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Ay, COLOMBO INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL YEAR 9 Supportive Literacy November 2012 (1HOUR) Instructions to Candidates Read all the questions thoroughly before beginning. There are two sections to be completed. Read the instructions for each section carefully. Complete each section on the paper itself. Make sure you write your name. NAME OF CANDIDATE: NAME OF SUPPORTIVE LITERACY TEACHER: Mrs Fernandopulle Section A: Read the following passage and answer the questions irst Day at the Village School’ - From Cider with Rosie by Laurie Lee The village schoo! at that time provided all the instruction we were likely to ask for. It was small stone barn divided by a wooden partition into two rooms ~ The Infants and The Big Ones. There was one dame teacher, and perhaps a young girl assistant. Every child in the valley crowding there remained until he was fourteen years old, then was presented to the working field or factory with nothing in his head more troublesome than 3 jumbled list of wars, and a dreamy image of the world’s geography. ‘The morning came, without any warning, when my sisters surrounded me, wrapped me in scarves, tied up my bootlaces, thrust a cap on my head, and stuffed a baked potato in my pocket, "What's this? | said. “You're starting school, today.” “Vain’t, I'm staying home’ ‘Now, come on, Loll. You're a big boy now.’ ain't’ "Bo0-hoo.! ‘They picked me up bodily, kicking and bawling, and carried me up the road. “Boys who don't go to school get put into boxes, and turn into rabbits, and get chopped up on Sundays,’ they said. elt this was overdoing it rather, but | said no more after that. | arrived at the school just three feet tall and fatly wrapped in scarves. The playground roared like a rodeo, and the potato burned through my thigh. Old boots, ragged stockings, torn trousers and skirts, went skating. and skidding around me. The rabble closed in; | was encircled: grit flew in my face like shrapnel Tall girls with frizzled hair, and huge boys with sharp elbows, began to prod me with hideous interest. They plucked at my scarves, spun me round like a top, serewed my nose, and stole my potato. | was rescued at last by a gracious lady, the sixteen-year-old junior teacher, who boxed a few ears and dried my face and led me off to The infants. | spent that first day picking holes in paper, and then went home in a smoldering temper. “What's the matter, Loll. Didn't we like it at school then?” “They never gave me the present!” Present? What present?” "They said they give me a present “Well now I’m sure they didn’t.” ‘They dic! They said, “You're Laurie Lee, ain't you? Well you just sit there for the present.” | sat there all day but | never got it. | ain't going back there again!” But after a week | felt like 2 veteran and grew as ruthiess as anyone else. Somebody had stolen my potato, so | swiped someone else’s apple. The Infant Room was packed with toys such as I'd never seen before - coloured shapes and volls of clay, stuffed birds and coloring books, Also @ frame of counting beads which our young teacher played like a harp. Glossary 'A dame Teacher ~ the woman in charge of the school. Lain’t =n not Rodeo — A sport involving cowboys herding cows Rabble - a crowd of noisy people Encircled - to surround Prod -to poke ‘To box ears - is a punishment, or a way of controiting unruly children ‘Smoldering Temper - very angry \Veteran -a person involved in an activity far a long time, Write your answers in COMPLETE sentences 1. How did the writer’s sisters prepare their little brother for his first day at school? (2) 2. Who was the ‘gracious lady ‘and in what way was she the writer's savior? (2} 3. Explain the reason why the writer was angry when he got home. (2) 4. How did his impression of school change after a week? How did his behaviour change accordingly? (2) 5. How does the writer convey impressions of the setting of the playground in the story? (2} 6. Write down what you can remember about your impressions of your ‘First day at Schoo!’ (5) Total Mark for Section A: 15 SECTION ead the passage and put the underlined words in the correct ‘Part of Speech’ boxes. It was a very noisy school. Pupils were throwing things and shouting. Suddenly the door flew open. In walked the head teacher. She was angry, The children quickly went back to their seats and got on quietly with their work. Nouns Verbs Adjectives | Adverbs i TOTAL MARK FOR SECTION B: 10 TOTAL MARK FOR THE PAPER: 25

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