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Cherramae Enolba
Department of Engineering , Cebu Technological University

Enzymatic , microbiological ,and chemical changes are possible while preparing fish and
fish products .Fish products in cans are stable at room temperature, have along shelf life and are
stable at room temperature ,have along shelf life and are hence excellent candidates for global
distribution. Additionally during the fish in can’s storage period, these properties change.
Introduction standard of identification (21 CFR
One of the best sources of animal protein 161.190(a)), and there is also a standard of
is fish. In order to maximize the use of fish container fill for canned tuna (21 CFR
as source of protein, efforts must be made to 161.190(c)). The specifications call for a
improve then quality and storage of fisheries variety of pack types, such as solid pack,
products through processing and chunk or chunk style, flakes, and shredded
preservation that also aims to diversity tuna. Additionally, provisions are
processed goods. established for different kinds of packing
Protecting the contents from pollutants material, specific spices and flavors, color
and physical disturbances like friction, designations, and techniques for calculating
collision, and vibration can present or lessen container fill levels. Depending on the shape
damage ( Triyanto et al. 2013).Another of the tuna ingredient and the can size, the
technique to prevent dry food products from standard of fill of container for canned tuna
absorbing environmental water vapor is defines minimum values for weights of the
through packaging. Packaging can prolong pressed cake of canned tuna.
material quality preservation and shelf life.
II. Canned Pacific Salmond
Additionally, according to Siracusa
Standards for identity and container fill
(2012),using packaging is one technique to
must be met by canned Pacific salmon. The
reduce harm to food products after
specifications specify the species and names
manufacture. The use of packaging in
that must be on labels as well as the
conjunction with cold storage can lengthen
approved pack types (21 CFR 161.170).
the products shelf life.
III. Anchovies
Products marketed as anchovies should
be made of fish from the Engraulidae
family. Other small fish that superficially
Types of Fish Canning
resemble anchovies, like small herring and
I .Tuna
herring-like fish, cannot be correctly
The species of fish that may be canned categorized as anchovies. The product must
under the term "tuna" is defined by a be made from quality raw materials, and
salting or curing must be done in a way that The head and stomach of larger fish, such
prevents spoiling. as herring and pilchard, but not the roe or
milt, are removed. Nobbing describes the
IV. Sardines.
procedure of removing the head and the
The term "sardines" is allowed to be used intestines simultaneously.
on the label of canned goods made from
small clupeoid fish. The brisling, or sprat, Washing and de-sealing
(Clupea sprattus), the sea herring (Clupea
harengus), the European pilchards (Sardina The next step is de-sealing, which
pilchardus or Clupea pilchardus), and the involves removing the fins and viscera from
sardine (Sardina pilchardus) are frequently the raw materials. Nobbing releases blood
packaged in small-size cans and labeled as that needs to be cleaned out since it makes
sardines. It is acceptable to label canned the processed fish brown. Fish that have
small brisling and herring with the phrases been cleaned also have surface slime and
"brisling sardines" and "sild sardines," debris removed.
Fish are brinded by spending a set
Certain fish are not suitable for canning. For
amount of time submerged in a concentrated
example, the integral cooking operation tends to
solution of table salt. A salt concentration of
break up the flesh of white fish before softening
the bones, thus making these unsuitable for roughly 2% is considered appropriate
canning. Fish with a high oil content (mainly because salt is absorbed by the flesh and
pelagic species, e.g. herring, mackerel, tuna and gives finished products the flavor they are
sardine) have much firmer flesh and softer bones meant to have.
after cooking, and may thus maintain their
original shapes. A further advantage in canning Step 3: Packing/filling the can
oily fish is that this method provies protection
A little top area, known as the headspace
from oxidation and rancidity development, a
feature which is not provided by the simpler
and often filled with inert gas, is left after
curing operations. the above-treated fish are manually or
mechanically filled in the can. The fish are
PROCESSING packed as tightly as they can in to the can.
Step 1: Selection of Raw Materials
Step 4: Exhausting
First-rate fish is required for canning.
The raw ingredients for canning may suffer Heat application is the process of
from significant physical damage, autolysis, exhaustion. By doing this, the gas in the
belly bursting, discoloration, bad flavors, headspace and between the two fish pieces
and contamination will be released, creating a partial vacuum.

Step 2: Treatment before canning Step 5: Closing the can

All fish cans prepared in this country are labeled. Small fish cans typically have direct
closed by the double seaming method and labels since they are less likely to sustain
the operation is usually called seaming. damage. Dingley cans can be labeled using
innovative equipment that fasten the lid
Step 6: Washing label, attach a key to it, and then cover the
Hot water spray is used to wash the can entire thing in a greaseproof wrapper. Larger
in order to remove any sticking particulates. cans could have the side label applied
mechanically and the top label applied
Step 7: Heat processing manually. During the off season, many
canners use female labor to label by hand.
It is the step that matters the most during
The use of paper labels has decreased since
the entire canning process. It is carried out
the advent of decorative lids.
for a predetermined amount of time and
temperature. At 110°C, 32 minutes or 2.5
minutes are needed to complete the canning
Fish canning activities can produce
objectives. An instrument known as a
solid, liquid, or gaseous waste. The main
thermocouple recorded measures the can's
goal of methods for lowering the pollutant
trmperature. Heat processing is known as
load of fish canning wastewater is to prevent
retorting because it takes place in a
the loss of products and raw materials to the
specialized device called a retort
effluent stream by collecting solid waste for
Step 8: Cooling
use as a byproduct rather than flushing it
Retorting is followed as soon ad feasible by down the toilet. Instead of installing drains
cooling. Otherwise, an odd flavor could with screens and/or traps to stop solid debris
result from significant alterations brought on from entering the effluent system, dressed
by heat processing. fish should be cleaned with vacuum hoses
and the blood and offal collected in an offal
Step 9: Labeling and boxing hopper. Using dry cleaning methods
whenever possible, scraping equipment
Cans containing large fish, including
before cleaning, using air guns for pre-
herring and philcards, are stored after
cleaning, and using squeegees to mop up
cooling for a few weeks before being
spills on the floor.

Conclusion fish canning includes selection of raw

materials , treatment before canning ,
Fish Canning are food fish which have packing the can , exhausting , closing the
been processed, sealed in an airtight can ,washing ,heat processing , cooling ,
container such as a sealed tin can. The types labeling and boxing.
of fish canning are tuna, salmon , Waste management in fish canning is
anchovies , and sardines. The raw materials important because fish quality may
for fish canning is fish. The processing for deteriorate under the anaerobic conditions
found in onboard storage on fishing vessels Fisik dan Kimia Wafer Pakan komplit Berbasis
and in the raw material silos of fish limbah Agroindustri.Animal Agriculture
processing facilities. Journal, 2.(1):400-409

(3) Susan Featherstone, in A Complete Course

in Canning and Related Processes (Fourteenth
Reference Edition) 2015
(1) Siracusa, V.2012.Food Packaging
(4) Syarief, R.S. Santausa dan B.
Permetability Behaviour report, International
Isyana.1989.Rekayasa Proses Pangan Pusat
Polymer Science Journal.2(1), 11-12.
Antor Universitas dan Gizi IPB, Bogor.
(2) Triyanto E., B.W.H.E Prasetiyano, dan
S.Mukodiningsih.2013.Pengaruh Bahan
Pengemas dan Lama Simpan terhadap kualitas

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