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TRANSITION OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS IN REINTEGRATION OF FA FACE CLASSES TRANSITION OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS IN REINTEGRATION OF FACE-TO-FACE CLASSES A Thesis Presented to the Faculty Of the College Education Silay Institute Ine. In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Degree Bachelor of Betoro, Emy Dayon, Nelma Escario, Le-an November 2022 TRANSITION OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS IN REINTEGRATION OF FA FACE CLASSES Approval Sheet This research entitled “Transition of Public School Teachers in Reintegration of Face-to- Face Classes” has been prepared and submitted by Escaro, Le-an. In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Bachelor of has been examined and recommended for acceptance and approval for Oral Examination. Research Adviser PANEL OF EXAMINERS Approved by the Panel on Oral Examination with the grade of Member Member Chairman ‘Approved and accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirement recommended for the Degree of Bachelor of Program Head TRANSITION OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS IN REINTEGRATION OF FA FACE CLASSES CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the thesis entitled “Transition of Public School Teachers in Reintegration of Face-to-Face Classes" has been checked by the undersigned in the manipulation of each grammatical range and accuracy and its linguistic resources. Grammarian TRANSITION OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS IN REINTEGRATION OF FA FACE CLASSES Acknowledgment ‘The researchers would like to express their deepest appreciation and profound gra to all who have extended their valuable assistance throughout this study. First and foremost, to our Almighty God, for giving us the wisdom and strength to finish this research work; To all research participants, for their full cooperation that made them a big part of this study; Finally, we express our profound gratitude to our parents and family for providing us with emotional, moral, and financial assistance and, most importantly, their sacrifices to achi our dreams. This accomplishment would not have been possible without them. Thank you so much. To God be the Glory! TRANSITION OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS IN REINTEGRATION OF FA FACE CLASSES CHAPTER I (RODUCTION 1, Background of the Study One of the sectors that took a beating at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic was education. The UNICEF, according to the article P&A Grant Thornton, ( August 2022 ) continues to advocate the resumption of in-person classes in various countries while Philippines did not hold face-to-face classes for more than a year and opted to have classes through online and blended learning modalities. With this, teachers had been used in adapting learning modalities that would offer continuous education despite the rising fear pandemic offered. The need to produce self-learning modules, print the number of learning activity sheets, and to pack and deliver the said materials to students had been the picture of the life of every educator. Top Hat, an online glossary, defines face-to-face classes as an instructional method where content and learning material are taught in person to a group of students. For almost two school years, classes from the Philippines had been through online, offline distant, and self- learning modules, yet after years of our silent struggle with the pandemic, it was nationally reported by DepEd that public school classes will now transition back to face-to-face This study has been formed because the researchers recognized the efforts of both teachers and students for an effective teaching-learning process to be successful. With the DepEd TRANSITION OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS IN REINTEGRATION OF FA FACE CLASSES announcement of having a full blown face-to-face classes in the country starting the 2" day of November, public school instituitons would be planning how to implement this smoothly, securely, and critically. The researchers would like to know how the transition from online learning to face-to- face classes will affect the teachers. The main goal of this study is to seek answers on its necessity of reintegration, what are the ways face-to-face classes would be reintegrated, and how it can affect the students during the reintegration, ‘TRANSITION OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS IN REINTEGRATION OF FA. FACE CLASSES Review of Related Literature Foreign Literature A study conducted by Mayasari and Kemal, 2020, focused on the role of teachers in implementing distance learning in the middle of COVID-19 plague. The researched revealed that teachers are the primary source of learning, may it be theme books or programs aired on television during a TV-based instruction. It was also found out that teachers were the main demonstrators of media that support the leaming of the student. However, in the research entitled ‘Transition to Online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic’ by Lemay (2021), where perspectives of students were gathered and assessed, it showed that though students had positive outcomes on their academic success, it also did increase their anxiety and troubles on concentrating, ‘suggesting that the obstacles to fully online leaming were not only technological and instructional challenges but also social and affective challenges of isolation and social distancing,” It was mentioned in the study on Student's Perceptions of Online and Face-to-face Learning of Mather and Sarkans (2018), in the International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction that 61% of their respondents chose face-to-face as their preferred method of learning. It was emphasized that F2F participants emphasized faculty expertise and knowledge of the subject as the main contributing factor to their learning, It was cited in the study ‘Face-to-Face vs. E-Learning Models in the COVID-19 Era: Survey Research in a Spanish University’ in 2021 that Chandra and Fisher in which they reported that many students preferred the option of asking the teacher in a face-to-face ‘TRANSITION OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS IN REINTEGRATION OF FA. FACE CLASSES environment, where their question could be answered in that moment, rather than by email, which could be delayed or misunderstood. In an article posted on the website of Crown Asia, it was stated that research suggests that students can actually get work done in face-to-face classes. When in a class setting, it is said that one has a greater chance of completing their course successfully by doing it in a classroom situation, with teacher-led classes having almost $ times higher completion rates than that of online learning, ‘A comparative study between distance learning and conventional face-to-face last 2021 on Springer revealed that innovative educational adaptations have been essential during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, further evaluation before permanent adoption is warranted. A direct transition from the conventional way of teaching into an online-based format may not have the same impact. The study showed that students who used distance leaming tutorials exhibited lower levels of proficiency in key area than students who utilized the conventional FF approach. It is also stated that further studies are needed to ascertain the underlying cause. Local Literature Based on the Joint Memoramdum Circular No. 001 s. 2022 of Department of Education and Department of Health, ‘schools underwent rigorous preparations and assessments to meet school readiness standards, as well as health and safety requirements’ in the reintegration of face-to-face classes after a higly successful pilot implementation, TRANSITION OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS IN REINTEGRATION OF FA FACE CLASSES In the said monitoring and evaluation, it has been find out that there were a high number of participants who joined the pilot implementation of face-to-face classes and there is a ‘positive impact of reintroduction of F2F classes on leaming behavior of leamers.’ Thus, the “President approved the progressive expansion of face to face classes, and delegated to DepEd and DOH the authority to decide on the scale and mechanics of the expaasion of face to face classes and other schoolbased activities’ Another working paper from the University of the Philippines NGCAP department entitled ‘Learning While Flattening the Epidemic Curve: A Policy Paper on the Resumption of Philippine Education amid COVID-19 Pandemic’ stated that Philippine educational institutions adopted alternative means of distance learning, with the use of information and communication technology (ICT) as the most efficient modality of learning delivery, notwithstanding issues and challenges such as the digital divide (Joaquin et al., 2020; Simbulan, 2020), According to Oscena (2021) in an article published under ICF Philippines, most schools in the country use face-to-face setup for instruction because of the unreliable internet connectivity. However, since the pandemic, teachers had been learning and unlearning to deliver online classes as most of them are technologically-challenged. So, a need for tedious training and coaching must be given to Philippine educators. According to the paper of De La Salle University Department of Philosophy in October 2020, it was revealed that ‘despite the innovations made by Philippine higher education institutions in terms of altemative leaming modes and technologies for delivering education, there are still gaps and challenges in their responses”. TRANSITION OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS IN REINTEGRATION OF FA FACE CLASSES Objectives of the Study This study aims to know the transition of public school classes in reintegrating face-to-face in public schools of Silay City, The results of this study will paved the way for teachers to be aware of the importance, ways, and effects of the transition to students. Moreover, this study aims to further research on how can face-to-face reintegration should be done in the return of new normal classes this school year. Research Questions The study focuses to answer the following questions 1. Why is there a need to reintegrate face-to-face classes? 2. How do teachers reintegrate face-to-face classes effectively during the transition? 3. What are the effects of the transition of public school classes in reintegrating face-to-face to students? Research Hypotheses The following statements are hypotheses in the study: LThere is a need for public school teachers to reintegrate face-to-face classes during the transition. 2. The reintegration of face-to-face classes in Silay City public schools will affect the students during the transition. TRANSITION OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS IN REINTEGRATION OF FA FACE CLASSES 3. The ways on how the transition of public schools in Silay City in reintegrating face-to-face classes have direct effects on students. Theoretical Framework The study is anchored on the following theories: The Learning by Doing Theory by the famous learning proponent John Dewey posits that children need to interact with other people, and work both alone and cooperatively with their peers and adults as they are active, inquisitive, and wanted to explore (Janse, B. (2019). According to the John Dewey theory, people learn best through a hands-on approach, Thus, better leaming is gained when students have experiences with their peers and teachers, This study is anchored as well on the Constructivist Learning Theory of Jerome Bruner that believes that children are active learners who construct learning based on their previous or present knowledge (Bruner, Austin, & Goodnow, 1986). According to this theory, teachers in constructivist classroom help students create their own learning and understanding. In such cases, face-to-face classes will determine how these past experiences would affect the current learning and comprehension of the world of the learners. Conceptual Framework ‘The respondents of this study are the teachers of Dona Montserrat Lopez Memorial High School. The researchers wanted to study if reintegration of face-to-face classes affected the transition of public schools. The researchers used the focused group discussion and one-on-one interviews with those teachers involved. At the end of this study, the researchers would be able ‘TRANSITION OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS IN REINTEGRATION OF FA. FACE CLASSES to know if face-to-face reintegration is surely a need, what are ways that positively and effectively implements face-to-face classes, and how both teachers and students had been affected by the said reintegration, The schematic diagram explains the flow of the study. The goal is to determine what are the ways or factors that effectively implements the reintegration of transition of public school affected both students and teachers. Planning of Reintegration [> STUDENTS +4 REINTEGRATION OF FACE-TO-FACE CLASSES Methods of Implementing > TEACHERS + Reintegration Figure 1. Conceptual Model face-to-face and how the Effects to Students & Teachers) (Positive and Negative) Evaluation of Implementation TRANSITION OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS IN REINTEGRATION OF FA FACE CLASSES Significance of the Study The study will be viewed valuable to various sectors of the study due to the following: [o Silay City DepEd Division, The result of the study will help them be aware of the current situation of Silay City public school that can be an avenue where they could send help and alleviate the situation. To School Administrators. The result of the study will serve as guide to the school administrators in providing technical and academic assistance to help in the effective delivery of curriculum integrated with face-to-face classes. To the teachers. Teachers are the frontrunners of the curriculum development and implementation, Study results shall be used as backbone of developing appropriate curriculum in teaching during the reintegration of face-face classes. Findings shall be used by teachers to benchmark proper implementation of improved and integrated curriculum. To the students. This study shall be conducted in the greater good of Filipino students. Results will be utilized in the promotion of awareness of its effects to our leamers and how their perspectives will be used for the betterment of reintegration. All this in hopes of the nation’s brighter future which is in the hands of our students, ‘To the present researchers. The process of scientific inquiry will develop the researchers’ knowledge and talents in pursuing research and discovery. TRANSITION OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS IN REINTEGRATION OF FA FACE CLASSES To the future researchers. Findings of the study will serve as literature future researchers can use for related study. Scope and Limitations This study focuses on the transition of public school teachers in reintegrating face-to-face classes in Silay City. The data will be collected from six (6) teachers of Dona Montserrat Lopez Memorial High School, Schoo! Year 2022-2023. Six teacher-respondents will represent the experiences of DMLMHS teachers during the transition stage of online learning to reintegration of face-to-face classes on the said school year The research will not extend on other effects that the reintegration of face-to-face classes are not necessarily connected with, Definition of Terms To facilitate understanding in this study, different terms are defined herein, Face-to-face classes. In this study, this term refers to the learning modality where students are attending classes in person and live interaction with the teacher and the leamer is possible. Online Learning. As used in the study, it refers to the learning modality adapted during pandemic where instruction is done over the intemet. Reintegration, It is defined as the process of incorporation or integration of face-to-face classes learning modality in public school classes. TRANSITION OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS IN REINTEGRATION OF FA FACE CLASSES ‘Transition, This term is used in this study as the shift of classes in public schools from online learning to face-to-face classes.

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