How To Create An Automated Note Template On Infusionsoft

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How to Create an Automated Note Template on

This procedure will show you the step-by-step instructions on how to create an automated note
template on Infusionsoft.

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. First, hover over the Infusionsoft logo located on the upper left of the screen. A
dropdown list will appear.

2. Click “Templates” under “Marketing”.

3. On the upper right of the screen, click “Add a Template” and select “Note”.

4. You are now on the “Manage Note Template” screen. On the “Template Options”,
start typing in the “Title” box.
Note: Putting an exclamation point (!) and a space before typing the title lets the user
know that the note template is automated, and it also makes it appear at the topmost of
the dropdown menu when selecting the note template within the contact record.

5. For SALES PIPELINE STEPS: Type in “New Referral – Add Example Tag to User”.
Note: For non-sales pipeline this is not required.
6. To highlight and select all the title, press “Ctrl + A” and press “Ctrl + C” to copy.

7. On the “Note Information” located at middle part of the screen, paste the selected
title on the “Title” box or by pressing “Ctrl + V”.
8. Click the “Action Type” dropdown and select one that applies. In this procedure the
“UPDATE” is selected.

9. You may begin typing the description of the note you are creating on the
“Description” box.
10. Once description is filled in, scroll down to the “Note Readiness” section, click on
the box near the word “Ready?” and “Yes” will be selected. Below, click “Save”.

11. After saving, scroll up and notice that the “Actions” tab is activated. Click the
“Actions” tab.
12. In the “Add New Action” dropdown, select any action that applies. In this
procedure, “Apply/Remove” tag is selected.

13. The selected option above leads to another set of selections. After selecting one that
applies, click “Save”.
Note: You can do multiple actions by adding a new tag.
14. Your Note Template is now done. Go to test user by typing in a name on the “Find a
contact…” box located on the upper right of the screen.

15. Click on the name of the contact to see the record.

16. As you scroll down, you will see the “Notes” section. On the left side, click the
dropdown and select the title of the note template you created then click “Add
17. A “View Action Results” screen will pop-up. From there you will see the actions you
selected in Step No. 12.

And that is how you created an automated note template on Infusionsoft.

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