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During the past decade, online social networking has caused profound
changes in the way people communicate and interact. It is unclear,
however, whether some of these changes may affect certain normal
aspects of human behavior and cause psychiatric disorders. Several
studies have indicated that the prolonged use of social networking sites
(SNS), such as Facebook, may be related to signs and symptoms of
depression. In addition, some authors have indicated that certain SNS
activities might be associated with low self-esteem, especially in children
and adolescents. Other studies have presented opposite results in terms
of positive impact of social networking on self-esteem. The relationship
between SNS use and mental problems to this day remains controversial,
and research on this issue is faced with numerous challenges. This
concise review focuses on the recent findings regarding the suggested
connection between SNS and mental health issues such as depressive
symptoms, changes in self-esteem, and Internet addiction.


DURING THE PAST 10 YEARS, the rapid development of social networking

sites (SNSs) such as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, and so on has caused
several profound changes in the way people communicate and interact.
Facebook, as the biggest social networking Web site, today has more
than one billion active users, and it is estimated that in the future, this
number will significantly increase, especially in developing countries.
Facebook is used for both business and personal communication, and its
application has brought numerous advantages in terms of increasing
connectivity, sharing ideas, and online learning.

Recently, however, some researchers have associated online social

networking with several psychiatric disorders, including depressive
symptoms, anxiety, and low self-esteem. Since social networks are a
relatively new phenomenon, many questions regarding their potential
impact on mental health remain unanswered. On the other hand, due to
the popularity of these online services in the general population, any
future confirmed connection between them and psychiatric diseases
would pose a serious public health concern.


Social media use is the epitome of a double-edged sword. With so many

positive and negative effects, it’s important that we take a hard look at social media and
mental health. 

While tweeting on Twitter, snapping on Snapchat, and posting on Facebook, Instagram,

and TikTok can be fun and a seemingly harmless form of socialization, there’s often
more to the story. 

Yes, social media can be educational, perhaps a bit relaxing, and maybe even a much-
needed escape from the pressure and stress of life, but too much of anything can be
bad. Excessive use of social media can lead to anxiety, depression, and chronic stress,
and it’s just not something we talk enough about. 

Read on to learn how to balance your social media usage so you can enjoy its benefits
while avoiding most, if not all, of the potential negatives. 

How Does Social Media Impact Mental Health?

Is social media bad for mental health? The short answer is yes, it can be for some
people. How social media affects mental health, though, really just depends on each
individual person. For some, it might actually enhance mental health.

Human connection is known to reduce anxiety, stress, and depression. Socializing helps
us learn to navigate and cope with life’s challenges, can boost self-esteem, and can help
us avoid loneliness while increasing joy and happiness.
Today, many people rely on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and other social media
platforms to connect and form bonds with others. That said, while this can often be an
enjoyable and healthy experience, digital connections struggle to replace in-person

Ironically, given the very name of it, spending excessive time on social media can
actually lead to isolation and loneliness. The latest research also shows it can
exacerbate existing mental health problems like depression and anxiety. Young adults
are especially susceptible to these negative effects. A 2019 study found that young
people who consume social media for more than three hours have higher risk of mental
health problems.

If you spend a lot of time on social sites and have been experiencing increased feelings
of loneliness, sadness, frustration, or a general sense of discontent, now is the time to
reexamine your relationship with social media. Use the information and tips we’re
sharing here to modify how, when, and how much you use social media so you can find
that healthy balance, because it is  possible.
The Bright Side of Social Media
Social media certainly isn’t all  bad. As we’ve already mentioned, for some, it can have a
positive impact on mental health when used appropriately. Virtual social interactions
aren’t as psychologically beneficial as face-to-face contact, but they still can help us
stay connected with loved ones, ultimately increasing well-being.

Some additional positive effects of social media include:

 Staying in contact with family and friends, even those who live far away
 Increasing awareness about worthwhile causes and prominent issues
 Networking with people of similar interests and ambitions
 Sharing your opinions 
 Offering a platform to promote and display creative efforts with others
 Finding emotional support during challenging or difficult times
 Meeting new people and forming new friendships
 Learning valuable information and researching
 Marketing a business or brand
 Expanding your reach

Social media can also help ensure people who live in remote areas have access to vital
societal connections and information they might not otherwise be able to find. So, we
admit, it’s not all bad, but there’s definitely a darker side we must also explore.  
The negative effects of social media
Despite those numerous positive attributes, social media has some pretty distinct, and
often severe, drawbacks as well. When looking at how social media affects mental
health, it’s essential we look at both sides and really begin to scrutinize the unhealthy

“If someone tends to spend too much time on social media and starts to feel frustrated,
lonely, sad, or dissatisfied, then it might be time to decrease screen time and find a healthier
way to engage.”

Talkspace therapist Bisma Anwar, LMHC

Why is social media bad? Spending too much time on social platforms can create a
repeating negative cycle. You may use social media more often when you feel
depressed, lonely, stressed, or anxious. You might think  (or convince yourself) that it’s
helping you, making you happy, offering entertainment and letting you feel more

However, excessive social media usage can create feelings of dissatisfaction, isolation,
and inadequacy. These feelings may, in turn, cause or intensify anxiety, stress, and
depression — those very feelings you might be trying to escape in the first place.

As symptoms continue to worsen, some people feel compelled to use social media
even more, perpetuating a spiraling cycle. Negative effects of social media on mental
health can include the following. 

Fear of missing out (FOMO)

FOMO is a concept that’s been around a lot longer than social media. Twitter, Facebook,
Instagram, and other platforms aren’t helping. Scrolling these sites and apps can trigger
feelings that everyone else is living a better life than you. 

When you feel like you’re missing out on so many good things, it can impact your sense
of self-worth. It can make you feel anxious and lonely and can end up causing you to
use social media even more.

Posting countless selfies and expressing your personal thoughts about every possible
social situation can lead to an unhealthy sense of self. This type of self-absorption can
put distance and drive a wedge between you and others in your life.
Body image issues
Body image issues are another negative effect that’s been gaining traction in recent
studies. Recent research has found a trend so disturbing amongst young (primarily)
women who use social media filters, a new term has been coined: Snapchat
dysmorphia. While it’s not (yet) a mental health diagnosis, Snapchat dysmorphia occurs
when people compare their actual appearance to filtered (altered) selfies. 

Snapchat dysmorphia describes the deep-rooted feeling of wanting to change physical

features to match filtered images. Feelings of dissatisfaction and unhappiness can
surface as a result of the intense focus now being placed on — hear this: perceived  —

The phenomenon has gone so far that plastic surgeons are now noting a striking uptick
in people coming in for cosmetic surgery to alter their physical appearance to look more
like a filtered depiction of themselves. 

Depression and anxiety

Humans are social creatures by nature. We require connections in order to maintain
mental health. Studies show that eye-to-eye contact with a loved one quickly reduces
stress, regulates heart rate, and can reduce pain and inflammation. 

The more social media interactions you have instead of human interactions can
increase your risk of developing or worsening depression, anxiety, and other similar
mood disorders. 

Numerous studies have looked at the link between depression and social media use.

Results strongly suggest that depressive symptoms are significantly higher in relation to
more time spent and intensity of use on social platforms. 

Research shows that nearly 60% of teenagers have been cyberbullied on social media or
harassed online. Bullies increasingly use social platforms to attack, spreading painful
lies and starting or perpetuating rumors that can cause victims long-term emotional

New potential mental health conditions

Various other mental health concerns related to social media use have come to light in
recent years, including the not-yet-fully-understood correlation between tic disorders
and the use of platforms such as TikTok. Psychiatrists have described the number of
teenage girls developing uncontrollable movements as an “explosion of tics.”
We know that anxiety is a root cause of unintentional twitching found in tic disorders.
However, more research needs to be done for us to have a full understanding of any role
social media might also play. 

For now, there’s concern that tic disorders can be triggered by watching others on a
screen — there’s even a popular hashtag that garners billions (yes, with a “B”) of views:
#tourettes, posted by teen girls looking for support and acceptance as they try to
navigate sudden tics they’ve developed when using social media. 

Signs That Social Media Is Affecting Your Mental Health

There are several signs or red flags your social media use is becoming (or has already
become) unhealthy. 

Avoiding face-to-face interactions is a big one, especially if you’ve previously been a

social person who enjoyed people and had a lot of friends in the past. 

Another big clue might be realizing your priorities have changed. For example, if school
or work was something you took pride in, dedicated a lot of time to, and wanted to be
successful at, but things have changed now, take note of that. If you find you now feel
apathetic or struggle to remain motivated, you should start looking at what caused this

Other factors that can signal social media is affecting your health include you: 

 Compare yourself or your life to others on social media (especially people you don’t
actually know)
 Spend more time on your social feeds than you do with actual people
 Are more distracted at work, school, or when with friends
 Have been cyberbullied
 Don’t have time to self-reflect or do things that help you grow
 Notice your sleep is suffering 
 Have begun engaging in risky behaviors (particularly if you’re doing so to gain attention,
likes, or follows)

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