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Group: 333

Drugs acting on digestive system. Drugs acting on erythropoesis and leucopoesis. Drugs

acting on blood coagulation.

Drugs acting on digestive system

Drugs Forms Introduction
Acidin-pepsinum Tab. 0,25; 0,5 Orally
Mazindolum Tab. 0,001 Orally
Almagelum Flask 170 ml Orally 15 ml
Pirenzepinum Tab. 0,025; 0,05; Orally, I.M.; I.V.
amp. 0,01
Ranitidinum Tab. 0,15 Orally
Omeprazolum Caps. 0,02 Orally
Bismuthi subcitras Tab. 0,12 Orally

Task 1 KSU
Write the prescription « _16_ » March 2021
Point the clinical usage Patient John Doe
Doctor Oliyide Emmanuel

1. Acidin-pepsinum Rp.: Tabs. Acidi pepsin 0.5

D,t,d N 14
S use 3 times daily for 4 days
2. Mazindolum Rp.: Tabs Mazindoli 0.001
D.t.d N 15
S use 3 times daily for 5 days
3. Almagelum Rp.: Sol Almageli_
D.t.d 170ml in lagena.
S take 15ml orally daily
4. Ranitidinum Rp.: Tabs Ranitidini 0.15
D.t.d N 16
S uses 3 times daily for 5 days
5. Omeprazolum in caps. Rp.: Caps Omeprazoli 0.02
D.t.d N 14
S Use 2 times daily for 7 days
6. Metoclopramidum in amp. Rp.: Sol metpclopramidi 5%-7ml
D.t.d N 30 in ampullis
S use for I.V injection 7ml daily
7. Gastrozepinum in tab. Rp: Tabs Gastrozepini 0.05
D.t.d N 12
S Use 3 tabs daily for 4 days

Task 2
Fill in the table
Drugs Mechanisms Clinical uses
Phepranonum anorexigenic activity, used for adiposogenital
fepranone has a weak dystrophy (in combination
stimulating effect on the with hormonal therapy), for
central nervous system and hypothyroidism (in
has little effect on combination with thyroidin)
peripheral adrenergic and other forms of obesity
structures, that is, it has a
slightly more selective
anorexigenic effect.
Tinctura Absinthii  It irritates the sensitive Hypoacid and anacid
nerve endings of the taste gastritis, anorexia - as part
buds of the mucous of complex therapy.
membranes of the oral
cavity, tongue, reflexively
causes increased secretion
of gastric juice, increased
appetite, and improved
Phosphalugelum is a balanced aluminum used both as monotherapy
phosphate gel. It has an and as part of complex
acid-neutralizing, therapy for: gastric ulcer
enveloping, adsorbing and duodenal ulcer, acute
effect. Reduces the gastritis, chronic gastritis
proteolytic activity of with normal or increased
pepsin, binds bile acids and gastric secretory function,
lysolecithin. Due to the hiatal hernia,
buffering properties of gastroesophageal reflux
aluminum, phosphate disease (including reflux
neutralizes only excess esophagitis), duodenal-
hydrochloric acid, maintains gastric reflux, functional
the physiological conditions dyspepsia, functional
of digestion and does not diarrhea, gastrointestinal
lead to secondary disorders caused by
hypersecretion of gastric intoxication,

Pirenzepinum a muscarinic receptor  inhibits gastric secretion at

antagonist and binds to the lower doses than are
muscarinic acetylcholine required to affect
receptor. gastrointestinal motility,
salivary, central nervous
system, cardiovascular,
ocular, and urinary function
Famotidinum acts as a local hormone that active gastric ulcer,
stimulates the acid output symptomatic non-erosive
by parietal cells via a gastroesophageal reflux
paracrine mechanism. disease (GERD), and
erosive esophagitis due to
Omeprazolum Hydrochloric acid (HCl) • Treatment of active
secretion into the gastric duodenal ulcer in adults
lumen is a process regulated
mainly by the H(+)/K(+)- • Eradication of
ATPase of the proton pump, Helicobacter pylori to
expressed in high quantities reduce the risk of duodenal
by the parietal cells of the ulcer recurrence in adults
• Treatment of active benign
gastric ulcer in adults

• Treatment of symptomatic
gastroesophageal reflux
disease (GERD) in patients
1 year of age and older

Sucralfatum acts locally to aid in tissue are used for the treatment of
healing, and not active duodenal ulcer for up
systemically. to 8 weeks
sucralfate forms a complex
that binds to protein-rich
exudate found on the
surface of ulcers. It binds to
albumin and fibrinogen,
preventing blood clot lysis
by stomach acid
(hydrochloric acid)

Drugs acting on digestive system

Drugs Forms Introduction
Tab. «Allocholum» Tab. Orally
Oxaphenamidum Tab. 0,25 Orally
Plathyphyllini hydrotartras Tab. 0,005; Orally , S.C.
amp. 0,2% - 1 ml
Carsil Tab. 0,035; caps. 0,09 Orally
Essentiale Caps. 0,3; amp. 5 ml Orally, I.V.
Oleum Risini Caps. 1,0 Orally
Folium Sennae Infusion (1:30) Orally 15 ml
Bisacodyl Tab. 0,005; sup. 0,01 Orally , rectally
Apomorphinum Amp. 1% - 1 ml S.C.
Metoclopramidum Tab. 0,005; 0,01; 0,025; Orally , I.M.; I.V.
amp. 2,5% - 2 ml
Contrycalum (Aprotinin) Powd. 10000U; 30000U; I.V. in 300-500 ml of NaCl
50000U (isotonic)
Pancreatinum Tab. 0,25 Orally
Loperamidum Caps. 0,002 Orally

Task 1 KSU
Write the prescription « 16 » March 2021
Point the clinical usage Patient John Doe
Doctor Oliyide Emmanuel

1. «Allocholum» in tab. Rp.: Tabs Allocholi 0.5

D.t.d N 14
S Use 3 times daily for 4 days
2. Plathyphyllinum hydrotartras in Rp.: Sol Plathyphyllini hydrotartrtis 0.2%-
amp. 1ml
D.t.d N 14 in ampullis
S Use for S.C injection
3. Essentiale in caps Rp.: Caps Essentiali 0.3
D.t.d N 14
S Use 3 times daily for 5 days
4. Infusion of folium Sennae Rp.: Infusi Folium Sennae 6.0-180ml
D.S use 15ml orally

5. Bisacodylum in supp. Rp.: Bisacodyli 0.01

Olei cacao 3.0
M.f Suppositorum Rectale
D.t.d N 14
S in one suppository into the rectum at
6. Metoclopramidum in amp. Rp.: Metoclopramidi 2.5%-ml
D.t.d N 14 In ampullis
S Use for I.V injection
7. Aprotininum (I.V.) Rp.: Pulv. Aprotinini 50000U
D.t.d N 15
S Use for I.V. in 300-500 ml of NaCl

Task 2
1. Drugs for bile secretion stimulation:
Phenobarbitone, theophylline, glucagon and insulin.
2. Hepatoprotectors:
Acetylcysteine, Silymarin, Astragalus membranaceus,Curcuma longa,Brassica,Silybum
marianum,Andrographis paniculata
3. Mechanism of Oleum Ricini laxatives action
Ricinoleic acid acts as an anionic surfactant that reduces net absorption of fluid and
electrolytes, and stimulates intestinal peristalsis,  ricinoleic acid interacts with EP3
prostanoid receptors expressed on intestinal and uterine smooth muscles_
4. Mechanism of Metoclopramide action. Clinical uses
causes antiemetic effects by inhibiting dopamine D2 and serotonin 5-HT3 receptors in the
chemoreceptor trigger zone (CTZ) located in the area postrema of the brain.
Uses; used for symptomatic treatment of both acute and recurrent diabetic gastroparesis,
in addition to the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease.
5. Drug for acute pancreatitis treatment
_Omnipen, Rocephin, acetaminophen_, tramadol hcl, imipenem/cilastatin._
6. Mechanism of Loperamides action
acts by slowing intestinal motility and by affecting water and electrolyte movement
through the bowel. Loperamide inhibits peristaltic activity by a direct effect on the
circular and longitudinal muscles of the intestinal wall. It is a non-selective calcium
channel blocker and binds to opioid mu-receptors.

Drugs acting on erythropoiesis and leucopoiesis

Drugs Forms Introduction
Ferrous sulfate Tab. 0,3; caps.0,15; 0,25 Orally
Fercovenum Amp. 5 ml I.V.
Coamidum Amp. 1% - 1 ml S.C.
Cyanocobalaminum Amp. 0,01%; 0,02%; I.V.; I.M.
0,05%; 0,1% - 1 ml

Acidum folicum Tab. 0,0008-0,005 Orally

Erythropoietinum Fl. 2000; 4000 IU I.V.; I.M.
Methyluracilum Tab. 0,025; 0,2 Orally
Leucogenum Tab. 0,02 Orally
Mercaptopurinum Tab. 0,05 Orally

Task 1 KSU
Write the prescription « _16_ » _March 2021
Point the clinical usage Patient John Doe
Doctor Oliyide Emmanuel

1. Ferrous sulfate in caps. Rp.: Caps Ferrous sulfatis 0.25

D.t.d N 15
S Use 3 times daily for 5 days
2. Fercovenum Rp.: Sol Fercoveni 5ml
D.t.d N 10 in ampullis
S Use 5ml daily for I.V
3. Vitamin B12 in amp. Rp.: Sol Cyanocobalamini 0.01%-1ml
D.t.d N 14 in ampullis
S use for I.V injection
Rp.: Tabs Acidi Folici 0.0008
4. Folic acid (Acidum folicum)
D.t.d N 18
S Use 3 tabs daily for 5 days
Rp.: Erythropoietini 4000 IU
5. Erythropoietinum I.V. D.t.d N 20
S 4000 IU for IV injection
Rp.:Tabs Methyluracili 0.2
6. Methyluracilum D.t.d N 30
S Use 3 tabs daily for 10 days

Task 2
Fill in the table
Drug Mechanism of action Clinical uses Side effects
Ferrous sulfate Iron combines with used for the Feeling or being
porphyrin and globin prevention and sick (nausea or
chains to form treatment of iron vomiting),
hemoglobin, which is deficiency anemia stomach pain or
critical for oxygen heartburn.
delivery from the lungs Loss of appetite.
to other tissues Constipation.
Dark or black

Coamidum Hematopoietic With hypochromic -easy bruising

stimulant, promotes the and hypoplastic and bleeding,
absorption of iron by anemias under the -nausea,
the body and stimulates skin, 1 ml of a 1% -vomiting,
the processes of its solution daily (with
transformation. iron deficiency -stomach pain,
anemia, -bloating, gas, or.
simultaneously with -altered sense of
iron preparations). taste

Cyanocobalaminu In the blood, it attaches used to treat and -injection site

m itself to plasma prevent a lack of reactions (pain,
proteins. Tissues vitamin B12 and redness, swelling,
absorb vitamin B12 by pernicious anemia irritation),
specific B12 binding -diarrhea,
proteins, -nausea,
transcobalamin I and II,
to enter the cells. Most -upset stomach,
of the vitamin is stored -itching,
in the liver -rash,

Erythropoetinum binds to the Anemia, used as a High blood

erythropoietin receptor treatment to help pressure.
on the red cell increase RBC Swelling.
progenitor surface and production Fever.
a JAK2 signalling Dizziness.
cascade. This initiates Nausea.
the STAT5, PIK3 and R Pain at the site of
as MAPK pathways the injection.
production and/or
blood clots.

Imiphos interacts with DNA and an anticancer drug The suppression

inhibits production of of hemopoiesis,
red blood cells in the leukopenia,
bone marrow and in anemia,
such a way improves thrombocytopeni
the condition of the a
patient with 2.The
polycytemia. suppression of
3. A toxic action
on the CNS
vertigo, nausea,
4. A toxic action
on the GI tract (a
loss of appetite,
Methyluracilum Possesses anabolic and agranulocytic headache,
anti-catabolic angina, alimentary- dizziness,
properties. Accelerates toxic aleukia, heartburn,
regeneration, wound chronic benzene allergic reactions
healing, stimulates intoxication,
cellular and humoral leukopenia caused
immunity, has an anti- by tumor
inflammatory effect chemotherapy, X-ray
or radiotherapy or
other factors

Mecaptopurinum 6-MP ribonucleotide Acute -Black, tarry

inhibits purine lymphocytic leukemi stools.
nucleotide synthesis and a -clay colored
metabolism by stools.
inhibiting an enzyme -Decreased
called phosphoribosyl appetite.
amidotransferase (PRPP -Fever or chills
amidotransferase) Rash, itchy skin.

Drugs acting on blood coagulation

Drugs Forms Introduction
Acidum acetylsalicylicum Tab. 0,1; 0,25; 0,5; 0,75; 0,325 Orally
Dipyridamolum Tab. 0,025; 0,05; 0,075; amp. Orally
0,5% - 2 ml I.V.
Heparinum Fl. 5 ml (1ml – 5000; 10000; S.C.; I.V.
20000 IU)
Warfarinum Tab. 0,0025 Orally
Fibrinolysinum Fl. 20000; 30000; 40000 IU I.V.
Alteplase Fl. 0,05 I.V.
Thrombinum Powd. in fl. 125 IU Locally
Menadioni natrii bisulfas Tab. 0,015; amp. 1% - 1 ml Orally, I.M.
Etamsylatum Tab. 0,05; amp. 5% - 1 ml Orally, I.V., I.M.
Acidum aminocapronicum Flask 5% - 50 ml I.V.
Aprotinin (Contrycalum) Fl. 10000 IU I.V.

Task 1 KSU
Write the prescription « 16__ » March 2021
Point the clinical usage Patient _John Doe
Doctor _Oliyide Emmanuel

1. Acidum acetylsalicylicum in tab. Rp.: Tabs Acidi Acetylsalicylici 0.75

D.t.d N 14
S Use 3 tabs daily for 4 days
2. Heparinum for I.V. injection Rp.:Sol Heparini 5ml-10000IU
D.t.d N 20
S Use 10000IU daily for I.V injection
3. Warfarinum Rp.: Tabs Warfarini 0.0025
D.t.d N 10
S Use 2 tabs daily for 5 days
4. Alteplase Rp.: Sol Alteplase Fl. 0.05
D.t.d N 15
S Use 0.05 For I.V injection
5. Vikasolum in tab. Rp.: Tabs Vikasoli 0.015
D.t.d N 6
S Use 2 tabs daily for 3 days
6. Etamsylatum in amp. Rp.: Sol Etamsylati 5%-1ml
D.t.d N 10 in ampullis
S Use 1ml daily for I.M injection
7. Contrycalum Rp.: Contrycali 10000 IU
D.t.d N 20
S Use 10000IU for I.V injection
8. Exrtactum Polygoni hydropiperis Rp.: Extracti Polygani hydropiperis 6.0-
(internal drops, 30 drops orally) 180ml
D.s Use 30 drops orally 3 times daily

Task 2
Answer the questions

1. Drugs with the antiplatellet action

Aspirin, Asaphen, Entrophen, Novasen, Clopidogrel,  Prasugrel, Ticagrelor 

2. Direct anticoagulants. Drugs. Clinical usage

Dabigatran, rivaroxaban, apixaban, edoxaban, betrixaban.
Uses; for the prevention of thrombosis in several cardiovascular contexts   

3. Mechanism of Warfarine action. Side effects

Block the function of the vitamin K epoxide reductase complex in the liver, leading to
depletion of the reduced form of vitamin K that serves as a cofactor for gamma
carboxylation of vitamin K-dependent coagulation factors.
 Side Effects Severe bleeding, including heavier than normal menstrual bleeding, Red or
brown urine, Black or bloody stool, Severe headache or stomach pain, Joint pain,
discomfort or swelling, especially after an injury, Vomiting of blood or material that
looks like coffee grounds, Coughing up blood.

4. Water soluble vitamin K (coagulant). Mechanism of action

related vitamin K antagonists (VKAs) block the function of the vitamin K epoxide
reductase complex in the liver, leading to depletion of the reduced form of vitamin K that
serves as a cofactor for gamma carboxylation of vitamin K-dependent coagulation factors

5. Mechanism of Acidum aminocapronicum action. Clinical usage

Binds competitively to plasminogen; blocking the binding of plasminogen to fibrin and
the subsequent conversion to plasmin, resulting in inhibition of fibrin degradation
Uses; used to treat bleeding episodes in people with certain medical conditions such as
aplastic anemia (lack of blood cells and platelets), cirrhosis of the liver, placenta abruptio
(early separation of the placenta in pregnancy), urinary bleeding, and certain types of

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