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Business Model Canvas GOLF COURSE Vaibhav Banthia 13-11-2022

Key Partners Key Activities Value Propositions Customer Relationships Customer Segments
Identify the important suppliers What key activities required to Provide core vaule to the Make a good relationship with Niche market
for your supply chain provide value to the customers. customers so that they will be your customers. Diversified Group
Resource they provide to you Activities that keep you aside loyal to our company – How the interraction affects the Mass Market
Acquiring new resources from the competitors. Price customer segments.
Acquisitions Differentials in customer service, Status Do you interacts frequently with
Revenue channel or distribution Value Added Services your customers and how much Important Customers-
channel. Etc support your company proivide.
Expert Golf Players
Auro Stuents
Key Resources Channels
Provide different resources to How do you reach to your
the customers- customers segments.
Club house What channel do you use-
Coffe shop Supply chain
Pro-shop Distribution channel
Pool Marketing and Communication
Other Amenities so that it create channel.
a positive impact on your And are the channel are cost
customers effective or not?

Cost Structure Revenue Streams

Identify the major cost element in your business model and try to reduce them. Identify revenue stream of your company-
Key elements and key structure that contribute to major cost. Membership fees
How the cost are tealted to revene or is the cost is lower so that to generate more Daily use Plan
revenue. Properly use Economic of Scale . •Referals
Focus on cost optimization value •Day use package
•Advertising Space
• Golf Coaching
• Digital punch card that visitors can use in the restaurant,
on-site coffee shop, or pro shop.
Provide multiple payment method to customers

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