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COLOMBO INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL History Year 9 Examination, November 2012 , ‘Time: | hour Materials Required: Pen and lined paper Please write your name and group: (AB Tota ae Ee ee eee ee ree eee ee Please circle the name of your teacher Mrs.Atcheson Miss.Gamage Mr. O’Shaughnessy Instructions to candidates Answer all of the questions ‘* Write clearly and in correct English * Write your answers on the exam paper + The marks for each question are indicated in the brackets at the end of each question, e.g. (5) + Write your name and your year group clearly on every sheet of paper thet you may use * DO NOT communicate with any of your fellow students whilst sitting this examination ‘The total mark for this paper is 40 Section nowledge and Source Based Questions. Answer all the questions in this section. 1) Name four long term causes of World War One (4 Marks) 2 (4 Marks) 3) What is the title of the person who ruled Germany before and during WW1? (1 Mark) 4) Complete the sentence below by filling in the gaps Archduke was the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne. He was assassinated by , who was a member of a secret society called the .The assassination took place in the capital of Bosnia, which was called (4 Marks) 5) Below is a picture of a British ship called ‘HMS Barham’. Britain and Germany began building ships like this in 1906. The name for this new type of ship was (1 Mark) 6) To encourage men to join up, the British Army introduced a new type of regiment where soldiers could fight alongside people from the same local area. A) What were these type of Regiments called? (1 Mark) B) Explain one disadvantage of these Regiments (1 Mark} 7) Describe two aims of the German ‘Schlieffen Plan.’ (2 Marks) 8) Source: A German trench in 1916. Using the table below, identify and explain two features of the source that may make an ‘infantry charge’ on this trench by British soldiers unlikely to succeed “identify feature of Explain how it could make an attack by British Infantry | German trench in the | unlikely to succeed | source. __ - oe | 1 I Le (4 Marks) 4) Name the main three leaders who helped construct the Treaty of Versailles after WW11 and the country they represented (6 marks) [Eountry: jCountry, | [Country eee i i | pees ae eee Ieee f Leader j Leader. ' Leader 10)Complete the following sentences about the Treaty of Versailles: + Germany had to pay £6,600 million in to the countries that had won the war. * Germany had to accept the blame for starting the war. This article 231 of the Treaty, known as the Clause. (2 Marks) Section B: Mini Essay Question Pick only one question from this section. Use the lined paper on the next page to write your answer. A) “The murder in Sarajevo was the most important cause of World War One.” How far do you agree with this statement? (10 Marks) oR B) ‘The Battle of the Somme was a complete and utter failure for the British Army How far do you agree with this statement? (10 Marks) OR C) ‘The Treaty of Versailles was too harsh on Germany.” To what extent do you agree with this statement? (40 Marks) | have chosen to answer question =

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