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Plant-4D Component Builder Manual, Athena Version

Last Revised 3/2005 2

Plant-4D Component Builder Manual, Athena Version

Table of contents

1 The Plant-4D Componentbuilder ....................................................................1-4

1.1 Function of the program ............................................................................ 1-4
1.2 Easy to use ............................................................................................... 1-4
1.3 Database................................................................................................... 1-4
1.4 Primitives................................................................................................... 1-5
2 Creating a new component .............................................................................2-6
2.1 Steps ......................................................................................................... 2-6
2.2 Create a straight tee.................................................................................. 2-7
2.3 Starting the ComponentBuilder ................................................................. 2-8
2.4 Modelling................................................................................................. 2-12
2.5 Component groups.................................................................................. 2-19
3 Add the component to the CAD menu..........................................................3-24
3.1 Placement in CAD ................................................................................... 3-24
4 Expanding the range of sizes........................................................................4-25

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Plant-4D Component Builder Manual, Athena Version

1 The Plant-4D Componentbuilder

1.1 Function of the program

The Plant-4D Componentbuilder is a program which is used to create new, or

modify existing 3D objects, without using AutoCAD or MicroStation. Once the
objects are created or modified in the componentbuilder they are stored in a pipe
components database.

Besides creating or modifying 3D objects, the componentbuilder has the option to

create toolbar buttons in the AutoCAD or MicroStation menu’s without editing
ASCII menu files.

1.2 Easy to use

The componentbuilder is a very easy-to-use program, and, because of the

graphical representation of the 3D objects, no programming knowledge is required.
Components are not project specific, meaning all components are available in all

1.3 Database

The 3D objects are modelled in the componentbuilder parametrically. The

dimensions of the components can be related to the relevant specification tables in
the database, Spec.mdb.
All the Plant-4D 3D objects are stored in the Pipe components database,
CompPipe.mdb. This database is usually stored in the projects directory of
Plant- 4D.

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Plant-4D Component Builder Manual, Athena Version

1.4 Primitives

When creating a 3D object using the componentbuilder, the object has to be

divided into one or more standard primitives. Every object has one or more nodes.
Plant-4D Pipe module uses these nodes to connect to other 3D pipe components.

Every 3D object is created using any of the following 9 primitives:

- Cylinder
- Sphere
- Box
- Torus
- Cone Eccentric
- Wedge
- Pyramid
- Torus Arc

For each primitive, several parameters are defined, E.g.:

- Starting point
- Direction
- Orientation
- Radius*
- Length*
- Width*
- Height*
- Angle*
- Colour

Parameters with the * are not required for all primitives. The parameters without
the * are typical for all primitives.
All parameters relate to a database field in the specification table or to a fixed

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Plant-4D Component Builder Manual, Athena Version

2 Creating a new component

2.1 Steps

Step 1:
Create new specification record in Spec.mdb

Step 2:
Creating a new component with the primitives

Step 3:
Define connection points (nodes)

Step 4:
Creating new component group

Step 5:
Add component to AutoCAD or MicroStation toolbar

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Plant-4D Component Builder Manual, Athena Version

2.2 Create a straight tee

Before creating a new component, it is useful to sketch the component on paper

and define the dimensions as shown in figure 2-1.

Figure 2-1

The straight tee shown can be divided into five primitives as shown in figure 2-2:

Cylinder 1 (the main body of the component)

Cylinder 2 (the perpendicular branch).
Node 1 (Main Inlet)
Node 2 (Main Outlet)
Node 3 (Branch Outlet)

Figure 2-2

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Plant-4D Component Builder Manual, Athena Version

2.3 Starting the ComponentBuilder

When the ComponentBuilder is started the following screen will be displayed.

The screen shows: 4 view-ports, with 3 toolbars at the top of the screen, and
several pull-down menus. In each view-port it is possible to zoom in/out/pan and

When creating a new component select the “New” option from the FILE-menu, the
following dialogue will be displayed:

Type the unique name of the component to be created (e.g. teestra) and select the
O.K. button

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Plant-4D Component Builder Manual, Athena Version

Choose a specification table (e.g. PN10#PIP) and click OK.

The following screen will be displayed:

Select the [Componentindex Dialogue] button.

This dialogue box is used to create the componentindex. This is the most critical field
in the Specification table as it is used to uniquely identify valid components. The
componentindex is the first field in the Specification table and is always 75 characters
long and is divided into 15 parts of fixed length. In the edit box ‘Component class’,
using a maximum of 4 characters, enter the general name used to describe the
component (e.g. FLNG = Flange,Tee etc.).
In the edit box ‘Component type’, using a maximum of 4 characters, enter the type of
component (e.g. STRA = Straight, BLND = Blind etc.). Note: for these fields, any 4
alphanumeric characters can be used.
To determine the diameter of the component, a value has to be entered into the
“Main Diameter” edit box (e.g. the size to be used as the main diameter of the
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Plant-4D Component Builder Manual, Athena Version

In the “Main End Condition” edit box enter the type of end condition to be used (e.g.
BW = Buttweld, FL = Flanged etc.) The Reduced and Branched diameters and End
Conditions can be entered depending upon the component. (Note for an equal tee
the Branch diameter is the same as the Main diameter, therefore, the Branch
diameter can be omitted as shown in the next example).
When all the necessary fields have been completed, select the OK button.

Complete the various fields as required. A typical entry is shown in the following
example. (Please note, not all fields need to be changed). This example would
indicate that this record would be for a 100mm diameter, buttweld Straight Tee.

When the OK button is selected, the “New Specification” dialogue box will be re-
displayed. The componentindex field will be completed, using the information
previously entered. All other fields should be entered manually where appropriate.
(Note: All Plant-4D components have a GroupID. A list of available GroupID
numbers can be found in

When finished select the OK button.

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Plant-4D Component Builder Manual, Athena Version

The following dialogue boxes show some typical input values:

When the OK button is selected, the specification record for the component in the
specification database is created.

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Plant-4D Component Builder Manual, Athena Version

2.4 Modelling

Start the model by placing the first primitive required. E.g. a horizontal cylinder,
shown as cylinder 1 in Figure 2-2.

All primitives can be selected from the 3D Primitive toolbar or the 3D Primitive Pull-
down menu. When the required primitive is selected the appropriate Primitive
Dialogue box will be displayed. The following example shows a typical dialogue
box for a cylinder.

The first section to be completed is the starting point or origin point for the

To define the X co-ordinate, if the value is known, it can be input into the X-value
edit box, immediately behind the “#” character.

Important for all Edit Boxes:

If any value is fixed, it must start with a “#” character.
If any value is variable (e.g. to be read from the specification table) , it must start
with an “@” character.

Select the button to the right of the X-value edit box to define the starting point of
the X co-ordinate.

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Plant-4D Component Builder Manual, Athena Version

The following dialogue will appear:

Give the starting point of the cylinder in the X-direction, as shown in the next

You can use the buttons on the right side of your screen.

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Plant-4D Component Builder Manual, Athena Version

Now fill in the dialogue as is shown below.

Now your screen looks like this:

We can now create the second primitive, perpendicular to the first cylinder:

Select a cylinder from the toolbar. You will see the same dialogue as when placing
the first cylinder.

The second cylinder starts in 0,0,0 and has its direction positive in the Y direction.

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Plant-4D Component Builder Manual, Athena Version

Fill in the dialogue as shown below:

Your screen now looks like this:

The next step is to define the connection nodes to the main body and the branch of
the component, so that you can connect another component to the tee in
MicroStation or AutoCAD.

As with a cylinder (start, direction, orientation etc.), you have to define your
connection point (node).

First, we will define a node, which is placed on cylinder 1 at the left side.

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Plant-4D Component Builder Manual, Athena Version

Choose a node from the toolbar (the one most to the right in this example).

When you press the button, the following dialogue appears:

Fill in the dialogue as shown below:

Now select a second node, which will be placed on cylinder 1 at the right side.

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Plant-4D Component Builder Manual, Athena Version

Fill in the dialogue as shown below:

Now your second node is placed.

Now select a third node, which will be placed on the outlet of cylinder .

Fill in the dialogue just like the dialogue below:

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Plant-4D Component Builder Manual, Athena Version

Your screen will now look like this:

Now you have finished modelling your new component.

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Plant-4D Component Builder Manual, Athena Version

2.5 Component groups

The component groups define the connection conditions of the component and
what is defined in the “componentindex” of the specification for the component.
The “componentgroups” is a table in the projects directory.
The new component group is added to the “componentgroups” table of the project
in which you are modelling the component. It is advisable you add the new
componentgroup record to the prototype database, CPC_Prot.mdb

Note: Do not confuse the componentgroup with groupID.

The componentbuilder has its own input tool to create new componentgroups.
From the pulldown menu, select ‘EDIT’ then, from the submenu select ‘Create
new component group’.

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Plant-4D Component Builder Manual, Athena Version

Component Group

This is the name of the componentgroup you want to create. It is advisable to give
it the same name as the componentname.


In specification, you define from which specification the component should be

scanned for. E.g. If “0,equip#pip” is input, the equipment specification table is
scanned for the component. When ‘1’ is input, only the currently set specification
table is scanned.

Component Class

The component class is the first 4 characters in the componentindex. By filling in

‘1’ Plant-4D scans for the class (recommended)

Component type

The component type is the characters 5-8 in the componentindex. By filling in ‘1’
Plant-4D scans for the type (recommended)

Size 1

Fill in a ‘1’ for: Yes there is a main size, or ‘0’ for No there is no main size

Size 2

Fill in a ‘1’ for: Yes there is a reduced size, or ‘0’ for No there is no reduced size

Size 3

Fill in a ‘1’ for: Yes there is another size, or ‘0’ for No there is no other size

Endcondition 1

This is the endcondition for the first connection point (node), i.e. 0,FL for a flanged
connection or 0 for no endcondition.

Endcondition 2

This is the endcondition for the second connection point (node), i.e. 0,FL for a
flanged endcondition or 0 for no endcondition.

This is only if a reduced side is present

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Plant-4D Component Builder Manual, Athena Version

Endcondition 3

This is the endcondition for another connection point (node), i.e. 0,FL for a flanged
endcondition or 0 for no endcondition.

This is only if another side is present.

Trim 1-3

If any trims are filled in the componentindex, 1 or 0


If a schedule is filled in the componentindex, 1 or 0


If a rating is filled in the componentindex, 1 or 0


If a material is filled in the componentindex, 1 or 0


If a usercode is filled in the componentindex, 1 or 0


0 For a component with no variable direction or orientaton

1 For a pipe and olets
2 For a component with a direction (reducer)
3 For a component with a direction and orientation (Tee)

Placement method

The placement method determines with what placement routine the component is
placed in Plant-4D Pipe. I.e. A pipe has a different placement method than a

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Plant-4D Component Builder Manual, Athena Version


0 Normal placement routine

1 Pipe placement routine
2 For variable components a question is asked in the command bar
3 Placement routine for olets
4 For variable components a question is asked in a dialog box
5 Placement routine for the Bill of material
6 Placement routine for annotation

Display Dialogue

Dialogue indication for Tagnumbers Yes(1) or No(0)

Question string

When placement method 2 or 4 is used, Plant-4D will ask a question when placing
a variable component.

#L For length settings

#A For angle settings

The number of the question refers to a line in the file Msg__gb.ini. You can find
this file in the Plant4D\Common\msg directory.

If more questions are needed, the string will often be simply linked without hyphens
(e.g. #l1235#L4353#A3455 for two length and one angle setting)

Open this file with the editor (NotePAD).

At the end you will find the heading [Questions, and under this heading a few lines
with the construction: number=Question

Just fill in the consecutive numbers and write the corresponding question behind
the equal sign. The number you filled in, is equal to the number in the
ComponentGroup. You can also use existing questions , by simply giving the
corresponding numbers.

Now return to the component being created earlier and create the new component
group as show in the next picture

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Plant-4D Component Builder Manual, Athena Version

By clicking on ‘save’ the componentgroup is created in the componentgroups table

in the project.
Existing componentgroups can also be used.

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Plant-4D Component Builder Manual, Athena Version

3 Add the component to the CAD menu

Select [Menu Editing – Add component to CAD-Menu] from the pull-down menu in
the ComponentBuilder, and the next ‘add to CAD menu dialogue’ will appear

In this dialogue you define in which toolbar the button of the component will be
created. This links the components and menu files automatically modified.

Before completing this dialogue, you have to create a bitmap (for the button) for
the new component. The easiest way to create a new bitmap, is to copy an existing
one and adjust the bitmap to suit. Create the bitmap and place it in:

Select the new bitmap with the browser, one for 16 bits and another bitmap for 32
bits. This is because AutoCAD uses big and small bitmaps for the buttons.
The caption is the tooltip, which appears when the mouse arrow is located on the

Complete the component group using the componentgroup name you have
created in the previous paragraph.
Select a toolbar in which you want to create the button and select AutoCAD or
Now the new component is fully created with all links and toolbar buttons. Save the
component and return to the CPC

3.1 Placement in CAD

Start Plant4D AutoCAD or MicroStation Pipe from the CPC. Select the
specification in which you have created the component (PN10#PIP), and set the
diameter and linenumber.

Open the toolbar in which you have created the button and place the new

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Plant-4D Component Builder Manual, Athena Version

4 Expanding the range of sizes

The componentbuilder allows you to create one specification record for one
specific size for a component. This specification record is added in the selected
specification and can be located in the spec.mdb in the Plant-4D projects

To expand the range of size, open the spec.mdb and select the specification
Copy the specification record of the new created component and paste it in the
same specification. Change in the first column, the componentindex. Modify the
diameter to the size required. Change the dimensions in other fields to correspond
with the new diameter.

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