Airforce Apprentice Form

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ONLINE REGISTRATION THROUGH yw. ‘MPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 41, Applications wit be filed onine ty the candidates. tcamplete applications wil be rejected. Detaad instructions to fil {the same are avaiable on hip! ww. spprenceshiingsa.ora. 2 Only onine registered applications willbe accepted. 3 The examination is vad for one enty only 4 Following are te be uploaded as the ease nay be (@) Class 10/ Matieuation passing corfeate (b) lntemmediaie/10+2 or equivalent mark sheet. IT} pass Cenfcste (6) Passpar size recent colour photograph of sze not larger than £0 KE in front porta wih light background. without head gear. except for Skhs. The photograah is to be taken wih tho. candidate holding a back slate i font of Nis chest win riser name clearly wtten on iin copia letters wath white chet (4) Candstotes signature image (6) Candidate's et hand thumb imoressien. 5A written examination will be conducted based on Mathematics, Gereral Science & General Knowledge o! High ‘Schoo! standard. In accion, On Job Testing on respeewwe ‘vases would be conducted 03 9 per of selecton procedure 6 Candidate must have his vald e-mail and mebile uber for ‘Successful enfine registration 7. Candidate must encorse histher Aadhar humber while regisiration on ROSOE poral 8. The canddate is (0 carry a vatd 1D proof and printout of provisional admit card, when reporting for selection tet 9. Cendidates shel bo deberred from appearing in tha writen ‘exam, in case anomalies! regulars! ineorract information are fbserved during inital verfcation atthe examination venue or at any subsequent stage of the selection process. 10. The Selection for engagement of the Apprentice wil be based on Neri, tating into consideration the total aggregate matks scoredin the selection process, 11, The pred of taining for the individual trades vall be 01 year Candidates who have completed! undergoing Apprentice Trahing, are ot eligible 12, No TADA wil be payable for attendng the selection process. The candidates will have to make their own sttangement for sta) during the selection. 13, The reservations for engagement of Appronico wil be ‘missle as per Section JA & B of apgrertice Act 1961, Rule 5 of Foprentceship Rules 1982 for SCISTOBCAWS/ PWD! XSi categores, as applicable, Copy ofthe reservation document isto be proauced for verification wes : = “g@— Indian Air Force = 25- LWITEs wows e254 (4 JN WOME) TO AVAL THE OPPORTUNTY TO UNDERGO-THE APPRENTICESHIP TRAINING (TECHNICAL TRADES) AT PREMIER BASE REPAIR DEPOT (BRD) AT AIR FORCE STATION, CHANDIGARH, eshipind| AIRFORCE APPRENTICESHIP TRAINING PROGRAMME WRITTEN TEST (ATP 03) - 2022). CAUTION — SELECTION wTo Tis COURSEIS “FAIR AND TRAISPARENT” AND ON HERITONLY, AT NO STAGE ANY BRIBES Ke To.8e PAD To MYON, CANDIOATES SHOULO NT Ft PREY TO UNSGRUPULOUS PERSONS POSING AS ECMUMNCISELESTING AGENTS. “HAR KAAM DESH KE NAAM” San os a e IS OPEN AND WILL CLOSE ON 15 Aug 22. euloouirycrmeRa 1. rine Applications are invted for Apprenicastip Trang ieee r98) at BO. hr Foes Staion Ghandigom Selestion SSE tee cae we! be ntmateaater 2 dustinal Qualiieaon (0) Passed Std 40% wth minimum S0% make. Std 12% pass Getabia €) HY (NCYT pose wah 85% marks in ogregate [rte Caconry ‘goList | ‘Ganara cea ‘ac IEEE scat oa Ne-26 05 Heep (a7 em Civegn = Baa ns 3 Hladieal Standards - Candidate should be in possession of a valid medical Niness ceficate (issued by a Medica! Officar of Gow Hospi) declaring thot he! she is Aol suffering trom any eral ‘disease and i fil for undergoing Aprrerticeship taining. 9 par ‘medical standards enumerated in schedule II (Rue 4) of be Aporenticestp Rule 1992, 4, Stipend - During the cowse, te candidate wil be paid stpend ‘a8 per_the Govt of India (Mistry of Skil Development and Erteprencurship), Gazeta Notiteaton (Extraordinary) Past ‘Section 3) dated 25 Sep 19. 5 Trades and Course Number (Tomertaaiicis) Machnst (211. 10,15 207830, 3236 36 Machinist (Grinde) 7224 10,30-40,45 82175) ['Sheel Metal Woner (7213. 10.2080.821.84 Welded (Gas & lect) ('272.10,20,40 50.65) Eleeinean Alrall (7241.60) ‘Carpenter (7124 10,20) Mechanic (instrument ATeraRy STON ris] Painter Geveral (7142.10) = ‘Desk Top Pubishng Operaior 512.0200) Power eleciaan (ASTTO) TIGIMIG Weider i sssian (916009 Laboratory Assistant O41 3 NOTIFICATION: Detated notiteation is available on RDSDE website, Candidates are to ensure that they have read and understood the details avatable Mm tne notiication before registering ——— eeeNFSF Ry par] 1 | Last date for submission of application | 15 Aup 22 2 Water Emam Wilbe 3] Beiration at we Ta eye ‘Coarse comnmneneing Rt

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