1.2 LO5, 5.2: Staff Training

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1.2 LO5, 5.2: Staff Training.

According to Nickson (2007), staff training is the program implemented by managers of various
departments to provide staff members with the skills and knowledge for their job.

Human resource manager at Methodist resort is responsible for ensuring that staff training is
done to staffs.

This is the program implemented by managers of various departments at Methodist resort to

provide staff members with the skills and knowledge for their job.

Training is done regularly .It is conducted through;-

 Demonstrations-In the production department, executive chef uses demonstration to

show the staffs on how to present food and also how to plate food when serving the

 Seminars-seminars are usually organized in the hotel .The managers are the one who do
the training while in the premise. At times seminar are organized outside the premise like
in utalii hotel where the staffs from Methodist resort are trained by new faces and not the
faces that they are used to.

 During orientation;-new staffs are provided with the information about the resort like
the strategies, mission, vision and objectives. Rules and Reginald.

 Computer based training;-once there is a new thing that the manager wants the staffs to
learn, and the hotel is fully occupied, the manager saves that in a computer where each
staff will find their own time and go through the work .this reduced travel and training

Training at Methodist resort helps;-

 Improve performance of staffs;-management in the resort evaluate closely performance

of the staffs hence increase productivity.
 Address weaknesses;-Training helps the staffs at Methodist resort improve the quality of
work. Hence satisfying the customers and this increases customer loyalty and repeated

 Helps to reduce wastage;-Training also enhances and helps the staffs be in a position of
using the resources so to reduce waste and for the harmful chemicals and materials to
avoid faults.

 Boost the resort reputation;-Improves knowledge, skills and attitude of staffs. Hence
guest goes telling others how staffs at the resort are well skilled and they really enjoy
their service.

1.2 LO 2, 2.5: Evaluation of employees’ performance.

According to Nickson, (2007), Performance is the strategic in its intent to achieve high levels of
organization performance.

This is a regular assessment and review of staff’s performance on the work.

At Methodist resort, managers conduct a full performance evaluation daily through;-

 Holding discussions_ in the morning, the supervisor and the managers address the
issues and the faults that the staffs have done, they insist on the staff being very keen
when serving the guest to avoid angry guest, instead have happy guests who are
satisfied with the services.

 Observation-At times the managers and the supervisors stand at a distance and observe
staffs as they serve the guests. This helps the management get the right feedback and get
to know their staffs skills and area of improvement in case it is needed.

 Customer’s feedbacks-At times managers and supervisors may ask the guest feedback
immediately after the service before the guest leave the hotel. This helped in getting the
evaluation of the staffs without even sugar coating the issues.
 Management by objectives;-the managers and the staffs at Methodist dentist, plan,
organize and communicate what to focus on during a certain period of time so as to
achieve the target of that time.

Employees evaluation have benefited the organization by;-

 This helps the managers set clear expectations and measure the staff success, also helps
the managers drive decisions about pay raises, promotions and layoffs.

 Helps the staffs understand better what's expected of them.

 Managers get to understand better the staffs strengths and motivations.

 Gives feedback to the staffs on how they can improve their performance in future.

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