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HONOUR PLEDGE FORM In my honour I,_SHARMTLLA_A/PC.MANOHARAN (name), 2806373 ___(matric number), asa student from the school ISSA (school name), have neither knowingly given nor received any inappropriate assistance in academic work on this mid-semester examination for the course__ BkAT 3023 (course code and name) ADVANCED TAXATION . T have also not plagiarized or be complicit with those who do. I pledge that throughout the duration of this examination till submission I have been honest and observed no dishonesty. siome fo Name: SHARMELLA A/PC-MANotIA RAN Date: 15/11 /2022 MATRIC NO. (IN WORDS) VC NO. / PASSPORT NO. COURSE CODE / NAME LECTURE GROUP SEMESTER LECTURER'S NAME ASSESSMENT DATE ASSESSMENT TIME SBKAT 3023 ADVANCED TAXATION _ * ARN sesston 2022 Loz. > PROF DR MuNusAMy S/O MART MUTIM 2 1b/u/20: 2 _5p-m. ~ tp.m- @ UUM Universiti Utara Malaysia MID SEMESTER EXAM UNIVERSITI UTARA MALAYSIA TWO EMG ZERO tx THREE 94 SEVEN O1OMOS- 10-0460 8 — ANSWER SHEET INSTRUCTIONS TO THE STUDENTS |. This answer booklet should be PORTRAIT QUESTION orientation layout printed on the WHITE PLAIN A4 papers only. Use only black ink PEN in writing your answers. Any type of pencils is not allowed. . Write your MATRIC NUMBER, PAGE NUMBER, and LECTURE GROUP in each answer sheet of the booklet. Your answers must be clearly and legibly HANDWRITTEN on the spaces provided . Please use the NEW page of the answer sheets to answer the next question. . Kindly ORGANIZE and SCAN each of the answer sheets properly according to the written PAGE NUMBER. Submit the complete and well-organized scanned answer booklet via UUM ONLINE LEARNING SYSTEM as required. 7 & 8 U U M UNIVERSITI UTARA MALAYSIA Suaeten LECTURE GROUP :B sar 7 PAGE NO. st aKars023 I SESSION 2 AR “| Anon MATRIC NO. 1286637 "| ate Amount Cam) | _\enport duty cio7.| Sates tox C54. i) | 19/4/22 23000, 2 SOCOX 57. = RM1250 Gi) Exported goods to a Singaporm company _1s not sueritd 1 Sates tax Gn) | Date « We)alaa [Actual cost = 750c0__| 750001076 | 100,000%s7« Keting price = 100,000 | =amasoo | = RM oS )_Tayave period = If J2022.- 31A0/a2 Due dene = 30 /i/a022 Penalty = 8) 2/3022 3)/ 12/2022 > 10/o.% 6250 = RM 625 é gates tox paycible = 6250 +625 Ff pad afer io days = nm 6815 ° 8 U U M UNIVERSITI UTARA MALAYSIA Byeeion LECTURE GROUP :2 Sener PAGE NO. 2b sxarsoa3 Gi SESSION 2 At * sf Aiea MATRIC NO. : 280634 | Sta) RM Gress Cusiness\ncone : Malaysia 5 440.000 Unit Kingdon 8TS0, 006 14,140,000 Loss : Allaxabie expense (415,000 330,000) C445, 000 ) Adjust Busines jnome 13,445,000 ©) Copital Atlowance 20,00 », G)_Balareng charge 48,000. Statutory Busines \ncone 13, 393, 0 S40) Dividend - Maausian NIL Grors_lajciesy_InGone United Kingdom 220,000 =Alloumble aac (235000 ) Axusted {ntsrest ingame 85009 Mexico : 230,000 a 3 1035000 _ Tora\ ocome _\4428, 000 8 U U M UNIVERSITI UTARA MALAYSIA Qveston | LECTUREGROUP : 8 seme | 7 | | \ | | PAGE NO. :"3 Gist SESSION 2 ARa\ ‘one | MATRIC NO. 1280634 L ieee a ale | _Motaysa tox (24% % 14 438000) 3, 462, 120 Biaeat- United kingdom © 40,000" “/\ 4 14000 x 13393006) = 28258545 oO D255 454428000 x 3462120) = 21+ 0451 Oc Orgy n (B20, 000 + 350000) = 1818300 1818300 Uanlaeral - Mex 2462120 “230, 000 114.428 000 4 13443000 * 60,000 SOF Wh yr590_ = 330 3350 1822 050 ——— _—_—— a 4 | : g UUM| Universiti utara MALAYSIA | Question | No. LECTURE GROUP :@ =) PAGE NO. 14 earns | as SESSION 2 A221 ‘on | MATRIC NO. 123087 A) No. The gross income ya {0 fruyorr Tne toner Sebyedte— $0 OF RM 120,000 is pot Subyeted +? wthho bing tax becawe It 15 2 business \ncore and not a casug) income for +e HraryantO- Therefore fhe commission tecewved yy far yan (onmnt oo closed under 4C6) , Morever jhe comemsion part Fo Froryonta 1S based on the Sdleg Transaction in Singapore whch \s_ NOL Peormed in Malaysia b) Yes. The consultation sIvices cre Subeced TO withholding tax under Speaal classes \nlome AAG). Hower the eimbucmenr OF hotel accomondation ts exempled Withholding -tax_Fir consuliettion service: = C0, 000 -15 000) X107, = _t500° The RMIGC0 oF payment to TL {s_SubjeckX to_withholeiag fat Under foyaty Income withnobling tek for_royatty * ea eeen a ol RM PHOT YOO 14500 otal wit Que clate! 16 duly 2022 8 UUM UNIVERSITI UTARA MALAYSIA = Zo sero | LECTURE GROUP :B “her | PAGENO. mS ears 3 | SESSION rAaa\ ana | MATRIC NO. 2 280637 c Tre income pord to N2L__RM3O0,000_'S sul cI _wiixhho fax under Spee closxs_ of _locone 4 Nu) . 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