An Analysis of Customer Satisfaction On Online Selling in Barangay Mactan: Basis For Online Shops and Service Providers

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An Undergraduate Marketing Research Study Presented to the

Faculty of College of Business and Accountancy of
University of Cebu Lapu-lapu and Mandaue

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Degree of
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Major in Marketing Management

Apas, Denise Khonamarie C.

Barro, Shela Mae B.
Cinco, John Larry L.
Encienzo, Erecca E.
Gimoros, Rea Mae N.

May 2021


This study would not have been possible without the people's assistance
and guidance, who served as inspiration for this research. The researchers would
like to express their sincere gratitude to the following individuals:
To our Almighty God for keeping them all safe always, this study would
not be possible without His grace, wisdom, and blessings.
To Dr. Marlon F. Montecillo, the Research Adviser. The researchers were
fortunate enough to have him as the adviser, for the time he had spared, despite
his busy schedule, the pieces of advice, lessons, and guidance he bestowed upon
us. He encouraged us to work on this study efficiently.
To Dr. Ily E. Abella, the Dean of the College of Business and Accountancy,
for the approval and support in conducting the study, and serving as the
chairman of the oral defense.
To Mr. Jhun L. Veril and Mr. Edwin C. Compra, the Research Panel
Members, for their effort in giving us clear insights, suggestions, and
recommendations to improve the study.
To Dr. Winnie Marie T. Poliquit, the Research Instructor, for the guidance
in improving the study. Giving us all of her time to explain and share her
personal experiences as a researcher also motivated us to work harder in
accomplishing this study.
To the research respondents, who have shared their precious time despite
of their hectic schedule in answering the survey questionnaire and providing the
researchers all the needed information.
To their families, who extended their support emotionally and financially.



This study is wholeheartedly dedicate to God Almighty our creator, our

strong pillar, our source of inspiration, wisdom, knowledge and understanding.
He has been the source of our strength throughout this study.

To our research adviser, instructor, classmates, and friends who

voluntarily extended their hands and share their words of advice and
encouragement to finish this study.

To our beloved parents, who’ve been our inspiration and source of

strength during those sleepless nights, and when those times that we thought
we were going to give up. They never failed to shower us with their moral,
spiritual, emotional, and financial support.

And lastly, we dedicate this study to the future researchers wherein this
study would serve as their reference in the future.


Acknowledgement i
Dedication ii
Table of Contents iii
List of Tables v
List of Figure vi
Abstract vii
Rationale of the Study 1
Theoretical Background 3
Statement of the Problem 8
Significance of the Study 10
Research Design 11
Research Environment 12
Research Respondents 12
Research Instruments 13
Dry-run Procedures 14
Research Procedure 14
Ethical Considerations 15
Trustworthiness of the Research 15
Profile of the Respondents 17
Data on the Level of Satisfaction on 18
Services Quality Dimensions as perceived
By the respondents

Summarized Data on the Level of 23


Satisfaction on Services Quality


Data on the Level of Satisfaction on 24

Product Quality Dimensions as perceived
by the respondents

Summarized Data on the Level of 31

Satisfaction on Product Quality Dimensions

Data on the Level of Respondents’ 32

Perceptions on the Advantages of
Purchasing Online Shops than
Physical Stores


Summary 33

Findings 35



Recommendations 38

A Transmittal Letter 48
B Research Instrument 49
C Pilot Testing Result 60
D Statistical Results 63
E Grammarly Result 66
F Location Map 67
G Standard Form 10 – Adviser’s Acceptance 68
H Standard Form 11 – Statistician’s Acceptance 70
I Standard Form 1S - Title Approval 72

J Standard Form 2S – Compliance Checklist 73


Table Description Page

1 Research Respondents 12

2 Profile of the Respondents 18

3 Data on the Level of Satisfaction on 21

Services Quality Dimensions as perceived
By the respondents

4 Summarized Data on the Level of Satisfaction 24

On Services Quality Dimensions

5 Data on the Level of Satisfaction on Product 27

Quality Dimensions as perceived by the

6 Summarized Data on the Level of Satisfaction 31

On Product Quality Dimensions

7 Data on the Level of Respondents’ Perception 32

On the Advantages of Purchasing Online Shops
than Physical Stores


Figure Description Page

1 Research Flow Chart 11





Researchers : Shela Mae B.Barro

Denise Khonamarie C. Apas
John Larry L. Cinco
Erecca E. Encienzo
Rea Mae N. Gimoros

Degree : Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Major in Marketing Management
School : University of Cebu – Lapu-lapu and Mandaue

Adviser : Dr. Marlon F. Montecillo

Date Completed : May 2021

In today’s generation, online selling is a new trend that gained importance

in the modern business environment. This study aims to analyze customer
satisfaction with online selling in Barangay Mactan. The Customer Focus Theory
was chosen as the basis of the theoretical background of this study. On the other
hand, the SERVQUAL model of Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry (1980) and
PRODQUAL of Garvin (1987) were chosen to measure consumer satisfaction and
analyze the strategic level of quality characteristics. The research analysis relied
on 100 online purchasers using the descriptive survey method and
questionnaires in Google Forms. The results from the survey revealed that 61.00
percent of the respondents from Barangay Mactan were male. The study shows
that male has more impulse to purchase online. The obtained result analysis
confirmed that on the level of satisfaction on Services Quality Dimension wherein
the five variables were ranked according to the respondents’ perception;
responsiveness recorded as the highest mean 4.59. Most of the consumers are
satisfied when sellers inform them of the information/services the online shop
can provide. On the level of satisfaction on Product Quality Dimension,
serviceability ranked as the highest. It shows that consumers are satisfied when
sellers provide genuine help of a service person to the customers and do an
immediate restoration of the broken products. Furthermore, the result of the
study established that respondents prefer to purchase online because it is very
convenient to shop from where they are located. Finally, some recommendations
have been made for online sellers and service providers to improve the credibility
and trustworthiness of online shopping.

Keywords: Online Selling, Consumer Satisfaction, Servqual, Prodqual




Rationale of the Study

Locals are known for being judicious when it comes to purchasing a

product. They always aim to get satisfaction from the products or services online
considering the security, efficient transaction, mode of payment convenience,
price and values, return or exchange rules, online reviews and feedback, good
customer service, and low delivery charges. Local consumers recognized and
value the advantages offered by online shopping because of its convenience and

Customer Satisfaction is the key to create a long-term relationship with

customers (Chambers, 2020). When a particular business manages to serve its
customers well enough and make them happy, it can establish long-term
customer relationships and possibly get free marketing simultaneously.
Successful customers can become the best salespeople as they shared their
positive experiences with the products and services (Birkett, 2020). Satisfied
customers positively impact the business results, so it is necessary and
interesting to analyze.

Product and Service Marketing are equally significant because it attempts

to provide value to individuals, families or businesses, and both rely on both
marketing strategies to stimulate demand and motivate consumers to make
purchasing decisions (Ingram, 2019). Product and Service Marketing can be
direct in providing pictures and specific information and features about the
products and services a business provides (Leonard, 2018). It results in an
excellent online shop reputation and customer relationship. Moreover, the
customers' purchase desire will increase if they are satisfied by the quality of
service and product.

According to Khadka and Maharjan (2017), whenever a business is about

to start, customers always come "first" and then the profit. Those companies
that succeed in satisfying the customers will remain in the top position in the
market. Consumer satisfaction is every business organization's foundation of
success because of its positive impact on profitability and growth. Consumer
satisfaction obtains to have an effective and efficient communication source at
no cost to the firm.

According to Abdissa Gemechu Gobena (2019), service quality is used to

differentiate and add value to service offerings and win a strategic competitive
advantage. Service quality means performance is more significant than customer
expectations. If service quality meets or exceeds expectations, it results in
consumer satisfaction. When the customer gets contented with the company's
product or service, it can make the customer purchase frequently and
recommend products or services to potential customers (Tao, 2014). However,
obtaining consumer satisfaction is a difficult task, for several factors need
considerations, and it requires effective and long-lasting strategies.

Nowadays, several Local Online Sellers just started their online business
because they have seen business opportunities considering the technology,
innovation, and situation that the locals are going through each day. They
provide the needs and wants of the people. However, Local Online Sellers should
know whether their consumers are satisfied by the quality of products and
services rendered to understand how to strategize their target market.

With the knowledge of the researchers, which are currently business

students who specialize in Marketing Management, the study is conducted to
analyze the consumer satisfaction of the locals that will be the basis for
Marketing Strategy for Local Online Shops. Through the study, researchers can
give the Local Entrepreneurs recommendations to ensure growth and sustainable
development in the market.

Theoretical Background

This study anchored on the Customer Focus Theory model of

Drucker (1954), any organization's main strategic goal should be to focus on the
customer, and the customer should be the primary reason for the organization's
existence. Customer focus is much more essential in today's operating
environment, as it is viewed as fundamental to growth in the competitive market
(Mugo, 2020). The term "customer focus" refers to meeting the demands and
expectations of existing and potential customers by acquiring a thorough grasp
of their needs then generating perceived value to customers. A customer focus
approach is considering to generate value for customers, which leads to
customer loyalty, which leads to business profitability. Customer focus is an
important part of the design, production, marketing, and service processes, and
it all starts with figuring out what the consumer wants. From a "customer-
focused" perspective, service quality is based on expectations. The consumer
measures his or her happiness with the service quality by comparing the
perceived result to the expected service. If the customer perceives the
usefulness to be equal to or better than what they expected, they are satisfied
and can conclude that the service was of high quality.

The supporting theories of the study are SERVQUAL and PRODQUAL in

order to measure consumer satisfaction and analyze the strategic level of quality
characteristics. SERVQUAL (Service Quality Dimension) model of Parasuraman,
Zeithaml, and Berry (1980) that states that Service Quality Dimension is the
concise multiple-item scale with good validity and reliability that retailers can use
to better understand the service expectations and perceptions of consumers and,
as a result, improve service. The model initially identified ten dimensions of
service quality, but after testing, some of the dimensions discovered to be
autocorrelated, and the total number of dimensions was reduced to five, namely
- reliability, assurance, tangibles, empathy, and responsiveness. The SERVQUAL
method has gained much popularity over the past few years. This tool is simple

and easy to implement, can be modified according to the organization's needs,

and allows for accurate analysis. It can quickly locate problems, remove reasons
for possible customer dissatisfaction, and improve service quality (Midor and
Kucéra, 2017).

Reliability is a quality that quantifies how a customer trusts an online

website. An online store's reliability earns customers' and consumers' trust and
loyalty (Vella, 2013). According to Pakurar et al. (2019), service quality's
Reliability dimension positively impacts customer satisfaction. It revealed that
reliability could be considered the extent to which customers can rely on the
entrepreneurs' service. As a guideline of service quality, reliability has a
significant impact on customer satisfaction. Reliability defines as the capacity to
achieve the required service for customers responsibly, precisely, and as
promised, and the ability to treat problems encountered by customers. It is
critical to take actions to solve problems, perform the required services right
from the first occasion, or provide services at the proper time (Ennew et al.,

Assurance has defined as employees' knowledge and courtesy and their

capacity to transfer confidence and trust to customers (Pakurar et al., 2019). It
means keeping customers informed in their native language and listening to
them regardless of their educational level, age, and nationality. According to
Parasuraman et al. (1985), assurance denotes the employees' attitudes and
behavior and the staff's ability to provide confidential, friendly, courteous, and
competent services.

Tangibles define as the appearance of physical facilities, equipment,

personnel, and communication materials. It may also define the clear visibility of
resources necessary for providing a service to customers, the management
team's appearance and professional employees, brochures, and booklets, which
will affect customer satisfaction (Parasuraman et al., 1985). Tangibles give
customers a concrete object to hold in their hands. The goal is to get something

in the customers' hands that reminds them of the firm (Moore, 2021). Therefore,
it is the physical image of the service that customers will use to assess quality. 

Customers also perceive empathy in business service. Empathy is

communication that helps every employee build a good relationship with
customers. It would also assist the business know the customer's demands. In
line with this, empathy is also vital to the customer service experience, which
increases the number of satisfied customers and their loyalty and trust towards
the store (Simons, 2017). Moreover, empathy makes it possible to understand
other people's perceptions and opinions. Knowing customers' opinions is
essential for a business to know their service meets their needs, wants, and
positive feelings. 

Responsiveness as the dimension of service quality is associated with the

organization's ability and willingness to provide efficient service with proper
timelines. Employees' willingness to provide the required service at any time
without any inconvenience will impact customer satisfaction (Pakurar et al.,
2019). Therefore, responsiveness will strongly influence customer satisfaction
with Online Selling. 

Another theory that chains the study is the PRODQUAL (Product Quality
Dimension) of Garvin (1987), which utilizes a strategy to analyze quality
characteristics. The researchers believe that understanding the consumers'
satisfaction is not just about the quality of service but also the product.
According to Khadka and Maharjan (2017), Product quality is another
fundamental factor in customer loyalty and satisfaction. Product quality is a set
of features and distinct brand product characteristics which help to the ability to
fulfill specified demand. Garvin (1987) had identified different product quality
dimensions such as performance, features, reliability, conformance, durability,
serviceability, aesthetics, and perceived quality.

According to Periera (2020), performance is often a source of argument

between suppliers and customers, mainly when deliverables sufficiently not
define within specifications. It refers to a product's primary operating
characteristics. This quality dimension involves measurable attributes where
brands can usually be ranked objectively on individual performance aspects
(Garvin, 1987). Moreover, it lets the local online sellers rank their product sales
based on revenue performance. It will inform the Local Online Sellers about the
products that are selling well. Additionally, it ranks as the inadequate performing
products, so the Local Online Sellers can determine which the products are
failing. This way, they can resonate with the customers.

Features are the characteristics reinforcing the primary performance of a

product or service. Separating "features" from "performance" is complicated
because illustrating a clear line between the two is generally impossible. The
crucial thing is that features involve measurable attributes and objectives
(Pratap, 2020). Moreover, the distinction between features and performance is
arguable. As Garvin annotates, in many cases, the distinction between the
primary performance characteristics and secondary features is one of relative
importance to a particular customer or user group. 

According to Pratap (2020), reliability relates to the product's functioning

and its ability to fail during a specific period. Garvin (1987) highlighted three
reliability measures: the meantime to first failure, mean time between failures,
and failure rate per unit of time.

Conformance is the accuracy with which the product or standards and

service meets the specified (Ashok, 2014). In other words, it is a basis of how
comparable products and services come to meeting planned criteria once they
are delivered. If a product strictly meets target specifications, it categorizes as
excellent conformance quality. On the other hand, if the product varies
significantly from the planned design, it is said to have poor conformance quality.

    According to Garvin (1987), durability, another dimension of product

quality, is a measure of product life. It has both economic and technical
dimensions. Technically, a customer can define durability as the amount of use
they get from a product before it deteriorates (Pratap, 2020). Moreover,
durability defines as the amount of use a person gets from a product before it
breaks, and replacement is much better than continued repair. 

    Serviceability focuses on maintenance and service task optimization to

achieve socially sustainable product serviceability (Peruzzini et al., 2017).
Moreover, serviceability simplifies the proficiency of repair or service. However,
apart from the ease of repair, courtesy, speed and competence also matter. The
consumer's concern is what if the product breaks and how much time will it take
to restore the services. 

    Aesthetics are critically crucial to market acceptance in many product

categories. Developing product aesthetics can require substantial investment, yet
returns on investment found across markets (Burnap et al., 2019). Moreover,
aesthetics are a matter of individual preference and personal judgment. How
much a customer likes the feel, look, sound, taste, or smell of a product is all a
matter of individual preference.

    Perceived quality is one of the most severe aspects of product

development that defines successful design (Stylidis et al., 2020). It defines a
customer's opinion about the image or quality of the service or product or the
brand itself concerning its use against its alternatives. Furthermore, perceived
quality is intangible. Perceived quality cannot be measured on quantitative
grounds, preferably because intelligence about what is essential to the customers
varies widely across different personalities, needs, and preferences.


Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to analyze the consumers’ satisfaction in Barangay

Mactan on online selling. The result of the study served as the basis for
conceiving a recommendation for the local online sellers.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age
1.2 Gender
1.3 Occupational Status
1.4 Monthly Income?
2. What are the consumers’ level of satisfaction with services quality
dimensions in terms of:
2.1 Reliability
2.2 Assurance
2.3 Responsiveness
2.4 Tangibility
2.1 Empathy?
1. What are the consumers’ level of satisfaction with product quality
dimensions in terms of:
1.1 Performance
1.2 Features
1.3 Reliability
1.4 Conformance

1.5 Durability
1.6 Serviceability
1.7 Aesthetics
1.8 Perceived Quality?
2. What are the advantages of purchasing in online shops than physical
stores that made customers choose to purchase online?

3. Based on the results, what recommendations may be proposed to

enhance the Marketing Strategy of local online sellers when it comes
to the quality of products and services provided to consumers.

Significance of the Study

The study measured how products and services meet and surpass the
consumers' satisfaction and expectation. Therefore, the results of this study have
seen to be significant and beneficial to the following groups:
Local Online Sellers. Through this study, the local online sellers will
gain more support, sales, and profit by improving their quality of products and
services to meet the consumers' standards leading to satisfaction. Additionally, to
gain an advantage on how to strategize their target market.
Online Consumers. The study will help the consumers to meet their
satisfaction based on the different standards towards online shopping. Through
this, they might get much more convenience, access to a more extensive
selection of high-quality products, and more competitive prices.
Manufacturing and Courier Companies. The study's recommendation
serves as the basis for some manufacturing and delivery services companies to
provide good quality products and services that can attract more customers and
Researchers. This study will bring satisfaction to the researchers
because it helps address the consumers' criteria of standards to be satisfied and
give the local online sellers recommendations to gain more support, sales, and
Future Researchers. This research study serves as a reference to future
researchers who want to broaden the study of Online Selling.


Research Design

The study applied the descriptive survey method, with the questionnaire
serving as the primary tool in data gathering. The researchers used Google
Forms to acquire information from the respondents. This method of sampling
would also help to minimize costs and consolidate data more efficiently.


- The respondents'
profile in terms of age,
gender, occupational -Descriptive Methodology - Recommendation of
status, location and -Data Collection Marketing Strategies
monthly income. for Local Online
-Analysis and
-The consumers' level Interpretation of Data Shops.
of satisfaction on
online selling

Figure 1. Research Flow Chart


Figure 1 shows the flow of the research study. It served as the model
for the whole research. The primary part was the respondents’ demographic
profile. The second part includes the process of developing a Descriptive
Methodology, Collecting Data, and analyzing and interpreting data. The
evaluated data and consumer reviews were the basis for developing Marketing
Strategies for Local Online Sellers to enhance the quality of products and

Research Environment

The study was conducted in Sitio Isuya and Sitio Angasil of Barangay
Mactan (one of Lapu-Lapu City's most well-known barangays), with an estimated
combined population of 700 people.

Since the purpose of the study was to analyze customer satisfaction

with online selling in Barangay Mactan to develop a marketing strategy for local
online shops, the location is appropriate and suitable for the analysis. It would
enable the researchers to conduct the research study in a more convenient place
and time. The study would also help them to have quick access in gathering data
and responses from the respondents.

Research Respondents

A total number of 100 residents from Barangay Mactan, specifically

from Sitio Isuya and Sitio Angasil, participated in the research study.


Research Respondents

n= 100
Occupational Status n Percent

Student 59 59%
Self-employed 13 13%
Employed 23 23%
Unemployed 5 5%
Retired 0 0%
Total 100 100%

Table 1 presents the respondents' number based on their

occupational status using convenience sampling as the data-gathering technique.

Research Instrument

The main instrument used to gather data needed in the study was
administered to the respondents using the google form. The first part of the
questionnaire is to determine the respondent’s profile regarding their age,
gender, occupational status, and monthly income. The second and third part
presents and summarizes the data on satisfaction on Services Quality
Dimensions. The fourth and fifth part presents and summarizes the data on the
level of satisfaction on Product Quality Dimensions, and the last section contains
the level of respondents’ perception of the advantages of purchasing online
shops over physical stores.

To interpret the responses, a parameter was used:

Mean Rating scheme: Interpretation

There was evidence that the

4.3-5 Highly Satisfied indicators were performed in all

There was evidence that

3.5-4.2 Satisfied the indicators were
performed in many cases.
2.61-3.4 Neither Satisfied

Neither performed nor not

Nor Dissatisfied

There was evidence that the

1.81-2.6 Dissatisfied indicators were performed in few
There was no evidence that the
1-1.80 Highly Dissatisfied
indicators were performed at all.

Dry-run Procedures

A dry run procedure was conducted among 21 respondents in the

Barangay Mactan to test the researcher-designed instrument's reliability. These
respondents were not included in the actual administration of the questionnaire.

The survey instruments were administered to the identified 21 dry-

run respondents through an online survey form. The survey questionnaire was
explained to them. Then, the collected data was sent to a statistician, who
tabulated and analyzed it.

Research Procedure

               Data Gathering.  The researchers followed the necessary steps to

obtain the needed data according to the institution's rules and regulations. First,
the letter of permission is addressed to the Dean of the College of Business and
Accountancy so the researchers can administer the data gathering to its target
location and respondents. There was no face-to-face survey that happened
considering the COVID-19 situation. Therefore, the researchers gathered data
using google forms. At that point, the researchers started to run the survey
around the vicinity targeting the desired respondents.  

             Treatment of Data. The responses to the questionnaires were tallied.

The following statistical tools were used to facilitate the analysis and
interpretation: Frequency and Simple Percentage were used to summarize and
analyze the respondents' profile. Weighted Mean was used to analyze the
consumers' satisfaction with Online Selling as a basis for Marketing Strategy for
Local Online Shops. 

Ethical Considerations
In one of the significant parts of the survey, ethical issues were addressed
during research. During the survey process, the researcher did require any
private information such as age, gender, occupational status, and monthly
income. Participating in the survey was entirely voluntary, and each individual
was fully introduced to the main objective of the research and was asked their
consent to participate and fill out the questionnaire. During the whole process of
filling out, respondents had the full right to stop at any point and had no
obligation to continue whatsoever if they were not willing to.

Trustworthiness of the Research

This analysis' findings are consistent with the sample population's
narrative and are not due to contradictory findings. According to the researchers,
the study was well-planned, with sufficient quality control and implementation
strategies in place, including adequate data collection, analysis, and sample size.
All of the information collected was treated with the utmost discretion and
confidentiality. Only the researchers in this study had access to the Google Drive
link to review the participants' responses. By carefully inspecting the data
gathered in the Google forms, the leakage of information was prevented and
stopped throughout the process. Instead of relying on their personality, beliefs,

or values, researchers relied on the substance of what they learned. Nothing is

based on something other than the actual, verifiable facts and no act of any sort.
There is no data manipulation, and everything is based on factual and verifiable


Locals. These are the residents who lived in the particular area.

Customer Satisfaction. This term refers to the measurement that determines

how satisfied customers are with a company’s products, services, and

Online Shopping. A business activity that allows consumers to directly buy

goods and services from a seller over the Internet using a web browser or
mobile application.

Product Marketing. This term refers to the process of promoting and selling a
product to a customer.

Service Marketing. It is a broad category of marketing strategies focused on

selling anything that is not a physical product.



This chapter represents the results of the data gathered. The first
part presents the profile of the respondents. The second and third part presents
and summarizes the data on satisfaction on Services Quality Dimensions. The
fourth and fifth part presents and summarizes the data on the level of
satisfaction on Product Quality Dimensions, and the last section contains the
level of respondents’ perception of the advantages of purchasing online shops
over physical stores.

Table 2 shows the profile of the Barangay Mactan residents based on age,
gender, occupational status, and monthly income. The result shows that
respondents aged in the range of 23-29 years old are equivalent to 49.00
percent. This data implies that this is the average age for online consumers since
the majority own a mobile phone device and spend an average of 10 hours a day
online (Sanchez, 2020).

As for gender, the majority, or 61.00 percent of the respondents from

Barangay Mactan, were male. It shows that the male has more impulse to
purchase online.

As for the occupational status, 59.00 percent were students. According to

Kanchan (2017), Students are among online shoppers because they thought
online shopping is convenient and has quick access to more products and
information. Students enjoy shopping more as they spend funds given to them
(Arnaudovska et al., 2010).

As for the monthly income, 60.00 percent of the respondents were under
5,000, considering that majority of the respondents were students who rely on
their allowances from their parents and part-time jobs.

Table 2
Profile of the Respondents
Indicators Frequency Percentile
A. Age
16-22 48 48.00
23-29 49 49.00
30-36 3 3.00
Mean: 1.55  
SD: 0.56  
B. Gender
Male 61 61.00
Female 39 39.00
Mean: 1.39
SD: 0.49
C. Occupation Status
Student 59 59.00
Self-employed 13 13.00
Employed 23 23.00
Unemployed 5 5.00
Mean: 1.74
SD: 0.98
D. Monthly Income
Under 5,000 60 60.00

5,000-10,000 20 20.00
10,001-15,000 6 6.00
15,001- 20,000 6 6.00
20,001- 25,000 5 5.00
25,001 and above 3 3.00
Mean: 1.85
SD: 1.35

Table 3 shows the result of the level of satisfaction on Services Quality

Dimensions as perceived by the respondents, which includes five variables—
reliability, assurance, responsiveness, tangibility, and empathy in which each
variable has five statements. As for reliability, the satisfaction when the online
shop has committed to fulfilling its services recorded as the highest mean at 4.59
and recorded as highly satisfied. Subsequently, parcels should be delivered on
time and satisfaction when the exact specifications were followed, as the second
and third means respectively at 4.56 and 4.55 which is still recorded as highly
satisfied. Followed by the level of service that must be the same as the fourth
mean at 4.47, and maintaining the error-free records of online shops as the
lowest mean at 4.35, both marked as highly satisfied. When it comes to
reliability, customers recognize the consistency and credibility of the online shops
(Choi et al., 2017). Online customers want to receive the excellent quality and
correct quantity that they have ordered within the time frame promised by the
online sellers, and they expect to be billed accurately.

As for assurance, customers want to shop again when the online shop is
trustworthy was recorded as the highest mean at 4.58 and recorded as highly
satisfied. The second means was making the customers feel safe in their
transactions and the confidence to shop online when sellers have the knowledge
to answer questions both means respectively at 4.57 which is still recorded as
highly satisfied. Subsequently, the online shop's confidence must instill in
customers about personal information should be kept confidential was recorded
as the third mean at 4.54 and recorded as highly satisfied. When the online seller

is interacting with courtesy, the safety and security of customers is the lowest
mean at 4.51 and recorded as highly satisfied. According to Rahi et al., 2017,
assurance means security and confidentiality that an online shop provides to its
customers. Besides, customers want an online shop to have formal privacy, a
confidentiality policy, secure access, and certifications or assurance.

As for responsiveness, the highest mean at 4.62 states that it is best to

inform the customer of the information/services the online shop can provide. The
second means was the satisfaction if the sellers update and inform the customer
about the status of the parcel and the importance of the chat performance rate
of the online shop both means at 4.61 and recorded as highly satisfied. Followed
by the customers' satisfaction when the online seller takes quick action on
resolving issues was recorded as the third mean at 4.58 and recorded as highly
satisfied. The customer's satisfaction when the online seller responds to the
requests willingly as the lowest mean at 4.55 and recorded as highly satisfied.
The data substantiate the research (Wang, 2003), testifying that responsiveness
measures the ability of a company to provide the appropriate information to
customers when a problem occurs, a mechanism for handling returns, and an
arrangement for online guarantees.

As for tangibility, the highest mean at 4. 5 is recorded as highly satisfied,

which states that good product photography, the proper size of picture should
match the exact product's description. Subsequently, the online selling lives and
virtually interacting with online sellers helps customers see what exactly they
wanted in the product as the second and third means respectively at 4.56 and
4.59, which is still recorded as highly satisfied. It is followed by having 360-
degree viewing to move around the picture of the product and focus on precisely
what they wanted as the fourth mean at 4.43 and recorded as highly satisfied.
Having a clear mental representation of a product as the lowest mean at 4.36
and recorded as highly satisfied. According to Jones (2016), customers have a
higher level of interest in such products when a shop attempts to give people a

3D view of items on sale because they can quickly figure out the products they
are going to purchase.

Lastly, as for empathy, making customers' opinions be the priority

recorded as the highest mean at 4.58 and recorded as highly satisfied. Making
efforts by understanding the context and behavior of the customers recorded as
the second mean at 4.53 and is recorded as highly satisfied. Subsequently,
acknowledging customer's feelings recorded as the third mean at 4.52 and the
expectation from online sellers to give customers personal attention recorded as
the fourth mean at 4.40, which both were recorded as highly satisfied. Online
sellers being rude to customers recorded as the lowest mean at 4.35 and are
recorded as highly satisfied. It gives the ability to sense another person's
emotions and imagine what they may be thinking or feeling (Dorrington, 2020).

Table 3
Level of Satisfaction on Services Quality Dimensions
as perceived by the Respondents
A. Reliability
 Delivered parcels on time and at 4.56 Highly Satisfied 2
the right place.
 Online shop’s commitment to fulfill 4.59 Highly Satisfied 1
 Exact specifications are followed. 4.55 Highly Satisfied 3
 Consistency of the delivery service. 4.47 Highly Satisfied 4
 Error-free records of online shops 4.35 Highly Satisfied 5
Aggregate Mean 4.50 Highly Satisfied
B. Assurance  
 Safety and security when the online 4.51 Highly Satisfied 4
seller is interacting with courtesy.
 Sellers’ way of keeping confidential 4.54 Highly Satisfied 3

personal information.
 Trustworthiness of the Online Shop 4.58 Highly Satisfied 1
 Safeness of transactions 4.57 Highly Satisfied 2
 Knowledgeable sellers to answer 4.57 Highly Satisfied 2
customers’ concerns
Aggregate Mean 4.55 Highly Satisfied
C. Responsiveness  
 Seller’s updates and informs me 4.61 Highly Satisfied 2
about parcel’s status.
 Importance of chat performance 4.61 Highly Satisfied 2
 Online seller’s responds to 4.55 Highly Satisfied 4
customers’ request willingly.
 Online seller’s quick action on 4.58 Highly Satisfied 3
resolving issues.
 .Informing customer about the 4.62 Highly Satisfied 1
information/services the online
shop can provide.
Aggregate Mean 4.59 Highly Satisfied
D. Tangibility  
 The attractiveness of the 4.49 Highly Satisfied 3
 Good product photography, proper 4.57 Highly Satisfied 1
size of picture matching the exact
product’s description.
 I can mentally comprehend a 4.36 Highly Satisfied 5
product and can have a clear
mental representation of it.
 Live and virtual online selling helps 4.56 Highly Satisfied 2
me see what I exactly wanted in

the product.
 Having 360-degree viewing that 4.43 Highly Satisfied 4
can move around the picture of the
product and focus on exactly what I
Aggregate Mean 4.48 Highly Satisfied
E. Empathy  
 Making the opinions of customers 4.58 Highly Satisfied 1
to be the first priority
 Online sellers are expected to give 4.40 Highly Satisfied 4
customers personal attention
 Making me feel heard by 4.52 Highly Satisfied 3
acknowledging my feelings
 I easily get upset when online 4.35 Highly Satisfied 5
sellers are being rude to me.
 Online sellers’ efforts to understand 4.53 Highly Satisfied 2
customers’ context and behavior.
Aggregate Mean 4.48 Highly Satisfied

Table 4 presents the summarized data on the level of satisfaction on

Services Quality Dimension wherein the five variables were ranked according to
the respondents' perception. The table shows that the responsiveness was
recorded as the highest mean at 4.59. The second highest mean was the
assurance recorded at an average of 4.55—followed by, reliability which was
recorded as the third mean at 4.50. Lastly, both tangibility and empathy were
recorded as the lowest mean at 4.48. It presents an overall aggregate mean at
4.52, which is recorded as highly satisfied. According to Holtzclaw (2015,
responsiveness in a business is essential to attain the market's growth. Lack of
responsiveness can cause growth issues. It is essential to be responsive not only

to customers but also to subordinates. The relationship between the people

inside the company is vital to work well and serve the customers better. As per
Kees De Vos (2016), online stores should show good communication with
customers by showing delivery options display on their website, and customers
are delighted when the online website would send an email confirmation and
information on how to track their orders. Through this, customers are assured
that their items will be delivered in time.

Table 4
Summarized Data on the Level of Satisfaction
on Services Quality Dimensions
Variables Mean Interpretation Rank
A. Reliability 4.50 Highly Satisfied 3
B. Assurance 4.55 Highly Satisfied 2
C. Responsiveness 4.59 Highly Satisfied 1
D. Tangibility 4.48 Highly Satisfied 4
E. Empathy 4.48 Highly Satisfied 4
Overall Aggregate Mean 4.52 Highly Satisfied

Table 5 shows the result of the level of satisfaction on Product Quality

Dimensions as perceived by the respondents, which includes eight variables—
performance, features, reliability, conformance, durability, serviceability,
aesthetic, and perceived quality in which each variable has five statements. As
for performance, the consumer's satisfaction if the product incorporates features
that make them free from any deficiencies or defect has a mean of 4.61 and
interpreted as highly satisfied. Subsequently, the accuracy of the products'

description of the texture, size, and appearance was recorded as the second
mean at 4.58, which is still recorded as highly satisfied —followed by the
expectation of delivered products based on measurable attributes as the third
mean at 4.57. Next was the satisfaction when the product gives comfort, which
was recorded as the fourth mean at 4.53, and the performance of a product
often influences the profitability or reputation of the customers as the lowest
mean at 4.49, which is recorded as highly satisfied.

The features, the online shop's easy access, and categorization were
recorded as the highest mean at 4.53 and recorded as highly satisfied. The
second means was Online shopping, where consumers can choose products with
the most detailed product description and provide good quality product photos
with image zoom and thumbnails both means respectively at 4.52, which is still
recorded as highly satisfied. Subsequently, the encouragement of online shop to
the consumers to buy the products through review box where they can learn
about the product by reading through reviews and comments was recorded as
the third mean at 4.50 and recorded as highly satisfied. The accurate photo of
the characteristics of the product that was shown as the lowest mean at 4.32
and recorded as highly satisfied.

As for reliability, the highest mean at 4.63 states that consumers felt
satisfied if the product that they purchase online comes with a warranty. The
various payment methods where the customers can pay that the online shop
provides are recorded as the second mean at 4.61 and are recorded as highly
satisfied. Subsequently, the refund that the online seller provides if a particular
problem exists recorded as the third mean at 4.56 and the sufficient contact
details, including the physical address and a telephone number that the online
shop provides, recorded as the fourth mean at 4.46, which both were recorded
as highly satisfied. The products designed for particular applications must be able
and expected to perform the said applications recorded as the lowest mean at
4.39 and recorded as highly satisfied.

As for conformance, the highest mean at 4.58 states that when the quality
of a product entirely conforms to the specification of a product (design) can
make customers satisfied. The conformance to product life span is specified as
the second mean at 4.54 and is recorded as highly satisfied. The third means
were conformance to product feature and standard packing of product especially
if the product is fragile both means at 4.52 and recorded as highly satisfied.
Conformance to a specified quantity of product if per pack as the lowest mean at
4.50 and recorded as highly satisfied.

As for durability, customers preferred products that are durable and long-
lasting, and they will surely take care of the product even if it is durable so that it
will surely last longer were both recorded as the highest means at 4.59, which is
recorded as highly satisfied. Subsequently, the consumer's willingness to pay for
the amount based on the quality and durability of the item was recorded as the
second mean at 4.53 and recorded as highly satisfied. The durability of the raw
materials to sustain in the market as the third mean at 4.52 and recorded as
highly satisfied is followed by the durability of the raw materials. The products'
longevity is the lowest mean at 4.49 and recorded as highly satisfied.

As for serviceability, the genuine help of a service person to the customers

was recorded as the highest mean at 4.68 and recorded as highly satisfied. The
seller must do an immediate restoration of the broken products was recorded as
the second mean at 4.65 and recorded as highly satisfied. Subsequently, the
customers prefer who repairs the items on time recorded as the third mean at
4.62 and online sellers who offer product replacement and service warranty to
customers recorded as the fourth mean at 4.59, which both were recorded as
highly satisfied. The products must be repaired at the right time, and methods
recorded as the lowest mean at 4.54 and are recorded as highly satisfied.

As for Aesthetics, the highest mean at 4.64 and recorded as highly

satisfied, which states that the sellers should offer various unique designs or
options to choose from for the customers. Subsequently, sellers must offer

unique styles that suit their target customers' standard and must have its original
sense of style as the second and third means respectively at 4.56 and 4.55,
which is still recorded as highly satisfied. Followed by the style of the product
that identifies a company or branch as the fourth mean at 4.52, and the
customer's preference to an online shop that has its unique designs of products
as the lowest mean at 4.47, which both marked as highly satisfied.

Lastly, as for the perceived quality, the customer's happiness when the
look of the product that is very similar to the one showed in the picture recorded
as the highest mean at 4.67 and recorded as highly satisfied. The customer's
satisfaction when a product looks premium and brand new recorded as the
second mean at 4.59 and is recorded as highly satisfied. Subsequently, The
ordered product of the customer was the same as ordered recorded as the third
mean at 4.47 and the products must look, sound, touch and smells high quality
and newly recorded as the fourth mean at 4.43, which both were recorded as
highly satisfied. At first glance, the product must look original and high quality as
the lowest mean at 4.35 and is recorded as highly satisfied.

Table 5
Level of Satisfaction on Product Quality Dimensions
as perceived by the Respondents
A. Performance
The product incorporates features that 4.61 Highly Satisfied 1
make them free from any deficiencies or
Comfortability of using the product. 4.53 Highly Satisfied 4
Delivery of products based on measurable 4.57 Highly Satisfied 3
The performance of a product influences 4.49 Highly Satisfied 5
the profitability or reputation of the

The product’s accurate description 4.58 Highly Satisfied 2
according to texture, size, and appearance
Aggregate Mean 4.56 Highly Satisfied

B. Features  
Through online shopping, I can choose 4.52 Highly Satisfied 2
products with the most detailed product
The online shop/website’s access and 4.53 Highly Satisfied 1
categorization of products
The online shop provides a good quality 4.52 Highly Satisfied 2
product photos with image zoom and
The online shop’s encouragement to buy 4.50 Highly Satisfied 3
the product through review box where I
can learn about the products by reading
reviews and comments.
The accurate photo of the characteristics 4.32 Highly Satisfied 4
of the product that was shown
Aggregate Mean 4.48 Highly Satisfied
C. Reliability  
The product I purchase online comes with 4.63 Highly Satisfied 1
The online shop’s various payment 4.61 Highly Satisfied 2
methods where I can pay either through
Gcash, debit/credit card or even cash on
delivery (COD)
The online shop’s given sufficient contact 4.46 Highly Satisfied 4

details; not just an e-mail address, but

also a physical address and a landline
telephone number.
The online seller’s given refund, if certain 4.56 Highly Satisfied 3
problem exists.
The product’s design for particular 4.39 Highly Satisfied 5
applications must be able and are
expected to perform the said applications
Aggregate Mean 4.53 Highly Satisfied
D. Conformance  
The quality of a product entirely conforms 4.58 Highly Satisfied 1
to the specification of a product (design).
Conformance to product feature as 4.52 Highly Satisfied 3
Conformance to specified quantity of 4.50 Highly Satisfied 4
product, if per pack.
Conformance to standard packing of 4.52 Highly Satisfied 3
product especially if the product is fragile.
Conformance to product life span as 4.54 Highly Satisfied 2
Aggregate Mean 4.53 Highly Satisfied
E. Durability  
The longevity of the product 4.49 Highly Satisfied 4
Willingness to pay for the amount based 4.53 Highly Satisfied 2
on the quality and durability of the item.
The raw materials of the product are 4.52 Highly Satisfied 3
durable enough in order to sustain in the
I will take care of the product even if I 4.59 Highly Satisfied 1
know that it is durable so that it will surely

last longer.
Product’s durability and longevity 4.59 Highly Satisfied 1
Aggregate Mean 4.54 Highly Satisfied

F. Serviceability  
Repairing of the products at the right time 4.54 Highly Satisfied 5
and methods.
Seller’s replacement and service warranty 4.59 Highly Satisfied 4
Immediate restoration of the broken 4.65 Highly Satisfied 2
Seller’s efficiency of repairing the item on 4.62 Highly Satisfied 3
Genuine help of the service person 4.68 Highly Satisfied 1
Aggregate Mean 4.62 Highly Satisfied
G. Aesthetics  
The style of the product identifies a 4.52 Highly Satisfied 4
company or a brand.
Sellers’ offered unique styles that suits the 4.61 Highly Satisfied 2
target customer’s standard.
The seller’s variety of unique 4.64 Highly Satisfied 1
designs/options to choose for the
Online shop’s uniqueness of designed 4.47 Highly Satisfied 5
Online shop’s original sense of styles. 4.54 Highly Satisfied 3
Aggregate Mean 4.56 Highly Satisfied
H. Perceived Quality  
The similarity of the product to the shown 4.67 Highly Satisfied 1

Product looks premium and brand new. 4.59 Highly Satisfied 2

The ordered product is the same as I 4.47 Highly Satisfied 3
Product’s first glance looks original and 4.42 Highly Satisfied 5
high quality.
The product’s look, sound, touch and 4.43 Highly Satisfied 4
smells high quality and new.
Aggregate Mean 4.52 Highly Satisfied

Table 6 presents the summarized data on the level of satisfaction on

Product Quality Dimension wherein the eight variables were ranked according to
the respondents’ perception. The table shows that serviceability was recorded as
the highest mean at 4.62. Performance and Aesthetics were recorded as the
second highest mean, recorded at an average of 4.56, and followed by durability
recorded as the third mean at 4.54. Subsequently, both reliability and
conformance were recorded as the fourth mean at 4.53. Perceived quality as the
fifth mean at 4.52. Lastly, features recorded as the lowest mean at 4.48. It
presents an overall aggregate mean at 4.54, which is recorded as highly
Table 6
Summarized Data on the Level of Satisfaction
on Product Quality Dimensions

A. Performance 4.56 Highly Satisfied 2

B. Features 4.48 Highly Satisfied 6
C. Reliability 4.53 Highly Satisfied 4
D. Conformance 4.53 Highly Satisfied 4
E. Durability 4.54 Highly Satisfied 3
F. Serviceability 4.62 Highly Satisfied 1
G. Aesthetics 4.56 Highly Satisfied 2

H. Perceived Quality 4.52 Highly Satisfied 5

Overall Aggregate Mean 4.54 Highly Satisfied
Finally, Table 7 shows the respondents’ perception of the advantages of
purchasing online shops over physical stores. In this part, the respondents were
given five indicators to select all that apply to the advantages of purchasing
online. The first indicator, which is convenience, ranked first with a 90%
proportion. The respondents prefer to purchase online because it is very
convenient to shop from where they are located. It is beneficial to busy people
who have no time to visit stores during regular working hours (Morah, 2020). As
for the second rank with 81%, easy price comparison was also selected from the
respondents. The easiest way to pay less is to compare prices. Through online
shopping, it makes price comparison simpler and efficient (Fuller, 2016).
Subsequently, Better Prices ranked as the third with a proportion of 80%. It
means that 80% of respondents selected this choice because they observed that
online shops offered cheap deals and better prices compared to physical stores
— the products that come to customers are direct from the manufacturer or
seller without involving middlemen (Jain, 2020).
Lastly, 77% of the respondents were convinced that online shops offer a
variety of products, and when looking or purchasing products, there will be no
crowds and pressure because these options both ranked as the fourth. Online
shops provide a diversity of products wherein customers can choose goods or
services that can meet their standards with no sales representative try to
influence buyers to buy more products (Haliem, 2019).
Table 7
Level of Respondents Perception on the Advantages of Purchasing
Online Shops than Physical Stores
Indicators Frequency Percentile (%) Rank
A. Convenience 90 90 1
B. Easy Price Comparison 81 81 2
C. Better Prices 80 80 3
D. Variety of Products 77 77 4

E. No Crowds and Pressure 77 77 4

Mean: 1.85
SD: 1.35



This chapter presents the summary, findings, conclusions and

recommendations of the study.


The study aimed to analyze the customers' satisfaction in Barangay

Mactan on online selling. The result of this study served as the basis for
developing a marketing strategy for local online shops.
Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:
1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:
1.1 Age
1.2 Gender
1.3 Occupational Status
1.4 Monthly Income?
2. What are the consumers' level of satisfaction with services quality
dimensions in terms of:
2.1 Reliability
2.2 Assurance
2.3 Responsiveness
2.4 Tangibility
2.5 Empathy?

3. What are the consumers' level of satisfaction with product quality

dimensions in terms of:
3.1 Performance
3.2 Features
3.3 Reliability
3.4 Conformance
3.5 Durability
3.6 Serviceability
3.7 Aesthetics
3.8 Perceived Quality?

4. What are the advantages of purchasing in online shops than physical

stores that made customers choose to purchase online?

5. Based on the results, what recommendations may be proposed to

enhance the Marketing Strategy of local online sellers when it comes
to quality of products and services provided to consumers. This study
used a survey questionnaire as the primary tool in data gathering. The
study was conducted in Sitio Isuya and Sitio Angasil of Barangay
Mactan (one of Lapu-Lapu City's most well-known barangays), with an
estimated combined population of 700 people.


The following are the important findings of the study:

1. Males dominated the number of respondents in Barangay Mactan aged
23-29 years old. It shows that the male has more impulse to purchase
online. The analysis also reveals that the vast majority of respondents
were students and in terms of monthly income, most of our
respondents were under 5,000 considering that most of the
respondents were the student who relies on their allowances from their
parents and part-time jobs.
2. Customers satisfaction can be achieved if online sellers provide
services quality dimensions as perceived by the respondents, which
shows that:

The respondents are highly satisfied when online sellers and

service providers are: responsive and willing to provide efficient
services with proper timeliness at any time without any
inconvenience; capable of providing services that provide assurance
in terms of confidentiality, friendliness, courtesy, and competence;
determined to achieve the required and reliable services for
customers responsibly, precisely, and as promised, and the ability
to treat problems encountered by customers; able to equip a well-
organized application/website with an appealing design; and
capable of understanding, acknowledging, and empathizing with
the perceptions and opinions of customers. It is because customers

want a smooth transaction in which they can rely on the services

promised by the sellers.

3. Customers satisfaction can be achieved if online sellers provide product

quality dimensions as perceived by the respondents, which shows that:
The respondents are highly satisfied when online sellers and
service providers are: focusing on serviceability, maintenance, and
optimization of service tasks; delivering products that are deficient-
free and based on customer expectations and measurable
attributes; able to provide products with aesthetic and features;
capable of providing reliable products that are durable and long-
lasting, adhering to a product's quality specifications and satisfying
the customer's perceptions of the overall quality or superiority of
the products. It is because customers want a product with
superior quality and characteristics which fulfill their specific

4. As for the advantages of purchasing in online shops than physical

stores that made customers choose to purchase online shows that:
It is interpreted that respondents prefer to purchase online
due to convenience, easy price comparison, offers better or lower
prices, offers a variety of products, and no crowds or pressure.

5. Based on the findings, the researchers hypothesized that they might

have recommendations for online shops or sellers, as well as service
providers, regarding the quality of products and services provided to


This study helps to understand that customer satisfaction on online

selling is significant in business to keep current customers, retain new
ones, and gain a competitive advantage over competitors. Customer
satisfaction is a leading indicator for determining customer loyalty.
Customer satisfaction leads to customer loyalty. Once customers are
satisfied and have placed their trust in a business and are assured that
the business will continue to deliver their desired needs and wants, they
give brands repeat business and form a massive part of the revenue.
Additionally, these satisfied customers will use positive word of mouth to
friends and family. They will likely promote the business to their loved
ones for excellent services and experiences.
From the study, customer satisfaction is the key to create a long-
term relationship with customers. When a particular business manages to
serve its customers well enough and make them happy, it can establish
long-term customer relationships and possibly get free marketing
simultaneously. Businesses must ensure the SERVQUAL and PRODQUAL
dimensions to increase customer retention, loyalty, and satisfaction,
increase opportunities, employee benefits, improve corporate image and
reputation, gain a competitive advantage edge, profit gains, and financial


Based on the findings of the study, the following were recommended:      

1. Simplify the Shopping Process for Male Shoppers. For men,

shopping is functional, not emotional. Males do not shop; they buy. So,
therefore, online shops and service providers should simplify the shopping
process, which gives them less choice. The online shops and service
providers should not overwhelm men by displaying a variety of products –
show off the basics and related similar choices to be displayed on the
online shop or website.
2. Be Available at any time. Online shoppers need to be offered
convenience and instant, easy access to the online shop, no matter what
device the online shoppers are using. The online store should be built on a
responsive design template, and its features got to be available to all
users, at any time, and from anywhere.
3. Create Design for Serviceability- Despite the innovations, it is still not
easy to create a highly reliable product without maintenance within its life
cycle. Thus, online shops and service providers must ensure their
customers that their products are easy to service and maintain during
their life cycle in order to retain customer satisfaction.
4. Product recommendation on the home page- Due to the many
advantages of purchasing and ordering products online, customers visit
online shops as many as they can, even if it would take time to find the

products that they need. Generally, the researchers recommend that as

an online seller or service provider, there would be a product
recommendation on the homepage, for it is vital to illustrate what your
shop offers. Be sure to make the best impression by displaying nice
layouts and attractive photos of the products on your homepage. In
production recommendation on the homepage includes the best sellers,
latest products, and cheapest products. Therefore, online shops and
service providers can increase the value of their transactions while making
it easy to navigate their site without affecting the conversion rate by
highly recommending their products and services in an appropriate way.

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Sta. Rosa, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu 6015

Personal Data:

Birthdate: April 18, 2000

Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino

Educational Attainment:

University of Cebu- Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue

Tertiary School

Nemesio Epifania Taneo Memorial High School

Secondary School

Sta. Rosa Elementary School

Primary School



Bankal, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu 6015

Personal Data:

Birthdate: April 18, 2000

Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino

Educational Attainment:

University of Cebu- Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue

Tertiary School

Saint Dominic Savio International School

Secondary School

Bankal Elementary School

Primary School



Maribago, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu 6015

Personal Data:

Birthdate: May 7, 1999

Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino

Educational Attainment:

University of Cebu- Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue

Tertiary School

University of Cebu- Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue

Secondary School

St. Joseph School of Mactan

Primary School


Rivera Street, Jugan, Consolacion, Cebu 6001

Personal Data:

Birthdate: August 19, 2000

Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino

Educational Attainment:

University of Cebu- Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue

Tertiary School

Holy Child High School

Secondary School

Libagong Elementary School

Primary School



Ibabao, Cordova, Cebu 6017

Personal Data:

Birthdate: December 25, 1999

Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino

Educational Attainment:

University of Cebu- Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue

Tertiary School

Saint Dominic Savio International School

Secondary School

Lapu-Lapu City Central Elementary School

Primary School

APPENDIX A – Transmittal Letter


April 23, 2021


Dean, College of Business and Accountancy
University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue

Thru: Dr. Marlon F. Montecillo

Chairperson, College of Business and Accountancy

Dear Dr. Abella:

Good day!

The undersigned are the third year students of the College of Business and
Accountancy (CBA). We are currently enrolled at the University of Cebu Lapu-
Lapu and Mandaue taking up Bachelor of Science in Business and Accountancy
major in Marketing Management.

With this, we would humbly ask permission from your good office to conduct a
research study in this school pertaining on: “An analysis of Consumer Satisfaction
in Barangay Mactan on Online Selling: Basis for Marketing Strategy for Local
Online Shops”.

Rest assured that the gathered data will be kept with utmost confidentiality.

Hoping for your positive response with this matter.

Shela Mae B. Barro
Denise Khonamarie C. Apas
John Larry L. Cinco
Erecca E. Encienzo
Rea Mae N. Gimoros

Noted by:
Instructor Research Adviser

Approved by:


Dean, College of Business and Accountancy
APPENDIX B – Research Instrument

APPENDIX C – Pilot Testing Result


APPENDIX D – Statistical Results


APPENDIX E – Grammarly Result

Standard 4S

APPENDIX F – Location Map


Mactan is a well-known barangay in the City of Lapu-Lapu because of

its historical sites and tourist spots. It is also the area where the battle of Datu
Lapu-Lapu and Magellan happened.

Before Spain colonized the place in the 16th century, it was a Muslim
community. A Portuguese explorer named Ferdinand Magellan arrived in the area
in 1521 and became embroiled in tribal strife among the island's tribes, only to
be killed in battle by the warriors of Datu Lapu-Lapu, one of the island's

The current name "Mactan" came from the earlier form of a name,
"Manctan." However, there was evidence that as early as the 17th century, the

place was already named "Mactan." However, Oral histories claiming that the
name "Mactan" developed from the name "Mangatang," which means "pirate."

APPENDIX G – Adviser’s Acceptance

Standard Form 10

APPENDIX H – Statistician/Content Expert’s Acceptance

Standard Form 11

APPENDIX I – Title Approval

Standard Form 1S

APPENDIX J – Compliance Checklist
Standard Form 2S

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