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Aspects of using the sensitivity theory in energetically optimization problems


A. Hazi 1 , Gh. Hazi 2
University of Bacau
C.N. TELETRANS S.A.–Bacau Agency

INTRODUCTION F( z 1 , z 2 ,.., zTOT ) = min ! , TOT = I + D

f ai ( z 1 , z 2 ,.., zTOT ) = 0, i = 1,2,.., D (1)
For different technical decisions taken
practically it is useful and necessary to know f li ( z 1 , z 2 ,.., zTOT )  0, i = 1,2,.., L
manner how different parameters influence where z1,z2,...,zTOT are problem variables, fai,
decision. In the optimization problems, it is i=1,2,..,D are equality- type constrains (active
interesting the sensitivity of the objective function constrains) that involve a number D of dependent
of the process control parameters. This is given by variable, and fli, i=1,2,..,L are inequality- type
the gradient of the objective function reported to the constrains (free constrains). I is number of
control parameters. For the optimization problems independent variables (control variables).
with constrain, this is given by the gradient reduced. If variables z1,z2,...,zTOT are divide in
Pseudo-optimization is the optimization of independent control variables x1,x2,..,xI and
the objective function based on the sensitivity dependent variables y1,y2,..,yD, then sensitivity of
theory modifying only some control parameters. the objective function reported to the control
For the optimization problems with variables is given by the gradient reduced of the
constrain, it is interesting sensibility of constrains objective function [2]:
touched reported to the control parameters, too.
This is necessary because one control variable must
be transformed into one dependent variable when it S I    Fr  
is touched one constrain. The dependent variables x 
1 (2)
values result from solving equation system given by  F   f   f   F 
the equality constrains.   a  a   
  x    x T   y T   y 

1. ANALITICAL RELATIONS OF THE where Fr is the objective function reduced to the

SENSITIVITY independent variables.
The sensitivities can be also calculated
directly by numerical derivate
1.1. Sensitivity of the objective function
In the damages situations, when process Fr

parameters are out of the admissible limits, must be x i
intervene rapidly for secure process stability. It F ( x1 , x 2 ,.., x i  x i ,.., x I , y1 , y 2 ,.., y D )
must be chose that control variable which,  
x i
modifying, has a maximum efficiency, so
straightening rapidly. Knowledge this control F ( x1 , x 2 ,.., x i ,.., x I , y10 , y 20 ,.., y D
variable can be realized on base sensitivity theory. 
x i
The expert systems use massive the
sensitivity theory. i  1,2 ,.., I
Using this theory is also due to low (3)
precision of input date from process. In this case, a
high precision of calculus is useless. where variables y01 , y02 ,..., y0D are determined by
It is consider a general form of one solving equations system given by equality- type
optimization problem: constrains with independent variables unmodified;
y1, y2 ,..., yD are determined by solving equations
Aspects of using the sensitivity theory in energetically optimization problems

system given by equality - type constrains with  f lr   f lr   x 

variable xi modified.      x      
In the optimization problems not included      
constrains, the second term dissolves from (2) and  f   f l   f a   f 
sensitivity become equal with simple gradient of the  l   D    y    y    a   D 
objective function  x       x 
It must be precise that sensitivity is a
punctual characteristic, valid for an operation point Based on the relation (7) it can decide
of the process. Its extended for the other operation introducing an independent variable in the base. It is
areas must be analyzed choose that variable for which constrain attained
has maxim sensitivity.
1.2. Sensitivity of the inequality-type
Sensitivity of the inequality- type constrains ENERGETIC
reported to the independent variable (control
variables) it is determine deriving constrains In this paragraph we present three
equality-type and inequality-type. It must be taking possibilities for using sensitivity in energetic with
account that dependent variables [Y] depend to example for the optimization problem voltage –
independent variables [X] through constrains reactive, [1]. For the numerical results we use o
system: network 220/110 kV with 48 nodes in areas Bacau
and Neamt.
 f a   f a   y 
 x    y    x   0  2.1. Pseudo-optimization
     
Practically, optimization is usefully if it is
 y   f a   f 
 x     y   a  taken with little maneuvers in the installations.
     x  Otherwise, optimization is difficult, even that
through objective function it can be quantify risks
 f lr   f l   f l   y  caused by maneuvers. For this reason, recognizing
 x    x    y    x   contribution every control action, it can be give up
        to these lessees efficiently.
 f   f l   f a   f  It is consider an optimization problem
 l    y    y   a  voltage – reactive, [1]:
 x       x 
F( U , , W  ) =
where through notation f lr x  it is taking
 P( U , , W  )   CPT i ( Q p ) 
account that derivative it is calculated in the present iq i
equality- type constrains. Relation (5) gives l
calculus manner of the sensitivity of inequality-   C PLOTij ( W ij )  min
type constrains reported to the independent T i , jr
Pi ( U , , W  )  P
 0, i  n \ e
Practically, when in an iteration it goes to i
Q i ( U , , W  )  Q
the optimal solution on the direction [D] with a step imp
 0, i  c
 , it is interesting sensitivity of the constrains i
reported to this step. Noting [X0] current value of U min  U i  U max , i  n (8)
the independent variables, then new value is: i i
Q min  Q i ( U , , W  )  Q max , i  q
X   X 0    D
i i
W min  W ij  W max , i , j  r
ij ij
and sensitivity of the constrains reported to step 
I ij ( U , , W  )  I max ( U , , W  ), i , j  n
results from (6) and (5): ij

where F([U],[δ],[W]) is the objective function,

[MW]; [U] –vector of the voltages between phases
Aspects of using the sensitivity theory in energetically optimization problems

in the network nodes, [kV]; [δ] – vector of the Pi([U],[δ],[W]), Qi([U],[δ],[W]) – active power,
voltages phase differences in the network nodes reactive power in node i determine function by the
reported to the reference node (equilibration node), regime date of the network, [MW], [MVAR];
[rad]; [W] – vector of the plots of the transformers Iij([U],[δ],[W]) – current on the side ij , [A];
with long-transversal control, t – its crowd; n – network nodes crowd; e – equilibration ode;
CPTi(Qpi) – expenses, [MW], realized in the c – consumer nodes crowd; q – control voltage
network node i for producing reactive power Qpi , nodes crowd; t – long-transversal control
[MVAR]; CPLOTij(ΔWij) – expense for modification transformers crowd.
plot of the transformer connected between node i Sensitivity of the objective function reported
and node j with amount ΔWij, , [MWh]; Piimp, Qiimp – to the independent variables is given by the value of
active power, reactive power, imposed in node i by the gradient reduced in the initial point. Its
the conditions from this node; the value is given by components, for a network 220/110 kV with 48
the algebraically sum between power produced and nodes in zone STD Bacau, are presented in table 1.
power consumed for the nodes were there are
production groups connected, [MW], [MVAR];

Table 1. Sensitivity of the objective function reported to the control variables. Network with 48 nodes
Gradient -0.05659 0.00522 0.04628 0.03977 -0.06358
reduced [MW/kV] [MW/plot] [MW/plot] [MW/plot] [MW/plot]

From table 1 it is found that objective In variant 1 variable succession is chosen in

function has maxim sensitivity reported to the plot the sensitivity order from table 1 and in variant 2
of autotransformer in station Bacău Sud (the the order is modified. It is find that by pseudo-
objective function decreases when plot it is optimization final result differ with 0.91% from
increased). value obtained by simultaneous optimization of 5
Table 2 shows results for successive variables (3.059 MW). That notes a decrease of
optimization reported to the problem variables, in objective function less 11 %. Changing of
the succession indicated by the sensitivities and in optimization succession leads to a bigger value of
the succession modified. the objective function (deviation 2.06 %). That
notes a decrease of objective function less 24 %.

Table 2. Successive optimization reported to the one variable. Network with 48 nodes

Variant Stage Variable Value Objective function

modified Initial Final [MW] Contribution [%]
1 I WBACAU SUD 9 12 3.2001 51.7
II QSTEJARU 7.8 20 3.1487 21.9
III WDUMBRAVA 12 12 3.1487 0
IV WSTEJARU 11 11 3.1487 0
V WGUTINAS 12 14 3.0869 26.4
2 I QSTEJARU 7.8 20 3.2797 20.8
II WDUMBRAVA 12 11 3.2775 1.1
III WBACAU SUD 9 12 3.1621 57.9
IV WSTEJARU 11 10 3.1553 3.4
V WGUTINAS 12 3 3.1220 16.7

2.2. Sensitivity of constrains reported to 

  Qq  U q   Qq W 
control variables 

[S]    U c  U q   U c W  (9)

In problem (8) it is used a sensitivity matrix,

 I  U q
  I W  
Aspects of using the sensitivity theory in energetically optimization problems

It was calculated using numerical methods, Stejaru 110 KV modifies voltages in area Piatra-
with relation (3). Some values of sensitivities are Neamţ - Roman. In this problem, activate constrain
given in table 3. – reactive power in node STEJARU 110 kV, leads
Sensitivity values show how constrain it is to introducing this node voltage in base. When this
modified when it is altered control variable voltage it is blocked to the maxim limit, it is
corresponding. For network analyzed it is find zone introduced in base plot AT 5-46 because reactive
influence of control voltage. For example node power (and voltage) has maxim sensitivity.

Table 3. Some values of sensitivities. Network with 48 nodes

Constrain Independent UM Sensitivity
QSTEJARU WGUTINAS MVAR/plot -3.0569924817
QSTEJARU WSTEJARU MVAR/plot -6.7334745218
QSTEJARU WBACAU SUD MVAR/plot -2.3605251821
QSTEJARU USTEJARU(110) MVAR/kV 9.8189869439
UMĂRGINENI WGUTINAS kV/plot 0.7628456434
UMĂRGINENI WBACĂU SUD kV/plot 0.5293106261
UMĂRGINENI WSTEJARU kV/plot -0.0617648732
UMĂRGINENI USTEJARU(110) kV/kV 0.2053868741
IAT4GUTINAS WGUTINAS A/plot 23.229075788
IATBACAU SUD WGUTINAS A/plot -10.04957672

In this paper it was also studied how modifying of consider a node ic, where we want increase
operating regime influences sensitivity matrix [S] in voltage with value ΔUi, the correction necessary is:
the optimization process. For simplify, it was
considered initial regime where are modified some Ui
variable. It was find that, although regime analyzed Ui =   U j +
jq  U j
is much far off to initial regime (power loss is up 60 (10)
%) voltage sensitivity in consumer nodes it is Ui
    W ij , i  c
modified, generally, with value to 10 %. Sensitivity i, jr  W ij
of site current reported to plots it is modified in
large limits (to 70 %).
It is considered that using sensitivities The control can be realized throw one or
calculated in reference regime for optimization many means. It is recommended that used little
some regimes is satisfactory. That is because in means. For example, we consider that station
calculus procedure it is interesting, usually, only 220/110 kV Stejaru, including AT and lines 220 kV
sensitivity order of different variable reported to and 110 kV, turn out due to a damage. Evidently, it
control variables and, practically, real regimes are must be used sensitivities calculated for this
very close to optimal regimes. For optimization operating scheme or one close by it due to operating
problem, where sensitivity it is using only for scheme is modified significantly. Control
choosing variables that enter in base and do not for possibilities are plots of AT in stations Dumbrava,
control strictly speaking, modifying of sensitivity is Gutinas or Bacau_Sud. In this regime, voltages in
even less important. At the same time, it must be some nodes in Piatra-Neamt and Roman are
take account that exceeding site current is affected. We consider voltage control in node
unusually, practically, in normal regimes. Ciritei 110 kV, which has value 106.2 KV in this
regime. Sensitivities of this voltage reported to plots
of AT are presented in table 4.
2.3. Voltage control in damage regimes
using sensitivity matrix Table 4. Voltage sensitivities in node Ciritei
reported to plots of AT
In case damage, important decrease of
network voltage it must be annulled quickly, [2]. Plot of AT WGUTINAS WDUMBRAVA WBACAU_SUD
Voltage sensitivity in node (or in nodes) with low
voltage reported to control variable is characteristic Sesitivity 0.456 1.097 0.353
which allow taken decisions quickly. If it is [kV/plot]
Aspects of using the sensitivity theory in energetically optimization problems

If it is imposed increasing of voltage up 109 For problem of inequality- type constrains

KV, it must be modified plot of AT in station control, this method offers the best solution for
Dumbrava (because voltage in this node has maxim introducing an independent variable in base.
sensitivity) with value: Values calculated for sensitivities are valid
for a large domain of regimes in case of voltages in
109  106.2  consumer nodes.
W DUMBRAVA  ROUND    3 (11) Using sensitivities for establishing
 1.097 
succession in pseudo-optimization process leads to
the final results better than in case aleatory order.
Voltage estimated is 106.2 + 31.097 = 109.49 KV. In the damage regimes, when we want to
After calculus of regime with plot of AT modified return quickly of some parameters in the admissible
from 12 to 15, results voltage value in node Ciritei - domain, this method leads to the very well results if
109.55 KV, so very close by the value estimated sensitivities are calculated for regimes close it.
with sensitivity.
So, for control voltage in damage regime, it is
necessary to have sensitivity coefficients calculated Bibliography
for operating scheme close by damage scheme.
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Universitatea Tehnică “Gh.Asachi”, Iaşi, p.47…50,
Using sensitivity theory in energetic is a 1996.
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