.2 CL+ 1_.2 Crv+ Eh : Ev

r. BNBC - 2000 ASD

1. D+CL+Cr+T

z. u+LL+u./5c, _0.t5 1_:75


3. D+CL'0.75Cr-
4. D+CL+O.75Cr+0.5W
(Stress lncrease = 1.33)
5. D + CL + 0.75 Crv + 0.7 Eh
(Stress lncrease 1.33)

Sr. No. Structural Members Standard Allowalrle

Load Case
Rigid Frame and End lr all Rafters Vertical Deflection
I With fuli1' sheeted u,alls
With Block u,all and sheetin-e of equal
hei-ehts Lii 180 LorW
With full height Block u,all 9.
I W th
& sheeting of equal hei_uhts Lli120 D*L
With fLrll height glazing
6 With pendant operated crane
Rigid Frame and Portal rame SI ar (Horizontal)
1 With fully, sheeted walls Ehl60 /
With Biock rvall and sheeting of equal
Eh /80 -
With lull height Block u'all or Precasr walls E6 r100 WorE
I With giazing & sheeting of eqr-ral heights Eh i 150
5 With tull height glazing Eh 1240
6 Offi cei Residential,/Multi Storied Buildings Hi300 WorE

[tezzanine, Jack Beams, Panels & Purli ns, Crating, Checkered PI ates (Vertical)
Beanrs & Joists Span r'240 (D-L)
of Mezzani ne. Rool Pl atforr.n. u,alku,ar., etc. Span i 360 L
Supporting ceiling
Span r'240 (D'L)or(D+\')
.lack Beams
Span ,'360 LorW
Supporting metal roof
Span ,/i I20 (D-L)
Lii r 80 L
Span / 1-50 L
Roof Purlins Span i 180 W
Span i 120 D+L
4 Gratins. Checkered PIates Span , 1 50 D+L
Top Running Cranes $'erticat)
I Runu,av Beanr CMAA 'A'.'B'&'C' I_ /600
2 Runr.var Beanr _-CMAA 'D' L 1800
Runu'av Beam _CMAA 'E', & 'F' L ',i 000 Cr
4 Runway Beam _(L?teral Deflection) Lt400
5 Top Running pendant operated crane cBH'1 00
Crane Lateral
6 'fop Rurulng cab operated crane
c". 140 - 50 or l0 YR. \\irnd
:::-..t:..a.:= . ::.:a:.= I r::: .. I :..:.1: :-:::=:lil-
Ifa d+r,h.ul$*. e{+aai*i,rana'{t'Erti l}.
I Runu'ar Beam _C\,IAA '.{','B'&'C'
Span i,150 Cr
) Relatir e Deflection of adjacerit rafter u ith
Undei-hung. \ionorail Cranes Bal Spacing i 225 Cr
Wall Panels & Girts. Wind Columns" Horizontal Beams
I Wall,'Roof Panels Span ,'60 Total Load
2 Wall Gits with Metal Sheeting Span i 90
J Wind Columns Span i 120
For cantilevers 'L' shall be taken as fi+,ice the length of cantilever
Epy - Eave I-leight W - Wind Load D- DeadLoad :L- LiveLoad
Notations Co,, - Crane Beam Height E - Seismic Load C. * Crane Load

xxUnless specified in the Project Information Form (PIF),

all defleCion limitations prescribed
above shall govern.

The wind speed that is to be considered for horizontal deflection should be based upon 10
year mean recurrence interval and in the absence of data for a 10 year wind speed map the
listed limit values in the tables for horizontal sway, deflection due to wind only, can be
approximated by multiplying by an approximate reduction factor =0.70. This assumption
may be disregarded if client has stated specific deilection criteria.

xxMaximunr deflection for any memhers vertical or horizontal

should not exceed
200 mrn for practical reasons.

- Pt

?e wEo
xxMaterial Specification / Stock @ NDESSL:


Standardized Foreign Materials

Itern Sizes (Thickness x Width x Length) Manufacturer /Origin Grade

5 mm x 2000 mm x 6000 mm
6 mm x 2000 mm x 6000 mm
B mm x 2000 mm x 6000 mm
10 mm x 2000 mm x 6000 mm

12 mm x 2000 mm x 6000 mm

16 mm x 2000 mm x 6000 mm
IvlS Plate
20 mm x 2000 mm x 6000 mm
25 mm x 2000 mm x 6000 mm ASTM As72l

30 mm x 2000 mm x 6000 mm Gr. 50

35 mm x 2000 mm x 5000 mm
40 mm x 2000 mm x 6000 mm
50 mm x 2000 mn- x 6000 mm
60 mm x 2000 mm x 6000 mm
75 mm x 2000 mm x 6000 mm
Item Sizes (Thickness x Width) Manufacturer /Origin Grade
1.5 mm x i050 mm ASTM 4653, Hot
1.8 mm x 1050 mm Dipped Galvanized,
Purlin Korea / China Zero Spangle
2.0 mm x 1050 mm
AZ 100 (Korea)
2.5 mm x 1050 mm
Z 120 or more (China)
Item with Sizes (mm) Manufacturer /Origin Grade
Torres Blue 0,5 mm x 1220 mm Korea/Vietnam/I ndia ASTM 4792, Gr 50
Surfmist 0.5 mm x 1220 mm Kcrea/Vietnami India
Pale Eucalypt 0.5 mm x 1220 mm Korea/Vieinam/I ndia AZ 100 (Korea)
Brick Red C,5 mm x 1220 mm Korea.lVietnam/l ndia Z 720 or more
Cottage Green 0.5 mm x 1220 mm Korea,lVietnam/india (China)

Zinc Alume 0,5 mm x 1220 mm Koreai Vietnam/India

Sky Blue C,5 mm x 1220 mm China
Pure White 0,5 mm x 1220 mm China
Item Sizes ( Width -1220 mm) Manufacturer /Origin Grade

Decking Panel 0.70mm, 1220 mm Chi na


Decking Panel 0.70mm, 1220 mm Korea ASTIvi 4792, Gr 50

AZ 100 (Korea)
Z 120 or more (China)
12mm dia x 35 mm

ltmm ota x50 mm

16mm dia x 65 mm ASTM A325
20mm dia x 80 mm (Type-1) / DIN933,
Structural Bolts 24mm dia x 90 mm Gr-8.8, Galvanized,
27mm dia x 110 mm Full Thread
27mm dia x 170 mm
30mm dia x 120 mm
M12, B Gr with HDG

M16, B Gr with HDG

ASTM 4325
Hex Nut M20, B Gr with HDG (Type-1) / DIN933,
M24, B Gr with HDG Gr-8.8, Galvanized
t427, B Gr with HDG

1"130, B Gr with HDG

I\412, HDG

M16, HDG ASTM A325

N']20, HDG (Type-1) / DIN933,
Round Washer |v]24, HDG Gr-8.8, Galvanized
l'427, HDG


Items Sizes Manufacturer /Origin Grade

i 2-14x55
Fasteners/ 17-14x25
Self Drilling, with
Screw 10-16x16 EPDIV Washer,
12-24x32 Galvanized
Shear Stud M19x90 (iSO i3918) China
Ceramic i'l i9 (ISO 13918) China ASTI\4 1OB, AWS D1.1

FRP Sky Ljght f,( 1u-5 --: x J250 mm x 2 mm China/Vieinam

FRP Wall Light PVrr 900 m:n X 3250 mm x 2 mm Chlna/Vietnam
Local Items
Paint SizelSpec Manufacturer Grade
industrial Primer Anti-corrosive QD or as
IFirst Coat] required
Industrial Enamel
QD or as required
Thinner As required
ll 5rs S:,Jiirrei L&

Item Sizes Thickness [mm) Manufacturer

50 mm x 50 mm x 6000 mm 4
MS Angle 65 mm x 65 r.nn.r x 6000 mrn 6
Gr. 36 75 mm x 75 mm x 6000 mm 6
100 n.rm x 100 mm x 6000 mnr 10
125 mnt x 125 n'rm x 6000 mm 12
Item Sizes Thickness [mm) Manufacturer
200 mm x 75 mm x 6000 mm AC
/ ,J
MS Channel 250 mnr x 80 mn'r x 6000 mm B
Gr. 36
300 mm x 90 mm x 6000 mm 9
Item Sizes Thickness [mm] Manufacturer
MS Tube 100 mnt X 100 mnr x 6000 mm 4
Gr.36 L27 mm XL27 mm x 6000 mm -
153 mm X 153 mrn x 6000 n.rm 5
Item Sizes Thickness fmml Manufacturer
20 mm
24 mnt
MS Nut 30 mrr
[Anchor Bolt] 32 mm
Gr. 36
38 mm
45 mm
48 mnr
50 n'rnr
Item Sizes [Dia) Thickness (mm) Manufacturer
20 mm
24 mm
30 mm
MS Shaft Rod
32 mm
[Anchor Bolt]
Gr. 36 38 mrn
45 nrm
48 mn.r
50 mm
Item Sizes [Out Side Dia-OD) mm Thickness [mm) Manufacturer
26.70 mm 2.9
42.16 mm ?-
L14.3 mm 6
MS Pipe Standard is for MS
143.0 mm 6.5
Sch . 40 Pipe Schedule 40
219.0 mm o1a
273.0 mm 9.2
323.9 n'rm 9,5
406.4 mm 12.7

xxx Please, check/update material stock/change from NDEssL planning


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