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NEWSLETTER ISSUE No. 13 & 14 January-February, 2001 t .GISLAT Og WATCH @ ar AURAT PUBLICATION ‘AND. INFORMATION ‘SERVICE FOUNDATION Issues of human rights, particularly women's rights, bave long been subject to neglect by successive governments. Despite several oficial reports and continuing demands by human rights organisations, progress in this area, partculerly onthe lgislative front, has been practically nor {existent And where governments have, oceasionally, taken some steps towards adcressing the situation, these have largely been cosmetic ot ‘Gamage-comtrol measures, ater than conerote steps towards dealing with “The military eoveramentof General Pervez Musharnaf, which ookover power an 12 October 1999, promised otherwise. In his frst address othe ‘ation on 14 Octcbor 1990, the Chief Executive emphasised. the importance of good governance, thereby suggesting a respect for human Fights and fundamental feedoms. And in April 2000, the goverament “organised «highly-publcised Pakistan Convention on Human Rights and Human Dignity 1 discuss and find solution o problems faced by women, minorities and labour. Addressing the Convention, the Chief Executive Ofthe Ordersissued by the CE, 4relatedto ‘he Constitution; 5 concerned the appointments and ‘ths of Governors, the National Seeurty Council Federal and Provincial Ministers; and 6 concemed ‘he superior judiciary in terms ofthe oath of judges, pensionary/service. benefits of Supreme CourtHigh Courtjudgesceasingto hold fice > Of the Ordinances promulgated by the President, almost half related to new legislation, ‘while just over halt were amendments to existing laws or the ordinances issued by the military government > "A significant number of the ordinances Felaiod (0 the establishment or re-organisation of various bodies, authorities or institutions (the National Accountability Bureau; the Natural Gas Regulatory Authority; the National Database and Registation Authority; the Pakistan Aeronautical Compiex Board the Nasional Commission on the ‘Status of Women; the Micro Finance Ban the Federal Tax Ombudsman; the Privatisation Commission, th Pakistan Insurance Corporation; the National insurance Corporation; andthe Heavy Industiss Board et). Ironically, a major national (12 OCTOBER 1999 11 OCTOBER 2000) insttation, the National Reconstruction Bureaw (RB), which was given the task of preparing the Devolution of Power Plan, has een setup merely ‘rough a notification on 18 November, 1999. The Local Government cletions are being eld in the four provinces under ordinances promulgated by the Governors, and an Order promulgated by the CCE to provide forthe conduct ofthese elections by ‘the Chief Election Commissioner > Several ordinances related 10 finencial/economic issues and institutions (Protection of Eeanomic Reforms; Tax Laws; Bei ULMal: Survey for Documentation of National Economy; Finance; Central Excises; Customs; Sales Tax; Securities and Exchange Commission: ‘Banking Companies; Insurance; Industrial and General Satistiescte) > Three ordinances and one Regulation ‘elated t the criminal justice system, three of ‘which were amendaents to the Ani-trrorism Act, ‘one othe Frontier Crimes Regulation), >" "Two ardinances were of direct cancers to ‘women (Pakistan Citizenship Act amendment ‘ordinance and the National Commission on the ‘Status of Women); one ordinance addressed the nical matter of protection ofthe rights of children involved in criminal litigation (Juvenile Justice System); One ordinance amended employees olé agesbenefits Law Making Proces: Inthe absence of any legislative forums, decision- making by the military government atthe federal level was ostensibly the responsibilty ofthe NSC and the feral cabinet, while several bogies were Set up to deliberate on specific areasssues et. Very ile publi information i available on how far the principles of good governance, evlogised by the CE in his fist address 10 the nation on 14 October 1990, were observed by the governmentin the peocessof law-making. While it was reported that discussions in the federal cabinet were quite free and frank, it was obvious that some key decisions were made without any discussion in ‘abinet and definitely without its approval. Thus, for example, the withdrawal ofthe government on the issue of the procedural amendment in the blasphemy law was clearly done by the CE without ‘any consultation with the federal cabinet. “The NRB did hold extensive diseassions with the public and evil society organisations on the evolution plan, posibly more than ever before But very litiewas made public terms of feedback itreceived and on what basis certain decisions were LPL tok S00 Jeodonres Sr otreet WWASESLome Ealing CUS (BES a Se A are sa Pyne Lube nis Pile wi ose cab Condit coumlbsrSprangtrl rec east PAF Lie Se BIL ISNA SEAM ICE ALE A hd eee oe end fcabaPes ena nFing AL il Paka OP wt (Lei RUMP as SeeverLiil Goeth lon TOP BAL bil LIS? oli lesb Br BOS MoS LEE Soi eh erie PD Py pFia A LAE ALLIS PLP BQ LIA BL a Pinel PINS APE Pes Sart Seem Shah es Dinde tiie! athietAte infigeslg Le nliS ie tte dy cant horns s” Lowi Pmytonnces PEEP aseL Baa es Fin Lee rhb uira ie bafhniiSroblbecFarl Ab itpe JAIL Lig Sy wip Selon FS Sa7 Lab NSP SEP Torin! dale DLIL tft saris pe Tek see iyi Mi tae Lew PL wlatele Poe Soria iPad Sitanath Liracps ef ie Serherbrten Lbs Me Beater Sup hua tise iy Se LFS ind Bibl rien tEL MB ag Sie Sah Boh f Zeer unwog SAL og Lito foeba tote NATTY Sere yPaser' qiretSelttaBhe Sa Feed bidiia APNE Sig itegtehloke Lotthalen PAA TAG Te A BS iA Lin Shel tO IMIR S hPa ASESPL YP Pa rprds bei Lutiot tu Pustee Laut Qi EL yo de Sm Lk mie F Sel bah hcud eagle eA AS Sie teins Sef sectrriiak d Aue S Aoi SE etabereubsg se wnbyyn'So wibriFeacln Sie ANSI Kato BeLowwi ea Phi totad Sot SEMEL oe a Uradin Seu d oR 2200098. (he spharan baa er fea Foti yy eat vit PO Tml rg Cheers Phe LUE BL IPL ho Peio Asi 82 Lup gedtot sig) Hesivwis CenbshebarpeSuaicait Sines Sas Soo HOST siott IB UF Ad tit PHiIWESE Saree feet LAB PLCS te VoriioF DeLee bibig Aiba te WL 1999. 71a! Snzdricuth wawitbeeegn Dette Sie ner eB PverSpe tage Atel ot ALLE ALLE tet DL HE a PE Rae niee Sirvraptimmidiie tue Sone Setite ge PL Pelee hla? 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