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1. Term used to denote a small prayer house in islamic architecture.

A. Masjid

B. Jami

C. Masjid

D. Madrassah

E. Mosque

2. A muslim house of worship

A. Masjid

B. Jami

C. Mesjid

D. Mosque

E. Madrassah

3. In Islamic architecture, a niche orientated towards Mecca.

A. Bab

B. Sahn

C. Selamlik

D. Mihrab

E. Harem

4. In Islamic architecture, the courtyard of a mosque.

A. Bab

B. Sahn

C. Selamlik

D. Mihrab

E. Harem

5. In Islamic architecture, term to denote the gateway.

F. Bab

G. Sahn

H. Selamlik

I. Mihrab

J. Harem

6. In Islamic architecture, term for men’s quarters.

A. Bab

B. Sahn

C. Selamlik

D. Mihrab

E. Harem

7. In Islamic architecture, term for women’s quarters.

A. Bab

B. Sahn

C. Selamlik

D. Harem

E. Mihrab

8. The Stupa is from what type of architecture?

A. Arabic

A. Japanese

B. Chinese

C. Indian

D. Islamic

9. The plan shape of a Chinese pagoda.


A. Round

B. Sphere

C. Octagonal

D. Square

E. Hexagonal

10. A chinese ceremonial gateway erected in memory of an eminent person.

A. Pylon

B. Pai-Lou

C. To

D. Ta

E. Torii

11. The domical mound containing relics of a Buddha.

F. Stupa

G. Lath

H. Sikra

I. Ta’is

J. To

12. The Chinese Pagoda is called:

A. Yuan

B. Obi

C. Pai-lou

D. Ta’is

E. To

13. In a Japanese buddhist temple, the assembly hall for monks for reading sacred texts.

A. Kairo

B. Chumon

C. Kondo

D. Kodo

E. To

14. In a Japanese buddhist temple, the inner gateway to the precinct.

A. Kairo

B. Chumon

C. Kondo

D. To

E. Kodo

15. In a Japanese buddhist temple, the covered gallery surrounding the precinct.

A. Kairo

B. Chumon

C. Kondo

D. To

E. Kodo

16. The Japanese pagoda enshrining buddha relics.

A. Kairo

B. Chumon

C. Kondo

D. To

E. Kodo

17. Also referred to as the “golden hall”, the sanctuary where the main image of the worship is kept.

A. Kairo

B. Chumon

C. Kondo

D. To

E. Kodo

18. Term used for a Japanese pyramidal roof.

F. Hogyo

G. Shichu

H. Kirizuma

I. Tatami

J. Chasitsu

19. Japanese straw mats used as floor coverings.

A. Hogyo

B. Shichu

C. Kirizuma

D. Tatami

E. Chasitsu

20. The Japanese teahouse.

A. Hogyo

B. Shichu

C. Kirizuma

D. Chasitsu

E. Tatami

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