WLP 10

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Losing weight

Getting started - Week10

Well done on reaching Week 10.
Great work!
Your actions
Working towards a goal isn’t always
easy; sometimes life just gets in the way.
for Week 10
When we feel depressed, angry, bored • If you’re about to finish Couch to 5K
or stressed, we often turn to food to feel then get on the forum at
better. Identifying your comfort eating couchto5k.healthunlocked.com and
shout about it! You can claim your C25K
triggers is the first step in breaking the
Graduate badge there too
bond between your feelings and food.
• If you use public transport to get to
Did you try to build in some of the
work, try to fit a 20-minute walk into your
activity ideas we suggested last week? If journey every day of the week
you didn’t, why not give some of the tips
a go this week? • Is stress or feeling down causing you
to overeat? If you think it might be, visit
the Moodzone at nhs.uk/moodzone

Laura’s diary
Week 10
Did you know?
Last week we encouraged you to focus a bit
more on exercise. You’re more likely to fall off the
If you took up the Couch to 5k challenge in Week diet wagon at the end of the week.
2 this is your big week. Go for it! Research suggests that we tend to eat
more on Fridays and Saturdays than at
It’s amazing how much having a goal can help any other time of the week.
motivate you.
Furthermore, achieving that goal can be hugely Avoid undoing all your good work by
sticking to the advice every day.
rewarding and can help build your confidence,
which will feed into other areas of life.

Week 10
Spend some time this week planning your next
goal and how you can achieve it.
Week 10

How are you getting How to avoid

on? Tips for diet success temptation
You’ve been following this advice for almost 10 weeks, • Before eating, ask yourself if

and it won’t always have been easy. Here are a few tips you’re really hungry

to keep you motivated. • Don’t store junk food, such as

chocolate and crisps, at home
‘Help – I’ve blown it’ have to be weight-related. Every time • Stock up on healthier and lower-
you achieve a mini-goal, treat yourself calorie food for when hunger strikes
Fix: Expect setbacks
with a non-food reward. • Keep yourself busy so you’re not
It’s to be expected that you give in to always thinking about food
‘Help – I’ve lost weight but not
temptation once in a while, but don’t
inches’ • Never shop hungry. Prepare a
let that become an excuse to give up
shopping list and stick to it
on trying to lose weight. So, if you had Fix: Be patient
a slice of chocolate fudge cake at work • Don’t ban foods. You will only
Everyone’s body-fat distribution is crave them more
today, pick yourself up, put it behind
different, so the inches come off a
you, move on and get back on the
little differently too. Initially, you may
wagon straight away.
lose weight without losing inches. Be
‘Help – I still get hunger pangs’ patient, and the inches will drop off in
time. You’ll soon notice your clothes Keep a food diary
Fix: Fill up on fibre
getting looser and your body looking
There is no need to feel hungry when slimmer. A food diary can help you
trying to lose weight. Check that you’re identify and tackle problems such
‘Help – I’ve stopped losing weight’
sticking to your daily calorie limit. Don’t as emotional eating.
be tempted to consume less than that. Fix: Try something new to kickstart
Fill up on low-calorie fibre-rich foods weight loss Keeping a food diary involves
as much as you can. They’re best for
Perhaps you’ve been losing weight writing down what you ate,
staving off hunger pangs and helping
nicely but for the last week or so, the whether you were actually hungry,
you ßfeel full.
scales have stayed the same. It’s the when you ate and watching for the
‘Help – I don’t think I can carry on’ dreaded weight loss plateau. Don’t triggers.
worry, this is normal. Check that you’re
Fix: Reward yourself.
sticking to your calorie limit. Are you
You can use a notebook or one
Adopting healthier habits can forgetting to count a snack here or
of several food diary charts freely
sometimes feel like hard work. Try there, or overdoing your portion sizes?
Also, it can really help to kickstart available online. Alternatively, food
setting yourself a series of mini-goals
as you progress through your weight things by doing a little more exercise, diaries are often included in weight
loss journey. A mini-goal can be or to try a different type that challenges loss apps on mobile devices.
whatever you want it to be. It doesn’t your body in new ways.

Losing weight - getting started

Week 10

How to beat 10 comfort

comfort eating triggers

eating Once you’ve identified what sets

off your comfort eating, you can
It’s easy to turn to food start to tackle it. Here are 10
when you’re stressed, common triggers:
upset, or simply bored. • Work stress

But you have to address so-called • Loneliness

comfort eating to continue making • Money worries
progress on this guide. Emotional • Bad weather
eating can be beaten, although it’s not • Tiredness
always easily done. In some cases,
• Arguments with your partner
you may need professional help. As a Dealing with comfort eating
• Boredom
first step, you could try these simple
Think about how to change or avoid • Sadness
techniques: the circumstances that prompt negative
• Unemployment
Recognising comfort eating feelings, which in turn lead to comfort
• Health problems
eating. If your commute to work leaves
To help spot when you’re comfort you stressed and reaching for a snack,
eating, keep a food diary for a few for example, can you find a new route?
days. Whenever you eat something,
It’s not always possible to avoid
record your mood and how hungry you
difficult feelings, but if you find yourself Non-food
are on a scale of 1 to 10.
snacking or craving certain food, it can comfort fixes
If you find you’re eating in response to help to follow a routine.
negative emotions rather than hunger, • Take your mind off food with
Ask yourself: am I really hungry, or
chances are you’re comfort eating. some reading
is this comfort eating? Then, wait 30
Now, make a “trigger” list: a list of the minutes before eating. Often, you’ll • Listen to a favourite song
feelings and circumstances that tend to realise that it is really emotional • Write down a fun thing you’re
spark your comfort eating. comfort, not food, that you need. going to do today, or this week
• Watch a movie
Legs, bums and tums • Phone a friend
Tone up, firm up and burn fat • Go for a walk
from your tummy, hips, thighs • Clean the car
and bottom with this 10-minute
• Have a bath
legs home workout. This exercise
routine counts towards your 150 • Surf the web
minutes of activity a week. • Do some breathing exercises
• Do some exercise

Losing weight - getting started

Week 10 food and activity chart
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Food Food Food Food Food Food Food
Total calories: Total calories: Total calories: Total calories: Total calories: Total calories: Total calories:
Oops! Oops! Oops! Oops! Oops! Oops! Oops!
Unplanned snacks or drinks Unplanned snacks or drinks Unplanned snacks or drinks Unplanned snacks or drinks Unplanned snacks or drinks Unplanned snacks or drinks Unplanned snacks or drinks
Your 5 a day Your 5 a day Your 5 a day Your 5 a day Your 5 a day Your 5 a day Your 5 a day
Activity Activity Activity Activity Activity Activity Activity
Total minutes: Total minutes: Total minutes: Total minutes: Total minutes: Total minutes: Total minutes:
Aerobic exercise mins Aerobic exercise mins Aerobic exercise mins Aerobic exercise mins Aerobic exercise mins Aerobic exercise mins Aerobic exercise mins
Strength exercise mins Strength exercise mins Strength exercise mins Strength exercise mins Strength exercise mins Strength exercise mins Strength exercise mins
Weekly summary
Start of the week 10 mins 30 mins 60 mins 90 mins 120 mins 150 mins +
End of the week
Weight Waist Aerobic exercise: Weight Waist
Your weight loss tracker - Record your weight and waist size at the start and end of each week to help you stay on track
1 session on 2 or more days a week
kg/lbs cms/in mon tues wed thurs fri sat sun kg/lbs cms/in
Strength exercise:

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