Negative Impacts of Globalisation On Society

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Negative Impacts Of Globalisation On

Many watershed events have occurred throughout history, both positively and badly
impacting civilization. Change is unavoidable, and without it, development is impossible.
With its fresh ideas, resources, and products, the world is always evolving, requiring
and expecting even faster reactions. Governments have developed, technology is
quickly advancing, people's perspectives are shifting, and the list goes on. Although
there have been numerous instances where change has had a positive impact on
society, this does not imply that all change is beneficial. Globalization refers to the
interaction and integration of people, governments, and businesses from various
countries. This process has had many beneficial impacts, such as advancements in
education, culture, trade, and technology, but it has also been the source of many of the
world's current problems. So, is all change still beneficial? Let's see what happens.

One detrimental aspect of globalization is the destabilization of families. Families now

live in a complicated, interrelated, and ever-changing world. The complexity of modern
living has altered people's perceptions of marriage and family, with more marriages
becoming "touch and go" as a result of work obligations and a lack of time spent
together (Lestary, 2013). As a result of globalization, there is now a conflict between
individualism and collectivism. Individualism has the greatest impact on sex and the
family. People had increased access to and options for contraception in the twentieth
century, allowing them to experiment with several sex partners. Individualism has also
resulted in an increase in divorce rates. People abandoned their families when things
grew difficult or when they were just dissatisfied, because their personal fulfillment
became more important. Aside from rising divorce rates in the United States, this
became a global issue as divorce rates in China reached nearly 25% by the turn of the
century, with women initiating 70% of divorces.

Trade is another harmful aspect of globalization. This aspect of globalization

demonstrates that not all change is positive because, while foreign trade has been
developed and extended, allowing for the flow of goods all over the world, it is also the
source of tariff increases in many developing countries. Trade can be detrimental to
emerging countries with lesser incomes. As diverse techniques such as computers, cell
phones, and fax machines continue to be widely used, higher-income developing
countries are offered a cheaper and faster means of trading. This reduces lower-income
countries' competitive advantage since technology improves trade efficiency by
decreasing costs and time. Companies are growing from local areas and their native
countries as a result of globalization, sourcing materials and outsourcing labor.
Outsourcing is a contentious issue, but it is unavoidable. This habit, once again, is a
product of globalization, which has both beneficial and harmful consequences. To
demonstrate that not all change is bad, I shall, of course, concentrate on the negative
consequences. One disadvantage of outsourcing is the loss of domestic jobs. As
corporations seek lower wages, lower operational expenses, and simpler regulations in
nations such as China and India, unemployment in the United States rises. It may take
several years for countries to reach their saturation point and boost their pay and
standards, but until then, many Americans are unemployed and have poor hopes of
finding work. As unemployment rises, economic growth slows, consumer spending falls,
and GDP falls.

One of the most significant developments brought about by globalization is, of course,
technological advancement. It goes without saying that technology has greatly helped
society by improving efficiency, creating jobs, making communication simpler, and
leading to advances in medicine, but technological improvements also have drawbacks.
Americans check their phones around 300 times every day, and as technology
progresses, it appears to have greater power over our lives. According to the scholarly
journal The Impact of Technologies on Society: A Review, the most significant negative
effects of modern technology use on society and its impact on individual behavior are
the formation of personal beliefs, social isolation, a reduction in family ties between
family and society members, inactivity, obesity, a lack of desire to work different kinetic
activities, a waste of time in things that are not useful, and an increase in the rate of v
(Younes and Al-Zoubi, 2015). Finally, as technology evolves and changes, there is
always a demand for newer and more efficient versions of things. This may not appear
to be a problem, but when new technology is introduced, older versions become
obsolete, resulting in old computers, televisions, and electrical garbage filling our
landfills and harming our environment.

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