Group Projects Psu Tou 442

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Lecturer name: Luu Khanh Phuong
Class: PSU-TOU 442 CIS
Group: FUNNY ((:
DaNang, Nov 2022

Ordinal Number Full name Student ID Accomplished

1 Dinh Cong Hoang 4551 100%

2 Nguyen Phuoc Nam 7159 100%

3 Nguyen Thi Ly 0285 100%

4 Vu Dinh Quy 3684 100%

5 Nguyen Xuan Tien 2993 100%

6 Nguyen Thi Tam Nhu 1273 100%

STAGE A:................................................................................................................4
1. MISSION:.........................................................................................................4
2. STRATEGIC DIRECTION:..............................................................................5
STAGE B:.................................................................................................................6
3. PARTICIPANT INPUT....................................................................................6
4. PROGRAM GOALS:........................................................................................8
5. PROGRAM DESIGN:....................................................................................10
5.1. Leisure experience:..................................................................................10
5.2. Design Components Means:....................................................................11
5.2.1. People:...............................................................................................11
5.2.2. Physical Setting:................................................................................12
5.2.3. Leisure Objectives:............................................................................12
5.2.4. Structure:...........................................................................................12 Program Fomats:............................................................................12 Set of rule:......................................................................................15
5.2.5. Relationships:....................................................................................16
5.2.6. Animation:.........................................................................................16
Program Plan for Program Design Goal 1................................................16
Program Plan for Program Design Goal 2................................................18
Back up plan:.......................................................................................................19


“We strive to encourage people to

engage in a more active, healthy
lifestyle through meaningful,
memorable experiences.”



Danang International Marathon has been held in the namesake coastal city since
2013, offering four distances: Full Marathon, Half Marathon, 10km and 5km.”

Activate 1.2: HCMC MARATHON “This landmark annual event gathers

thousands of people from around the world to run the dynamic streets of Ho Chi
Minh City and conquer the formidable Phu My Bridge.”

Activate 1.3: COLOR ME RUN FESTIVAL “COLOR ME RUN is a fusion music

event that was started in 2014. The festival brings many colors and experiences for
young people on the 5km running track, which is launched with colored powder at
different points, along activities from playing to eating, discovering colorful
activities, ending with a music stage with the participation of domestic and
international artists.”

Activate 1.4: Prima -The night run “ First held in 2014, the event attracted more
than 7,600 participants, most of which were young people. Until the next
appointment, Saigon's young people are about to have the opportunity to
experience this unique and strange running track once more. This year, Prisma Run
will return on November 26 at Truong Van Bang Street, District 2.Through the
above 4 events, we can see that Pulse Active is still true to its mission and they are
doing a great job at it “Encouraging all Vietnamese people to lead a healthy life
and create memorable experiences. the participants themselves. Each event Pulse

Active creates always has its own novelty and personality, targeting different
audiences and delivering diverse messages.”

 Through the above 4 events, we can see that Pulse Active is still true to its
mission and they are doing a great job at it “Encouraging all Vietnamese
people to lead a healthy life and create memorable experiences. the
participants themselves. Each event Pulse Active creates always has its own
novelty and personality, targeting different audiences and delivering diverse

1. Change all banners to more prominent, attention-grabbing designs to increase

the number of participants.

2. Expanding communication with new, prominent means in the "Gen Z"

system such as Tiktok, and Instagram.

3. With the strength of communication, will find more sponsors to accompany

the company in events, helping the company to have more opportunities for
2. STRATEGIC DIRECTION: Based on Hierarchical Arrangement

Goal 1: To encourage people to engage in a more active through memorable


 Objective 1.1: To organized a running program (7km/7 races/7 colors) at SMR

event for participants from 18 - 40 years old in July 2024.
 Objective 1.2: To organized a EDM Music festival with famous artist for all
participants from 18-40 years old at SMR event in July 2024.

Goal 2: To encourage people to engage in healthy lifestyle through meaningful,

memorable experiences.

 Objective 2.1: To organized a half marathon (21km) at SMR event for participants
from 18 - 40 years old in July 2024.
 Objective 2.2: To organized a donation program to help people with disabilities
and difficult circumstances through the sale of EDM Music tickets.


: Based on “FOCUS GROUP”


Based on the spirit of loving sport, living green and healthy, improve health through
running , Pusle Active is looking to offer a Summer Me Run program at Da Nang City in
July 2024. Your input is very valuable to us in deciding how to organize a Summer Me
Run program. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey. We thank you all for
your support!

How old are you?

18 years old

19 - 25 years old

26 - 39 years old

40 years old

Who will you join the program with:

Best Friends



Another ideas ?

How much is your income?

< 1 million VND

1 - 3 million VND

3 - 7 million VND

> 7 million VND

What means of payment do you want to pay?


Credit Card


Another ideas

What equipment do you need for the progran?

Sun cream

Glasses, balo, hat

ID card

Another ideas

Will you rerfer your friends/ family/…to the program?

Yes B. No


Goal 1: To encourage people to engage in a more active healthy lifestyle through

meaningful, memorable experiences.

Objective 1.1: To organized a running program (7km/7 races/7colors) at SMR event for
participants from 18-40 years old in July 2024.

Program Design Goal 1.1:


At the beginning, to teach participants By the end of program, pp will able to

(pp) know how to warm-up before know how to warm-up before running.
running. (1)
To create a new experiences at 7 races By the end of program, pp will have
through 7 theme colors, as well as running wonderful times, new experiences with
challenges. memorable memories in there. (2)

To organized a running contest (7km) By the end of program, pp will strive to

with high gift, flowers, voucher,.. for the get high results, increase their running
winner. skills, improve their healthy, relax after a
long days. (3)

Objective 1.2: To organized a EDM Music festival with famous artist for all participants
from 18-40 years old at SMR event in July 2024.

Program Design Goal 1.2:


At the beginning, to organized a EDM By the end of program, pp will have

music festivals at the end of the program wonderful times with memorable
with famous artist such as: Mono, DJ memories, relax after long race in there.
Mie…. (1)

To organized music exchange for pp with By the end of program, pp can express
gift (T-shirts, bracelets printed with the themselves more freely, improving their
event's name or image) seft-confidence.(2)

Goal 2: To encourage people to engage in healthy lifestyle through meaningful,
memorable experiences.

Objective 2.1: To organized a half marathon (21km) at SMR event for participants from
18 - 40 years old in July 2024.

Program Design Goal 2.1:


To invited Hoang Nguyen Thanh – Medal Pp can improve knowledges,

Gold Prize about Marathon at Sea Game 31 experiences, skill when participating.(1)
to inspire, introduce the benefit of running
to the pp.

To organized a running competition (21km) By the end of the program, pp will try to
and awarded medals and prizes to 7 female achieve high results, improve health,
and 7 male athletes who completed the first receive rewards worthy of efforts in the
race. All finishers will receive a competition.(2)
commemorative medal.

Objective 2.2: To organized a donation program to help people with disabilities and
difficult circumstances through the sale of EDM Music tickets..

Program Design Goal 2.2:


At the beginning, to organized a short- By the end of program, pp can help

term job opportunities for people with mild people with mild disabilities and difficult
disabilities and difficult circumstances at circumstances by buy products with
outdoor product display booths or food many incentives and help them increase
stalls. (Price was controlled by the SMR their income. (1)
program) => Avoid price dumping, taking
advantage of pp.

To organized a donation program through By the end of program, pp will feel

deduct a part of 30% ticket sales EDM meaningful respect, empathy people with

Music to directly support people with disabilities and difficult circumstances.
disabilities and difficult circumstances Beside that, people with disabilities and
difficult circumstances will have increase
their income, improving their life. (2)

5.1. Leisure experience:
- Objective 1.1:
+ Quality experiences and re-creative moments: Y2
+ Novelty: Y2
+ Challenge: Y2,Y3
+ Accomplishment: Y3
+ Fun: Y2
+ Relaxation: Y3
+ Physical: Y1
+ Social: Y1, Y2, Y3
- Objective 1.2:
+ Quality experiences and re-creative moments: Y1
+ Self – expression: Y2
+ Intrinsic saticfaction: Y2
+ Accomplishment: Y2
+ Fun: Y2
+ Relaxation: Y1
+ Physical:
+ Social: Y1, Y2
- Objective 2.1:
+ Quality experiences and re-creative moments: Y1, Y2
+ Self – expression: Y2
+ Intrinsic saticfaction: Y2
+ Accomplishment: Y2
+ Physical: Y2
+ Social: Y1
+ Fun: Y2
- Objective 2.2:

+ Quality experiences and re-creative moments: Y2
+ Free of choice: Y1
+ Self – initiation: Y1
+ Heightening of self – esteem and well - being: Y1,Y2
+ Stimulation: Y2
+ Fun: Y1,Y2
+ Social and psychological: Y1,Y2
5.2. Design Components Means:
5.2.1. People:
The program "Summer Me Run" of the construction team will bring dynamism as
well as many messages about health, life, and society. So, to ensure the program fit
and it’s well run, we choose the ages of 18 - 25 (Young Adulthood) and 26 - 40 (Early
Adulthood) will be the ages the program targets.
 Physical development: The physical fitness of this age group is at its peak,
so in the program there are physical activities such as jogging, running,.. thereby
developing the physical ability of this age group. Because that, SMR will provide the
best conditions for participants to make full use of their own energies, when
participating, participants will be able to release the "flame", enthusiasm as well as not
afraid of the challenges of youth.
 Cognitive development: This age group has cognitive acumen. Because that,
SMR also has intellectual and thinking activities to stimulate participants' acumen.
Arousing the creativity of participants will be appreciated by the group in building
activities within the framework of the SMR program through team bulding, decipher
messages, puzzles,...
 Socioemotional development: The desire to develop as well as find
relationships at this age group is understood by the group, since then built activities
such as teambuilding, team running, .. so that everyone can connect together, there is
no more distance between the individuals in SMR. Thereby conveying the message
"Community Connection" to all participants.
 Sex/ gender: The goal when the team built the program was that the program
SMR could reach everyone, regardless of gender. In particular, gender equality rights
will certainly be emphasized by the group during the program's organization. SMR
will be a bridge between all participants and also respond to the world trend of anti-
discrimination against women.
 Ethnicity/ race: SMR is organized for all participants with many different
nationalities and ethnicities to participate in experiences, cultural exchanges,…with the
message: "Eliminate all distances".

 Sexual orientation: 7 colors at 7 races like the colors of the rainbow were
used to reflect the diversity within the gender spectrum, becoming an internationally
iconic symbol of the LGBT movement.
5.2.2. Physical Setting:
SMR 2024 program will be organized from Bien Dong Park, Vo Nguyen Giap St pass
Tran Thi Ly Bridge to Bach Dang St, pass Thuan Phuoc Bridge and continue run back
Bien Dong Park in Da Nang City. The venue isn’t owned by Puslve Active, because that,
we will conduct hire the venue soon, avoid the situation of losing the venue in the peak
season. We choose this venue because: SMR 2024 is a program with a very large number
of participants (About 1000 members), besides that, this is a "race" that the distance must
also be ensured with 7 themes colors for 7 races. Not only the colorful race, participants
will have spaces to recharge as well as check-in at the SMR, additional games are also
held throughout the program.
- Legal issues: done
- Safety: done
- Capacity: ensure
- Backup plan: done
5.2.3. Leisure Objectives:
 Physical objectives: Pastel with different colors (7 colors: red, orange,
yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet), SMR shirt, SMR tote and BIB number,
music stage, audio equipments, dome home, food stalls, free water, running
routes with signs indicating the program.
 Social objectives: Friends, lovers, family, peers, partners,…
 Symbolic objective: Golden Buffalo.
5.2.4. Structure: Program Fomats:

Program Formats Activities Why?

Competition Summer Me Run Organize a team running
race of 5-7 people to
participate in a distance of
about 7km. The team with
the best performance will
receive a medal, gift,… of
the program.

Participating in the event,

participants will experiences
the 7 km color journey and
be covered in color from
head to toe through different

After finishing the

colorful race with 7 main
colors at 7 different stops,
participants will be satisfied
at the majestic music stage at
the destination. A lively and
modern music space is
welcoming participants at
final destination.

Organize a running race

about 21km. The people with
Half Marathon Contest
the best achievements will
receive medals, symbol of
the program.

The most attractive part is

the special guest part of the
epic music program: Binz-a
talented rapper and musician
of the world music scene in

EDM Music Festival Along with that is the

Special event charming Hieuthuhai, Den
Vau, DJ Mie, Vu, Hoang
Dung,….will create a vibrant
atmosphere at night, making
you unable to stop dancing
and swaying to the beat of
the music.

Service opportunity Free water, washcloth When you join the 7km run,

there will be volunteers to
provide cold water (bottles
for participants
of mineral water), cold

15 Set of rule:

 Registration regulations:
All participants must be between 18 and 40 years old to participate in the program.
Any athlete found to be underage or overage will be disqualified.
 Program regulations:
Not bring use banned substances, any damage to the item: weapon, knife, fire… or
engage in actions to influence other participants while participating in the
program. In found, you will be expelled from the next race or disqualified and
tickets will not be refunded.
 Safety for participants:

To ensure the safety of all participants, athletes are only allowed to bring items that
are absolutely necessary for the race.

 Permissible devices include:

Pocket mp3 player and headphones.
Pocket mobile phone
Pocket cameras or similar devices
Running belt and water bottle set
Flags are pocketable and non-commercial
Running water bag and strap

 Items that are not allowed in include:

Selfie sticks and removable cameras.

Weapons and sharp objects
Banners larger than 30cm x 45cm
Feather blankets, sleeping bags and blankets
Alcoholic beverages and prohibited substances of any kind
Unmanned aerial vehicles, drones, balloons, and any other airborne devices
 Don’t appreciate shirtless people and participants who take their shirts off will
be asked to put them back on.
 Registration fee is non-refundable under any circumstances. Participants need
to consider carefully before registrating.
 After successfully registered, you need to use the registration code (REG ID)
to receive the kit (which includes: SMR wristband and T-shirt, tote) so you can enter
the event site.

5.2.5. Relationships:

SMR is limited to 1000 members, so, participants can join with their
friends, member in their family, peers,.. accompanying relationships in
other leisure programs other, it makes glue the recent relationship or
expand the new relationships for participants when their participating.

5.2.6. Animation:
Program Plan for Program Design Goal 1


7:00-8:00 a.m Check tickets, receive items Tickets: Online (QR)

Offline (Ticket)
A SMR shirt, CMR
tote, hat, BIB number,
color powder and fast-
energizing food
8:00-9:30 a.m Opening ceremony Statement of reason
for the event

9:30-11:00 a.m Summer Me Run Organize a team

running race of 5-7
people to participate in
a distance of about
7km. The team with the
best performance will
receive a medal, gift,…
of the program.

Participating in the
event, participants will
experiences the 7 km
color journey and be
covered in color from
head to toe through
different landmarks.

11:00-1:00p.m Lunch and rest Foodstalls

1:00-5:00 p.m Running contest (with 3 Teambuilding program

challenges). with 3 main challenges:
1. Team identity: The
whole team will show
off their personality and
colors through a
collective flash mob
performance and
individual team selfies.
(Each team will have
10-20 members with a
special name and
slogan to celebrate their
team's victory)
2. Challenge 1: Water
Challenge 2: Pass the
Challenge 3:
Understand teammates

5:00-6:00p.m Announce the result, winner, award The winner will be

prizes. received gitf, flowers,

6:00-6:30 p.m Rest at foodstalls

6:30-11:00 p.m EDM Music Festivals Participants will be able

to enjoy the passionate
Music Talent Contest atmosphere of the EDM
music program with
Closing ceremony
famous artists:
Hieuthuhai, Binz, DJ

Program Plan for Program Design Goal 2

3:00-4:00 a.m Check tickets, receive items Tickets: Online (QR)

Offline (Ticket)
A SMR shirt, CMR
tote, hat, BIB number,
color powder and fast-
energizing food
4:00-5:00 a.m Opening ceremony Communicating with
Hoang Nguyen Thanh

5:00-9:00 Half Marathon Organization a half

marathon with a
distance of 21km

9:00-11:00 a.m Masquerade Festival Dressing up for

strangers, designing a
shirt with a unique style
and check-in locations
prepared by the

11:00-3:00p.m Lunch and rest Indoor buffet

3:00-6:00 p.m Masquerade Festival Final Find out the winner

and give the award

6:30-11:00 p.m EDM Music FestiMusic Talent Check stage

Contest Communicating with
Binz, Den Vau,…
Closing ceremony

Back up plan:

Because SMR program was held the outdoor, so, it was inevitable that
bad weather (rain) would happen. Because that, we will give a back up
plan if bad weather happens.


7:00-8:00 a.m Check tickets, receive items Tickets: Online (QR)

Offline (Ticket)
A SMR shirt, CMR
tote, hat, BIB number,
color powder and fast-
energizing food
8:00-9:30 a.m Opening ceremony Statement of reason
for the event

9:30-11:00 a.m Create SMR-shirt Create costumes from

the program's Summer
me run shirt and
compete against each

11:00-1:00p.m Lunch and rest Foodstalls

1:00-5:00 p.m Running contest (with 3 Teambuilding program

challenges). with 3 main challenges:
1. Team identity: The
whole team will show
off their personality and
colors through a
collective flash mob
performance and
individual team selfies.
(Each team will have
10-20 members with a
special name and
slogan to celebrate their

team's victory)
2. Challenge 1: Water
Challenge 2: Pass the
Challenge 3:
Understand teammates

5:00-6:00p.m Announce the result, winner, award The winner will be

prizes. received gitf, flowers,

6:00-6:30 p.m Rest at foodstalls

6:30-11:00 p.m EDM Music Festivals Participants will be able

to enjoy the passionate
Music Talent Contest atmosphere of the EDM
music program with
Closing ceremony
famous artists:
Hieuthuhai, Binz, DJ


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