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J Oral Maxillofac Surg

48:1305-1309 1990

Poly(L-Lactide) Implants in Repair of

Defects of the Orbital Floor:
An Animal Study

Because of the life-long presence of alloplastic, nonresorbable orbital

floor implants and the complications of their use mentioned in literature,
the use of a resorbable material appears to be preferable in the repair of
orbital floor defects. A high-molecular-weight, as-polymerized poly(L-
lactide) (PLLA) was used for repair of orbital floor defects of the blowout
type in goats. An artificial defect was created in the bony floor of both
orbits. Reconstruction of the orbital floor was then carried out using a
concave PLLA implant of 0.4-mm thickness. At 3, 6, 12, 19, 26, 52, and 78
weeks postoperatively, one goat was killed. Microscopic examination
showed full encapsulation of the implant by connective tissue after 3
weeks. After 6 weeks, resorption and remodeling of the bone at the points
of support of the implant could be detected. A differentiation between the
sinus and orbital sides of the connective tissue capsule was observed. The
orbital side showed a significantly more dense capsule than the antral
side, which had a loose appearance. At 19 weeks, a bony plate was pro-
gressively being formed, and at 78 weeks, new bone had fully covered the
plate on the antral and orbital side. No inflammation or rejection of the
PLLA implant was seen.

Many authors have advocated surgery for trau- rejection. One objection to the use of an allograft
matically induced defects of the orbital floor.‘-6 The such as lyophilized human dura is the insufficient
main purpose of such surgery is to prevent the pa- stiffness of the wet material, which can cause dif-
tient from having residual diplopia and enophthal- ficulties in bridging larger defects of the orbital
mus. In the past, a variety of materials have been floor.7~8
used to reconstruct defects of the orbital floor or to Alloplastic materials are popular today because
support the orbital contents. These include not only of availability without an additional operation and
autografts, but also xenografts and allografts. The their ease of use. The alloplastic implants com-
disadvantages of autografts are the additional oper- monly used are of the nonresorbable type. How-
ation required to procure these grafts and the risk of ever, materials such as Silastic (Dow Corning, Mid-
land, MI), Teflon (Dow Chemical Co, Wilmington,
DE), methylmethacrylate, and polyethylene have
Received from the University of Groningen, The Netherlands. been known to cause complications.9-” These in-
* Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.
t Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. clude incidental cases of extrusion or migration of
$ Department of Polymer Chemistry. the implant, residual diplopia, infection of the for-
§ Department of Histology and Cell Biology. eign-body implant, dental abscess, or infection of
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr Rozema:
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University Hos- the maxillary sinus.
pital Groningen. Oostersingel59.9713 EZ Groningen, The Neth- Considering the above mentioned complications
erlands. and the life-long presence of these implants, the use
0 1990 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Sur- of resorbable alloplastic material appears to be pref-
geons erable. The resorbable implants should permit suf-
0278-2391/90/4812-0010$3.00/O ficient temporary support of the orbital tissues, es-


pecially during the period of formation of scar tissue ketamine hydrochloride for relaxation (1,500
or new bone, but disappear after healing is com- mg/500 mL saline, 20 to 30 drops/min).
plete. Both eye sockets were operated on using an in-
Resorbable alloplastic implants such as polylactic ferior orbital rim approach. The orbital floor was
acid,” GeltXm,‘3 polyglactin,14 and polydioxanone exposed by incising and elevating the periosteum
(PDS) (Ethicon, Somerville, NJ) have already been and an artificial defect, approximately 15 mm in di-
used. However, these materials have certain disad- ameter, was created in the bone and sinus epithe-
vantages, such as rapid resorption, the bulkiness of lium with the aid of a blunt instrument and a
the implant (up to 2-mm thickness), and inferior me- rongeur. Care was taken not to damage the infraor-
chanical properties. Poly(L-lactide) (PLLA), a new bital rim. The orbital contents were allowed to pro-
material with improved mechanical properties, has lapse in the maxillary sinus by perforating the sup-
been developed by Leenslag et al. l5 This PLLA has porting tissues using scissors. A concave implant
been successfully tested preclinically and clinically of PLLA was adapted to the floor of the orbit, tak-
in the form of boneplates and screws for internal ing care that the entire defect was covered. Excess
fixation of mandibular and zygomatic fractures.‘6-20 areas of the implant were trimmed with scissors.
These favorable results have led us to undertake the Just before the implant was inserted, the orbital
present animal study to determine the suitability of contents that had prolapsed were repositioned. The
high-molecular-weight as-polymerized PLLA im- implant was fixed to the infraorbital rim with one
plants for repair of orbital floor fractures of the Dexon (Davis & Geck; Cyanamid, Seoul, Korea)
blowout type. resorbable suture. The wound was closed in layers
with Dexon sutures. The operation on both eyes
Materials and Methods was identical.

The goats were examined clinically, without mea-
The shape and dimensions of the implants were suring diplopia and enophthalmus. They were ob-
based on a study of the anatomical dimensions in served daily during the 1st week, and regularly
the orbital region of both dried goat and human thereafter. Photographs were taken at 1, 2 and 3
skulls. The implants, which were machined from a weeks postoperatively.
block of as-polymerized PLLA,” were concave, At 3, 6, 12, 19, 26, 52, and 78 weeks postopera-
0.4 mm thick, and 30 mm in diameter. Perforations tively, one goat was killed using pentobarbital 200
of 2 mm diameter were made to allow tissue in- mg/mL intravenously. After the orbital area was ex-
growth (Fig 1). cised, it was quick-frozen and sawed in half sagit-
tally through the lens and the artificially created
ANIMAL STUDY defect. Photographs were taken of each half to rec-
ord the position of the implant.
A total of 15 goats (European breed, 60 to 80 kg) After fixation in 4% formaldehyde, slices of the
were used. A study on dried skull collections orbital region (5 mm) were dehydrated in graded
showed that the goat has an orbital floor with a series of ethanol and acetone and embedded in
shape that closely resembles that of humans. polyester resin. Sections were then made of the re-
After intravenous injection of diazepam (1 mg/kg gion comprising the orbit, periorbit, maxillary si-
body weight), glycopyrronium bromide (2 mg), and nus, sinus roof, and the fractured area in a plane
ketamine hydrochloride 10% (10 mg/kg body through the lens and the artificially made defect.
weight), intubation was performed and anesthesia After staining of the surface of the block with tolu-
was maintained using a nitrous oxide-oxy- idine blue and basic-fuchsin, 30+m sections were
gen-fluothane mixture supplemented with sufficient cut with a Leitz 1600 diamond saw (Ernst Leitz,
GNBH, Wetzlar, FRG) for light-microscopic eval-
PLLA implant. The implant has a
glassy appearance. Macroscopic examination of the orbital halves
showed that all intra- and periorbital structures
were clearly visible, including a cross-section of the
implant. The implant was still in place. It was cov-

ered by a thin layer of fibrous tissue on both the

orbital and the maxillary sinus side. From week 12,
the orbital tissue covering the implant became
somewhat thicker. The maxillary sinus side resem-
bled the epithelial layer seen in a normal sinus. At
week 26, 52, and 78, this situation appeared to be
stable. No pathologic reactions could be seen.


The 3-week sample showed an implant fully cov-

ering the defect, totally encapsulated by loose fi-
brous tissue. No inflammation was seen. At 6
weeks, resorption and remodeling of bone at the
points of support of the implant could be detected.
The fibrous tissue capsule on the sinus side was
very thin. On the orbital side, the capsule was
slightly thicker. There was no sign of inflammation.
FIGURE 2. Photomicrograph showing the implant (P), fully en-
In the 12-week sample, the orbital side showed a capsulated by connective tissue. A thin, newly formed bony
significantly more dense capsule than the antral plate is in apposition to this fibrous complex. On the bottom side,
side, which had a loose appearance. Also, ingrowth a layer of the maxillary sinus mucosa containing goblet cells can
was observed in the perforations of the implant. be recognized (arrows) (26 weeks; hematoxylin-eosin stain, orig-
inal magnification x 16).
Normal sinus epithelium containing goblet cells
covered the maxillary sinus side. Capillaries were
observed in the loose connective tissue. The num- sides. The perforations in the implant also were
ber of layers of connective tissue was estimated at filled with new bone. Both the orbital aspect and
30, with a total thickness of approximately 150 pm. maxillary sinus side had a normal appearance. The
Bone resorption was noted at the points of support orbital fat was also normal. The implant was still in
of the implant. New bone was being formed, a thin place, with no visible changes (Fig 3). No intlam-
layer of which just covered the outline of the im- mation or foreign-body reactions were seen (Fig 4).
At 19 weeks, a progressive bony plate was found, Discussion
which partially covered the implant from the border
toward the center. This bony plate had been formed After 3 weeks, the orbital floor implant was to-
in apposition to the outer side of the fibrous con- tally encapsulated by connective tissue. Experi-
nective tissue capsule. It was more prominent on ments on polymer implants in general, and also in
the antral side than on the orbital side. In the per- the orbital floor region as reported in literature,
forations, new bone formation was also observed, showed similar encapsulation patterns. 12~14,18*21*22
arising from the antral side. As is generally accepted, the implant acts as a for-
At week 26, the antral side showed a mature con- eign body, causing irritation to the surrounding tis-
nective tissue capsule. The whole implant, includ- sue. It is well known that any tissue damage causes
ing the perforations, was covered with a layer of a proliferative and reparative connective tissue re-
dense connective tissue. A thin bony plate was seen sponse. In the first period of implantation, no sub-
in apposition to this fibrous complex. In the perfo- stantial resorption of the implant occurred. There-
rations bone formation could be detected. The de- fore, no disturbance in capsule formation took
fect was healed and the maxillary sinus side was place. The formation of fibrous tissue eventually
covered with pseudostratified epithelium containing turns into encapsulation of the implant.
goblet cells. Capillaries were observed in the sub- Davilla et al23 and Matlaga et al” showed that the
epithelial connective tissue (Fig 2). On the orbital degree of encapsulation is directly dependent on the
side, a thin layer of dense connective tissue was size, geometrical shape, and certain physical as-
observed. The adjacent orbital fat was normal in pects of the implant. This makes the PLLA implant
appearance. No inflammatory or foreign-body reac- suitable for application in the orbital floor area. Our
tions were seen. experiment has demonstrated that the tissue reac-
The 78-week specimen showed a mature connec- tion to the PLLA implant is very mild, causing only
tive tissue capsule. New bone had now fully cov- a thin capsule of connective tissue.
ered the PLLA implant on the antral and orbital The degree of soft-tissue response can be in&t-

FIGURE 3. Photomicro-
graph showing a PLLA im-
plant in situ 78 weeks after im-
plantation. On the left side,
the implant is completely em-
bedded in newly formed bone.
On the right side, one of the
perforations is visible. Note
the tearing artifact in the max-
illary sinus mucosa due to cut-
ting (hematoxylin-eosin stain,
original magnification X 1).

enced by the surface texture of an polymer implant. antral side. Sevastjanova21 described the biome-
Taylor and Gibbon? showed that surface texturing chanical features that may influence collagen com-
in polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) implants in- position and appearance. Eye movement and grav-
creased the number of giant cells and macrophages. ity may be responsible for a more dense composi-
The smooth surface of the PLLA implant did not tion of the connective tissue covering the orbital
attract giant cells and macrophages. side of the PLLA implant. The antral side has no
The implant is fixed with only one suture to the load-bearing function, resulting in a loose connec-
infraorbital rim. During postoperative observation, tive tissue.
and in the histologic findings, no signs of migration After insertion, the implant was covered by peri-
were found. Brown et alz6 observed an increased osteum. At 6 weeks, probably due to eye movement
host-tissue reaction when an implant was mobile for and loading of the implant, resorption and remod-
a long time. The histologic examination did not eling of bone at the points of support of the implant
show signs of increased tissue response. could be detected. Cutright and Hunsuck’* ob-
There was a striking difference between the tis- served similar recontouring and osteoblastic activ-
sue reaction on the orbital side, showing a dense ity using their fast-resorbing implant of compres-
appearance, and the loose connective tissue on the sion-molded polylactic acid (PLA).
At week 12, the PLLA implant showed new bone
formation in apposition to the fibrous tissue cap-
sule. The perforations were also filled with new
bone. Both processes started on the antral side.
Cutright and Hunsuck12 reported in a monkey ex-
periment that PLA implants do not inhibit new bone
formation at the site of the artificially made defect.
In a study on osseous repair in discontinuity de-
fects in dog mandibles treated with the copolymer
of PLA:PGA (polyglycolic acid), Hollinger2’
showed that these fractures healed more rapidly
than untreated defects. A linear increase of bony
reparative elements was suggested, but this phe-
nomena might be explained by the combination of
the copolymer with a phospholipid. In our study it
was difficult to determine the osteogenic or osteo-
conductive potential of the PLLA. For this pur-
pose, a control side is needed to compare defects
treated with PLLA implants with those left un-
FIGURE 4. High-power photograph of the interface of the This study showed that in goats, the specially de-
PLLA implant. A thin layer of fibrous connective tissue (CT) signed PLLA implant, of 0.4-mm thickness, gave
containing spindle-shaped fibroblasts and collagen fibers is seen
between the bone (B) and the implant (P). No signs of intlamma-
sufficient support to the orbital tissue during heal-
tion are visible (hematoxylin-eosin stain, original magnification ing. Histologic analysis showed encapsulation and
x 160). new bone formation completely covering the im-

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