Some People Think That Newly Built Houses Should Follow The Style of Old Houses in Local Areas

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Some people think that newly built houses should follow the style of old houses

in local areas. Others think that people should have freedom to build houses of
their own style.Discuss both these views and give your own

It is a controversial issue as to whether newly built houses should be designed in the

same style as existing homes in the same area, or, whether the residents should have
permission to construct their houses in a style of their own preference. My view is that
people should be given the permission to build their houses to their own design, as
long as these designs satisfy all necessary safety requirements.

On the one hand, there are some reasons why all buildings in a particular area should
have the same style. Firstly, when houses look similar it will enhance a sense of
community and equality within a residential area. This is because a house often reflects
the wealth and social status of its owner. If a house looks older, smaller, and less
attractive than others, the people living there may feel inferior and less confident when
socialising with their neighbours. In contrast, a house which stands out in the
neighbourhood could potentially make its owner the target of gossip or burglary.
Secondly, when houses share a common design, it will be easier for the local
government to supervise the process of construction, and to make sure that these
buildings are safe for both the inhabitants and neighbours.

On the other hand, it should be people’s right to build their own house in their own
style. A good building should satisfy all three principles of durability, utility, and beauty.
It should not only be strong in design and be built to last a long time, but also inspire
the people who live there by its aesthetic design. It is extremely important for a person
to live in a house that they feel comfortable with as it largely affects their spirit.
Furthermore, if each house in an area is built in a unique style, it will greatly contribute
to the diverse image of the town.

In conclusion, even though there are certain justifications for houses in an area to be
constructed in the same style, I am of the opinion that governments should permit
people to build their houses according to their own ideas.
When designing a building, the most important factor is the intended use of the
building rather than its outward appearance. To what extent do you agree or

People have different views regarding the importance of a building’s function in

comparison to its exterior appearance. In my opinion, I agree with the idea that a
construction’s purpose should be more highly valued than the appearance for a number
of reasons.

On the one hand, it cannot be denied that a magnificent looking structure can bring a
wide range of benefits that should be taken into consideration. Firstly, it can remarkably
raise the value of a building, especially a commercial or shopping center, as it looks
more attractive, professional and high-class. The more customers are attracted to the
building, the more profit it can potentially generate, which can benefit the building’s
owners enormously. Secondly, a building with an aesthetic design can contribute a lot
to the appearance of a city, and may make it become one of the most distinguishing
places on the map. A lot of cities nowadays which are well-known for their architectural
beauty have become popular destinations for tourists.

On the other hand, the purpose of a building, in my opinion, is the key consideration
when designing it. There are a variety of different building types such as office buildings,
commercial buildings, shopping centers, hospitals and schools. Each one of these has its
own purpose and a particular interior design to serve those purposes. Therefore, only by
focusing on the functionality of a design first, can we bring out the best use of a
construction. In addition, people use a particular place because of what it offers inside,
not merely because of what it looks like on the outside. For example, if a company
intends to erect a new office building, they will tend to choose the design based on the
inner working spaces to enhance the operation of the staff and the enterprise.

In conclusion, while the exterior of a building is an important factor, I believe its function
should receive greater attention.

In many cities, there is little control on the design and construction of new houses,
so people can build houses in their own styles rather than building them with the
same style as the old houses in the local area. Do the advantages outweigh the

In many cities around the world, people have little influence in the design and
construction of their houses. Many people believe it is better to allow people to freely
choose the style and construction of their new homes rather than forcing everyone to
follow the uniform style of the local area. In my opinion, a diversity in housing styles can
bring many more benefits than drawbacks to an area.

To begin with, cities in Vietnam, such as Saigon, have very few, or even no, regulations
on local housing styles, which means that residents in these areas are free to decide on
the architecture for their home. The only disadvantage that may arise is the lack of
uniformity of houses, which can be a unique feature in certain places. The houses in Hoi
An, for instance, demonstrate a consistent style and therefore have made the city a
popular tourist destination. If the house owners in this city change the style and break
this uniformity, the number of tourists visiting the area is likely to decrease.

However, the advantages brought about by a diversity in housing styles are more
worthy of consideration. Firstly, buildings reflecting a variety of architectural designs can
make a city more attractive and appealing to people of different cultures. For example,
the buildings in the centre of Ho Chi Minh City are designed in both European and Asian
styles, which has eventually given the city a more cosmopolitan atmosphere, with
residents coming from many different countries. Secondly, the freedom of choice in
housing styles can allow local people to be more creative, as they can design their
homes in a unique way.

In conclusion, though potentially making some areas less attractive by losing a part of
their character, a diversity in architectural styles should be widely encouraged, as it can
beautify a city and allow residents to be more creative.

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