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2000 Core English Words 2

Review Test (Unit 1-4)

A. Look at the pictures. Circle the correct words.


You will need your (bag / hat / passport) to check-in.


Some boats are parked at the (park / harbour / airport).


The (driver / director / scooter) of the bus greeted the rider.


My family will go (vacation / camping / tourist) this weekend.


Jessica had a (guidebook / helicopter / sandwich) for lunch.


The boy gave the bird a (plate / cracker / suitcase) to eat.


I got (takeout / strawberry / menu) since I didn’t have time to eat at a


B. Look at the definition. Correct the spelling, and then write.

a food made of milk and bacteria yogert

2. a powder made from a grain that is used to

make bread, cakes, and pastry
a system of underground trains sabway

a main road that connects cities and towns hyghwey

5. a popular breakfast food made from grain and

eaten with milk

C. Choose the correct synonym of the words in bold.

1. brick sidewalk

a. path b. railway c. jug d. break

2. guidebook to Italy

a. harbor b. cab c. travel guide d. passport

3. a local highway

a. terminal b. traveler c. traffic d. freeway

4. depart the building

a. tour b. make c. arrive d. leave

5. dessert shop

a. camping b. lettuce c. sweets d. biscuit

D. Answer the questions.

Let’s Go Camping

Nick: Hey. What are you doing next weekend?

Brett: IDK. My parents are going to Hawaii for a(n) ① . They’re ②

there for a whole month.

Nick: Do you want to go ③ with me?

Brett: Yeah! Where do you want to go?

Nick: I want to go to Pemberton. It’s north of Whistler Mountain. If we leave early, we will ④

in Pemberton before lunchtime. Where do you live? Are you south of the library?

Brett: Yes, I live on the ⑤ of Pine Street and Main Street. Can you pick me up?

Nick: NP. I’ll be there at 7 o’clock on Saturday.

1. Complete the reading with the correct word from the word bank.

arrive vacation camping staying corner

2. Why did Nick mean when he text messaged, “NP”?

a. He lives south of the library. b. He can pick Brett up at 7 o’clock.

c. He cannot go camping with Brett. d. He cannot chat right now.

3. What is the correct definition for lunchtime?

a. a food that is cooked at a restaurant and taken by a customer to be eaten at another place

b. a time in the middle of the day when people eat

c. an exciting and sometimes dangerous experience

d. a time when people go somewhere to relax or travel

2000 Core English Words 2
Review Test (Unit 5-8)

A. Look at the pictures. Circle the correct words.


I joined a (muscle / fitness / weight) group to get healthier.


Take one (tablet / treatment / habit) every morning and evening.


My sister Sally is (chubby / deaf / asleep) but my other sister Jessica is thin.


Excuse me. You have some dirt on your (cast / hip / forehead).


The (secretary / professor / baker) is making a beautiful cake.


Ask the (director / librarian / journalist) if you can’t find the book.


The (reporter / detective / staff) interviewed the firefighter who saved the family.

B. Look at the definition. Correct the spelling, and then write.

an action you do often and regularly hubit

a serious situation that needs immediate action imurgnecy

the middle point or part of something oparation

not in a building dipartmin

a vegetable with a stem and a round top machanik

C. Choose the correct synonym of the words in bold.

1. heart disease

a. fever b. cure c. ache d. sickness

2. drug that makes you sleepy

a. hip b. cure c. medicine d. habit

3. professor in class

a. instructor b. doctor c. secretary d. librarian

4. children’s book writer

a. baker b. author c. manager d. staff

5. health benefit

a. duty b. advantage c. deal d. clinic

D. Answer the questions.

What is Holistic Medicine?

Holistic medicine is different from Western medicine. Holistic doctors focus on curing the person, not just

the ① .

There are many kinds of holistic treatments. One treatment is acupuncture. Thin needles are put into the

skin. This can help get rid of ② . It can also help get rid of stress. It is not painful and

patients don’t ③ .

Another treatment is using medicine made from plants. Natural medicine is available as a liquid or a(n)

④ .

One thing to note is that holistic medicine is not for everyone. Many people ⑤ use

holistic medicine with Western medicine. They say that they get good results.

1. Complete the reading with the correct word from the word bank.

often tablet disease aches bleed

2. Which is true, according to the passage?

a. Holistic medicine focuses on the patient. b. Acupuncture can hurt a lot.

c. Natural medicine is available at every pharmacy. d. Holistic medicine is for everyone.

3. What is the correct definition for treatments?

a. a sickness that affects a living thing

b. a state that something or someone is in

c. the condition of being physically strong and healthy

d. the use of medicine and exercise to make a person healthy again

2000 Core English Words 2
Review Test (Unit 9-12)

A. Look at the pictures. Circle the correct words.


You must also sign the (explanation / comment / document).


I think the printer is out of (list / ink / show). This page is blank.


Everyone laughed at the teacher’s (problem / joke / stamp).


Danielle takes classes at a ballet (academy / lecture / PE) every Thursday night.


The teacher asked the student to wash the (textbook / whiteboard / tape).


I joined the photography (quiz / club / chalk) last spring.


They will hold a pizza party in the school (cafeteria / dictionary / postcard).

B. Look at the definition. Correct the spelling, and then write.

a flat paper container for a letter envelop

2. a system that connects computers

throughout the world
3. to say words in order to express thoughts
and opinions
to greet in a warm and friendly way wellkum

someone who is in a younger group chunier

C. Choose the correct antonyms of the words in bold.

1. for more details

a. outline b. opinion c. paper d. issue

2. show the ticket before entering

a. repeat b. hide c. display d. greet

3. fully done homework

a. maybe b. totally c. partially d. sorry

4. misunderstand the question

a. teach b. check c. review d. understand

5. remember to bring your lunch

a. forget b. get c. uncertain d. shout

D. Answer the questions.

The Gaokao

The gaokao is China’s university entrance exam. The ① of this exam is to determine

which university a student will go to. The exam takes place over two days, and it is nine hours long.

In China, universities are ranked. Students who get high scores go to good universities, and students who

graduate from good universities get good jobs.

In terms of the ② level, the gaokao is very hard. Students go to special academies.

Students attend many lectures. They ③ many subjects like English and math.

Now students start preparing as early as kindergarten. Many say that preparing for the gaokao begins at

birth. Instead of coloring with ④ , children are memorizing vocabulary.

1. Complete the reading with the correct word from the word bank.

difficulty purpose crayons learn

2. What is NOT mentioned in the reading?

a. Where students take the gaokao b. How students prepare for the gaokao

c. Why students take the gaokao d. When students begin to study for the gaokao

3. What is the correct definition for ranked?

a. shown or explained how to do something

b. to be able to buy or do something because you have enough money or time

c. bent forward at the neck or waist as a form of greeting

d. something or someone placed in a particular position on a list for reasons such as quality, ability, or size

2000 Core English Words 2
Review Test (Unit 13-16)

A. Look at the pictures. Circle the correct words.


The (bride / feeling / fool) threw the flowers over her head.


My brother is so (newborn / lazy /). He only stays on the sofa.


The boy was (scared / aged / pure) of the thunder and lightning.


The audience began to (reveal / clap / wish) once the pianist stopped playing.


Jodie spilled some juice on her new blue (gown / widow / brother).


Our company hires people from different (backgrounds / wishes / feelings).


Charlie asked his friend for a (congratulations / hug / talent) before leaving.

B. Look at the definition. Correct the spelling, and then write.

1. to hit your hands together several times to

show appreciation or enjoyment
the state of being happy hepines

3. When something is plesant, enjoyable, or

a husband or wife spoce

The ending of a marriage by a legal process deverse

C. Choose the correct synonym of the words in bold.

1. a close friend

a. fool b. cousin c. gender d. companion

2. a boring movie

a. helpful b. emotional c. lucky d. dull

3. a powerful voice

a. gentle b. energetic c. careless d. cheerful

4. feeling ashamed

a. interested b. serious c. guilty d. peaceful

5. a creative artist

a. imaginative b. elegant c. lovely d. annual

D. Answer the questions.

How’s Your Family?

Harvey: Hi, Linda! I haven’t seen you in such a long time!

Linda: Hi, Harvey! Let me give you a ① . You didn’t come to the ②

university gathering. How have you and Anne been?

Harvey: We’ve been busy because we have a ③ baby boy.

Linda: Congratulations! The twins must be excited to have a baby brother. But they are still young. It must

be hard to take care of them and the baby.

Harvey: Yes, it’s hard. Luckily, Anne’s ④ likes to come over and play with them, and

also Mrs. Green, the widow across the street, helps us a lot, too.

1. Complete the reading with the correct word from the word bank.

annual niece newborn hug

2. Who does NOT take care of the baby boy?

a. Linda b. Harvey and Anne

c. Mrs. Green d. Anne’s niece

3. What is the correct definition for congratulations?

a. a day on which an important event happened in a previous year

b. an agreement to be married

c. a message meaning you are happy for someone

d. a special ability that allows someone to do something well

2000 Core English Words 2
Midterm Test (Unit 1-8)

A. Choose the word that fits best in the sentence.

1. There are so many __________ looking around Buckingham Palace today.

a. drivers b. tourists c. passengers d. taxis

2. I need to change one of the __________ on my car. It has a hole.

a. corners b. suitcases c. transits d. tires

3. Wow, that __________ so good. I can’t wait to eat it!

a. smells b. tastes c. drinks d. makes

4. Let’s get __________ for dinner. I don’t want to go outside this evening.

a. lunchtime b. dessert c. takeout d. menu

5. When I broke my leg, it was so __________.

a. painful b. alive c. disabled d. normal

6. I had a __________, so I stayed in bed all day.

a. forehead b. fever c. chili d. hunger

7. The doctor said the __________ was very successful.

a. virus b. cough c. illness d. operation

8. I asked my __________ for a higher salary.

a. librarian b. employer c. career d. designer

9. Our president wants more __________ with other countries.

a. trade b. agency c. duty d. advertise

10. The __________ announced the news on social media.

a. blender b. cell phone c. reporter d. dog

B. Unscramble and write the correct word for to the given definition.

1. a book that you need to enter and leave a country 6. to lose blood because of a cut or injury

asrpopts lbeed

2. a building where you get onto a plane, bus, ship 7. slightly fat in a way that looks healthy

mtaeilnr hbcyub

3. a small dry flat piece of baked bread 8. body tissue that can produce movement

rcarekc emlcus

4. thin sticks used to pick up and eat food 9. a job that someone does for a long time

ispcshkcto rcreae

5. a flat dish that is used for eating or serving food 10. good or helpful result or effect

ptale finebte

C. Write the letter S for synonyms or A for antonym next to the pair of words.

1. harbor – port 6. slice - whole

2. suitcase – luggage 7. disease – health

3. arrive – depart 8. asleep – awake

4. vacation– holiday 9. normal – common

5. chef – cook 10. benefit - disadvantage

D. Reading Comprehension

Things to do in San Francisco Bay


San Francisco loves health and fitness. There are many spas in the city. They can help you recover
from your everyday stress. One famous spa is the Nob Hill Spa. Famous athletes, designers, CEOs,
and directors come here daily. Stop by for a full day of relaxation.


There are many restaurants in San Francisco. You can get a steak, crab sandwich, or pizza at Pier
39. Or, if you’re looking for dessert, there are sweet shops all around Ghirardelli Square. Want to
stay in? Then get some takeout from the city’s famous Chinatown. But, watch out! The chili and
garlic dishes are really spicy. Also, the lunchtime crowds are very big. Come early and come


Not everyone works in technology here. There are many other opportunities for people not
interested in computers. You can learn to be a pilot over at Bay Area Flying Lessons. Not
interested in flying? What about the arts? You can study to be a musician or writer over at the
Kala Art Institute in Berkeley. The sky is the limit!

1. What is the article discussing?

a. where to eat pizza

b. which areas to avoid

c. who lives in San Francisco

d. what you can do in San Francisco

2. What can you NOT order from Pier 39?

a. pizza b. hamburgers c. steak d. crab sandwich

3. Where can a visitor to San Francisco buy a dessert?

a. Nob Hill Spa b. Chinatown c. Ghirardelli Square d. Berkeley

4. The meaning of opportunities in this passage is

a. availability b. chances c. jobs

5. Fill in the blank with the word from the passage.

A. Famous people go to the Nob Hill Spa to from everyday stress.

B. There are many people at restaurants during .

C. Study at Bay Area Flying Lessons if you want to become a(n) .

2000 Core English Words 1
Final Test (Unit 9-16)

A. Choose the word that fits best in the sentence.

1. Do some research on the __________ for your homework.

a. diary b. notebook c. comment d. internet

2. Can I __________ some friends to the party?

a. greet b. talk c. invite d. forget

3. My five-year-old cousin is now attending __________.

a. university b. kindergarten c. course d. campus

4. Check in the __________ if you don’t know the definition of a word.

a. classmate b. blackboard c. dictionary d. principal

5. The movie was so __________. I cried all the way through.

a. sorry b. lovely c. emotional d. happy

6. My little brother always __________ me when I’m trying to study.

a. bothers b. astonishes c.. attracts d. remembers

7. I’m so happy. My sister just told me about her __________.

a. divorce b. couple c. engagement d. marry

8. I don’t know the __________ of my child yet. I really want a girl!

a. attitude b. gender c. talent d. sister

9. Her __________ sister looks just like her.

a. twin b. widow c. party d. gown

10. I hate Halloween. I’m really __________ of vampires and ghosts!

a. interested b. boring c. careful d. scared

B. Write the correct word for to the given definition.

1. the group of words that are used to help to explain

6. something that is pleasant, enjoyable, or beautiful
the meaning

l __ vel __
co __ t __ x __

7. something that is dull and uninteresting

2. a piece of information that is sent or given to
b __ r __ __ g

m __ s __ a __ e
8. an emotional state or reaction

3. a type of pen that makes wide lines

f __ e __ ing

m __ r __ er
9. a boy or man who has the same parents as you

4. something that is not correct

bro __ __ er

__ i __ t __ ke
10. to touch the lips or face of another person with
your lips as a greeting or to show love
5. to cause a feeling of great wonder or surprise

a __ ton __ s __

C. Write the letter S for synonyms or A for antonym next to the pair of words.

1. comment – opinion 6. classmate - schoolmate

2. detail – outline 7. careless– careful

3. fully – partially 8. bother – help

4. academy – school 9. average – normal

5. university – college 10. divorce – marry

D. Reading Comprehension
Dear Dr. Flora

Sister in Trouble

Hi, my name is Kay. I’m writing to ask your advice. My parents recently divorced. I was sad about
it, but I think my parents made the right decision. My younger sister, though, is taking the divorce
badly. Before the divorce, my sister was very cheerful and gentle. Now, she’s always annoyed and
upset with me. I tried to talk to her about it, but our conversations end with us shouting at each
other. She says she doesn’t want me to bother her anymore. So I almost gave up. All of our talks
end with me feeling like I do more harm than good, anyway.

But, lately, her bad attitude is causing trouble at school. The other day, I got a call from her
principal. She got into a fight with a student at her academy. She hit a girl in the cafeteria! She
was also got caught copying someone’s homework. I think her behavior is getting serious, but I
don’t know how to help her. What I can do to reach her? Any tips, Dr. Flora?

1. Why is the woman writing?

a. To check on a friend

b. To introduce herself

c. To ask for advice

d. To ask for an autograph

2. What does Kay say happened recently?

a. Her parents divorced.

b. She made a new friend.

c. She changed schools.

d. She moved house.

3. What did Kay’s sister get caught doing?

a. copying homework

b. skipping class

c. yelling at a teacher

d. stealing money

4. The meaning of bother in this passage is

a. love b. friend c. annoy

5. Fill in the blank with the word from the passage.

a. My parents not long ago.

b. My sister used to be very gentle.

c. Her bad is causing many problems.

2000 Core English Words 2
Final Test Answer Key

2000 Core English Words Book 2

Review Test (Unit 1-4) Review Test (Unit 5-8)

A. A.
1. passport 1. fitness
2. harbor 2. tablet
3. driver 3. chubby
4. camping 4. forehead
5. sandwich 5. baker
6. cracker 6. librarian
7. takeout 7. reporter

B. B.
1. yogurt 1.habit
2. flour 2.emergency
3. subway
4. highway
5. cereal

1. a
1. d
2. c
2. c
3. d
3. a
4. d
4. b
5. c
5. b

1. ① vacation ② staying ③ camping ④ arrive
1. ① disease ② aches ③ bleed ④ tablet
⑤ corner
⑤ vegetable
2. b
2. a
3. b
3. d

1 / 2
Review Test (Unit 9-12) Review Test (Unit 13-16)

A. A.

1. document 1. bride

2. ink 2. lazy

3. joke 3. scared

4. academy 4. clap

5. whiteboard 5. gown

6. club 6. background

7. cafeteria 7. hug

B. B.
1. envelope 1. couple

2. internet 2. happiness

3. speak 3. lovely

4. welcome 4. spouse

5. junior 5. divorce

C. C.
1. a 1. d
2. b 2. d
3. c 3. b
4. d 4. c
5. a 5. a

D. D.
1. ① purpose ② difficulty ③ learn ④ crayons 1. ① hug ② annual ③ newborn ④ niece
2. c 2. a
3. d 3. c

2000 Core English Words 2
Midterm Test Answer Key

2000 Core English Words Book 2

Midterm Test (Unit 1-8)

A. C.

1. b 1. S

2. d 2. S

3. a 3. A

4. c 4. S

5. a 5. S

6. b 6. A

7. d 7. A

8. b 8. A

9. a 9. S

10. c 10. A

B. D.

1. passport 1. d

2. terminal 2. b

3. cracker 3. c

4. chopsticks 4. c

5. plate 5.

6. bleed a. recover

7. chubby b. lunchtime

8. muscle c. pilot

9. career
10. benefit

1 / 1
2000 Core English Words 2
Final Test Answer Key

2000 Core English Words Book 2

Final Test (Unit 9-16)

A. C.

1. d 1. S

2. c 2. A

3. b 3. A

4. c 4. S

5. c 5. S

6. a 6. S

7. c 7. A

8. b 8. A

9. a 9. S

10. d 10. A

B. D.

1. context 1. c
2. a
2. message
3. a
3. marker
4. c
4. mistake
5. a. divorce
5. astonish b. cheerful
6. lovely c. attitude
7. boring
8. feeling
9. brother
10. kiss

1 / 1

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