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Name: Chu Hong Minh

Student’s number: 46.01.701.079


A. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

- Read for specific information in a text about a famous TV music show.
- Talk about whether you want to participate in Vietnam Idol.
- Develop the skill of active learning, group work and critical thinking.
B. Language focus:
- Vocabulary: judge, perform, season.
C. Instructional resources:
- Black board.
- Powerpoint slide.


Teacher and students’ activity Content

I. PRE – READING (10’): I. Before reading:
Aim: Activate Ss’ background 1. Discussion:
knowledge. What are these shows?
1. Warm – up (5’): Task 1. What do you know about them?
- Discuss the questions.
- T shows the pictures and asks
Ss to work in pairs to discuss
the questions on page 31 in
- Ss answer.
- T gives feedback.
Suggested answers:
- T asks Ss: What are your
American Idol and the X factor.
favorite TV shows? Have you
seen American Idol and
Vietnam Idol? If yes, do you
like them?
- Ss answer the questions.
- T introduces the text: Today,
we will read a text about
American Idol and Vietnam
Idol to know more about
features of these shows.
2. Pre-teach vocabulary (5’): 2. Vocabulary:
- judge. - judge (n)
T says: There are people deciding who Ex: She is a judge in the popular TV
has won a competition. They are talent show.
T says ‘judge’ aloud two times and
asks class to repeat it.
T writes ‘judge’ on the board and
gives form.
T gives meaning by asking one
student to translate the example into
T asks students a question:
Do the judge’s comments need to be
- perform - perform(v) /pəˈfɔːm/: entertain an
T shows a picture of a person singing audience by playing a piece of
on the stage. music, acting in a play, etc.
T says: He is singing on the stage. In perform a song/dance/play
other words, he is performing music. Ex: The two artists have never
performed together before.

T says ‘perform’ aloud two times and

asks class to repeat it.
T writes ‘perform’ on the board and
gives key phonetic symbols, stress,
word class and explanation on the
- season - season (n) /ˈsiːzn/: a period of
T asks Ss a question: Have you seen time in which a play is shown in
the film Harry Potter? How many one place; a series of plays, films
series does it have? or television programmes
Ss answers: Harry Potter film has nine Ex: The play opens for a second season
series. in London next week.
T says: A series of films is called a
T says ‘season’ aloud two times and
asks class to repeat it.
T writes ‘season’ on the board and
gives form.
T gives meaning by asking one
student to translate the example into
- T introduces the text: Now let’s
read a text about American Idol
and Vietnam Idol to find out
what they are and how they are
II. WHILE – READING II. Comprehension check:
(20’): Task 2: Match the highlighted words
Aim: Develop reading and phrases in the text with their
comprehension. meanings.
Task 2 (5’):
- T gives instruction: Read the
text individually and match the
highlighted words and phrases
in the text with their meanings.
- T asks Ss to work in groups of Answer: 1b 2a 4c 3d
four to compare their answers.
- T calls some students to write
their answers on the board.
- T gives feedback. Task 3: Choose the best answers.
Task 3 (15’):
- T gives instruction: read the
text again and choose the best
- T asks Ss to read the text
individually to find the answers,
then T asks them to work in
pairs to exchange their answers.
- T gives feedback.
III. POST – READING (10’): III. Speaking time:
Aim: Help Ss to produce the language Discuss whether you want to participate
based on what they have just read. in Vietnam Idol. Give your reasons.
- T gives instruction: Work in
pairs. Discuss whether you
want to participate in Vietnam
Idol. Give your reasons.
- Ss discuss in pairs.
- T call some students to present
their ideas in front of class.
- T gives feedback.
IV. WRAP UP (4’):
T asks Ss:
- What have you learnt today?
- What can you do now?
- Write the reasons whether you
want to participate in American
- Prepare for the next lesson:
Unit 3 – Listening.

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