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Maryland International College

School of Graduate Studies

MA in Project Management

Course Title: Project Planning and Scheduling Assignment

Course Code: PMgt 642

Instructor: Gemechu Nemera, PhD

Marks: 50%

Submission Date:____________

General Instruction

Instruction for format (article review and profile analysis):

 Provide brief and to-the-point description (Maximum of ten pages without the front matters
for profile analysis)

 Edit your work very well

 Your writing should be to the academic standard (free from language, spelling, mechanics,
fragmentation and any other language errors).

 Use 12 font size, 1.5 spacing and New Times Roman style

 At least five references are expected

 Please do not bind using plastic; simply you can bind using staplers.

 Submission date: it will be at the end of the class

Article review:

1. Choose two of the articles and review them. This is individual assignment and carries 25 %

2. The review should not be more than 4 pages each excluding the cover page

3. It should include all the elements mentioned in the check list.

4. It should be submitted on time.

Check list for the assignment

This article review assignment is designed to enable you to enhance your analytical skill by
critically reviewing journal articles. Thus, your article review should address the following vital

 General description of the articles (name of the writers, academic status, experience,
publisher status and editors, reputability of the journal, readability, being cited and any other
important information).

 What is / are the major objective(s), significance and scope of the studies?

 What are the theories that author presents as a basis of the study and a comment on validity
of the position the author has taken?

 The major research design, tools, variables, sampling methods and data analysis techniques.

 What are the major concepts discussed in the two articles? (Provide a brief description about
the articles).

 What are the major findings that you have got?

 How well are conclusions of the article aligned with the topic of the study?

 What exactly does the work contribute and relate to the overall topic of your course?

 In your opinion, what were the strengths and weaknesses of the paper?

 What have you learned from the two articles generally?

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