Latihan 8-Reading

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TOEFL3 :29

Queslions l-12
llven $'ilr his diverse expericnce :rs en elecLedolficrxl irt tLrcstatc Levcl,AnclrervJohnson
n'as the list lncsidcnt of the United Stetesever to bc imirciche.l, prima|ily fuceuse of his
violcnL L:rnper ancl unvirlcjinll stLrbl)ornnessIIis ureer sl-.1r'd ifl 1828 lvith his cl(a:rion to
/-1,?ethc citv r.oullcil of GreenviiLe,'lennessee, xncl after twr) y(-xfs irs an alclcfllrlrn, hc k)ok oliice
(5) as mavor lls ir(h,ancerrxrrtsfollowed rn rapi(l succcssion whcr he \\'irs cl(cteli t() drc Tcn
nc'sscc\tutc scnate,thcn es thc stiltc8o\.cfnor,and lxLeft() thc (lS H(rlsr ()f lkprcsentatives
for fiv, consecuLve terLns
ln lS61,J(nnson mn li)r tll, (rlllcc ct vicc l)rcsi(lenton thc LiDcoln.i()hr)soti(liel ind
wrs in,r,.rgLrirte([in 1865 Aiicr I-irlcolnsrssassinitionsjx \\,ccksioLohis rc r, j(rhnson
' 10) f our.l hinrself l,r esiclent at a tirle rvhcn southeln leadcrs l'e rc conccrrrcrl rr|lr ,LrirhL:ufbrced
:rlliar)(e\\ith tb: nonhcrn statcslnd lcxrcd rctaliatrr;nfo| their supportoi Ihc se((rsirn ln
srcrd, l)owe\.cr,with thc dDlooraLicsl(ill he haci leallred1ll)llrLin(ol r, Iolrfs,rn oiJcn,l lLrll
panlorr to alnosi all Confcdcr.rtcson th; condition LhaLfhcy Iakc an oirtlr(il all(giirn.4 tlc
fnrfhcr rcorqiDizeclthc follrcr (lonfc'dcrLtes|:llcsan(Ls(1 $p lcgislalivccl,, iions
(1;) Cong cssionrLopposirionto his peaceorak ng policics rcsul(cdin griclLL Lli bctrvcc',ilc
I loLrscaD(l Johnson,rnd thc skLlcnrnt(i grew iDto ,rn oPen .onfli( on thc , ,;Lrcol Llx ,xnan(i
pulion of slxveij Whilo J tlorx)n hclcl tlrc vicw thrt nevll' rrcl"rstarrcling
rnd kn()wledlicol'civrl libc(ics () votc inlclligcnlly,Corgrcss overro(lc.l('lrlrson r vr't,,ol
rli. (iivil lli! rrs Irill, wlri(lr x\\, Clcdtlreln (ili2cnshipNn(l rrtillc(l the 1-()Uirlh A r('if i
420) nrcl|l ln thc vcrrr lhrt lirllorvc<|,(irngrcss l);rss(!ll)ills del)fivirrcthc l)r(r lcr)l ol Llr( t,'w( r
t() pi(l(nr p()lirkri crinlinnls,snipt)ingnvfly lris srxLLrs ()l coorruxn(lcr-in-( lriL:l .rrd rIlur:l
Nw.ry.i'rhns()ns right l() (lisnriss civil lrrrrlcx(rrilivc (,llircrs lrorr)tlrcir (lLr I lohnsor ,('
t,>cdc:rclr bill, and earh veto \','-,rs
ovcridclcn whcn.J()hns(nr (lismissc(lLl, :rrcr-ctrlr\ I $/?r
lil\\'irr Sr;rr1()n, SliLnl()n rr'1Ls(rlr(r sl(|r (k\\n rfr(Lrv:rssrrlrlrrrttil l)y llr( i ,rn (11l( , l
(25) scntrtrvcs,wlich votc(l lo iupcxch .J(t!)son nt thc (riNl,llrc S(Drtc.r|lr( (nr('v()1.s)rl,,tol
drc Nvo-Lhir(lsrnrjoity neccssary to renrovc lrim frorn oilicL' Aitefiohns(,. . tcfill r.'r, rd,
hc rctLrrneclur brs homc strtc, l)LrLilr 187i llc w:ls clcctccl sr'llutot ancl rv, l)Nd( 1() ,sh-
ingron to ral(c his seat,

1.'Vh:rt cloesrhe p^ssagenuiflly discurs? 3. vlir cNll l)e infcne(l f'on) thc fllst
paregruphebout And !v Johns,n,'swork
(A) Andrew Johnson's pcrsonal
in Tcnncsscc?
(1:l)An.lrew Johnson's carcer as :r (A) His peronalirl pr-etluclecl
hii. frofr
poLjtician impoft.lrll posiLkrrs
(C) C.rngressio,)alclecisbrls iD rhc lxtc (B) IIis work becarrc \noBn Lo r're
(D) CongressronaL clecisions and (C) He \\,xs elecred k) .ievcral ir Jrtant
procedllfes in the late 1800s
(r )lle was rcprescrtc(l [o the plsts five
ln linc ,1.rtre plrrasc"tooK office" is times
closcstin mexningto
(A) movccl ioto an office
(B) becamean official
(C) begana governmentjol)
(D)rearrangedthe offlce '

4 In line 11, the uord "alliancc is ck)scst 9 In linc 21, the word "pardon" is closest
ln meanrng to in i:re:lnirg to

(A) union (A) paradc

(ts) counsel (B) patfonize
(C) allo'.ance (C) exoneratc
(D):rllolnrent (J)) extricatc

\1lrx( lc.l io
5. AccordinSt() lh. t)xssaEie, 10 l hs aurhor of lhc pxssa8eirillies th^!
Joirnsons do\\nJxll/ thc SL^ntonallair pfoved the l)resident's

(A) The state ol thc naliorl's econorlrl (A) lack of stamina

(B) His libcral position on sla{c.)' (B) Lack of eLcctoml vote
(C) His De$on.rl ( haracterlsLiLs (C) loss of \\'ilLpower
(D)His wnftling ind llesitation (D) loss of authorit)

6 The author of Lhc passagc irlll)lies that 11, In line 2J, the worci dismiss, l" is cl(:cst
wheo -k)hnsonl)('carnqprcsiclenthc rn meanrng to

(A) was i clcdi{rrccl$upportcrof civil (A) dislancecl

righ(s (B) fired
(B) was a soti-spol<enan(l careful (C) disdained
cliplorDrt (D) flor.rnced
(C) h:r(l extcnsivcbod(gr)Ln(i in
politics 12 According to the parrrage,tl '|tlemDi ,
(D) had alfe^d,\'cxpefience.llDljticil iorpea.h Andiew Jor[sc]n
(A) succceded as expected hr the I_Io,,.e
(B) failecl by a nini ,rl mar
7 According ro tLre passage,nt lhe (C) but an cnd to h., politic areer
beginning ofJohnson's term as presidenl (D) overwhelmed Lr, r;uppL,,rrs in
southerocrs werc
(A) expected Io secede from the union
(B) apprehensive about their future
(C) singled out as scapegoats
(D) afrNid of his violelrt tempef

8. Accordlng ro re passage,Congress's
disappr'oval of ,A.rldrewJchnson's policies

(A) sho( lived rnd grounclless

(D) cLeuirnentalto his presidency
(C) drrccted at his civic dLrties
(D)stopped as soon as il emerge.l

IOEFL 3 231

Sex-trait stereofypes may be de{ined a set of psycholollical attflbutes that chxfacterize
men more flequently rhan women 'I'hus, ^s
males xre oficn dcscflbed as amlritious, unemo-
tional, and indcpenclent and, on the other hand, selfish, unrciined, and insensirivc. lemales
lire are describecl as emotional, irmtional, high strungj and lentxuve_ In spitc of the eltalitariao
O) movenrent, recent studies have demonstrared drat sex-trait stcreotypes rerna,n co mon
among young adulls today In fact, sLrcirsrereofypin€ihrs proved ro be dre psychologrcal
justification for social belicfs concerning rhe appropriatcness of various xcrrviries tor men
and \lomen th;rt furthcr pcrpcruate fie diffcrcnt sex rolcs tr;r(litionilly:ls.fil)e.l to nten an!l

(10) The afl-arenessof sex-trair stercorypes in the tlnircd Sratcsdcvelops in I ljr ear txslrjon bl
tvr'ecn dre ages of four and ren Generally, knorrledgc ol lralc rtereotypiclll hnri.teristics
devt lops earlier, whereas kno*4edge of iemale (iamcrc.isrjcs increasijs nrore rrpiclly be-
llveen ure ages of four and seven while the reasonsfor rhis ie?tninEi nol fuily undeG
st()od, eric,encc suggesrs d]at at the preschool lcvcl chiidrcn's iitcrarure ^rc
an(l telelisbn pi(
475, grams provide powerful models ancl rcinforccnrenr for srercotypcd vic\\rs
S|l(lies (lesigned to compa.c sex-trrit stcreotypes cross-nalionally sltow a high clcgrec ol
/ ()r|.('spi)n(lcncc in tl\c (:i)iuu.l(irlslcr fibc(l t() nrrn rn(l !v()r)r(:nAs lirr(lirfis iI w..l)ccn
jn 'Lri(
r)btained other countrics,!wc hypotheseshavc becn advnncedro explxiD (hc romnronali
rics in scx t.ait stcreotyping C)nc statcsth^t l)nncul!! ,rl sinrilafltiesplay a role in rhe psy-
(2O) chologrc:Llch^racteristicsxttributeCto nren anc{n'oDrcn.xn(l (irc secoo(l sL,r(cs th1l(llre ger
ctlrl l)ic,llrri is oDe ol cultLrflrlrclrtivirjrrr

13 whk h (,f rhc following is thc best tltle l6 \gl,l-l) .t rh following sltL. rrcnrsis
lo' Lhc I rssage, sup0()rlcriir the passxgc?
(A) A RLletrvrsrI)erspective on (A) Tlrc cgaLitalian nxn/erncnt has been ;r
StcrcotypillS rcsoLrnchng success
(B) 'Iiie l,effasiveDess of Sex Tra( fli\ ll.( l".lrcF ut yn cl,.,.luh, h/ve
Stcrcotypcs showrr littte change
(C) A tjnjlatcral Approach ro Sex-'f.ait (C) )'oLrng xduhs have participaLed irl
SrereotyPing Inany conlnlon studies
(D)A Cross-ex'.rminationof Stereofypical (D) fhc bclicfs of young adLrLtsare mo|
Bch'r\iors .orrmon among tltc olcl

1 .\ In line 2, the word "ambi.Lous"is closesr 17 ln hle 8, thc wor(l "perperLLa_c'is close i
in meanmg to rn m(-:rnxlg to
(1il enlerprisi g (A) personrLllze
(B) ambiguous (B) perplex
(C) anxious (C) m1lintxilr
(D) honi st (D)moLrnt

In line 4, tlie word "high srrung" 1s

closestir meaning to
(A) hiSh-class
(B) fair-minded

18 It can l)e inferrecl fron) the l)xssage thar
22 li line !7, the word "conespoo(lence' is
soci:rl belicfs precipit"rte closest rn rne:lninlj to
(A) drc on-3oin8 cgalirarian ch:rnge (A) leuers
(B) Lhc mtionxlization for stereotyping (B) wrlting
(C) nontraditionirlgcnder rolcs (C) agreemcnt
(D.)cor.cfl1s lor fhe legitirnrcy ol scx (D)discord
23 l he author ol lhe passritew()uld lDcsr
1 9.It cao l,r infenr(l Iiorn rhe scconcl probably agrec with which of thil
paragrxphLhxtyoung chilclrc_Ilcaflr following statemcnts?
(A) Socialanitud4 towNrdwom( halc
(A) by \1'1llcLiugrbeir palerlrs ',
been updated and nn(le mor(
(B) by fuing (xposed ro vnri()us rrcdia balenced.
(C) alier rhcy strrr school (Il) ScclalattitLrdes l(rrv:,iLmen ;rr.
(D)wlrcn their l('xrning is l-ciDli)rced continualLy nr:lljfic,.''rclm, , , rnjzcd
(C) Tl'e women's Iiberriron rnov{ ruent
20,Vhcrc in rh(: l)ilsslulc docs rhe nutltoL l', s borfle liuLefrlril
fcfel r() lilnitrtions 01 sex-tr.Nitrcscarch? (D)Socialattillldesare , 't lil(ely .)
(A) Lirl(rst-3 ch^ngc.:l(lically.
(iJ) Lires ,i-6
(C) I-inrs 13 l5 2 4 .Thc passrgeis probabll irn exc( lrt from
(l)) I-incs 16-19 ao anicleon
(A) dcmographics
2r. According &r rhc passagc, cb,rracter (B) sociolo!ry
izarions of lncn aod women .rs havinlj (c) socioblololiy
particlrler sets ()1:ltdbutcs are (D) psycholhelilpy
(A) reflecled irr rnodern fashion
(B) found in sevcml countries
(C) uniform across all gr rups
(D)contjngcnt on a socioecononic class


l hcr'e .rre rnany reasonslvhy Iboci fads have continlrcd ro lloLirish carlic has lulg been
toutcd as an essenlialingfedient of physical prowess rncl as x liu remecly,sqursh has l)een
thought by some to crrrc (ligestive clisorclers,rncl red pcJrper has Lreenrllcscrl r() pr1)l1oteen
Zlne durarlce 'lte natural hunrxn desirc For'.rsiml)lc so[rtkrll l() difficLr[ problenr s.rtsd)c stage
a5) for pr\rrotinS mifaculous l)otions, pills, and comtrinations of cLreDicalsIhc gLrllil)leindr-
vidurls \\'ho eagedy enlbmce any sccond ll?nd inf()unition \\'ith scicntific ()\(rforx's Iro-
vide the foundation lbr hcxlthy blrsincssenterpriscs
r\ pcr'.son.,,rhohas nc'rer crossedthe Llrresholdof a hc^lth food store may lnstoLurclcrl, be
wildcrcd, of ovcioyccl. Cl]untlcss clixi$, hcrl)s, powoers, swcetcncrs, aDd otlrer fts.inating
470, efiracls ;lre only a fiaction of thc highlrrofit selection. lhe avrrilablelitemrlre ir, [] irs
p'.rmphletserrlollng the arrazing |etu|n ofyolrtb one can ihricipate while (hinl,i, lj r p.Jti(:r,
stccpcd with lropical wecds, us rvt'll as voLunrcsrLssurinlithc rcN(lerol Nn rhni: , , L(r nal I ,iL
Thc slorc is directly kcycd to irolrsc visit()r'r;conceln ov(r theif heALtll,ur(l | ,rl)itliiz( ,)n
(_i5, real xn(l imaSined prcblenrs l)y offedng solutirxrs that, inci(lentrlly, cost nrorc tl ' t rc clr:
torrcr nray be al)le to afib,d Ilcollh lbc'cl stor(-'l)atronsrrc ofien cejoled in() In ,Lgt()ni(:
lhat promise to makc the lunctkrring ol healthy organs even l)cftcr, rcgarcllcss()l er
an iu]provement ls called lor, Piomolion of expensive producls rliat conslulcF n()r acr,
ally need trke; consiclc.rblc initirtivc arid insighr On occasion, drere rnay cvcr i , soLlrc
a2r) sliqlrr.lisrcgxd for t!!Lh in rn colrcprelrcLrr's zc,rlr() cr.rr(,

?5 $/hiclr ol thc foilowing is (he m^in topic 2Il \Vlly docs the arjthor rnc,, r(n\ gafli ,n(l
ol Lhc pxssxge?
(A) lnv,goflrringclllinls icglrdrnjl l)crlrh (^.)'lir (xt)l:rilrthcir l)rL\'. r. in ii
(ood of some cthnic grolrp'
(lJ) l,riisiug the health ftxxl slor'(- (ll) li) tn(nno!e their srl, , hcrtlir,
inventory agents for varioLrs illl
(C) Proving the wondcrs of hcillh lood ,rr\ f,' !^rtpa:c .lr, r l. I rr ., :
prodLrcts beneflcin' health prxl,,' rs
(D)Marketins bogus ni.aclcs rr hcalth (D) Io exemt,Lifythc pcr.i:tence of
food :tores misconceptions regxr r'l loocl

26 \flhich of the folloiring best describes dre 29 where in the passagedc. ihe aut' .
givc rc.rsons for thc co t,,: r.iiil su, ,ress
ol tlrc lrcrrltlrf.J(xl in. ustrl'
(A) Appfo!'ing
(B) Fac\ral (A) Lhes l 2
(C) Sarcastic (B) Lines B-9
(D)Hcsirrnt (CJ LiDes10 13
(D) Lincs 11-15
27 ln l|ne 2, the word "toutcd" is closest irl
meanirr€l to
(A) talked abou!
(B) l,gufed out GO ON TO THENEXT PAGE. +
(Ci) idc,r ificcl
(D) knowr

30 Ir1trne 16, tltc word "cajdcll' is closcst Jz lLL "r.rho, \oLrlJ nr''sl probebll egree
rn neanlng to wirh ,. hich of the foll,)win8 slalernenls?

(A) trained (A) Health food articles are PJSit^ ely

(B) fiight. ned exolic and exorbitant
(C) driLlect (lJ) Promoting and sellng healrb loods
(D) coaxed verges on clrezflng
(C) Healdr food errterPnsesxre dcdi'ated
t\al to al)soLulehoncsty
31 It can l)c the PlrssirSe
()Peralors (D) Inducing Patrone to buy health
heallhfi)odsl(tc Pljrnarily
concern(idwith Products is criminal at best

(A) p(:rsuaclinglheir cusrclncrsof the

hiSh quaiity ol lireir \(',Lres
(B) arriving ar Long-tcrfl.solutionslor
(c) rnaximizingProfitsbY taking
advantageof consumernaiv-'te
(D)exposing the gfave consequencesof



Bceuse geologists h:rve l('lg indicatc(l tLlat lossil tuels will not lasr nr(k'finirely, rhe Il S
governnent finally ackno$ledged thet sooncr or latcr odLer energy sources nould t)e neecled
and, es a result, tufncd its attcntiolr to nuclear porver It $'as enticipatcd that nuclelr powlrr
Zin? plants coulcl supply elcctricity in such large amounts and so incxpensively thit thcy Eould
fi, be integrxLe.linto an economy in which clcctrjcity $,oLrlcltakc over virtuxllv rll fucl-gcner
:rting ftrnctions ar nominel costs 'l hus, thc go!'crnrnent sui)si.lized the prorloLion of con
mercial nuclea. powcr l)lints and aulh()fizeclthcir c(Dstrx.Ii()n by utiLlry comf;uries In the
1960sand carly 1970s,thc public.cccpteclthe notion of elcctricitvbeinli gcncratedl)y nu-
clcar rcaators, ano tbc NuLlc2r Rcgulrtory l](nnrrission Drocccdccj wirlr plirns lbr nunrerous
(lO, nuclc]r power plants in or nexr rcsidcnnalaiels llt 19j5, 5.i Pl.rnlswcrc jully opcrxtional,
suppt) ing I I l)erceot ol tLlc n;rrions electfkriry xnd anorlnr- 167 planrs \lclc xt varknrs
stagcs ol plinning nnd co stmction Oltlcjxls estimatcd th;rr by 1990 hnnclrcds of plents
w()ulcl be on line, afld l)y the tLrrn or thc centultr:rs nlary .s 1.000 plants would be in work-

(15) sincc 1975,dris ourlook anclthis eslirnatioLr lllvc cllxnllc(l (LfAstically,

rnd flrany lLtililics
h:lve carceled existing ord.r|s In sorc cascs (:ofls(r1lcL,()r)
wxs termidated evcn alicr bil-
llons Lrfrkrllarshacl alrcn(ir l)ccn inv(srcd Alicr bcing c(nll)lcrcd ancl liccnsc(l'.rti, (:ostol ;ri-
most $6 l)iltion, the Sllorelrxm Powcr llient on l-ong Islan(l was turned ovcf ro thc iitare of
New Yi)ik to be disnrn llc.l whholrt cve. hiving ltcnc.alcllclecldc powef. lhc rensorl as
f2O) thnr resirl(.nts ()l cvrc(rLllfg rcsi'
stiLlerLrrloriticsclccnlccilhfl thc'c \firs no p()ssibrlity
al,:'nts accLu
lrom ilrc arca shoul(l nr rcci(l(-'l1r
JLrst of thosc plants undcf *'ay jD 1975hxve l)ccn (()nrl)leteclan(l rn{)rhcf 3rlrcstillLrrr
.lcr ccnrhrction Thercfbrc, it appea,s th'nt in IIrc ni(l 1990s 124 Dlrclcrl P(^vcr phnls in
ihc narion will bc in ol)crntion, geDer-.rtingalrout 18 pcfrcnt ()1the nntiolr's clcctl cif),, a flg
(25) Lrredlxt wiLl undoubtedl), decline as rel:rtivcly outdetccLplenls arc shlrt (lo{1r

33 whAr was inirially plenned for the i5 In linc 6, rhe word "norlinii rs cLosqil
oadon's hrel supply in dre 1950sand nt ) mcil rn[4to
rhe crrly 1960s7 (.q.)so called
(A) Expansion ancl rcnovation of existirlll (B) uinitnul
Iuel-generaLing plants (C) cxorbiLaDt
(B) Creation of adclitlonal storegc (D) hflate.l
capacities for fossrl Iueis
(C) Conversion of the industrv and the 36 ln lioe 8, thL-word n.rrion" is cbsest |r
cconolny to Duclexf Powcr
(D)Devclopnlent of an arrxy oi
lA ) nonsense
xllcfnirlivc frrcl :tnrl Prrrvtr sorrrt<s
(C) iclct
34 Ibs'does the author clescribctllc (D)cors(tlLrcncc
attitr.rcicof thc popul:rtkn in rcg'.lrd tc)
noclear powcf as fLrclin thc ei y t() mid

(A) Apprehensive
(B) tunrrivalent
(C) Recep(ve

37. In line 15, the phrase"thrs outlook" 40. \qhich of the following bcst describesthe

organizatlonof the passage?

(A) thc nL[Dbcr o{ operatingnLrclcxr aA\Thc exposirionof rhe publi. opini.
plxnts polls on nuclear power
(Rl tlrc exlc.t.rtiorr ror rl.( in. r(J\c ,n (B) A narrationof power source
ihe nurnbcr oF nuclea. pl,rnts deliberationin nuclear power plants
(C) the Possil)ility of Senemting clectriciry (C) CaLrsaicoonectionsin the
at nucll:ar installations Sovermnencsposilion on nucJeat
(D) tbe torecxst for thc crplrcity of the
DLlClCer plxnts (D)Point aod counrerpointin the nLrclear
POlVer OeDare
38 lt can lr: inferrcd from the passage dral
€Jovefn rent (rlicials maclc x criticxl err()r 41. lhe audroro[ drc passage impiicslhat
i,r jLlclgrrrentlJy the issue of findjng adequatesourcesof
(A) disregarcling lhe low utility of nuclear fucl and power for the furure
po\13r pl:rirts (A) lrxs lonS been ignored by shon-
(B) relying on ini'erio! malerjals and si8hted governmentauthorilies
falrlty plant clesign (B) l]1aybe condoned by vacillating
(C) overlooking rhe possibilityof a officials
nrqltclown,lron'cvel r'crrtotc (C) has lost irs pertiocnceur iight of ncly
(D) iocating installxtionsin cleL$cly discoverics
wtxxled:rrclrs (D) hxs not yet been satisfaclorily

39. 'Ihe authol ol thc passa!{cimplies thnt

the constnrctionof new nuclca, power
(A) $ coDtinuins on a smaller scale
(B) is l)eing geered fbr grcater s^fery
(C) has been cornpletely haltcd for fear
of disxster
(D)h2s been decelerated LrtLtnot


Collecting rilrps cao bc an (nioyxble hobby Ior anLiqlr3riin booksellers, a cipti'x'rinfl in
terer.l lbf cartog,rphe.s, a lucrative vocation for,rslufc cle:ilcrs,and an insPir.rtionxl pa|t of
tlre c ( cupationr t functioning oL tnap c:rt:rlogcrs.:lrchi\'irts, xncl historians. Arnong rc(oll
xvid enthlr
-Lll?eoizcd collecLibles,m;rps are relxtively rxrcr dran stamps, but the-v h1t\e l):rd ihcir
a5, sias(sind l(lrDirc'rs ever sincc copi(rswcre nrxdc by h'rnd onlv lor Lhe:rlllLrcllt, ll)c coinmancl_
ing o{ircf and the ship (rprxiJr
VhctLrcr tlte inle.estis bLrsincss fcl:rlcd()r.trnateLrr, thc c(orrornic nr(lrrs ?ln'1i(:rntor
slirrr,:r colle.tion nceds x Lhcnrc,bc it associulcdwjth conLenllnrrarychirngcsirl raiographic
lepresentarionor ge.rgr;r,)hic kno\\'ledgc,o.1rlrorc r1c(tssjl)lego:tl cerltclcd ()r rJ)xtticular
(/o) rnrLpnxkcr,LcclrniqLrc, or rype ofslrbjc.l nrittcr (lollccrorssln)uld rtot r^'c lcr:lLr.rprtal
m Ll)sisslreclpredominantlyor cxdusive\ likir \X/orld\/:rr Il, sLr.h nxvigxtionrrch3rts,
in(lrisrlixlconrpounclr()rd liyouls, or ucrial l)rojccl(nrs l'(tcn!i:rl cdlc(t,)rs otrJlirL nd k)
disrcgxrcl two superficixUy proslric, yct imp.Jrlarl! dnjnlcsr rrrxps oi tlavcl rorrtcs F()Jlirmily
uips, :rn(l nl:l|rsthat, for rcslh(li. LlrcyPcrsorl:rllylin(l intriSuirr!{)f sirrrt)ly
'crijonsi ^ttrac
(15) t;vc Ii thc lirst case,lil(c llrc lJox witlr old l.olily Plroros,tlrt: rollecriorr$'ill Sive thc tnvel
cff lhc olrlorrLrnjry to reolirris.c Itnd rciive thc joufnq
ln rr.)st clscs, plr(t(x()t)l(:sr!rc w()(lry xll(rrrrxiivcJj1()()| girr;lls.F(t cxlrrnplc,hisi(nic:tl
socicry eollcctions custorra ly ircluclc IIte high quxlity {acsirnilcs nccdcd to lnakc collec-
tioo as conDfchensivcancl prxcticAlns possiblc.suPl)lc,nerrtioll the contfil)Lltionsmade by
420, wcll-lo-do donorls ancl bencfrctofs IJ n()! P.c(iisPosc(l l() \\'nit P^trenlly, nnd Possibly inef-
lcctlrxllt',l'cr r lucky fin(I, col](.crorsrnny.hoosc (o siir llrr()ugl)(lealefstocl(,perlrselhrolrgh
' x.lvcrliscrnents in local, fcllioo2l, or nulionnl Pcrio.licxls, rnd solicil thc xssist,rnceol tlle
lJs ol Congressand pfivltlc,rgencicsGovcrnnlcnrrn(l l)ul)lic ngcLr.ics,comlr-
nios, lrnd tndc can lclvise thc collcctorxhoLrtnr:r|s cLrrenlly in circulxlionand
125) pen.iirtg selcs of dxtcd rcproductior)s, ellitions, ancl In-inLs

,12 Wh,rt is the nrin idc^ of ihe irissxgc? {,1 According to the pxssrge,rnrP colLectinpl
rs x hobby is
(A) \{hy hobbyists always ll?unt thelf
DriP collectioos (A) not .lesc.ving()1rlre timc encl
(il) Il(,!v mxps can l)c (()llcctc(ll)y r(s()tir(cs
professiona]sand enthLrsiesls (B) not rs convcnticD,rl es collcctinS
((l) I l(,rv L()xssLIc :rn itlt(rrtrl)l((l ll()!v ()l
c.)llcclil)!es (C) rrs ccccntric as rollcctinti (lolls
(l))wl)at cxfLogrrt)hcrsacLvo(r((1Lsa (l))c()nl()l|rrLsr
in llie l)cst scrlsc.rf the
worthy undc(aki g

43 In linc 2, the word 'lLrc|arive"

is closcst 15 lt cnD bc inferrecl fronr the passagethat,
tn mear1Lrl8ftr xt x tirne \\4ren mrPs were acccssible t.r
the uPper socloeconornic ciasscs, drey
(-{) instruclive
aPpealcclalso to a faif numbcr of
(B) insensit^'c
(C) profitabLc (A) profa'ssbnal copieI.5
(D)plofuse (ll).rdent .levotecs
(C) buried treasure hunlers
(D) o{rscrrre amatelrr (Lealers


.16.In line 7, the phase "econolnic means 49. In line 20, dre word "prediq)osecl"is
is closcstin meaningto closestin meanng to
(A) economic rups (A) pressured
(B) fiscal respor$ibility (ts) provokecl
(C) availableftrn(ls (C) coodemned
(D)crl)itrl in\ eslrlrcllt (L))inclillcci

,17 The arthor of thc pnssageruentrortsall 50 A par^graphfollowing the p:lssage

o l d k thlloqrrr!.rsLour.ct,,j Irf'r c u rin g woLrldnrostlikely discuss
maps IXCEPT (A) specificorganizationsto contact
(A) fellow collectors abou! map acquisilion
(ts) nlap verdors (B) specificmapping lechniquesused
(C) perso4alarcbives enlargethe scrde
(D)publishers (C) trirffning and framing valuable
48 In line 13, the author uscs the phra$e (D)vohrnleeringtilxe and work rc
"superficiallyprosaic"to mean maintainobsoletemaPs
(A) describedin informai prose
(B\ sc. rrrin8lyl' )rillg atul Lrnin1n,.iitl:ltivc
(C) rrsefulfor travelerswho enjoy a
(D)porentially uncoveredin a box of

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