Home Work 17.11.22

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English File Elementary SB


5. c

6. b
1 a 13 – thirteen
2 b 40 – forty
3 a 15 – fifteen
4 b 60 – sixty
5 a 17 – seventeen
6 b 80 – eighty
7 b 90 – ninety

1. to describe a scene:
- I was watching TV yesterday.
- Raj was standing, Bina was sitting and Varsha was sitting too.
- Last year we were celebrating our wedding.
2. for simultaneous actions in the past:
- Yesterday I was watching TV, while my friend was sleeping.
- We were playing to board game, while we weren’t having electricity.
- My husband was working, while I was cooking dinner.
3. if the action was in progress at a specific moment in the past:
- I was studying English yesterday.
- I was driving my friend to the station last night.
- My husband was taking part in the race Spartan in Kyiv at the weekend.
4. for a long action in the past interrupted by a short one:
- While we were going in the city, snow began.
- I was cooking dinner, when somebody called in the door.
- I was making homework, the cat bit me.

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