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Identification and prioritization of DevOps success factors using fuzzy-

AHP approach
Muhammad Azeem Akbar1 • Sajjad Mahmood2 • Muhammad Shafiq3 • Ahmed Alsanad4 •

Abeer Abdul-Aziz Alsanad5 • Abdu Gumaei4

 Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2020

DevOps (development and operations) is a collaborative and multidisciplinary organizational effort to automate continuous
delivery of a software project with an aim to improve software quality. The implementation of DevOps practices is not
straightforward as there are several complexities associated with it. The aim of this study is to identify and prioritize the
factors that positively influence the DevOps practices in software organizations. Using a systematic literature review, 19
factors were identified. The identified factors were further validated with experts via a questionnaire survey study. Finally,
Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP) was used to prioritize the identified success factors. The results indicate that
‘‘DevOps security pipeline,’’ ‘‘use system orchestration’’ and ‘‘attempt matrix organization and transparency’’ factors are
the highest ranked success factors for the successful implementation of DevOps practices. The FAHP analysis is novel in
this research area as it provides the prioritization based taxonomy of the identified factors which will assist the researchers
and practitioners to focus on the critical areas that are significant for the successful adoption of DevOps practices.

Keywords DevOps  Fuzzy AHP  Success factors  Systematic literature review  Empirical investigation

1 Introduction

Lately, DevOps is one of the widely used development

Communicated by Hemen Dutta. methodology with an aim to minimize cost of software
development by adopting continues development and
& Muhammad Azeem Akbar
continues delivery (Céspedes et al. 2019; Sacks 2012). In
DevOps, the development and operation teams work
& Ahmed Alsanad
together to improve their delivery process. The DevOps
focuses on sharing tasks and responsibilities within a team
College of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing from development to deployment and support. Hence, in a
University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, DevOps paradigm, cross-functionality, shared responsibil-
People’s Republic of China
ities and trust between the development teams and clients
Information and Computer Science Department, King Fahd are encouraged (Farid et al. 2017). DevOps essentially
University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi extends the continuous development goals of the agile
movement to continuous integration and release. To
School of Computer Science and Technology, Chongqing accommodate continuous releases, DevOps encourages
University of Posts and Telecommunications,
Chongqing 400065, China automation of the change, configuration and release pro-
4 cesses (Jabbari et al. 2016; Lwakatare et al. 2016). In this
Research Chair of Artificial Intelligence (RCAI), Department
of Information Systems, College of Computer and study, we adopted the definition of Leite et al. (2019):
Information Sciences, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi ‘‘DevOps is a collaborative and multidisciplinary effort
Arabia within an organization to automate continuous delivery of
Information Systems Department, College of Computer and new software versions while guaranteeing their correctness
Information Sciences, Imam Muhammad Ibn-Saud Islamic and reliability.’’
University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

M. A. Akbar et al.

The software organizations perceived several benefits by collaboration and coordination between developers and
adopting DevOps such as more concentration on imple- operators. DevOps focuses on improving efficiency
mentation and frequent release. These perceived benefits through automation with DevOps tools. DevOps supports
are powered by the automated build system, testing and cross-functional mode of software development where
deployment process, which assists in channeling more practitioners use different sets of tools for coding, building,
features into the production and delivery pipelines (Fors- testing, packaging, releasing, configuring, and monitoring
gren 2018). For example, Forsgren (2018) underlined that aspects of development and delivery processes.
the automated process also helpful to reduce the required Initially, the term DevOps has ambiguous managing as
effort and capable of organizations to deploy the devel- the literature interpret it in two different ways (Roche 2013;
opment iteration with the frequency they scheduled. Smeds et al. 2015). The term DevOps interpret as a job
Moreover, it is indicated that an effective automation position which requires both types of skill, i.e., develop-
assists to develop good quality software (Virmani 2015). ment and operations. Besides the others claims, DevOps is
The DevOps practices enable software organization to have an evolving need for software industry which is using
frequent and small releases as this helps improve visibility legacy software development paradigms (Senapathi et al.
of the implemented module to the end-users (Senapathi 2018; Callanan and Spillane 2016). The mainstream
et al. 2018). The frequent and small releases enable the researches have addressed this ambiguity by defining the
development teams to receive timely feedback from the characteristics of DevOps methodology (Jabbari et al. 2016;
customers, which are useful for improving the overall Senapathi et al. 2018; Roche 2013) and by highlighting the
product quality (Olszewska and Waldén 2015). Besides the pros and cons of implementing the DevOps strate-
advantages of DevOps, there are number of challenges gies(Shahin et al. 2017; Riungu-Kalliosaari et al. 2016).
such as fear of change, risky deployment, blame game and Some of the existing studies emphasized that the col-
conceptual deficit (Gruver and Mouser 2015; Jabbari et al. laboration, automation and services are the most significant
2018). characteristics of DevOps (Senapathi et al. 2018; Erich
Despite the widespread adoption of DevOps, there is a et al. 2014). Besides, we found that the DevOps is also
lack of understanding of the factors associated with suc- treated as the cultural movement that assists the develop-
cessful implementation of DevOps practices. In this study, ment environment concerning with effective communica-
we have twofold objectives: (1) to identify the success tion, control and responsibilities(Senapathi et al. 2018).
factors related to the DevOps via a systematic literature Many researchers have carried out studies to better
review and feedback on the identified success factors via a understand the DevOps characteristics and practices used
questionnaire survey study and (2) to develop a prioriti- in the industry. For example, Dyck et al. (2015) argued that
zation-based taxonomy for the identified success factors the cultural change contributed to enhancing the trust
using FAHP. This study provides a body of knowledge to between the DevOps teams that assist the transformation
practitioners by presenting the success factors associated and change in an organizational development environment.
with DevOps projects and a ranking of success factors from Moreover, Smeds et al. (2015) stated that cultural change is
people, change and business perspectives. In this study, we not a central feature of DevOps, but it provides assistance
address the following research questions: to improve the development process. Several existing
studies highlighted the limitations and significance of
[RQ1] What success factors of DevOps practices are
DevOps (Chen 2015; Chen et al. 2015; Leppänen et al.
reported in the literature?
2015). Banica et al. (2017) highlighted the key benefits of
[RQ2] What do practitioners do think about the success
DevOps, including quality products through quality ser-
factors of DevOps practices?
vices and continues bonding.
[RQ3] How the identified success factors were prioritize
Gupta et al. (2017) indicated that the DevOps assists in
using fuzzy AHP?
developing the trust among teams, supporting their ideas
[RQ4] What would be the prioritization-based taxonomy
and innovations, and encourages the collaboration between
of success factors?
stakeholders. They further identify and prioritize the key
attributes of DevOps paradigm that are important to assess
the maturity level of an organization concerning to the
2 Background DevOps adoption. Similarly, Gill et al. (2018) highlighted
the DevOps works as a bridge to overcome the commu-
DevOps is a complementary set of agile practices that nication gap between the development and operation
combines development and operations with an aim to teams. They also express that the DevOps contributes to
reduce development life cycle and support continuous reducing human errors by automating the development and
delivery of high-quality software. DevOps promotes operation activities.

Identification and prioritization of DevOps success factors using fuzzy-AHP approach

Wiedemann et al. (2019) stated that the DevOps pro- suggestion of Chen et al.(2010) and Zheng et al.(2011), we
vides the platform for project management with better have selected the following digital repositories:
understandability, performance, integration and relation-
I. IEEE Xplore (
ships among teams. Roche (2013) argued that implicitly the
II. ACM Digital Library (
DevOps is not a stable development environment. How-
III. ‘‘Springer Link (
ever, it needs strong collaboration, skilled human resour-
IV. Wiley Inter-Science (
ces, and effective automation to get the significant fruit of
V. Science Direct (
DevOps practices.
VI. Google Scholar (
However, no systematic study has been carried out to
VII. IET Software (
identify the success factors of DevOps. Moreover, there is
no model that prioritizes the success factors which can help
practitioner’s better plan and carryout DevOps practices. In 3.1.3 Search string
this study, we identify the success factors associated with
DevOps and present a prioritization-based taxonomy for To collect the data from the selected digital libraries using
the identified success factors using FAHP. an automated search process, the search string plays a vital
role Zhang et al. (2011). To develop an appropriated search
string, we have collected the keywords, and their alterna-
3 Research methodology tives form the published primary studies selected using
Quasi-Gold Standard (QGS) guidelines (White et al. 2001),
Systematic literature review (SLR) approach has been i.e., [PS1-PS5]. The collected keywords and their alterna-
adopted to collect the potential literature related to research tive were concatenated using the Boolean operator ‘‘OR’’
questions of this study. SLR is a protocol-based research and ‘‘AND.’’ An example of the search string is given
approach which assists in obtaining, verifying and ana- below:
lyzing the available literature systematically, using inclu- (‘‘success factors’’ OR ‘‘factors’’ OR ‘‘aspects’’ OR
sion and exclusion criteria(Kitchenham et al. 2009). The ‘‘items’’ OR ‘‘elements’’ OR ‘‘drivers’’ OR ‘‘motivators’’
extracted results using the SLR approach are less preju- OR ‘‘variables’’) AND (‘‘DevOps’’ OR ‘‘Development and
diced than informal literature review (Niazi et al. 2016a, b; Operation’’, OR ‘‘Continues development and operation.’’
Akbar et al. 2019a, b). Various researchers of software
engineering domain have adopted the SLR approach. To 3.1.4 Initial inclusion criteria
conduct this study, we have followed the step-by-step
instructions of Kitchenham and Charters (2007). The core We have specified some initial inclusion criteria, to decide
phases of SLR, i.e., planning the review, conducting the which part of the collected literature, in response to the
review, and reporting the review, are carefully performed execution of search string on selected digital libraries was
in this paper. All the phases are diagrammatically pre- used for further SLR process. The inclusion criteria were
sented in Fig. 1, and briefly discussed in subsequent specified based on the existing SLR studies Niazi et al.
sections. (2016) and Inayat et al. (2015) are as follows: (1) the
articles published as a journal paper conferences paper or
3.1 Planning the review book chapter; (2) the study that describes the success factor
of DevOps; (3) the findings of the paper based on empirical
3.1.1 Research questions evaluation; (4) the paper that provides sufficient detail
about the highlighted success factors of DevOps.
The principal aim of this study is to explore the factors that
could positively impact the DevOps practices. However, to 3.1.5 Initial exclusion criteria
address the study objective, we have proposed the fol-
lowing research questions (RQs): For excluding the collected data, we have specified the
[RQ1] What success factors of DevOps practices are following protocols considering the suggestions of Niazi
reported in the literature? et al. (2016) and Inayat et al. (2015) and Akbar et al. (2019)
as follows: (1) the studies that do not highlight the success
3.1.2 Data collection source factors of DevOps; (2) the studies that are not in English;
(3) the redundant studies were not considered; (4) if two
The selection of appropriate digital libraries is an essential studies are from a similar research project, only the most
aspect of SLR study to collect the potential literature completed one was considered; (5) the studies that do not
related to research questions. However, by following the provide detail information about the study subject.

M. A. Akbar et al.

Fig. 1 The Adopted set of research methodologies

3.1.6 Study assessment total of 713 pre-reviewed primary studies. To finally select
the primary studies, we have applied the tollgate approach
As part of the SLR process, quality assessment was carried developed by Afzal et al. (2009). The tollgate approach
out to validate the relevance of primary studies for the consists of five core phases, as presented in Fig. 2. All the
research questions. Table 1 shows the list of quality authors of this study carefully perform the phases of toll-
assessment questions that were developed based on the gate approach, and 56 studies were selected for data
guidelines of Kitchenham and Charters (2007) and other extraction process (Fig. 2). We further performed snow-
similar studies published in the software engineering balling (backwards and forward), and 20 studies were
domain (Niazi et al. 2016; Khan et al. 2017; Khan et al. selected for final data extraction process (Fig. 2). There-
2011). The quality assessment criteria consist of five fore, a total of 81 studies were considered for final data
questions. Each question of the checklist was assessed extraction process. The quality assessment process was
using the Likert scale, which is presented in the right-most also executed during the studies selection process. The
column of Table 1. selected primary studies are given in ‘‘Appendix A’’ sec-
tion. The study ID ‘‘PS’’ is used to indicate the use of SLR
3.2 Conducting the review studies.

3.2.1 Final study selection 3.2.2 Data extraction and synthesis

The final papers were selected via three methods. Firstly, The final selected 108 primary studies are used for data
the five studies were selected by considering the guidelines extraction. All the selected studies were carefully reviewed
of QGS guidelines (White et al. 2001). By executing the by the first two authors of this study and the data in the
search string (Sect. 3.3) on the selected data sources form of success factors, main themes, statements, etc., were
(Sect. 3.2) and by applying the initial inclusion and collected. To validate the data extraction process, the third
exclusion criteria (Sects. 3.4 and 3.5), we have collected a author of this study arbitrary involve in the data extraction

Table 1 quality assessment criteria formal primary studies for

QA questions Checklist questions Likert scale

QA1 ‘‘Does the used research approach address the research questions?’’ Yes = 1, Partial = 0.5, NO = 0
QA2 ‘‘Does the study discuss any success factors of DevOps?’’ Yes = 1, Partial = 0.5, NO = 0
QA3 ‘‘Does the study, discuss software development outsourcing by using cloud computing?’’ Yes = 1, Partial = 0.5, NO = 0
QA4 ‘‘Is the collected data related to DevOps practices?’’ Yes = 1, Partial = 0.5, NO = 0
QA5 ‘‘Are the identified results related to the justification of the research questions?’’ Yes = 1, Partial = 0.5, NO = 0

Identification and prioritization of DevOps success factors using fuzzy-AHP approach

Fig. 2 Final refinement of

formal studies

process. During the data extraction process, we have col- studies scored C 70%. This quality assessment result
lected a total of 37 ideas and statements that reflect the shows the extent to with the selected studies stud eve is
positive impact of DevOps activities. We have merged the significant to address the objective of the study. We have
statements and ideas into the compact statement of success used the 40% quality assessment score as a threshold value.
factors. All the success factors were rephrased to remove
the plagiarisms. The finalized list of success factors is 3.3.2 Temporal distribution of selected studies
given in Table 4. and adopted research approaches
Once the data extraction process finalized, we have
conducted an inter-rater reliability test (Afzal et al. 2009) The publication years of the selected studies were also
to check the research’s prejudice. To do this, five inde- extracted with the aim to check the frequency of publica-
pendent experts were invited. They selected ten studies, tion in the current years. The results show that the selected
performed all the steps of the data extraction process, and studies are published between 2013 and 2019, and it is
recorded the extracted data in a separate Microsoft Excel noted that there is a rapid increase of publication in recent
Sheet. Based on the results extracted by researcher and era (Fig. 3). This shows that the DevOps is the currently an
independents experts, we have calculated the nonpara- active research area in the domain of software engineering.
metric Kendall’s coefficient of concordance (W). The value We further extracted the used research approaches of
of W = 1 shows the perfect agreement between the data used in the selected studies and their frequency analysis
extracted by the researcher and indented experts, where is shows that the questionnaire survey (QS) adopted by 18%,
the W = 0 indicted no agreement between the data case studies (CS) by 35%, grounded theory (GT) approach
extracted by researchers and independent experts. The by 17%, content analysis (CA) by 5%, Action research
calculated results (W = 0.87, p = 0.003) show the signed (AR) 9% mixed method (MM) is adopted by 16% (Fig. 3).
agreement between data which is extracted by both teams. It is summarized that CS is the most common adopted
research methodology by the selected SLR studies.
3.3 Reporting the review
3.4 Empirical study
3.3.1 Quality of selected studies
The empirical research approach is considered as the most
To check the significance of the selected primary studies, appropriate way to collect pure data from the targeted
we have performed the quality assessment. The quality of population. Kitchenham and Pfleeger (2003) reported that
the selected studies was assessed based on the quality the selection of empirical data collection approach is based
assessment criteria discussed in Sect. 3.1.6. The detailed on data type, ‘‘available data collection resources,’’ ‘‘con-
quality assessment score is given in ‘‘Appendix B’’ sec- trolling mechanism of selected approach’’ and ‘‘skill to
tion. The cumulative results show that 60% of the selected operate the variable of interest.’’ The observational method

M. A. Akbar et al.

increase the readability and understandability of the queries

which are requested in the questionnaire. The updated
questionnaire is used for the data collection process. A
sample of the survey questionnaire is presented in ‘‘Ap-
pendix B’’ section.

3.4.3 Ethics approval

To get the survey approval, we send the updated ques-

tionnaire to research supervisor and Research Ethics Board
of School of Big Data and Software Engineering-
Chongqing–China. After receiving the permission
response, we initiate the survey, and the survey instrument
makes available to the participants through this web-link.
Fig. 3 Adopted research methodologies and temporal distribution The responses of the survey are hosted at Google Drive
( The survey participants were requested
is considered very hard to collect the pure and represen- to mark the survey questions bestowing to their knowledge.
tative data sets (Akbar et al. 2019a, b). However, to address All the respondents contributed to the data collection pro-
the research questions of this study, a questionnaire survey cess voluntarily and anonymous. The respondents can exist
approach is used to collect the data form practitioners. from the survey at any stage.

3.4.1 Questionnaire development 3.4.4 Data sources

The survey instrument was developed based on the findings The purpose of this survey was to validate the findings of
of SLR. To develop an online survey instrument, we use SLR (i.e., DevOps success factor). However, to validate the
the services of Google form ( The findings of SLR, the opinions of experts are important. To
questionnaire survey approach is an effective way to reach target the most potential population of survey study at the
the target population at geographically distributed loca- geographically distributed development environment, the
tions. The purpose of the developed survey questionnaire snowball sampling strategy (Khan et al. 2017) was applied.
was to validate the investigations of SLR and to identify The snowball sampling is an efficient and cost-effective
the additional success factors of DevOps. To do this, the way to collect the data from a physically distributed pop-
developed survey instrument was broadly categorized into ulation. In snowball sampling, the participants are reques-
two core section: first part consist of biographic informa- ted to share the survey questionnaire to their contact
tion of the participant and the second part is further cate- researchers or practitioners. The snowball sampling is an
gorized into two sections (i.e., close-ended and open- effective way to collect the data from a large and dispersed
ended): the close-ended section consists of the questions targeted population (Easterbrook et al. 2008; Finstad
that are developed based on the findings of SLR (success 2010). Various methods were used to target the population,
factors), and in second section (open-ended), we requested including personal Email, organizational Email, LinkedIn
from the respondents to provide the additional success and Research-Gate. The data were collected during
factor of DevOps which is not enlisted in questionnaire. September 2019 to December 2019. A total of 147
responses were collected in the form of an Excel sheet.
3.4.2 Pilot assessment of the questionnaire survey First two authors of this study manually reviewed all the
responses. During the manual review, we found 16
Initially, the questionnaire was developed based on the incomplete responses. However, while discussing with the
author’s experiences and by considering the suggestions of research supervisor, we decided to not include the incom-
the supervisor (Khan et al. 2017a, b; Noy 2008). A pilot plete responses in the data analysis process. Finally, a total
assessment was conducted with the three independent of 131 complete responses were entertained for future data
experts: one from education institute (Nanjing University analysis. The demographics of the respondents are given at
of Aeronautics and Astronautics) and two from the soft- this link:
ware industry (AMAZON India and QSoft-Vietnam). The
experts suggest some imported changing in the question-
naire related to improving the understanding of the ques-
tion. We addressed all the suggestions of experts to

Identification and prioritization of DevOps success factors using fuzzy-AHP approach

3.4.5 Survey data analysis 3.5.1 Fuzzy set theory

The frequency analysis method is applied to analyze the Fuzzy set theory is an extension of classical set theory that
collected responses statistically; the frequency analysis was initially introduced by Zadeh et al. (1996). That was
method is an effective way to analyze the descriptive data oriented to deal with uncertainties and vagueness in the
(Bland 2015). The frequency of occurrence and the per- real-world problems and manage these ambiguities in the
centage of each success factor are reported in tables. The multi-criteria decision-making problems. The primary
frequency approach is useful to compare the views and contribution of Fuzzy set theory is to represent the vague
values within groups of variables and across the groups of data. In the fuzzy set, a membership function lF(x) is
variables. To check the significance of each success factor, characterized which maps object between 0 and 1. The
according to the survey respondents, the views of all the FAHP has been adopted by a number of studies to address
respondents are calculated and presented in the form of the multi decision problems in range of industries, for
tables. Moreover, to check the relative importance of each example, supplier selection in electronics market
success factor, the frequency of occurrence of one factor is (Chamodrakas et al. 2010), gearmotor company (Ayhan
compared with other factors. The same method is used by 2013), personnel selection (Güngör et al. 2009), supplier
other researchers in several other research domains (Akbar selection for developing the low carbon supply chain (Önüt
et al. 2018; Keshta et al. 2017; Mahmood et al. 2017). et al. 2009), selection of software process improvement
success factors (Khan et al. 2019) and for ranking chal-
3.5 Phase 3: Fuzzy set theory and AHP lenging factors of distributed agile software development
paradigm (Shameem et al. 2020). The definitions and
This section discusses the basics of fuzzy set theory and the preliminary of the fuzzy set theory are discussed in the
procedure to incorporate it in the classical AHP. The tra- following sections.
ditional AHP is a multi-criteria decision-making method
that assumes the expert judgment as it is and uses crisp 3.5.2 Fuzzy analytical hierarchy process
number leading to inconsideration of the uncertainty that
came from linguistic variable (Tiwari 2006). When using The analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) is one of the most
AHP method, it is important to make sure that the opinions powerful methods used multi-criteria decision-making
given by the experts are full of proficiency, harmony, and problems. The main advantages of FAHP are the relative
carefulness. If these criteria for the options are fulfilled, ease with which it handles multiple criteria, easier to
then AHP is considered to be an effective problem solving understand, and it can effectively handle both qualitative
methodology (Mulubrhan et al. 2014). However, AHP and quantitative data.
method does not consider the uncertainty of one’s judg-
Definition A triangular fuzzy number (TFN) F is denoted
ment. Hence, fuzziness and vagueness existing in many
by a set (fl, fm, fu) as shown in Fig. 4. The given Eq. (1)
decision-making problems may contribute to the imprecise
defines the membership function lF(x) of F.
judgments of decision makers in conventional AHP
approaches (Bouyssou et al. 2000). The fuzzy AHP tech- 8 9
> x  fl >
> l m >
nique uses a range of values to incorporate the uncertainty < fm  fl ; f xf >
> =
of the decision maker. The fuzzy AHP uses the concept of lF ðxÞ ¼ u
f x ð1Þ
fuzzy logic that deals with uncertain data and provides a >
> ; fm xfu >>
> f u  fm >
systematic base for handling situations which are : ;
0; Otherwise
ambiguous or not well defined (Kahraman et al. 2004). As
a result, the decision maker can specify preferences in the where fl, fm and fu are the crisp numbers denoting the
form of natural language expression about the importance lowest, most promising and highest possible values
of each criteria (Yaghoobi 2018). respectively.
In this study, we have used questionnaire survey to The algebraic operational laws using two TFNs, namely
collect data from experts working in different development (F1, F2) are given in Table 2.
environments, facilities, project size, organization size and There is the following main step of FAHP method are
roles across the globe. The data collected from the ques- adopted:
tionnaire survey contain the uncertainty of human judg- Step 1 Decompose the complex decision problem into
ments as experts evaluate various success factors the hierarchical structure (Fig. 5).
associated with DevOps projects. Hence, in this paper, we Step 2 Calculate priority vector at each level of hierar-
apply the fuzzy AHP approach because it is an appropriate chy with the help of pairwise comparison.
methodology to handles uncertain and imprecise data.

M. A. Akbar et al.

1 2 m
Fgi ; Fgi ; . . .; Fgi ; ð2Þ
i ¼ 1; 2; . . .; n ð3Þ
where all Fgij ,
(j = 1, 2,…, m) are fuzzy triangular numbers
The following are the key steps of Chang’s extent
analysis method (Chang 1996):
Step 1 The value of a fuzzy synthetic extent concerning
the ith object can be defined using Eq. (4):
" #1
Xn X m
Si ¼ Fgi  Fgi ð4Þ
Fig. 4 Triangular fuzzy number j¼1 i¼1 j¼1
Step 3 Compute the consistency ratio of the pairwise To achieve the expression m j
j¼1 Fgi , execute the fuzzy
comparison. addition operation of m extent analysis such as:
Step 4 Calculate the final priority weight for the factors Xm
Xm X
m X
l m u
and the sub-factors (Fig. 5). Fgi ¼ fgi ; fgi ; fgi ð5Þ
j¼1 j¼1 j¼1 j¼1
Though the classical AHP has several benefits, it has
some limitation due to usability of AHP in Crisp envi- " #1
n P
ronment, Judgmental scale is unbalanced, and absence of and to achieve the expression Fgij , the fuzzy
uncertainty, selection of judgment is subjective. Therefore, i¼1 j¼1

fuzzy AHP, a fuzzy extension of AHP, was introduced to addition operation is executed on Fgij ðj ¼ 1; 2; . . .mÞ value,
solve more accurately for the real-time and uncertain as follow:
problem (Saaty 2013). The FAHP can capture uncertain, !
imprecise judgment of different experts by handling the Xn X m
Xn X
n X
l m u
Fgi ¼ fi ; fi ; fi ð6Þ
linguistic variables. Various researchers have followed the i¼1 j¼1 i¼1 i¼1 i¼1
FAHP methods in a variety of domains (Yaghoobi 2018;
Sloane et al. 2002; Wen-ying 2009; Kabra et al. 2015). In and finally, calculate the inverse of the vector with the help
our study, we have utilized the FAHP suggested by Chang of Eq. (7):
(Chang 1996), which provides more accurate and consis- 0 1
" #1
tent results as compared to other FAHP techniques. Xn X m B 1 1 1 C
Fgij ¼B
@P ; n ; n C ð7Þ
In a prioritization problem, let X = {x1, x2,…, xn} Akbar n
P m P uA
et al. (2019) represent the elements of main categories as i¼1 j¼1 fi fi fi
i¼1 i¼1 i¼1
an object set and U = {u1, u2,…, un} represent the elements
of each category as a goal set. According to the Chang Step 2 As Fa and Fb are two triangular fuzzy number
(Chang 1996) methodology, each object is considered, and then the degree of possibility of Fa ¼ fal ; fam ; fau  Fb ¼
 l m u
extent analysis for each goal (gi) is executed, respectively. fb ; fb ; fb is defined as follows.
Thus, for each object, there are (m) extent analysis values    
V ðFa  Fb Þ ¼ sup min lFa ð xÞ; lFb ð xÞ ð8Þ
that can be obtained with the following Eqs. (2) and (3):
Equation 8 can also be similarly specified as below:

Table 2 Triangular fuzzy

Operation Law Expression
 l m u  l m u  l 
Addition ðF1  F2 Þ f1 ; f1 ; f1  f2 ; f2 ; f2 ¼ f1 þ f2l ; f1m þ f2m ; f1u þ f2u
 l m u  l m u  l 
Subtraction ðF1  F2 Þ f1 ; f1 ; f1  f2 ; f2 ; f2 ¼ f1  f2l ; f1m  f2m ; f1u  f2u
 l m u  l m u  l 
Multiplication ðF1  F2 Þ f1 ; f1 ; f1  f2 ; f2 ; f2 ¼ f1  f2l ; f1m  f2m ; f1u  f2u
 l m u  l m u  l l m m u u
Division ðF1  F2 Þ f 1 ; f1 ; f1  f2 ; f2 ; f2 ¼ f 1 = f2 ; f1 = f 2 ; f1 = f 2
 l m u 1  
Inverse ðF1  F2 Þ f1 ; f1 ; f1 ¼ 1=f1l ; 1=f1m ; 1=f1u
 l m u
For any real number k (kF1) k f1 ; f1 ; f1 ¼ k f1l ; k f1m ; k f1u

Identification and prioritization of DevOps success factors using fuzzy-AHP approach

Fig. 5 FAHP decision hierarchy

V ðFa  Fb Þ ¼ 8
hgtðFa \ Fb Þ ¼ lFa ðdÞ Step 4 Via normalization, the normalized weight vectors
> 1 if fam  fbm > are in Eq. 13, and the result will be a non-fuzzy number
< >
fau  fbl l u
which represents the priority weight of the criteria:
¼ f b  f a
> u m m l >
: ðfa  fa Þ þ ðfb  fb Þ
> >
; W ¼ ðdðF1 Þ; dðF2 Þ; dðF3 Þ; . . .dðFn ÞÞ ð13Þ
0 Otherwise
where W is a non-fuzzy number.
Step 5 Checking consistency ratio: The pairwise
Here, d represents the ordinate of the highest intersec- matrices should always be consistent in fuzzy AHP(-
tion point between D, lFa and lFb (Fig. 6). The values of Shameem et al. 2018). Therefore, it is necessary to check
V1 (Fa C Fb) and V2 (Fa C Fb) are mandatory for calcu- the consistency ratio of each pairwise comparison matrices.
lating the value of P1 and P2. To do so, the graded mean integration approach is utilized
Step 3 Calculate the overall degree of possibility of a for defuzzifying the matrix. A triangular fuzzy number,
convex fuzzy number and the other convex fuzzy numbers denoted as P = (l, m, u), can be defuzzified to a crisp
Fi (i = 1, 2,…, k) can be defined as follow. number as follows:
VðF  F1 ; F2 ; F3 . . .Fk Þ ¼ minVðF  Fi Þ ð10Þ ð4m þ l þ uÞ
Pcrisp ¼ ð14Þ
Assuming that,
0 After the defuzzification of each value in the matrix,
d ðFi Þ ¼ minV ðFi  Fk Þ ð11Þ
consistency ratio (CR) of the matrix can easily be calcu-
for k = 1, 2,…,n; k = i. lated and checked whether CR is smaller than 0.10 or not.
With the help of Eq. 12, calculate the weight vector For this, two basic parameters, i.e., consistency index (CI)
using Eq. 11. and consistency ratio (CR), are used, which are defined
using Eqs. 14 and 15, respectively.
W 0 ¼ ðd 0 ðF1 Þ; d 0 ðF2 Þ; d0 ðF3 Þ; . . .d 0 ðFn ÞÞ ð12Þ
Imax  n
where Fi (i = 1,2,…,n) are n distinct elements. CI ¼ ð15Þ

Fig. 6 Triangular fuzzy number

M. A. Akbar et al.

Table 3 Random consistency

Size of the matrix 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
index (RI) with respect to
matrix size Random consistency index (RI) 0 0 0.58 0.9 1.12 1.24 1.32 1.41 1.45 1.49

CI time-intensive and complicated activities, but these activ-

CR ¼ ð16Þ
RI ities are critical to gain the full participation of the DevOps
(Nogueira et al. 2018). However, the sharing of informa-
where Imax: the largest eigenvalue of the comparison
tion and the assurance of team participation in change
matrix, n: the number of items being compared in the
activities are important for culture change in an organiza-
matrix and RI: the random index and its value can be opted
tion (Snyder and Curtis 2017). The frequent meetings of
from Table 3.
the development team’s effective communication assist in
To be a consistent matrix, the computed value of CR
sharing the information and issues that are critical for
should less than 0.10. If the value of CR is found to be
culture change in an organization (Samarawickrama and
greater than 0.10, the decision maker must make the pair-
Perera 2017). The adoption of advance tools and automa-
wise judgments again.
tion appliances can only be fruitful while the effective
cultural change has been taken (Samarawickrama and
Perera 2017).
4 Findings
Fundamentally, each development team has their
understanding of each process by considering their spe-
4.1 SLR findings
cialization, experiences and strength. Smeds et al. (2015)
mention that to the successful implementation of DevOps
The minimization of the development cycle is not sufficient
activities, all the teams must have a common overall
to rationalize the processes. On the contrary, multiple
vision, language and contextualization of each practitioner
deliveries are each a potential source of friction. To min-
working style in the entire project. They further mention
imize this risk, it is significant to explore the optimizations
that the common understanding leads to the creation of
areas as early as possible. This is done in particular not
collaborative tools in the field, to identify and address the
only by modeling all the delivery processes but also by
bugs, manage delivery time, project management activities,
giving precise, unambiguous definitions of responsibilities
commitments of services, etc. Therefore, to successfully
and the deliverables associated with each step in the
employ the DevOps activities, the common working
cycle(Kamuto and Langerman 2017; McCarthy et al.
environment teams and easy access of information is
2015). In other words, the automation and rapidity of
important that assist the awareness grown for each practi-
DevOps do not do away with the need for formal delivery
tioner about the overall working environment and the team
and documentation processes and for the introduction of
members (Lwakatare et al. 2016). The key aim is to
human checkpoints. This effort to be transparent also
develop overlapping zones (developers who have access to
represents an opportunity to shed light on certain tasks, so
logs and monitoring, operators who carry out tests them-
that they are no longer sacrificed to planning require-
selves, etc.) to encourage mutual understanding among
ments(John et al. 2017). Of course, the tasks concerned are
practitioners and ensuring the accountability of all the
operating tasks performed right at the end of the production
participants (Rahman and Williams 2016).
chain, but in the same way as other processes they deter-
The transformation of agile to DevOps is a complicated
mine, the quality of the overall service rendered(Cois et al.
phenomenon. DevOps adoption aims to achieve continuous
development and operations by implementing the essential
The change in development methods is not sufficient for
steps, i.e., continuous integration, continuous delivery, and
the acquisition of newly adopted tools and technologies.
continuous deployment where is, each step required a
Wahaballa et al. (2015) underlined that the change in
specific predecessor. Gupta et al. (2017) underlined that to
culture is significant to ensure the success of DevOps
achieve a high frequency of deployment, it is necessary to
practices, as it is prerequisites and the tools are just a mean
apply continuous integration and delivery. They further
of implementation. Taryana et al. (2017) mention that once
mention that it is important to automate the deployment
the development tools put in place, then it is a time to
and operational processes for the sake of monitoring, dis-
emphasize on human resources (existence, training,
aster recovery plan, restoration, and administration. Mohan
recruitment, etc.), organization, governance and more
and Othmane (2016) argued that this makes no sense to put
prominently the information pass to the development team
every step of the software development process at one
about a certain objective to achieve. The complications to
point at the same time; that even causes the counter
entertain the change and re-organization of teams as it is

Identification and prioritization of DevOps success factors using fuzzy-AHP approach

predictive. They further mention that it is better to manage itself to watching incidents occur in succession. Support
and stabilize each phase that will assist with the success of teams must enrich the use cases tested by the quality team’s
the next one. However, there is no need to wait for a step to scripts and suggest new monitoring approaches to devel-
reach complete maturity before starting the next one. Right opers and operators. In brief, by collecting demands or
from the start, the chain should be envisaged in its entirety, through continuous improvement, the organization must
to anticipate dependencies between tools, and to make make it possible to take into account this aspect of the
development teams aware of how their code will be used application’s life cycle(John et al. 2017).
(Benguria et al. 2018). Many of the biggest enterprises that shared their stories
It is significant to systematically review each DevOps explained that a key component of the culture shift at their
process (sprint review, bug review (quality), deployment organization had been some large-scale internal event—
review, incident review, performance review, etc.), as each essentially in-house DevOps conferences. These events
individual must have a contribution for continuous process give DevOps champions the chance to bring in outside
improvements. The summarized results of the review process thought leaders and practitioners at other companies to
must share with all the teams that are monitored and priori- demonstrate to people within the host enterprise that there
tized at the project level. Chen (2017) suggested that it is is something to DevOps, automation, continuous delivery
important to set up key performance indicators to monitor and and the like John et al. (2017), Jiménez et al. (2018), and
evaluate the project activities or a specific time to assure the Elberzhager et al. (2017). For example, Capital One
continues improvement loops. Snyder and Curtis (2017) recently hosted more than 1200 software engineers for an
suggested that to improve the DevOps activities; it makes sure in-house event it calls SECon and brought in many of the
when a problem is identified, a comprehensive decision must same speakers we see this week at DOES. Target has also
be taken and automate the procedure to its future identifica- hosted numerous internal DevOps days, as well as an
tion. They further mention that the early investment to fix a executive summit that Ross Clanton, senior group manager
problem is better than its harmful effect if it is found at the at Target, called a ‘‘tipping point’’ for gaining top-down
end of the development process. support from executives(Benguria et al. 2018).
It is noted that in DevOps, the clear definition of a Cois et al. (2014) indicated that to implement the
practitioner’s responsibilities assists in identifying their DevOps practices, the additional and technical skill is
key role in DevOps processes. Matrix organization is an highly required from software industry experts. They fur-
extremely effective means of going further and developing ther underlined that the development team acquire skills
the concepts of sharing and communication (Jiménez et al. from expert members of the operational team and vice
2018). A DevOps profile and a tester are associated with versa. Mohan and Othmane (2016) emphasized on the
each group of developers responsible for functionality or training of DevOps concerning to different tools. They
block of components in the project, and in parallel; they further mention that the training sessions should include
both belong to the Quality and Operation groups. This the concepts of DevOps culture, which assist in keeping the
guarantees ‘‘embodiment’’ of the overlaps and overall pace of DevOps practices implementation. Organizational
cohesion (Chen 2017). It also reinforces communication, management should consider the training of DevOps teams
which is vital for DevOps to succeed, since withholding or on a priority basis (John et al. 2017).
concealing information can have a particularly severe The frequency of numbers of continues delivery possess
impact on this type of organization. Managers must the enquiries of security in the domain of DevOps (Riungu-
simultaneously impose very frequent communication and Kalliosaari et al. 2016; Rajkumar et al. 2016). However,
behave positively: singling out responsibility is pointless. the closed working environment between the practitioners
Finding solutions together is much more effective. When it of DevOps provides the benefits for security perspective.
comes to DevOps, transparency is not a recommendation; it The duel relationship between the developers and operators
is a necessity (Elberzhager et al. 2017). generates a dichotomy that needs further investigation. All
Until recently, agile methods and DevOps focused the investigated success factors are enlisted in Table 4.
mainly on integration and continuous deployment, but they The investigated factors were also mapped into three
are used increasingly now in production phases. Operators core categories of software process improvement (SPI)
are now active participants in the system (Marijan et al. manifesto ‘‘People’’, ‘‘Business’’ and ‘‘Change’’ (Fig. 7).
2018). They must clearly state their demands, expectations, The concept of SPI manifesto was developed by the experts
and use cases, and make the other teams aware of the issues of software engineering to execute and to improve the
encountered in production. This must be an integral part of software development activities formally. The DevOps is a
the non-functional requirement collection phases, particu- new software process improvement methodology, and we
larly within the context of operation automation(El- are motivated to map the investigated success factors of
berzhager et al. 2017). Similarly, support must not limit DevOps into core categories of SPI manifesto(Pries-Heje

M. A. Akbar et al.

Table 4 List of identified success factors

S. No. Success factors IDs of selected SLR studies

F1 Emphasize culture rather than [PS3], [PS7], [PS8], [PS9], [PS11], [PS13], [PS15], [PS18], [PS20], [PS22], [PS23], [PS25],
tools [PS26], [PS27], [PS30], [PS32], [PS34], [PS36], [PS37], [PS39], [PS40], [PS41], [PS43], [PS45],
[PS48], [PS49], [PS50], [PS53], [PS57], [PS58], [PS59], [PS61], [PS62], [PS64], [PS67], [PS69],
[PS70], [PS71], [PS73], [PS74], [PS76], [PS78], [PS79], [PS80], [PS81]
F2 Attempt matrix organization and [PS11], [PS13], [PS19], [PS21], [PS23], [PS25], [PS29], [PS32], [PS34], [PS37], [PS39], [PS46],
transparency [PS49], [PS53], [PS56], [PS57], [PS65], [PS67], [PS69], [PS73], [PS76], [PS79]
F3 Empowerment [PS5], [PS11], [PS12], [PS14], [PS15], [PS18], [PS20], [PS21], [PS22], [PS25], [PS26], [PS28],
[PS31], [PS33], [PS34], [PS37], [PS46], [PS47], [PS48], [PS49], [PS51], [PS54], [PS55], [PS60],
[PS62], [PS63], [PS69], [PS70], [PS76], [PS78], [PS81]
F4 Cross-functional team [PS6], [PS7], [PS10], [PS16], [PS18], [PS21], [PS27], [PS31], [PS35], [PS38], [PS41], [PS44],
[PS45], [PS52], [PS53], [PS58], [PS62], [PS63], [PS65], [PS68], [PS70], [PS81]
F5 Established skilled DevOps teams [PS2], [PS5], [PS8], [PS10], [PS12], [PS13], [PS14], [PS16], [PS19], [PS20], [PS21], [PS23],
[PS25], [PS29], [PS30], [PS31], [PS33], [PS35], [PS37], [PS39], [PS40], [PS42], [PS44], [PS46],
[PS48], [PS52], [PS55], [PS57], [PS58], [PS60], [PS61], [PS62], [PS65], [PS66], [PS67], [PS68],
[PS72], [PS73], [PS74], [PS76], [PS79], [PS80]
F6 Design a common baseline [PS1], [PS4], [PS9], [PS12], [PS14], [PS15], [PS18], [PS19], [PS20], [PS22], [PS23], [PS29],
[PS30], [PS32], [PS34], [PS35], [PS37], [PS38], [PS39], [PS41], [PS43], [PS45], [PS46], [PS47],
[PS48], [PS49], [PS54], [PS56], [PS57], [PS58], [PS59], [PS63], [PS64], [PS68], [PS69], [PS72],
F7 Keep to the sequencing of [PS4], [PS7], [PS9], [PS17], [PS19], [PS20], [PS21], [PS22], [PS25], [PS26], [PS29], [PS31],
the DevOps approach [PS37], [PS38], [PS41], [PS42], [PS44], [PS47], [PS49], [PS55], [PS56], [PS58], [PS60], [PS62],
[PS64], [PS69], [PS70], [PS74], [PS76], [PS79], [PS80], [PS81]
F8 Internal DevOps Events [PS1], [PS7], [PS14], [PS15], [PS20], [PS26], [PS27], [PS30], [PS33], [PS35], [PS38], [PS41],
[PS42], [PS46], [PS47], [PS53], [PS54], [PS58], [PS59], [PS60], [PS61], [PS65], [PS66], [PS68],
[PS69], [PS73], [PS74], [PS75], [PS79]
F9 Demonstrating Lean Leadership [PS7], [PS12], [PS16], [PS17], [PS20], [PS22], [PS25], [PS26], [PS29], [PS30], [PS34], [PS38],
behavior [PS39], [PS40], [PS42], [PS46], [PS49], [PS50], [PS57], [PS61], [PS63], [PS66], [PS69], [PS78]
F10 Continues integration and [PS7], [PS10], [PS17], [PS19], [PS21], [PS22], [PS27], [PS30], [PS33], [PS34], [PS37], [PS38],
deployment [PS40], [PS42], [PS46], [PS48], [PS49], [PS50], [PS51], [PS56], [PS57], [PS58], [PS59], [PS61],
[PS63], [PS64], [PS66], [PS69], [PS70], [PS71], [PS73], [PS76], [PS76], [PS78], [PS81]
F11 Measure progress and plan next [PS9], [PS13], [PS14], [PS19], [PS22], [PS23], [PS26], [PS27], [PS32], [PS35], [PS39], [PS40],
improvement [PS41], [PS44], [PS46], [PS48], [PS49], [PS50], [PS52], [PS56], [PS57], [PS59], [PS60], [PS64],
[PS65], [PS70], [PS73]
F12 Use modeling [PS2], [PS8], [PS9], [PS16], [PS17], [PS20], [PS22], [PS29], [PS31], [PS36], [PS38], [PS41],
[PS44], [PS49], [PS50], [PS57], [PS59], [PS64], [PS67], [PS69], [PS71], [PS76], [PS77]
F13 Integrate the challenges of [PS5], [PS6], [PS8], [PS11], [PS13], [PS16], [PS19], [PS20], [PS21], [PS23], [PS27], [PS29],
operations and support [PS30], [PS31], [PS33], [PS35], [PS36], [PS37], [PS40], [PS44], [PS45], [PS46], [PS47], [PS48],
[PS49], [PS50], [PS52], [PS55], [PS57], [PS58], [PS60], [PS61], [PS62], [PS67], [PS68], [PS69],
[PS75], [PS78], [PS79]
F14 Automatic testing techniques [PS9], [PS11], [PS17], [PS19], [PS24], [PS25], [PS29], [PS32], [PS34], [PS39], [PS42], [PS46],
[PS47], [PS51], [PS57], [PS60], [PS69], [PS71], [PS81]
F15 Accommodate legacy systems [PS1], [PS3], [PS9], [PS13], [PS17], [PS20], [PS23], [PS28], [PS30], [PS33], [PS40], [PS42],
[PS45], [PS47], [PS49], [PS51], [PS57], [PS59], [PS60], [PS62], [PS65], [PS67], [PS78]
F16 Use system orchestration [PS8], [PS9], [PS14], [PS15], [PS16], [PS17], [PS19], [PS20], [PS23], [PS24], [PS27], [PS29],
[PS30], [PS32], [PS34], [PS39], [PS41], [PS42], [PS44], [PS48], [PS49], [PS50], [PS51], [PS52],
[PS55], [PS57], [PS58], [PS59], [PS61], [PS64], [PS65], [PS66], [PS68], [PS74]
F17 Assess your DevOps strategy [PS7], [PS9], [PS11], [PS12], [PS15], [PS17], [PS18], [PS20], [PS22], [PS24], [PS26], [PS28],
[PS31], [PS32], [PS33], [PS34], [PS36], [PS38], [PS39], [PS41], [PS42], [PS43], [PS47], [PS48],
[PS49], [PS50], [PS51], [PS52], [PS54], [PS56], [PS57], [PS59], [PS60], [PS62], [PS63], [PS65],
[PS66], [PS68], [PS71], [PS76], [PS78]
F18 Real-Time Feedback [PS2], [PS3], [PS10], [PS17], [PS19], [PS24], [PS29], [PS31], [PS32], [PS34], [PS36], [PS37],
[PS39], [PS41], [PS47], [PS49], [PS43], [PS54], [PS56], [PS57], [PS58], [PS61], [PS62], [PS64],
[PS68], [PS72], [PS75], [PS76], [PS77], [PS79], [PS80]
F19 DevOps Security pipeline [PS1], [PS2], [PS4], [PS6], [PS7], [PS8], [PS11], [PS12], [PS13], [PS14], [PS16], [PS19], [PS20],
[PS22], [PS23], [PS24], [PS31], [PS33], [PS34], [PS35], [PS36], [PS38], [PS40], [PS42], [PS44],
[PS46], [PS47], [PS48], [PS49], [PS50], [PS52], [PS53], [PS55], [PS56], [PS57], [PS58], [PS59],
[PS60], [PS64], [PS66], [PS68], [PS69], [PS70], [PS73], [PS74], [PS77], [PS79]

Identification and prioritization of DevOps success factors using fuzzy-AHP approach

Fig. 7 SPI manifesto core

categories (Pries-Heje 2010)

Fig. 8 SPI manifesto key

principle (Pries-Heje 2010)

study authors) and based on the practical experience of

industry experts, we have developed a conceptual model
(Fig. 9). According to the conceptual model Fig. 9, the
change and people categories are consisting of manage-
ment and engineering perspective of DevOps; and business
category has an association with the management per-
spective of DevOps activities.
All the identified success factors were mapped into the
Fig. 9 Conceptual map of DevOps dimensions core categories of SPI manifesto by considering the percep-
tions of the developed conceptual model (Fig. 9). Based on
2010). The classification of success factors that serve as a the mapping process results, we have developed a framework
knowledge base for practitioners and researchers to con- that consists of the core categories and their related success
sider the most important factors category for revising and factors (Leite et al. 2019; Akbar 2019) (Fig. 10).
developing the strategies to improve the DevOps practices. To check potential bias in the development of the con-
The mapping team consists of three team members that ceptual map of DevOps dimensions, we have performed
include the first two authors of this study and an external the inter-rater reliability. To conduct the reliability test,
industry expert invited from the ‘‘Virtual-Force’’ software three experts were invited from different empirical soft-
development organization. The expert is a DevOps team ware engineering laboratories. The experts classified all the
manager working in Bahrein (Fig. 8). By considering the investigated success factors into the core three categories
concept derived from the literature survey (by the first two of SPI manifesto. Using the mapping results of both study

M. A. Akbar et al.

Fig. 10 mapping of success

factors in the categories of SPI

authors and independent researchers, we have determined literature review. The responses of the survey participants
the nonparametric Kendall’s coefficient of concordance were classified in positive, negative, and neutral categories
(W) (Afzal et al. 2009), whereas the value of W = 1 indi- (Table 5). The positive (‘‘strongly agree and agree’’) cat-
cates the perfect agreement, and W = 0 indicates the egory consist of the percentage of survey respondents who
complete disagreement. The calculated results (W = 0.94, considered the identified factors have a positive impact on
p = 0.005) indicated that there is a perfect agreement DevOps practices. The negative (strongly disagree, dis-
between the mapping results of study authors and external agree) category presents the results of the survey partici-
experts. Hence, based on the results it is concluded that the pants who did not consider the reported success factors
categorization process is unbiased and consistent. have any influence on DevOps implementation. The neutral
DevOps adoption aims to significantly increase the category presents the results of those respondents who were
return on investment and the vision and interest of the not sure about the significance and impact of a success
organization as well. The success factors related to the factor (Table 5).
business dimension of DevOps are mapped in the business
category. The mapping results show that out of 19, the 5 4.3 Application of fuzzy analytic hierarchy
success factors are related to the business category process (FAHP)
(Fig. 10). Consequently, the primary structure of DevOps
practices is based on deploying a pool of practitioners from In this section, we have performed all the steps of FAHP to
Dev (development) and Ops (operations) teams via col- calculate the weights of success factors within their cate-
laborative culture. However, the 6 identified related suc- gories and in between the categories. The analysis was
cess factors are mapped into people category (Fig. 10). conducted using MATLAB R2016b programming envi-
Similarly, change is one of the key aspects of DevOps that ronment developed by math works is an American pri-
is significant to improve the delivery and deployment vately held corporation, which was running on a personal
process effective and reliable. The DevOps practices computer with an Intel Corei3 3.5-GHz processor and
require the change in automation for delivery and deploy- 8-GB memory. The step-by-step phases of FAHP are per-
ment pipeline. The identified 8 success factors are mapped formed in the subsequent sections.
in the change category (Fig. 10). The success factors of Step 1 (decompose a complicated decision problem into
change category are significant to address the success and a hierarchical structure)
improvement of DevOps practices in software At this level, a complicated decision-making problem is
organizations. divided into interconnected decision elements Shameem
et al. (2018) and Albayrak and Erensal (2004). The hier-
4.2 Empirical findings archical structure of the problem divided at a minimum of
three stages, as indicated in Fig. 5. In this hierarchical
We have developed an online survey questionnaire link to structure, the objective of the problem is mentioned in
validate the success factors of DevOps identified during the stage 1. However, the factors and sub-factors are positioned

Identification and prioritization of DevOps success factors using fuzzy-AHP approach

Table 5 Results of the

Sr. no Success factors Empirical observations (n = 117)
questionnaire survey study
Positive Negative Neutral
S.A A % S.D D % N %

C1 Category: People 40 62 87 2 2 3 11 9
F1 Emphasize culture rather than tools 29 58 74 4 10 12 16 14
F2 Attempt matrix organization and transparency 40 62 87 1 4 4 10 9
F3 Empowerment 30 53 71 6 8 12 20 17
F4 Cross-functional team 37 60 83 2 7 8 11 9
F5 Established skilled DevOps teams 35 48 71 0 10 9 24 21
C2 Category: Business 38 57 81 2 7 8 13 11
F6 Design a common baseline 37 48 73 2 8 9 22 19
F7 Keep to the sequencing of the DevOps approach 42 61 88 0 0 – 14 12
F8 Internal DevOps events 28 59 74 4 8 10 18 15
F9 Demonstrating Lean leadership behavior 37 56 79 5 7 10 12 10
F10 Continues integration and deployment 31 54 73 4 8 10 20 17
F11 Measure progress and plan next improvement 29 54 71 2 13 13 19 16
C3 Category: Change 42 64 91 0 1 1 10 9
F12 Use modeling 33 50 71 3 9 10 22 19
F13 Integrate the challenges of operations and support 46 51 83 2 8 9 10 9
F14 Automatic testing techniques 32 52 72 2 12 12 19 16
F15 Accommodate legacy systems 28 61 76 2 12 12 14 12
F16 Use system orchestration 33 54 74 4 10 12 16 14
F17 Assess your DevOps strategy 26 58 72 4 9 11 20 17
F18 Real-time feedback 37 59 82 2 7 8 12 10
F19 DevOps security pipeline 30 61 78 4 7 9 15 13

determine the ranks of each investigated success factors

and their core categories. To perform the pairwise com-
parison, the second survey was conducted with the experts.
We have developed a survey instrument and contact with
the respondents of the first survey study. A total of 34
respondents replied, and they agreed for participating in
pairwise comparison analysis. The survey questionnaire
developed for pairwise comparison was sent to the experts.
A sample of the used questionnaire for pairwise compar-
ison was given in ‘‘Appendix C’’ section. We received the
responses from the experts and manually reviewed to check
the uncompleted responses. During the manual review, we
did not find any uncompleted response, though all the 34
response were considered for FAHP analysis. The sample
size of pairwise comparison survey (34 responses) is small
Fig. 11 Proposed hierarchal structure of the problem and might not strong enough to generalize the results of
FAHP analysis. The literature renders that the FAHP is a
at stage 2 and stage 3, respectively. Figure 11 shows the subjective methodology and the small data set is also
hierarchy structure of the present study. acceptable for results generalization, as the several existing
Step 2 Pairwise comparison studies also consider the small sample size for AHP anal-
The key aim of FAHP analysis is to prioritize the ysis. For example, Cheng and Li (2002) collected data from
investigated success factors and their core categories con- nine experts to conduct the pairwise comparison of con-
cerning the significance of DevOps practices in software struction partnering success factors prioritize the success
organizations. The pairwise comparison is performed to factors. Shameem et al. (2018) received five responses and

M. A. Akbar et al.

Table 6 Triangular fuzzy

Linguistic scale Triangular fuzzy scale Triangular fuzzy reciprocal scale
conversion scale (Rahman and
Williams 2016) ‘‘Just equal (JE)’’ (1, 1, 1) (1, 1, 1)
‘‘Equally important (EI)’’ (0.5, 1, 1.5) (0.6, 1, 2)
‘‘Weakly important (WI)’’ (1, 1.5, 2) (0.5, 0.6, 1)
‘‘Strongly more important (SMI)’’ (1.5, 2, 2.5) (0.4, 0.5, 0.6)
‘‘Very strongly more important (VSMI)’’ (2, 0.5, 3) (0.3, 0.4, 0.5)
‘‘Absolutely more important (AMI)’’ (2.5, 3, 3.5) (0.2, 0.3, 0.4)

Table 7 Pairwise comparison of Success factors categories The priority vector of each main category of success
factors is listed in Table 7. Local priority weight (LPW) of
Success factors categories
all the main categories of the factors were calculated using
Change Business People Eq. 3. First, the synthetic extent values of four categories,
Change (1,1,1) (1.5, 2.5, 3) (1, 1.5, 2) i.e., Organizational Management, process, technology, and
Business (0.3, 0.4, 0.6) (1,1,1) (0.4, 0.5, 0.6) coordination in were determined, and the priority weight of
People (0.5, 0.6, 1) (1.5, 2, 2.5) (1,1,1) each category was calculated using Eq. 4. In the following,
we have provided the calculation of priority weight for all
the categories of the success factors.
n X
Fgij ¼ ð1; 1; 1Þ þ ð1:5; 2; 2:5Þ þ ð1; 1:5; 2Þ   
performed an AHP analysis to prioritize the success factors i j

of distributed agile software development methodology. þ ð0:5; 0:6; 1Þ þ ð1; 1; 1Þ ¼ ð14:1; 18:2; 22:8Þ
" #1  
Similarly, Wong and Li (2008) performed an AHP Xn Xm
1 1 1
analysis for the selection of intelligent buildings systems Fgij ¼ ; ;
i j
22:8 18:2 14:1
by considering the responses received from nine experts.
¼ ð0:04386; 0:054945; 0:070922Þ
Therefore, we have conducted a FAHP analysis based on X
the data received from 34 experts. By considering the data Fg1 ¼ ð1; 1; 1Þ þ ð1:5; 2:5; 3Þ þ ð1; 1:5; 2Þ ¼ ð5; 7; 8:5Þ
sample of exiting studies, we can justify that the sample
size of 34 experts is acceptable for generalizing the study j
Fg2 ¼ ð0:3; 0:4; 0:6Þ þ ð1; 1; 1Þ þ ð0:4; 0:5; 0:6Þ ¼ ð2:2; 2:5; 3:2Þ
results. j¼1

The geometric mean is used to transform the survey X

Fg3 ¼ ð0:5; 0:6; 1Þ þ ð1:5; 2; 2:5Þ þ ð1; 1; 1Þ ¼ ð4; 5:1; 6:5Þ
response collected via the second survey (FAHP survey); j¼1
the geometric mean is an effective method to convert the
expert’s judgments into TFN numbers. The formula used to The ‘‘Change,’’ ‘‘Business,’’ and ‘‘People’’ represent the
calculate the geometric mean is given below: synthesis values of main categories which were calculated
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi using Eq. 4 as follow:
Geometric mean ¼ n t1 t2 t3. . .tn
" #1
m n X
X m
t ¼ Weight of each response Change ¼ j
Fg1  Fgij
n ¼ Number of responses j i j

¼ ð5; 7; 8:5Þ  ð0:04386; 0:054945Þ ¼ ð0:219298; 0:384615Þ

Step 3 Test the consistency of the pairwise matrix Business ¼ ð2:2; 2:5; 3:2Þ  ð0:04386; 0:054945Þ ¼ ð0:096491; 0:137363Þ
In this section, we presented a step-by-step calculation People ¼ ð4; 5:1; 6:5Þ  ð0:04386; 0:054945Þ ¼ ð0:175439; 0:280220Þ
of the procedure followed to check whether a given pair-
wise matrix is consistent or not. For this, we have con- The degree of possibility using Eq. 6 is determined.
sidered the Table of Categories (Table 6). A triangular The minimum degree of possibility (priority weight) for
fuzzy number of the pairwise comparison matrix of the each pairwise comparison was calculated using Eq. 8.
main categories is defuzzified to crisp number using Eq. 14 Therefore, the weight vector was determined as W0 = (1,
and obtained the corresponding Fuzzy Crisp Matrix (FCM) 0.030019, 0.69836) (Table 8). When these values were
as shown in Table 7: normalized, the importance of attributes was calculated as
Step 4 Calculating the local priority weight of each W = (0.4789, 0.01435, 0.3337). The given results reveal
success factor and their respective categories that Organizational management is the most significant
category as it has highest priority weight as compared to
(i) A numerical example the other categories of the success factors.

Identification and prioritization of DevOps success factors using fuzzy-AHP approach

Table 8 Results of V values for

Change Business People d (priority weight)
V (Change C ….) – 1 1 1
V (Business C ….) 0.030019 – 0.26502 0.030019
V (People C ….) 0.69836 1 – 0.69836

(ii) Test the consistency of the pairwise matrix 0.9 for n = 4 (Table 5). Therefore, Eqs. 18 and 19 are used
to calculate the consistency index and consistency ration as
In this section, we presented a step-by-step calculation
of the procedure followed to check whether a given pair-
wise matrix is consistent or not. For this, we have con- kmax  n 3:0707  3
CI ¼ ¼ ¼ 0:035553 ð18Þ
sidered the Table of Categories (Table 9). A triangular n1 31
fuzzy number of the pairwise comparison matrix of the CI 0:035553
main categories are defuzzified to crisp number using CR ¼ ¼ ¼ 0:061 ð19Þ
RI 0:58
Eq. 14 and obtained the corresponding Fuzzy Crisp Matrix
The calculated value of CR is 0.061 \ 0.10; therefore,
(FCM) as shown in Table 9:
the pairwise comparison matrix developed for the cate-
The largest Eigenvector (kmax) value of the FCM matrix
gories of success factors is consistent and acceptable.
is calculated by calculating the column sum of each col-
Similarly, the consistency ratio for all the categories are
umn of FCM matrix (Table 9) and then divide each ele-
checked, and the results are given in Tables 11, 12, 13, 14
ment of FCM matrix by column sum. Moreover, the
and 15, respectively.
priority weight is calculated by taking the average of each
row, as shown in Table 10.
X hX i
4.4 Phase 5: Determining the ranking
kmax ¼ Cj fWg ð17Þ of the success factors
where Cj = sum of the columns of Matrix [C] (Table 7), Local weights (LW) of the factors were determined based
W = weight vector (Table 10), therefore on the weight vector value (W) in their respective cate-
gories. The LW shows the local rank (LR) order of a
kmax ¼ 3:6  0:37938 þ 5:5  0:14945 þ 3:2  0:27593 þ
specific success factor in a category. For example, in
¼ 3:0707
‘‘People’’ category, F1 (Emphasize culture rather than
tools, W = 0.42) is ranked as the highest priority factor
Based on the calculation, the largest Eigen value (kmax)
(Table 15), because its weight vector value is higher than
of the matrix FCM is 3.0707. The dimension of FCM is 4.
the other factors. Similarly, F3 (Empowerment, W = 0.241)
Therefore n = 4 and the Random Consistency Index (RI) is
and F5 (Established skilled DevOps Teams, W = 0.201)
are, respectively, 2nd and 3rd most top-ranked success
factors in the People category. The same approach was
Table 9 Fuzzy crisp matrix (FCM) for success factors categories
used to calculate the local ranks of all the other factors and
Change Business Process their categories (Table 15). The aim of calculating the local
Change 1.9 2.5 1.5 rank is to check the significance of the identified success
Business 0.9 1.0 0.7
factors in their specific categories. The local rank-based
Process 0.8 2.0 1.0
classification will assist the practitioners to consider the
Column sum 3.6 5.5 3.2
highest ranked success factors at the top priority and
We further determined the global weight (GW) of each
success factor to measure their overall impact on DevOps
practices. We globally rank (i.e., among all the identified
Table 10 Normalized matrix of success factors categories factors) each factor based on their global weight, which is
Change Business People Priority vector weight calculated by multiplying the value of the local weight of a
specific factor with the respective category weight. For
Change 0.37037 0.35714 0.40541 0.37938 example, the global weight of F1 = local weight of
Business 0.18519 0.14286 0.13514 0.14945 F1 9 category weight (i.e., C1: Peo-
People 0.25926 0.28571 0.27027 0.27593 ple) = 0.420 9 0.37938 = 0.159. Based on the given GW
value of F1, it is ranked as the most significant factor for

M. A. Akbar et al.

Table 11 Pairwise comparison

of ‘‘people’’ category

F1 (1,1,1) (0.3, 0.4, 0.5) (0.4, 0.5, 0.6) (1.5, 2, 2.5) (0.4, 0.5, 0.6)
F2 (2, 2.5, 3) (1,1,1) (2, 2.5, 3) (0.5, 1, 1.5) (1, 1.5, 2)
F3 (1.5, 2, 2.5) (0.3, 0.4, 0.5) (1,1,1) (2, 2.5, 3) (2.5, 3, 3.5)
F4 (0.4, 0.5, 0.6) (0.6, 1, 2) (0.3, 0.4, 0.5) (1,1,1) (0.5, 0.6, 1)
F5 (1.5, 2, 2.5) (0.5, 0.6, 1) (0.2, 0.3, 0.4) (1, 1.5, 2) (1,1,1)
Imax = 5.50, CI = 0.12, CR = 0.10

Table 12 Pairwise comparison

of ‘‘business’’ category
F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11

F6 (1,1,1) (0.4, 0.5, 0.6) (1.5, 2, 2.5) (0.3, 0.4, 0.5) (0.4, 0.5, 0.6) (1, 1.5, 2)
F7 (1.5, 2, 2.5) (1,1,1) (2, 2.5, 3) (0.5, 1, 1.5) (1, 1.5, 2) (1, 1.5, 2)
F8 (0.4, 0.5, 0.6) (0.3, 0.4, 0.5) (1,1,1) (2, 2.5, 3) (2.5, 3, 3.5) (0.4, 0.5, 0.6)
F9 (2, 2.5, 3) (0.6, 1, 2) (0.3, 0.4, 0.5) (1,1,1) (0.5, 0.6, 1) (1, 1.5, 2)
F10 (1.5, 2, 2.5) (0.5, 0.6, 1) (0.2, 0.3, 0.4) (1, 1.5, 2) (1,1,1) (2, 2.5, 3)
F11 (0.5, 0.6, 1) (0.5, 0.6, 1) (0.5, 0.6, 1) (0.5, 0.6, 1) (0.5, 0.6, 1) (1,1,1)
Imax = 5.85, CI = 0.21, CR = 0.19

Table 13 Pairwise comparison of ‘‘change’’ category

F12 F13 F14 F15 F16 F17 F18 F19

F12 (1,1,1) (1, 1.5, 2) (2.5, 3, 3.5) (0.6, 1, 2) (1.5, 2, 2.5) (1, 1.5, 2) (0.5, 0.6, 1) (0.3, 0.4, 0.5)
F13 (0.5, 0.6, 1) (1,1,1) (0.5, 0.6, 1) (1, 1.5, 2) (0.4, 0.5, 0.6) (1, 1.5, 2) (2, 2.5, 3) (1, 1.5, 2)
F14 (0.2, 0.3, 0.4) (1, 1.5, 2) (1,1,1) (0.5, 1, 1.5) (0.5, 0.6, 1) (0.5, 0.6, 1) (1, 1.5, 2) (0.5, 0.6, 1)
F15 (0.5, 1, 1.5) (0.5, 0.6, 1) (0.6, 1, 2) (1,1,1) (0.2, 0.3, 0.4) (2, 2.5, 3) (0.5, 1, 1.5 (2, 2.5, 3)
F16 (0.4, 0.5, 0.6) (1.5, 2, 2.5) (1, 1.5, 2) (2.5, 3, 3.5) (1,1,1) (0.4, 0.5, 0.6) (0.2, 0.3, 0.4) (1, 1.5, 2)
F17 (0.5, 0.6, 1) (0.5, 0.6, 1) (1, 1.5, 2) (0.3, 0.4, 0.5) (1.5, 2, 2.5) (1,1,1) (0.4, 0.5, 0.6) (2, 2.5, 3)
F18 (1, 1.5, 2) (0.3, 0.4, 0.5) (0.5, 0.6, 1) (0.6, 1, 2) (2.5, 3, 3.5) (1.5, 2, 2.5) (1,1,1) (0.4, 0.5, 0.6)
F19 (2, 2.5, 3) (0.5, 0.6, 1) (1, 1.5, 2) (0.3, 0.4, 0.5) (0.5, 0.6, 1 (0.3, 0.4,)0.5) (1.5, 2, 2.5) (1,1,1)
Imax = 10.4, CI = 0.17, CR = 0.11

Table 14 Pairwise comparison of in between the categories your DevOps strategy), GW = 0.13), is recognized as the
Change Business People
second highest priority success factor for cloud-based
software development outsourcing. Moreover, F18 (Real-
Change (1,1,1) (2, 2.5, 3) (1, 1.5, 2) Time Feedback, GW = 0.12) and F3 (Empowerment,
Business (0.3, 0.4, 0.5) (1,1,1) (0.3, 0.4, 0.5) GW = 0.09) are ranked as the 3rd and 4th most priority
People (0.5, 0.6, 1) (2, 2.5, 3) (1,1,1) factors for the DevOps practices.

4.5 Phase 6: Taxonomy of success factors

DevOps activities. Similarly, the GW values for all the The final phase of this study aim is the development of
other factors are identified and listed in Table 15. Based on prioritization-based taxonomy of the identified DevOps
the results given in Table 15, we could see that F17 (Assess success factors. The prioritization-based taxonomy consists
of calculated the local and global ranks of the success

Identification and prioritization of DevOps success factors using fuzzy-AHP approach

Table 15 Success factors ranking

Categories Categories weight Success Local weights Local ranking Global weights Global ranking
(CW) factors (LW) (LR) (GW) (GR)

People 0.3798 F1 0.42 1 0.16 1

F2 0.16 5 0.06 7
F3 0.241 2 0.09 4
F4 0.18 4 0.07 6
F5 0.201 3 0.08 5
Business 0.14945 F6 0.342 2 0.05 8
F7 0.176 4 0.03 10
F8 0.378 1 0.06 7
F9 0.104 6 0.02 11
F10 0.17 5 0.03 10
F11 0.32 3 0.05 8
Change 0.27593 F12 0.34 3 0.09 4
F13 0.191 5 0.05 8
F14 0.161 6 0.04 9
F15 0.21 4 0.06 7
F16 0.12 7 0.03 10
F17 0.487 1 0.13 2
F18 0.45 2 0.12 3
F19 0.063 8 0.02 11

factors (Table 14, Fig. 12). The developed taxonomy 4.6 Sensitivity analysis
shows that impact of success factors locally (within the
category) and globally (overall project). For example, the We performed a sensitivity analysis by changing the
taxonomies results presented in Fig. 12 shows that F1 importance of different categories of the model and ana-
(Emphasize culture rather than tools) is ranked as the 1st lyzed how the weights of success factors are impacted. We
highest ranked success factor in ‘‘People’’ category, and individually maximized the importance of ‘‘business’’ and
globally, it is also ranked as the most significant success ‘‘change’’ categories and compared the ranking of the
factor for the success and progression of DevOps practices success factors with results of the model. The maximum
in software organizations. This indicated that F1 is highly importance of an individual category was assigned a value
important to address for the successfulness of People cat- of 0.3798, which the importance weight of highest ranked
egory, as well as it is important for overall study objective. category (i.e., ‘‘people’’) in the model.
This is because while pairwise comparison, the rest of the The sensitivity analysis results indicate that when the
success factors of other categories are more important to ‘‘change’’ category is maximized, F1, F12, F17 and F18
address the overall study objective, i.e., successful imple- still remain the top four ranked success factors. Similarly,
mentation of DevOps practices in the software industry. F7, F9, F10 and F19 also remain the lowest four ranked
The results (Fig. 12) show that Based on the results given success factors. Moreover, the middle-ranked success fac-
in Table 15, we could see that F17 (Assess your DevOps tors also change within a small interval.
strategy) is recognized as the second highest priority suc- The sensitivity analysis results also indicate that when
cess factor for cloud-based software development out- the ‘‘business’’ category is maximized and the ‘‘people’’
sourcing. Moreover, F18 (Real-Time Feedback) and F3 category is assigned the weight of ‘‘business’’ category,
(Empowerment) are ranked as the 3rd and 4th most priority F12, F17 and F18 remain one of the highest ranked success
factors for the DevOps practices. The developed taxonomy factors except F1. This indicates that if the ‘‘business’’
will assist the industry practitioners and academic category is the highest priority for stakeholders then F8
researchers to develop new strategies for the success and will be the highest ranked success factor instead of F1. On
progression of DevOps practice. the other hand, the lowest ranked success factors will be
F2, F5, F16 and F19. Moreover, the middle-ranked success

M. A. Akbar et al.

Fig. 12 Taxonomy of success


Fig. 13 Sensitivity analysis

factors also change within a small interval. Figure 13 conducted an inter-rater reliability test, and the results
summaries the results of the sensitivity analysis. show that the extracted data were unbiased and consistent.
Another internal threat to validity is that the developed
search string was executed on limited academic databases
5 Threats to validity and search engines. This may cause incomplete data col-
lection sources, and some related studies may be omitted.
An important threat toward the validity of this study’s Moreover, the developed search string was executed on
findings could be the researcher’s bias and inconsistency in selected digital libraries and web-search engines. As the
the data extraction process. To address this threat, we have search mechanism of every library and search engines vary,

Identification and prioritization of DevOps success factors using fuzzy-AHP approach

Table 16 Summary of research findings

Research questions Findings

[RQ1] What success factors of DevOps practices are Emphasize culture rather than tools (F1)
reported in the literature? Attempt matrix organization and transparency (F2)
Empowerment (F3)
Cross-functional team (F4)
Established skilled DevOps Teams (F5)
Design a common baseline (F6)
Keep to the sequencing of the DevOps approach (F7)
Internal DevOps Events (F8)
Demonstrating Lean Leadership behavior (F9)
Continues integration and deployment (F10)
Measure progress and plan next improvement (F11)
Use modeling (F12)
Integrate the challenges of operations and support (F13)
Automatic testing techniques (F14)
Accommodate legacy systems (F15)
Use system orchestration (F16)
Assess your DevOps strategy (F17)
Real-Time Feedback (F18)
DevOps Security pipeline (F19)
[RQ2] What does practitioners do think about the According to the expert’s opinions, all the identified factors could positively impact the
success factors of DevOps practices? DevOps practices
[RQ3] How the identified success factors were The step-by-step protocols of fuzzy AHP is applied to prioritize the investigated success
prioritize using fuzzy AHP? factors. The fuzzy AHP results show that F1 (Emphasize culture rather than tools),
F17 (Assess your DevOps strategy), F18 (Real-Time Feedback) and F3 (Empowerment)
are ranked as the 3rd and 4th most significant success factors for DevOps practices in
software organizations
[RQ4] What would be the prioritization-based The prioritization-based taxonomy of the success factors is developed (Fig. 12). The
taxonomy of success factors? developed taxonomy presents the local and global ranks of the success factors which
assists the practitioners and researchers concerning their interest

though there is a chance of improper execution of search 6 Study implication

string which may lead to omitting the related studies.
However, based on the existing literature review studies, The study provides the state-of-the-art on the success fac-
this is not a systematic omission (Niazi et al. 2016; Akbar tors associated with DevOps practices. The identified fac-
et al. 2019; Khan et al. 2017, 2018). tors were also mapped to three core areas of SPI manifesto.
The DevOps success factors were extracted from the The identified success factors and their respective mapping
available state-of-the-art literature and validated by con- to core areas of SPI manifesto will help practitioners in a
ducting the empirical study with the experts. The feedback successful implementation of DevOps-based projects.
of the survey participants revealed that the reported success Moreover, the study also addresses the multi-criteria-
factors are related to their work. It is noted that most of the based decision-making problem for the success factors
survey study respondents are from developing countries. associated with DevOps. The prioritization-based taxon-
Moreover, external threat to validity focuses on general- omy developed in this study provides the rank order for the
ization of the results. Most survey participants are from the identified success factors and their mapping to three key
Asia and there is a representative set of participants from categories. We believe the taxonomy will serve as the
non-Asian organizations. Hence, the findings of the study body-of-knowledge for the practitioners as it helps them
are generalizable. identify key success factors and their categories during the
implementation of a DevOps project.

M. A. Akbar et al.

7 Summary of research questions findings Asia. Hence, findings of the study can be extended by
incorporating input from organizations in USA and Euro-
To address the objective of this study is to identify and pean regions in future studies.
prioritize the success factors of DevOps practices. A total In future, we plan to conduct a multivocal literature
of 19 success factors were identified using the SLR review study to collect evidence from the gray literature for
approach. The identified factors were mapped in SPI the success factors for DevOps projects. We also plan to
manifesto. The identified factors and their mapping results conduct another multivocal literature review study to
were empirically validated with experts. Finally, the fuzzy- identify challenges associated with the adoption of DevOps
AHP approach has been applied to prioritize the investi- practices.
gated success factors with respect to their significance for
DevOps practices. Therefore, the summarized answers of Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to the Deanship of
Scientific Research, King Saud University for funding through Vice
research questions are presented in Table 16. Deanship of Scientific Research Chairs.

Compliance with ethical standards

8 Conclusion and future directions
Conflict of interest All authors declare that there is no conflict of
The importance of DevOps adoption has motivated us to interest.
explore the factors that positively influence the DevOps
practices in the software industry. The systematic literature
review study was adopted, and a total 19 success factors Appendix A
were identified. The identified factors were classified in the
core categories of software process improvement mani- Selected primary studies and quality assessment score
festo. Next, an empirical study was conducted to validate (
the identified success factors and their mapping results. The
results show that the identified factors and their mapping is
related to industry practices. Finally, the fuzzy AHP tech- Appendix B
nique was applied to p prioritize the identified success
factors concerning their significance for the success and Sample of survey questionnaire (
progression of DevOps practices. The fuzzy-AHP results wcvf4xw).
indicate that the ‘‘people’’ is the most significant category
of the success factors. Global ranks indicates that ‘‘em-
phasize culture rather than tools, ‘‘assess your DevOps Appendix C
strategy,’’ ‘‘real-Time Feedback’’ and ‘‘empowerment’’ are
top four success factors that should be addressed for the Sample of Fuzzy-AHP questionnaire (
successful implementation of DevOps practices. Moreover, wwj9jvg).
the study provides the prioritization-based taxonomy of the
success factors which will assist both academic researchers
and industry practitioners to develop effective techniques
for the implementation of DevOps practices in a software
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