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DIRECTIONS: Make an essay about which is more beneficial either Strategic Analysis
or Intuitive Thinking.

Strategic analysis and intuitive thinking are both utilized in our everyday life.
However, I argue that strategic analysis is way more beneficial than just going with our
first instinct.
Strategic analysis refers to a system or method that requires deliberate, abstract,
and effortful thinking that breaks down a complex problem into parts. It is like dissecting
a problem and analyzing one by one the possible ways to solve it. Moreover, it starts
from an idea or concept and moves on to what can be associated with it. Unlike intuitive
thinking which solely depends on one’s intuition, strategic analysis requires a conscious
and logical reasoning. To further understand this, here is an example. A business that
has been established for quite a long time has a competitor that is fast-rising. The
owners of the business were scared that one day, they would go bankrupt as they
couldn’t keep up with the advanced era today. They are thinking of just selling their
business. However, instead of following their first thought, they decided to analyze the
problem and generate a solution. They have found out their strengths and weaknesses
and now, they already know how to improve their business and keep up with the
technological advancement that their competitor have. That is because they decided to
use strategic analysis to approach the current situation.
On the other hand, I also believe that intuitive thinking is really beneficial to one’s
life and can contribute great ideas that are based on prior knowledge and perception of
an individual. Besides, it helps us create expectations, connect the dots, and warn us of
the potential problems. Just like in the example above, the owners of the business might
not know that their business might be in danger if not for their intuitive thinking.
However, intuitive thinking might lead to more serious problem. I have lived up
remembering the fact that one’s emotion might always be valid, but the way they act
upon it might not be. Believing and following our first instinct without analyzing carefully
the current situation can push us to do the wrong thing since our intuition isn’t always
right. Since intuitive thinking is based just on our hunch and gut-feeling, we might not
assess certain problems correctly. Unlike strategic analysis which is brain-centered,
intuitive thinking is heart-centered. Also, strategic analysis is well-planned and is
focused more on the bigger picture rather than just of what was seen in the surface
which is how intuitive thinking approach situations and challenges.
Don’t jump into conclusions, don’t react based on emotions. That is my mantra in
life and in decision making, I strongly argue that strategic analysis is better, more
beneficial, and probably the safer way to approach problems.

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