3rd Title Defense 3.1

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Introduction: Multiple solutions can be provided to a single problem
as most of us have come to know through our experiences. A solution
could be good enough for the problem to not relapse. That alone is not
sufficient for an organization facing an issue. In a competitive world such as
the world we live in, efficient, effective, and feasible solutions are sought
after and given paramount importance by organizations. Such solutions can
be made possible when multiple minds are involved in deriving one. Ideas
are nurtured by different perspectives. Different perspectives are attained
by Collaboration. Collaboration has been at the forefront of paving ways
into innovation and enhancing efficiency. It is therefore a Collaboration
Software that is the topic of discussion here. In order to attain such
dynamic data, dynamic collaboration between the Solution Provider and the
Requirement Owner is imperative. The need was to have a Voting Ballot
Web Application as a Collaboration Support System.

Statement of the problem:

1. What advantages does electronic voting offer compared with

traditional voting?

2. What issues does electronic voting raise?

3. How do electronic voting protocols work?


YUAN: The next and last tittle is all about A VOTING BALLOT WEB

YUAN: Here is the explanation for the ouput.

RAPHAEL: Base on the tittle defense Online voting allows people in today’s mobile
and digitally advanced society to participate in the democratic process over the internet. The
POLYAS online voting system offers the highest levels of transparency, control, security and
efficiency of election processes. Online votings provide voters with a comfortable and secure
voting experience and allow election organizers to save resources in planning their next
election.For election organizers, planning postal or ballot box elections is synonymous with high
costs: you need to find an appropriate physical space to hold the election, inform eligible voters,
prepare postal voting forms and organize the vote count.

YUAN: Give yourself maximum flexibility and efficiency in election planning and create ballots
easily online. Send out election invitations and reminders conveniently via email. Observe voter
turnout in real-time and engage voters with a few mouse clicks. Easy ballot creation and
personal election invitation design, as well as automatic vote counting, greatly simplifies election
organization. Complex voting procedures can also be easily be mapped out in the POLYAS
online voting system. Depending on the particular implementation, e-voting may use standalone
electronic voting machines (also called EVM) or computers connected to the Internet. It may
encompass a range of Internet services, from basic transmission of tabulated results to full-
function online voting through common connectable household devices. They emphasize the
strategic nature of political communication, highlighting the role of persuasion in political.

RAPHAEL: Voters can cast their ballots from any internet-connected device with a browser in
five easy steps. The certified Online-Voting system from POLYAS guarantees to uphold all of
the principles of a democratic election. Our ballot papers are suitable for automated paper-vote
scanners and are able to fit any envelope.

YUAN: What advantages does electronic voting offer compared with traditional voting.
Electronic voting technology intends to speed the counting of ballots, reduce the cost of paying
staff to count votes manually and can provide improved accessibility for disabled voters. Also in
the long term, expenses are expected to decrease. Results can be reported and published
RAPHAEL: What issues does electronic voting raise

Key issues with electronic voting are therefore the openness of a system to public examination
from outside experts, the creation of an authenticatable paper record of votes cast and a chain
of custody for records

YUAN: How do electronic voting protocols work?

Electronic voting technology intends to speed the counting of ballots, reduce the cost of paying
staff to count votes manually and can provide improved accessibility for disabled voters. Also in
the long term, expenses are expected to decrease. Results can be reported and published


Voting from a mathematical perspective is the process of aggregating the preferences of

individuals in a way that attempts to describe the preferences of a whole group. This can be
either for voting on a single best option such as which restaurant you and your friends.


Would like to go to or determining who should be let in to a small group of decision makers such
as a deciding how may seats should go to students, faculty, and administration on a university
decisions board.

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