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Trần Diệu Khánh – 46.01.701.



My life is hectic and I feel desperately fatigued with tons of deadlines dancing on my shoulders.
A week ago, while dealing with those terrible homeworks from university, I accidentally made a
wish: “I wish that I can go to the future to see whatever my hell life would be.” because I have
watched the movie named “Back to the future”. Then, suddenly, I fell asleep no matter how I
tried to continue working.

In my dream( I supposed it was partly a dream due to its strangely real feelings), the
surroundings were completely in the black color. It was like I was diving into the deepest place
on Earth where the sunlight could not reach. Miraculously, I heard the sound of an old man.
“Hey, little girl. You want to see your future, don’t you?”
I was totally freaking out by his sudden appearance and his hoarse voice.
“W-Who are you, Sir?” - I stammered
“I’m Dr.emmett 'doc' Brown. Goddess, I’m the scientist who has made the most outstanding
invention on this planet - the time machine. You watched a film about me yesterday and now
you don’t even know who the hell I am. What a golden fish! I intended to help you, girl.” He said
in a surprising voice that I had no idea who he was. However, I instantly recognized him after
what he said and I confirmed my wish.
“Ok! Close your eyes.” He commanded and I followed his instruction. I felt like I was put into an
electronic machine by the metal sound. The time he pressed the button and at that nick of time,
I flew into the new space of time. “You only have one hour in your future, girl.” Some words that
I heard when I disappeared into space.

This scenery looks like the whole universe appears on the Earth, from the skyscrapers, the
vehicles that stick on human’s head and help people fly. I was completely lost for words. Is this
the future? I have no idea. While I was struggling with the surroundings, the place where I was
standing, the clothes I was wearing because of its old-fashioned outlook compared to the “New
Age”, a tall girl with a handsome appearance bumped into me. Both of us fell down on the
grass. At this time, I guessed I was teleported into the park. She immediately said “Sorry” and I
responsed “I’m OK, don’t worry.” 
This time was the moment of recognition. We have nearly the same outlook, especially the face.
It was like our faces were molded in the same structure.
“Are you me in the future/past?” We spoke at the same time and suddenly bursted into tears
“So, you are my future daughter? How old are you then?” I curiously asked. Seeing how well-
being my daughter is, I’m extremely happy and proud of myself that I can provide her with a
fulfilling life.
“I’m 20. And how old are you, mom? Now?”
“I’m 20 too. We are the same age.” I replied witty and then, I consciously realized that my little
girl had something to say but she was quite afraid. 

Next, we sat under the big old tree to continue the conversation.
“Oh Mom, it seems that you know exactly what your daughter's problems are, as always.” My
daughter said, “I think that I’m gay.” She continued.
I must say I was surprised. 
“Why do you think you are gay, honey?” 
“Well, I do have feelings with girls. I feel like I want to go on a date with her.” 
“So, you already have somebody, I mean a girl that you loved.”
“Not that love, Mom, I don’t know how to describe my feelings to her. I feel my life would be
empty without her, at the same time, I am afraid that it is just a momentary emotion.”
“Honey, there are only two genders in this world: male and female. However, there are many
types of sexual orientation and it is flexible if you haven't fully discovered it by yourself. This
period of time, you may think that you are lesbian, but somehow in the future, you realize that
you are bisexual. Noone can know what will happen in the future, honey, and neither do I. So,
the point is, you have a different feeling with that girl. Then give both of you a try to be in a
relationship, as long as the girl you love voluntarily loves you back. Just give everything a try
and be nice, be a gentlewoman. After that, you may come out to your family. I’m sure that “I”
with the future version and my husband will accept their own daughter.” I carefully explained to
her. “Your mother's choosing-lover standard is high so you can be rest assured about your
father.” I made a joke.
“Ahh, I see. So I can give myself a chance to love someone else, right mom?” She innocently
“That’s right, honey. Everyone has the right to love and be loved. Don’t worry.”
“OMG, thank you so much mom. I think talking with you, although you’re still my mom, I find it
comfortable to talk to whom are the same age as me. Thank you.” My little daughter cried
happily, like she had just put down a huge rock on her shoulders.
I was trying to say something to my daughter and suddenly, I felt hard to breathe and my body
was like in the air. Does it run out of time? I think. I haven’t asked my daughter about my current
life. I don’t want to go back and face the music.
My daughter realized something and she loudly said so that I could hear her clearly.
“Don’t worry, mom. You are living a happy life and have your dream job. A-And, get married too,
you have two children. I’m Thai Anh- the oldest and your little son is named - Minh. We have a
good relationship so don’t worry, we won’t fight.” She said in a fast speed, trying to fulfill my
curiosity. But then, at the time when I most disappear, Thai Anh whisper next to my ear:
“Your future husband is a girl. She is the most handsome human-beings that I’ve ever seen.
How lucky you are, mom.” The girl glibly said.

Then, I was back at the time and I saw I was lying on my own bed in my own room. No man in
my room. Nothing weird happened and I thought it was just a daydream. I suddenly realized that
I still had deadlines to be done and worked industriously till noon. I was quite happy about that
strange dream. I don’t know if that dream will come true in the future or not. However, it was like
a healing shot for me while I was snowed under the works of my university. 
Wait?? Did my future daughter say I married a girl? At this time I'm not even desire to love
someone. Future is a mystery, no one has the power to predict it and there's no point in being
worried about it. The only thing humans can do is to try their best today. That is why it is called
“the present”.

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