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Dwight Howard P.O.

Box 4822
Spokane WA 99220
Telephone: 509-951-5617
FAX: 877-395-7792

October 9, 2021

Elder Daniel Fontenot

Arkansas, USA

RE: Your questions and request

Elder Daniel -

This week has been for you, for Brother Theodore, and for myself a very difficult time.

First, I want to wish for you a very Happy Sabbath. May His Rest be truly yours this day.

Secondly, please understand the great respect that I have for you personally. Each day I ask
Our Father for His guidance, and that His character may be more perfectly reflected to all with whom
I come in contact - something that I believe that you also desire to represent.

A. Background

There is much that I have observed over the last two years. When I first came down to FFA, it
was because I was MUCH convinced as to the shortness of time, and that I needed to repent of the
sins that had so very much permeated my life. One of those sins was that there would be times that
I did not consider carefully the words that I was speaking. Many times, I would speak in haste, and I
would cause (unintentional, but very real) damage to others. At that first time, I observed well the
pressure that was upon Elder Jeff - it seemed that even though he was much convinced as to the
correctness of the message of July 18, that others were 'pulling' upon him emotionally. If you may
recall, it was at this time when you and I first prayed together.

Last year, about 48 weeks ago, I came again to FFA, and observed a much different spirit had
permeated the camp. While Larry Heihn and I had been friends for many years, I found that he and I
were on different sides of specific issues. First, he spent no little time trashing you. Now, I can not
speak ABOUT someone anything that I am unwilling to say TO them. I have also accepted
(directly) Matthew 5:23 and 24, and the admonition that Christ expressed. Larry was also direct –
the purpose of the meeting at that time was to examine whether or not Brother Theodore was to be
summarily dismissed and not allowed any further to present using the FFA resources. Again, he was
most direct – Theodore had ‘masterminded’ the July 18 prediction, and it was the ‘general
consensus’ of those in the leadership at that time that Theodore was the cause of the confusion and
issues that was resultant. It was, in the mind of many of those attending, that Theodore was to be
silenced ‘for the good of the movement’.

He also spoke directly with me – ‘Theodore’s studies are in error. Those should be avoided, and
ignored. There is no safety in these studies’. I asked him pointedly – ‘I have led out in these studies
(Ezekiel, specific chapters). Are you saying that I am in error?’ On this, he offered no comment –
however, the look upon his face spoke VOLUMES.
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Finally, Larry was specific – he was most concerned that one party (you) were going to attend
those meetings, to distract and disrupt the pre-planned outcome. I found this most disconcerting.

B. Events

During the time between then and December 6, Sister Patty had a Zoom meeting, one that
Brother Theodore and Brother and Sister Lesher participated. To say that this meeting was a train
wreck is being kind. Neither Brother exhibited any type of courtesy. Brother Lesher consistently
talked over Brother Theodore, neither would allow the other to say anything. I was finally fed up
enough to interject – forcibly – that this was not the way that they should behave – especially on
Sabbath. And yes, I spoke with Brother Theodore after this.

I have also observed that Brother Theodore does not attend many of the Canadian Zoom
sessions. I have come to believe that there is tension between Brother Theodore and some of the
other parties – Brother Louis, Sister Carolyn and others. Some of this understanding was presented
to me in conversations – one in particular, the caller consistently wished to press her point,
proceeding as if I had not heard her initially, or that I was devoid of understanding.

Last week, I was most distraught when it was discussed that Brother Colin would be helming the
meeting. I was aware that Brother Colin was not in harmony with some items that Brother Theodore
had presented – and that Brother Theodore had indicated that he had called Brother Colin to
privately address this, but had had no type of response.

I have nothing against Brother Colin – not always do I fully agree with him, and this is to be
expected. We have a difference in perspectives as to what is important to be currently addressed.
He is yet my Brother, and as such, is accepted and cherished.

Several weeks ago, (July 24th, to be exact) during one of his studies that is not recorded (as he
prefers) there were those that were discussing what was assumed to be my position on a particular
topic. I was not involved in the study, yet I was tacitly made aware that I should join the study to
answer questions. Brother Colin was, by the time I logged on, quite agitated and was CERTAIN that
he and I could no longer be ‘of like mind’. Yet, when I came to the meeting, questions were asked of
me – enquiries that diffused what would have been a most difficult situation.

There was little that Brother Colin presented that caused any heartburn. His presentation (and its
approach) was quite good. My concern had much to do with the statements of Brother Mark Johnson
(which he expressed as his understanding – an understanding that he has come to, that may or may
not need to be examined by the movement further) and the reactions that both Brother Theodore
made, and that you had made.

C. Details, personal

There are things that have occurred in my life over which I have had no input. As a child, I was
vaccinated. Such was the standard that many experienced in the 1950’s and 1960’s. As an adult, I
have chosen to research things for myself. The last ‘vaccine’ that I accepted was for influenza in the
mid-1990’s – it was after this I found that many devout Jews in New York had refused this vaccine
because it contained porcine antigens – the blood of pigs. From then, I have chosen to research for
myself every proposed ‘shot’ to determine if it would meet God’s standard, and not mans.
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Do I support forced vaccinations? NO. Do I agree with the current man-dates? NO. Does this
make me a heretic, according to some? – YES. Does this make me a danger, according to many? –
YES. Does this agree with many items that I have heard Theodore present (publically and
privately)? – YES.

If you have issues with what I am stating here, please feel free to address this with me

I have had to ask myself – why is it now that many condone murder (“My body, my choice”) when
it comes to abortion, but these self same ‘seekers of rights’ are saying “take the shot for the good of
all”? Is this not hypocritical?

Over this last week, I have received one email and one text message asking me to participate –
to sign my name – to a movement that is seeking to present before the corporate church a resolution
making an appeal to the ‘Liberty of Conscience’ regarding enforced vaccinations, or loss of
employment. I have noted many of those that have originated this document, and while I do not fully
disagree with the sentiments expressed, I choose not to engage in any political movement – for any
reason. To say that Brother Colin was one that requested I join in this is quite true, yet it remains as
one of the items on which we will need to be in disagreement.

I say this, because I see nothing good coming from a church that is in apostasy.

D. Considerations

There are items that my Mother drilled into me – “when you ‘point the finger’ at someone,
remember that you have three fingers pointing at YOU.”

Another – “The faults that you see in others are those that you most need to correct in
yourself.” I despised these as a child; I have had to accept them as an adult.

Last week I did something very out of character for me – I chided two men that I greatly respect
for their interaction, their very public interaction. My only thought at the time was about Mrs. White
chiding James, her husband James, over his public issue with Uriah Smith (Smith’s presentation on
the King of the North).

I thought only of the damage that this could do to others within this movement.

My comments to Theodore were directly blunt – have you learned nothing from the session with
Larry Lesher? Can you not consider (carefully) the words that you choose? Engage the mind,
before putting the mouth into gear!

did not believe that this could be excused – yes, he has Asberger’s Syndrome, yes he lacks
(many times) social ‘graces’ – but he has a mind, he can think, and he was causing damage to
himself and to others with his comments. (I have another friend that is very similar – he is a brilliant
electrician, a person that is always wanting to please others, but is very different in the methods in
which he chooses to express himself.)

As to why I chided you – when you pointed the finger at Theodore as being “Judas”, it was in the
connotation that Theodore was the ‘betrayer of the movement’. A very emotional statement. One
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finger. With many listening – and many agreeing with you. Piling on. Many, against one. Just as
I observed at FFA last year.

Yet, as you were pointing, making this statement, three fingers were pointing at you. Three
fingers calling you “Judas”. This I could not accept. Because I can not see (or accept) YOU as a

Last year, after the final sessions in Arkansas, Larry Heihn made a very telling comment to me
regarding his thoughts on Theodore. He told me that I was ‘tainted’ by participating in the Bible
Studies with Theodore, and that it was his belief (through counsel with others – Ghee, Larry Lesher,
and I presume others) that I should consider carefully whom I chose to associate with, or that if I
chose ‘poorly’ I should not be in this movement.

Last week, you stated to me that “I hope you do not, my Brother, find yourself sympathizing with
the wrongdoer.”

Again, here I was greatly surprised, because I observed that you and Larry Heihn were on
common ground.

E. Deliberations

In a way, Abraham Lincoln agrees with a selection from Proverbs.

Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is
esteemed a man of understanding. (Proverbs 17:28)

"It is better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt." Lincoln.

I have had much time this week to consider that which I heard last Sabbath. I have not taken
further time to view the sessions – I had much to do.

I am currently in Thousand Oaks, California. My best friend, Jewish (from business) had passed
away a few weeks ago, and tomorrow will be his memorial service. There is much to be done for this

At the end of July, he was diagnosed with a subdural haematoma. Six weeks after surgery, he
and his wife left for a bit of a vacation. Because they were going into an area that the media claims
is ‘covid prevalent’ he, a decided anti-vaxer, and his wife chose to accept the ‘first shot’. He passed
out in a Walmart Men’s room. He was taken to a hospital – looked to be recovering well enough to
be released – and then was ‘diagnosed’. Oxygen, ventilators, kidney failure – within a couple of
days, he passed. Much too young.

Over these weeks, I have spent time on the phone with his eldest daughter and with his
youngest, his son, along with this father. I have known this family for well over 30 years – and have
known well that his father has been a Jew of heritage that did not choose to practice his faith – a path
that his son well followed. Yet yesterday, this bereaved father chose to ask me – ‘how is your faith’?
A strange question from him, yet one that may open a door.
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I flew down yesterday, and on the plane spent time reading Haggai and Zechariah, considering
their import for this time.

F. Observations

Maybe Larry Heihn (and by implication, you) are correct. Maybe I should not be in this
movement. Perhaps I am the ‘troubler of Israel’ – because of my views, because of my associations,
because when I stand, I am willing to do so – alone.

We do not know the hearts of our Brothers and Sisters. We do not know what is on their minds.
Christ knew well the heart and motives of Judas – and he knew only too well the damage that would
be done with others if He were to directly confront him and reveal that which He knew to the other
disciples. We can only wait to allow them to reveal the issues buried within their characters.

For many months, Elder Jeff would host a morning study. There were many things to be done,
yet he took the time. Since last October, I have observed that no other has chosen to attempt to lead
in a morning meeting. Much has been being examined – yet there are those that have made the
comment that ‘it is inconvenient for us to attend at that time.’ Others, some of the most critical of
Theodore, have stated directly to me that ‘there is too much information. It is too hard to

The overall sentiment expressed this last week would seem to be in line with the final leadership
of FFA – ‘we are stronger without Theodore, than with him. He needs to go, and leave us alone.’

G. Final thoughts

I know for myself that there is yet much improvement to be seen in my character. I can not speak
for others; I can speak ONLY for myself, and for my short comings, I know not their hearts. I can only
observe their actions.

Are Theodore’s studies in error, as Larry Heihn claimed?

Twice this last week (Tuesday, and again last night) Theodore admitted (and recorded for others
to see) that he was wrong, and that he had spoken rashly as Brother Johnson was presenting. He
admitted that he was hurt by the characterization of himself as ‘Judas’; since much of what he has
said has been very public, and not in secret, as Judas Iscariot had done, and of which is recorded
within the Spirit of Prophecy.

The disciples were a very diverse group, varied not only in their ability to comprehend, but also in
their life experience and associations. Is this movement any different from them?

I leave this with you, to accept or reject as you determine necessary.

Your Brother in Christ,

Dwight Howard

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